Ezumezu Ikenga Agu Nkwo

Discover your deep nature and connection with God


As a man your life here on Earth are full of battles, war from different angles of life.
As a man you have to stand spiritually strong to protect yourself, your family and your entire households because that's your responsibility.
As a man, do not live an Ofeke life, ask questions when the needs comes, seek for spiritual guidance.

Know what works for you, if it's Ajà that works for you, nwannem chuba Ajà and if it's Ogwu that works for you, nwannem gwoba Ogwu. Don't just stay ordinary, don't think you don't have enemy. There are people who just hates you for no reason and they're ready to bring you down if you're not strong enough.

The world itself is spiritual, the very reason why you should stand spiritually strong in all you do. As a man running away from your fears will not help you.
Embrace your Chi and face your fear with wisdom. If you focus on fear of the unknown, you will continue to suffer. Face your fears and see the real version of yourself.

ije nwoke aburo I claim it, iga achụkwa ajà, gwọọ Ọgwu.

Greetings House.

Ọme Ka Ọdi- Nma.
Ezumezu Ikenga Agu Ǹkwọ.
Mmụọ Ọcha.


The Gifts of Agwụ Spirit are sometimes difficult to bear, even when they are those of joy, freedom, and the lifting power of one's Spirit.
Sometimes spiritual gifts brings sorrow to those who are not yet prepared to answer their spiritual call that's why they keep suffering till they embrace the Truth.

Greetings House.
Áfọr Ọma.

Ọme Ka Ọdi- Nma.
Ọ Kwere Nne Bia Uwa.
Ezumezu Ikenga Agu Ǹkwọ.
Mmụọ Ọcha.


In spirituality the act of dancing has multiple meanings. Dancing is a spiritual practice understood and accepted by every spirit. Have you ever ask yourself why some villages in Igbo land practice masquerade dancing festival every December or during new yam festival? There is no Igbo culture or tradition without you seeing masquerades dancing. Sometimes when you visit a native doctor and sees him dancing in front of his Agwu without any music playing, don't think he is insane, he's trying to connect with his spirit through dancing with the spirits. Spirit likes music and dance.
Christians knows this fact as a pure truth that's why they make you dance whenever you attend their churches.
No India movie without you seeing people dancing and we all know that India is more of spiritual and it's one of the top countries in the world that don't joke with their tradition.
Through dance you can experience a connection with the divine and uplift your spirit.

Greetings House.
Ǹkwọ Ọma.

Ọme Ka Ọdi- Nma.
Ọ Kwere Nne Bia Uwa.
Ezumezu Ikenga Agu Ǹkwọ.
Mmụọ Ọcha.


Ọmenala di na ihe Mmụọ.


Let's talk about ihe/ibu mmiri and ikpe ileoma.
These are two different water rituals.
Ihe mmiri or ibu mmiri is your first connection with the water spirit, it's connecting you and your water family together that's why different sacred materials are included in this kind of ritual. Ibu mmiri is not what you can do on your own, a higher power has to guide and assist you that's why you need the help of a spiritualist to assist you in such ritual.
Ibu mmiri is what we can do once while ileoma is a continuous process.
After you performed ibu mmiri ritual remember you have to keep fit ritual by visiting the river maybe once in a month which is also known as ileoma in igbo cosmology. As a person who has connection with the water spirit, you can do ileoma on your own without the help of any higher power. You only need the help of a dibia mostly whenever you want to perform Aja ibu mmiri but in the case of ileoma you can do it on your own but if you can't do it on you own and you want a dibia to help you then you have to pay for it. Whenever a dibia visit the river on behalf of someone for ileoma, while the dibia is pleading on your behalf, he's also exchanging his own energy, light for the betterment of your life.

I made people that i have done ibu mmiri for to understand that after performing ibu mmiri ritual for them that they need to keep a strong connection with Ndi mmiri by visiting the river maybe once in a week or once in a month depending on your agreement with them.
If you have done water ritual before and it's still showing up on Afa just know that you need to be very serious with Ndi mmiri gi by visiting the river for ileoma.
Ileoma is a continuous process because it's also part of your spiritual journey. It's not what you will just do once. We keep doing it as long as we are still alive because it's the only way forward to gain Self Awareness and consciousness.

Greetings House.

