Debby's myth

Child of God|An Educationist|Story writer|Gospel music minister|podcaster| Spoken word Artist


Its a new year
A new season🥰🥰🥰
Wishing you all a happy new year
Its our year of great joy



December is blessed for me and you
Happy New month


Its my birthday today
Im grateful lord 🙇

Photos from Debby's myth's post 21/09/2023

🎉 Facebook recognized me as a top rising creator this week!

Thank you to everyone who has been following and contributing to every content posted on this page


Your struugle to pray in understanding is beacuse
You only pray in _TONGUES🙄
Find out here👇



The most dangerous way to mess up a man's life is through IDLENESS
An idle man is useless to everyone except his master

While many keep calling him to responsibility that engages his body and mind to apprehend positivity, his master keeps drawing him to sluggishness that intertwines his mind with negativity

His idleness is all that matters to his master.

He doesn't have to wake up early like other responsible men would do to make ends meet
He spends extravagantly on pleasurable items with no concern for saving for the season of emergency
Hard work is taboo to an idle man, as long as he feeds his mouth, he's good
Denying himself of pleasure and comfort to pay sacrifices for growth is the last thing he would do to himself
The slightest inconveniences to his mortal body(flesh) p**s him off

All he does is feed his flesh while his spirit is starved of strong food, and ignorantly, he's gradually dying
Since the master he serves never complains about his idleness

He forgot, that the master of idleness himself isn't idle, he walks to and fro daily, looking for whom to devour and tear apart
He never leaves those who served him empty-handed
He put a deadly mark that caused a huge havoc on them

Nothing attracts the devil more than your idleness
The moment he finds you doing nothing, he sets in, just like Eve

Idleness does not necessarily mean a lack of activity or sitting around all day doing nothing

Idleness might mean slackness from your consistent prayer life
It might be your break from studying the word
It might be how much you show less concern about denying yourself of food just to have communion with your father
It might be adverse content you feed on your mind that keeps killing your spirit
It might be your negligence to the things of the spirit
It might be anything whatsoever that keeps you away from growth

Figure out where you've been idle, and get yourself engage


Do you know......

They call him Idle, yet he serves as a workshop
He is lazy, yet industrious
Very sluggish, still, vast in deceit
Despised by many for his indolent nature, yet immensely diligent in idleness

Poor and wretched, yet engulfed with plans of cunningly making income
He sits at home all day and never attempts to utilize his physical body to make a living, but his mind actively works at a high rate of speed, nursing all sorts of hazardous ideas
He might be idle as a man, yet industrious as a workshop

More details drops soon, but before then.......

"AN IDLE HAND IS THE DEVIL'S WORKSHOP" What do you think this proverb means ?

Photos from Debby's myth's post 01/09/2023


This month, i am exceptionally blessed✴️
This month, God is working out all things for my good✔️
This month, i experience God's sovereign presence💏
This month, i have unlimited joy😆
This month, my peace has no end 💯
This month, my walk with God grows stronger💪

Believe in this words as you affirm it, look forward to the best version of september beyond the months spent so far

Photos from Debby's myth's post 28/08/2023

I've just reached 800 followers! Thank you for continuing support. I could never have made it without each one of you. 🙏🤗🎉


Yay it's available on YouTube now🤭🤭🤭
Who is excited 😎😎😎
Yeah,I am so excited about this.....
Click the link below to watch👇
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I regained my conciousness, and found myself at an unknown place
My breadth was heavy and I was in Great pain😣
Where am I❓
where am I❓someone answered me.....

You are at the healing centre💊🩺

I looked around and found Roi seated beside me holding my hand🤝
I bursted out in bitter tears😭
I was ashamed of myself
I started apologising for chasing her out yesterday night😭

Roi smiled and called me, TAMAR, the event you are been apologetic for didn't happened yesterday night, rather, it happened 5 years ago...... 🌒
You've been in coma for the past five years, we've been hoping you would come back to life😰
The night you accommodated the stranger, I went to your father's house, i couldn't stop thinking about you, I was worried cause I knew the danger you accommodated❗

I sent Mercy, one of your father's worker, to go and check how you were doing. But, I never knew I sent Mercy very late😔

Mercy found you lying unconscious in a pool of blood🩸 he rescued you and brought you to the healing centre🩺.
The doctors has been working endlessly to ensure you survive. Diverse surgeries has been carried out to make you live again, and I'm glad you are back.

I had known the stranger for decades, she was part of your father's worker who worked as one of the high-ranking official in your father's household🕵️‍♀️

She was chased out one vicious night when she thought within herself to exhalt her position above your father who employed her. She knew you are your father's dearest child, so she came after you❌

You were too careless to resist her because you denied me of your attention before stepping out of the house that day the incident happened🫨

Tamar, don't you know that leaving my shield the secret place endangers your life and gives signal to the strangers Kingdom to come after you.
Well, I'm glad you are conscious, but I'm sad you will no longer be the effective and elegant Tamar used to be😔
Sadly, your father withdrew every responsibilities and assignment he put you in charge of, because you're no longer capable to do them.
He already found a replacement for you who has been doing much much better for the past 5 years you've been in coma🩺
Your father utmost wish is your recovery, and I know he will be happy when he sees you're alive again

I was in great shock😭 why would my father replace me❓

Roi replied, The stranger does not leave anyone she visits empty handed, she will always put an everlasting deadly mark on whoever fall victim, to make them regret and be in eternal reproach.

Scars are all over your body🤒
Scars are evidence of accident😖
Scars disfigures the beauty of the body😪
The stranger left so many scars on your body, so it's impossible for you to be used with so many scars on your body❌
The best you can do now is leave a life that pleases your father till you finally go to stay at his place....⛅

I groaned in pains😣
I cried out loud😭
But, there was nothing to do, I desire I could turn the table to fix my error, but it's late❗what I'm bound to do henceforth is pleasing my father in righteousness till death comes to take me home☠️


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Thank you for reading, listening and watching
If you were blessed by this story, kindly drop your comment in the comment section.
I love you always🥰


Episode 6

I took a spoonful of the food🥺 and immediately I started feeling a sharp pain in my stomach😭 it were as though a pin was choking me.
I rushed to the toilet and I was defecating blood, real blood was coming out of my body🩸

WHAT IS THIS..... ❓❓❓

I was so scared, I blamed myself for eating the strangers food😪 I cleaned up myself, went the bedroom to say good night to the lady since I'll be sleeping in the living room.
The stranger pleaded I stay with her because she was scared of sleeping alone, I agreed with her and slept on the same bed I share with Roi alone💑 I slept beside someone I do not know. What came over me, I can't explain🤦 but there was a force within me that kept obeying the stranger
My spirit was willing but my flesh is weak

It was exactly 3 am, the exact time I spend with Roi, my alarm rang⏲️
I tried to stand up, but, I couldn't😳 my body was heavy and in so much pain.
I opened my eyes, and I saw the stranger I brought home sitting on top of me on the bed, staring at me furiously😡
Her look was so terrifying and scary, she held a stick wrapped with a black sackcloth

Am I dreaming? No, this is real 😭
I tried opening my mouth to shout for help, but I couldn't, I tried using my hand to push off the stranger sitting on me, but I couldn't
I was totally paralyzed😢 I had no clue what was wrong
The stranger laughed sarcastically, bouncing on me, squeezing my stomach so hard. I was in pains, tears were rolling down my face😭 I couldn't scream for help, I couldn't push her off, my body was Stiffed, yet in great pains.

Few minutes later... she stopped and started a conversation. These was her words

For a very very long time, I've been after you, searching and searching for the slightest loophole to come after you. But, I couldn't find one.
Any moment that seems like a chance to strike, your annoying friend Roi, is always available to shield you and because you always hide under her shadow, she delivers you from the snare of my Fowler's and pestilence, her hands are like Feathers and wings that stand as a shield and Buckler, that is why you don't get scared at the Terror at night or the arrow i shoot every day.
You made Roi your refuge and your habitation, that is why no evil as ever befallen you later the plague comes near your dwelling place
Roi gives her other guidance to watch over you, to keep you in all your ways so you won't get hurt.
But, the moment you missed your sacred Communion with Roi yesterday midnight, you gave me a green signal in my kingdom, and I got a tiny access to come after you.
Your ignorance and lack of sensitivity made you accommodated me into your house you share with Roi

Roi knew who I was, we've been enemies since ages past,so we can't stay in a place together it's either one of us leaves, it's dependent on the owner of the house. whoever the owner chooses would definitely stay, and luckily you chose me over your best companion.....