Ọme Ka Ọdi- Nma.
Ọ Kwere Nne Bia Uwa.
Ezumezu Ikenga Agu Ǹkwọ.


Your pastor asking you for money to solve church problems and when you need financial assistance and run to your pastor, he will advise you to leave everything for God, he might even give you prayers for you to fast day and night on top of the financial problem you're facing. 'Who never chop dey fast and pray?'.
They promised you heaven, the only place you can enjoy, after you must have suffered to death here on earth. The heaven they promised you is only by merit! While they're enjoying their own life here on earth by traveling to different countries and living a luxury life, whenever they're sick you see them traveling to different foreign countries for proper medications while you're there fighting you ancestors by all means.

Who is fooling who ?
Let's be wise...

If you understand the things of the Spirit you will agree with me that Earth is a paradise. When you move with your Chi and your ancestors only then you will understand that heaven is on Earth. Earth is the only realm where Spiritual beings/spirit has the opportunity to have human experiences called life. Earth is like a school where life always gives you tests to teach you lessons and those tests are what some of you sees as challenges of life. Challenges of life needs wisdom and patience to overcome.

The truth is your riches, treasures, happiness, good life lies on your palms, "Na Akara Uwa gi".
Do not envy those who are fulfilling their destiny and been blessed by Nature, you don't know how far they must have gone in building their Spiritual life.
Ọdinala Igbo bu uzo eziokwu na ndu. There is no film trick in Ọdinala igbo, it stands tall as Truth.
Your inputs determines your outputs.

Greetings House.
Áfọr Ọma.

Ọme Ka Ọdi- Nma.
Ezumezu Ikenga Agu Ǹkwọ.
Mmụọ Ọcha.


There is no way sickness can be healed through prayers or your pastor laying his hand on you to get healed. Every sickness has its medicine deeply rooted in nature. There are so many plants, leaves,roots and herbs that stand as medicine for different illness.
In the days of our ancestors when there was nothing like hospitals, they all got healed through taking herbal medicine gotten from nature to heal themselves whenever they fall sick.

Any pastor or native doctor that lays his/her hands on you and said you're healed without giving you any healing drugs is a fraudster but some of you won't agree with me. Sickness can only be cured by taking medications or herbal drugs not by casting and binding.

If pastors were meant to heal people from their sicknesses I don't think there would be a need for having hospitals all over the country. If pastors truly heals sickness, they should help us by visiting the hospitals where we've lots of sick people not in the churches.

Pope Francis was admitted on June 7 this year for intestinal surgery, He would have prayed for himself to get healed if actually sickness is healed through prayers. As a wise pope, he did not want to die yet because he knows that heaven doesn't exist, he immediately rushed himself to the hospital because that's where he can be healed properly.
Prayers can not take you beyond your efforts.
Prayers can not heal you from any form of sickness, forget about all this actors in the church that called themselves pastors performing fake miracles all in the name of healing the sick.
You can only pray for long life with good health, sickness can never be healed by prayer.

Know this and know peace.
"Onye Ọmere amarala".

Greetings House.

Ọme Ka Ọdi- Nma.
Ezumezu Ikenga Agu Ǹkwọ.
Mmụọ Ọcha.


As a young man or a young woman, even if you don't want to get married try and have a child of your own. The only way you can reincarnate back again to continue where you stopped is through your offsprings.
When you have children know that you have fulfilled the demand of continuity of life.
Some of you here don't know that you're a reincarnated ancestor that came with a different body and different name just to fulfill a particular purpose.

The only two reasons that makes one's spirit not to reincarnate back to this Earth again are:
1. If a spirit has completed his life cycle here on Earth after reincarnating several times as a human and now has what it takes to be close with Chukwu(God).
Our ancestors who has reached the level of Ndi Mbu na Ndi Egede can't reincarnate back again because they had fulfilled their life purposes and are now close to God. They're known as the Saints in Christian religion.

2. When a man die without having a child of his own and without fulfilling his life purpose maybe as a healer. His spirit can reincarnate back and stand as a spiritual tree like Ngwụ, Ogirishi, Ọji, Akpụ etc for the purpose of healing because every spirit was created to fulfill a purpose. That's why most trees are deities. There's a spirit in Ọji tree that makes "Ọji Ọke Osisi". There is a spirit in Ogirishi that makes Ogirishi, "Osisi Mmụọ".

Those of you living I don't care lifestyle, everyday you're committing abortion rather for you to keep the child because you doesn't want to face reality of life, you went straight to commit abortion, don't worry life knows how to hit anyone who has gone against what the land forbids. The child you aborted might be the only pathway to bring you back to Earth after you must have finished your business here on Earth, Ụwa bụ Afia.

As for young men who runs about denying pregnancy and supporting abortion, don't worry at the end of all your seek and hide games, you might not even get a family of your own talk more of having your own offsprings. What goes around comes around.

As a man do not deny any pregnancy you're sure of, even if you're not financially stable just be open to the girl and her family than denying her because you don't have money yet. Accept your responsibility, God knows why it happened. While for young girls, please do not commit abortion maybe because of your career or whatever excuses. Whatever happens do not abort any child, it has been written before you were born that such a thing will happen, so don't move against the will of the gods by going into abortion whenever you're pregnant ok.
Children are gifts from God.

There are so many wealthy men that doesn't have child of their own maybe they have issues of low s***m count. If you get close to such a person and listen to his story you will understand why he's not able to impregnate a woman.
Everything get why, the heat must surly be coming from somewhere.

Greetings House.
Éké Ọma.

Ọme Ka Ọdi- Nma.

Photos from Ezumezu Ikenga Agu Nkwo's post 06/11/2023

Have you ever asked yourself why most spiritualist include #100 in most of their rituals?
Money is a spirit on its own. He who controls money also controls the spirit. The figure 100 is highly recognized in the spiritual realm. The currency #100 are mostly used in some certain spiritual work if you're observant.
#100 is the only currency that has the image of two cowries and two coins on it.
Ego igwe(coins) na ego ayori(cowries) represents spirit of money that's why both of them are used mostly than other currencies in some certain spiritual work.
The image of ego igwe na ego ayori made #100 to become relevant in the spiritual realm.
The reasons why we use #100, ego igwe or ego ayori in some certain spiritual work is to attract financial upliftment from the gods.
And in a case whereby you couldn't get all the materials needed for your spiritual work, cowries, coins or will be included in your ritual for the gods to complete it by themselves. If there are some items that are found missing maybe during your ibu mmiri, the present of ego igwe na ego ayori or #100 will make your sacrifice to be accepted without further inspection The Spirit you offered the ritual will then use those money to get things that wasn't present during your Ibu mmiri or any certain ritual.

Pray with native kola and 100naira, drop them at any 4 junction or at any flowing river and watch how your financial status will change for good.

The truth of success still remains who told you?

Ezumezu Ikenga Agu Ǹkwọ.
Mmụọ Ọcha.


When a child comes into this world an ancestor is born and becomes a descendant, when they die they join their ancestors. We are ancestors who have reincarnated. We have been ancestors for many lifetimes. When missionaries came with new religion they realized that inorder to control the people they must separate them from their ancestors. The beliefs against ancestors originated from colonialism and imperialism.

The bible does not speak against ancestors, but because of ignorance you are manipulated to believe against ancestors. Poverty was not among us until the new religion. Sicknesses were not among us until the new religion, we know nothing like tribalism until religion, it's also prevalent that it contributed substantially to murders and rapes. Respect for the elderly left when the new religion came. Religion has not only brought suffering but also divided the people because the ancestors wisdom is being foreshadowed in this new age that is a failing System made for those in power.

Ancestors serve under the Creator, "Ndi no Chukwuso". We have two kinds of ancestors, those who have found the Light, and those who have Not. Those ancestors who have found the Light can't reincarnate again because they have known the truth and have fulfilled their destiny in Truth and in spirit. While those ones who have not yet discover the light will keep reincarnating till they discover the reason why they are here and live up to it.

That is why at some point in a lineage a special soul is born in a generation that will carve the path to give healing to their ancestors. They have a greater spiritual perspective and insight. God sends these special souls specific spirit guides/Chi to help gain clarity and direction in their lives by offering insight and guidance. The strongest souls are normally sent through the darkest places and it's up to them to decipher it's path in the flesh to find the Light. They can help us to understand our life's purpose, make important decisions, and navigate challenging situations and ultimately heal their ancestry bloodline.

Among us are some of these special souls because of the love your Creator has for you to help achieve your greater purpose in life. Ancestors can help you heal, and you can help them as well. They are your Chi and Guardian Angels, they provide you guidance and protection through your journey.
Being open to connect with them may be vitally important to help your situation depending on what your journey is.
You may be the only one that they are counting on.

Greetings House.

Ọme Ka Ọdi- Nma.
Ọ Kwere Nne Bia Uwa.
Ezumezu Ikenga Agu Ǹkwọ.
Mmụọ Ọcha.


ite ọgwụ nọrọ one year, Ọ bụrụ Arụshi.
Most of the igbo deities "Arụshi" you see today are ite Ọgwụ acquired by our forefathers during their time that has lasted for decades of years which now stands as a Deity.
Akwali Omumu is a Charm that stands as a Deity for fertility.
Arọbinagụ is also a charm that stands as a Deity for wealth, prosperity, and security.
Every Arọbinagụ Deity bụ ite Ọgwụ.

Arọbinagụ as you may like to know is what Igbo know as Ezumezu mmụọ, perfection and completion of spirits from one's maternal & paternal, mother's maternal and father's maternal hometown given to a person or persons.
Ọke na Nne Arụshi.

This is why it’s institution asked for a complete Vulture or an Eagle nothing shall be found wanting from the body of the vulture or eagle during this ritual performance.
Remember, the presence of vulture/eagle in every ritual symbolises presence of both the good and the evil spirits.
The Eagle is there to bring wealth to you while the vulture is there to fight against Ndi Amosu, Ndi Ọsa-aka, Ndi ilo..
"Udele bu Eze Amosu".

In the olden days, preparation of Arọbinagụ ask for big clay pot that has two hands(Ọke ite Ọna) . This kind of clay pot is no longer found at place in this our modern age. But nowadays, it is done with open clay pot (ọkụ).

The Ọke ite that is reigning everywhere and people sees it as ite Ọgwụ ego is Arọbinagụ and i will go down deep to explain why people sees it as evil pot of wealth.
Arọbinagụ contains both male and female spirit. In the olden days, Arọbinagụ must be sacrificed alive with a boy and a girl (to help effects). Hence it's Ọke Arụshi na Nne Arụshi. Reason for its powers and quality services.
Nowadays, it is no longer in practice this is why we sacrifice alive using a Ram and female Goat. One white colour the other black. In some case, they are both buried alive burnt into ashes during rituals in the Shrine.

Arọbinagụ brings light and progress, prosperity and security to the people. This is why it must be sacrificed with a goat seasonal. Arọbinagụ serves for the purpose of bringing wealth, prosperity and security to the family.
Arọbinagụ is reason why most family are richer and more wealthy than others in igbo community today.

"Arọ Mmọnwụ Bụte Bụte".

Greetings House.

Ọme Ka Ọdi- Nma.
Ọ Kwere Nne Bia Uwa.
Ezumezu Ikenga Agu Ǹkwọ.
Mmụọ Ọcha.


Ogbanje are not ordinary beings, although the idea has been highly misunderstood by people and misinterpreted also. The spirit of Ogbanje manifest, they don't claim to be. This is why we have artificial dread and also have the natural ones. The artificials claim to while the naturals manifest- happens on its own. I didn't mean only those with dread are Ogbanje. The spirit of Ogbanje don't announce their presence, kola nut doesn't need permission to introduce itself in a given occasion.

It is not true that Ogbanjes die Young or untimingly. The ones that die Young or untimingly are the ones that went against their Nso, those that breaks their rules. Every Ogbanje has his/her Nso. And for the ones that die immediately after birth or some month after birth and keeps on coming and going are here to teach their parents a lesson. They're not evil. In life everyone must face his/her own karma. "Ife onye metere obunara Chi ya".

Ogbanjes only die when they have fully accomplished their assignments, no age tag.
Ogbanje know their departure time, so they would talk about it before it happens.
Ogbanje are speaker of Truth, they always stand by the Truth. That's why some are being killed at early stage of life because they always stand by the Truth.

We have lost so many Ogbanje like:
Nelson Mandele, Micheal Jackson, 2pac, Bob Marley, Lucky Dube, Fela Anikulapo kuti, Odimmegwu Ojukwu, Dagrin, Sam Loco, TB Joshua, and recently we lost Mohbad.

We don't pray to die Young, we must live to fulfill our purposes here on Earth and also enjoy our fruits of labor.

Greetings House.

Ọme Ka Ọdi- Nma.
Ọ Kwere Nne Bia Uwa.
Ezumezu Ikenga Agu Ǹkwọ.
Mmụọ Ọcha.


Full moon is what we called Ọnwa in igbo cosmology. Our ancestors counted their months whenever they see full moon appeared on the sky. Sometimes you do hear Ọnwa ato, ano from the mouth of your parents right?
Full moon is simply a spiritual portal used for communication between human and spirit. Our ancestors practiced the act of performing rituals to the source that brings life whenever the full moon is out.
Have you ever asked yourself why do children always gather together in the night to play once the full moon is out?

The full moon comes with both negative and positive energy that's why sometimes you see yourself feeling dizzy/down, and sometimes you found it difficult to sleep whenever the full moon is out. There is no specific way of performing rituals whenever the full moon is out, for those of you asking me what to do whenever full moon is out.
I do say this always that native kola (Oji igbo) of #100 can solve half of your spiritual problems but no need of me exposing myself here, all i know is Oji igbo has solved some many spiritual problems for me and for others. My first one million naira in life came after making prayers with native kola of #100 for someone. Native doctors with sound spiritual knowledge are living comfortable in life today not because of the Dibia work they are doing but because everything you see them using for rituals are all created by Chukwu (God).
Well the secret of success still remains who told you?.

Raise your kola or native egg towards the full moon after you must have cleanse yourself with alligator pepper(ose oji). Make your intentions known to your Chi, ancestors through the full moon by looking at the full moon while making your prayers to them. After pouring your heart desires to your Chi. If you're a man break the kola at any 3 road junction or 4 road junction. And if you're a woman, after praying with the kola don't break it ooo, just drop it at the any 3/4 road junction ok.

And if you're using egg, make sure you break the egg at any 3/4 road junction and don't look back and don't talk to anyone, just walk straight home.
Full moon is here to help connect you together with your spirit guides.
You don't need a native doctor to perform this ritual for you. And by doing so you're always clearing your spiritual paths too.

Ọme Ka Ọdi- Nma.
Ọ Kwere Nne Bia Uwa.
Ezumezu Ikenga Agu Ǹkwọ.


I've just reached 700 followers! Thank you for continuing support. I could never have made it without each one of you. 🙏🤗🎉


There are these set of gifted spiritual beings (Ọgbenje) that don’t need to serve under a shrine day and night maybe as a Dibia, Prophet, etc.
That’s to say, their Agwụ permitted them to serve anywhere they go or they found themselves.
Most of my fans has asked me why am i not in my hometown as someone called in Ọdinala path rather I choose to stay in Lagos?
Such a person, after settlement with his Chi, Agwụ, Ndi mmiri, Ancestors, can leave and stay wherever he chooses. With his ofo agwu or ire agwu he can do wonders (invoking the spirits).

He then has to be visiting home for sacrifices once in a while maybe base on the agreement he/she had with his/her Ọra Ezumezu mmụọ.

These are what numerous pastors you see in the township are doing. Sometimes you see them travel and spend some days all in the name of vacations.
The successful ones among them knows this truth and are working with this formation

The truth of success remains WHO TOLD YOU?

Perhaps you had the opportunity and privileges to know the truth before now, you could have made a difference. But then, who told you?
Because none told you the truth, that's why you keep remaining at the same level of life every year no changes.

Listen, whenever a man wakes up is his morning.
No time is late so far there is life.
Your Chi knows the Best way to reach out to you.

Ọme Ka Ọdi- Nma.
Ọ Kwere Nne Bia Uwa.


Agwụ bụ Ako n' Uche Chukwu.
Agwụ is the wisdom of the gods.
Agwụ is the very reason why the gods are wise.
Agwụ bụ mmuo Uche Chukwu.
Agwụ is a spirit of creativity and also part of Chukwu.
In the human body Agwụ is the brain, that's why it is also known as Agwụ ishi in Igbo cosmology.

Yes, in igbo land, "Onye Ọ bụla Agwụ mara bụ ogaranya". Agwụ helps you to create wealth by making use of your brain.
Agwụ bụ mmụọ bụte bụte doesn't mean when you institute your Agwụ money will start raining on you.
Agwụ is there to give you vision, ideas, foresight and wisdom to create wealth by yourself that's why it's known as Agwụ ishi Ọha.
"Onye wéré uche ga akpata Akali💵ofu bụ ego💰Oyibo".

In my next teaching, by the special Grace of the gods, I will make sure to teach the other side of Agwụ spirit that people always see as evil.


Listen, most of you here has this mentality of expecting money to rain on them maybe immediately after they must have done a certain spiritual work like feeding of their Chi, ikenga, Agwu, Ndi mmiri, Ndi ichie etc
Some after feeding their Chi and they did not see money as they expected will lead them saying that Ọdinala doesn't work. You see them condemning Ọdinala practice and native doctors but the truth is they lack patience and understanding.
In Ọdinala practice if you can't exercise patience while clearing your paths, paying off your karmic debts you will end up being frustrated the more.

The truth is money is part of our needs and it preserves one's life. And secondly your Chi knows that you need money to take good care of yourself and others and must surly provide for you but you need wisdom and patience to walk along with the gods.
If your spiritual eyes can be open to see battles that your Chi is fighting for you, you wouldn't have the guts to speak bad or doubt the things of the spirit.
There are some problems and challenges that were meant to kill or bring you down to zero level, but your Chi will always be there to protect you out from dangers because you always energize them with their likes.
Our ancestors practice the act of feeding their Chi in a way of seeking for long life, good health, protection, peace and progress from Chukwu Okike through the minor spirits known as Chi.
But our generation today has this mentality and reason why they feed their Chi is only for the purpose of making money,
Feed your chi not only because you are seeking for financial upliftment but it is what is required for you to do.
Acquiring all the wealth without peace of mind, good health leads to one's earlier grave.

Feeding your Chi is not what is done once but a continuous journey. It mustn't be with animals always, praying with Native kola(Oji Igbo), Nzu, Edo, and pouring of libations to your Chi are always forms of feeding your Chi. But at least once in a month you can feed them with fowl, while once in 6months, or once in year, you feed them with the blood of 4 legged animals and by doing so you're also connecting yourself more stronger and deeper with your Chi na Ora mmuo gi.

We don't complain, in everything we give thanks to Arọbinagu🙏

Greetings House.

Ọme Ka Ọdi- Nma.
Ọ Kwere Nne Bia Uwa.
Nnenwanyi ụdụ-akụ🦅 Mmụọ Mkpata akụ The Bringer of Wealth🦅
Ezumezu Ikenga Agu Ǹkwọ.
Mmụọ Ọcha.


The Movie Merlin will help you understand the bond between you(Onye uwa) and your spirit guide(Chi).
The dragon stands as a spirit guide to Merlin. The dragon is far stronger than Merlin but always obey the commands that comes from Merlin. The both can't do without each other. Merlin always runs down to the dragon for help whenever he is in difficulties and the dragon must surly deliver him no matter what because they're in good terms with each other.

when you're in good terms with your Chi, they answers you whenever you call, they can never ignore your calls. The dragon is there to make sure Merlin fulfilled his destiny and Merlin is there to make sure that Camelot stands.

Moral of the story: Your CHI is the only force that can take you to the door of wealth and success✅ without any condition attached.

Goodnight House.

Ọme Ka Ọdi- Nma.
Ọ Kwere Nne Bia Uwa.
Nnenwanyi ụdụ-akụ🦅 Mmụọ Mkpata akụ The Bringer of Wealth🦅


Agwụ spirit or any deity following you either from your maternal or paternal home can make you suffer just to draw your attention back to them. And not every sufferings are spiritual or caused by Agwụ or your spiritual entities.
Most of what some people are suffering today are as a results of the consequences following the actions of both their current and previous lives.

As a healer before you step into helping someone heal either spiritually, mentally, emotionally or physically problems try to make consultation to know when you're interrupting their karma because some problems comes in form of punishment.

There was a woman I know who found it hard to conceive and if she luckily conceived the child normally die at child birth and must be through Operation. This woman has suffered this for years and her marriage wanted to crash because of her not having a child of her own. Different tests was conducted yet nothing was found as the problem.
As God may have it she met a friend of hers who was a native doctor and also happens to be her destiny helper too.
She did Afa consultation from him and was told that she has the gift of helping pregnant women on child delivery. And she can only align back with her destiny by becoming either a Nurse or a midwifery and she also has Mmuo Oda that is behind her calling but she neglected her and all the forces that came with her all in the name of being Born Again as a Christian.

Listen, you're the architect of 90% of your problems. What you refused and failed to do at your young age will still face you at your old age. What goes around, comes around.

Greetings House.
Ọrịè Ọma.

Ọme Ka Ọdi- Nma.
Ọ Kwere Nne Bia Uwa.
Nnenwanyi ụdụ-akụ🦅 Mmụọ Mkpata akụ The Bringer of Wealth🦅
Ezumezu Ikenga Agu Ǹkwọ.
Mmụọ Ọcha.


Spiritual spouse are jealous as mortal men are, especially those ones who leaves money for their lovers.
There is this kind of spiritual spouse that makes love to you and leaves money under your pillow or sometimes you quickly see money that you can't remember how/when it got there. They are awesome enemies and very jealous.

Those spiritual spouse that leave money for you are there to bless your earthly marriage with wealth only when you recognize and align with them.
The reason you see a man immediately he marries a girl he start progressing is because he recognized both his own spiritual spouse and the one of his wife before moving into his earthly marriage.
The same reason why some men who were doing fine in their business and later crashed to zero level immediately after getting married is also an issue of spiritual spouse.
"E nwere spiritual spouse Ndi N'ebute aku".

Spiritual spouse are jealous as men are, especially those ones who leaves money for their lovers. As a woman, if you're not aligned with your spiritual spouse anybody who marries you, will not prosper. You will be quarreling with your husband over nothing. Sometimes, you quarrel and fight, and when you trace what caused the problem, you will find out that, what was reasonable at the time of quarrel was no longer reasonable at the time you had to give the account.

Let me be clear to everyone now, everyone has a spiritual spouse. We all has spiritual family, siblings, lovers from where man originated from.
The earlier you understand, the better your life will become.

Greetings House.
Ǹkwọ Ọma.

Ọme Ka Ọdi- Nma.
Ọ Kwere Nne Bia Uwa.
Nnenwanyi ụdụ-akụ🦅 Mmụọ Mkpata akụ The Bringer of Wealth🦅
Ezumezu Ikenga Agu Ǹkwọ.
Mmụọ Ọcha.

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Ọmenala di na ihe Mmụọ.
Life is one major blessing followed with good health.Every good thing has a price tag, if you don't pay the price you ca...
Yorubas are the real enemy to igbos
I've received 100 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. 🙏🤗🎉
The hardest thing for a man is to discover himself, his true identity. He that knows himself knows the god within. He wh...
I've received 200 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. 🙏🤗🎉





Festac Town
Festac Town

Other Public Figures in Festac Town (show all)
Loveth Ndibe Agbo Loveth Ndibe Agbo
No 10 Mechanic Village
Festac Town

Life style,

Rev Evang Chiemela Ebere Rev Evang Chiemela Ebere
Festac Town

Official page of "Rev.Evang Chiemela Ebere , The general overseer of (G.G.A.A) church

Princess Emily Princess Emily
Stamford Bridge
Festac Town

To give information about the latest football news

Sagafunny1 Sagafunny1
Unraun Street
Festac Town

welcome to my page,we're here yo make you happy. please kindly follow this page 🙏✅

Ghali Balarabe Galancy Ghali Balarabe Galancy
512 Road St
Festac Town, 102312

Founder: GBG Foundation

Twins lovers Twins lovers
Festac Town

For fun ��

Ufoeze Juliet Ufoeze Juliet
Lagos State

Ufoeze Juliet's fan page

Mikey Bro The Small god Mikey Bro The Small god
Bariga 2 Festac
Festac Town


Festac BREED Festac BREED
Djyosir@gmail. Com
Festac Town

Festac Breed is an online community for people born/raised in Festac town,Lagos Nigeria.

D'ojuloges Place D'ojuloges Place
322 Road, D Close Block 3 Flat 2
Festac Town

Every woman is beautiful, with perfect touches from us on your beautiful skin, we make that happen."