I kept crying and crying bitterly while she was talking, I knew that day was the end of my life
The stranger kept pressing me down, bouncing on me, hitting me with the black wooden stick on my head
Blood was gushing out of my body
My eyes were imbalance until I lost my consciousness

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Episode 5

The intimate 3 am meeting I missed enabled this problem😣 My refusal in tagging Roi with me caused me remarkable havoc😭 my carelessness gave room for the stranger to approach me

if only Roi was with me then, I wouldn't have encountered the stranger👿 because her presence chases away the strange atmosphere🌫️
My less regard for my friend's opinion and acceptance made me accommodate death in the home I share with Roi🏚️

Still on the issue of the stranger who took her bath twice and was still dirty, diverse rhetorical questions on my mind
Roi kept insisting on the stranger's presence in the house, I tried convincing her to bear with the lady for a night🌒 yet she was so persistent. What's wrong?🤦‍♀️I've never seen Roi be adamant like this.

Roi went out, and took a stick with a sharp edge attached to a nail🪓 She brought the stick inside, and used it to carry out the sack bag the stranger brought with her and threw it into the Deep pit behind my house

I got p**sed off, I don't know how anger overwhelmed me😡 I lost control over myself, I was so mad at Roi for treating the stranger like a beggar. For the first time in my lifetime with Roi, I stood against my friend.
My eyes turned red👁️ my face looks strong and Fiery, I was boiling within me, and my mind was under uncontrollable pressure from the depth of my punctured heart💘 How I became angry so easily amazes me, but I knew the presence of the stranger caused it😔

The stranger does not visit a man's home alone❌it's tag along with numerous contending invisible spirits that works against the man's Soul 🧐
My soul was under the influence of the Stranger, since I stood against Roi who shares my soul with me💔

Roi threatened to leave the house if I insist on keeping her, with no second thought, I responded..... 😣


Immediately Roi looked right into my eyes balls with tears rolling down her face.😢 I ignored her and pretended not to care about are crocodile tears, it was such an embarrassing moment for Roi😔
She went into the room packed her stuffs and left the house that night🧳 I thought it was a joke, I thought she would come back to me since she can't do without me, but I was the one who forgot that I can't survive without Roi presence with me😫 I was still adamant and never chased after Roi to bring her back home.

After Roi left, the whole house started emitting the strangers odour😷 I sprayed fragrance oil and perfumes to make the house smells nice, yet the smell keeps getting worse😤 I didn't complain and determined to endure the whole issue since it's just for a night🌗

The stranger requested for food if I wouldn't mind her cooking herself, Roi had prepared dinner for me, I asked the lady to eat the prepared food to avoid stressing herself🥘 without my opinion she took the food threw it into the dustbin 🕳️and went into my kitchen to cook☹️
One thing I realised when Roi left was that, I couldn't disobey the strangers request, anytime she asks for something, I uncontrollably give her the space to do everything😣 I don't know why, but I can't just stop myself
Few minutes later, she was done cooking, she served me my food. The food looks so enticing and irresistible🍔 the urges to have a taste was high🥵the food is tempting to behold, I wanted to refuse the food because I and Roi made a vow not to eat anyone's food aside the one cooked by any of us🥘

How will I leave this kind of delicious food that looks so amazing🥺 I ignored the thought of the vow and took a spoonful🥄
Just one single spooful😢
I took just a bite of the food😭

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*Episode 4*

She was on a tore black dress carrying a rough sack bag👜 looking tartared and unkept🤕 She stinks and wrings of terrible odour😖 she was so skinny and weird in appearance 😶‍🌫

She approached me and greeted me "Good evening ma, I am homeless and I need a place to sleep over because I was chased out of the house for by my family"

I pited her condition and was so perplexed with her look😢 but, I can't take her home unless Roi agrees to accommodate her♨️ I took my phone, dialed Roi's number📞 but it was unreachable, I felt she still angry with me over our argument in the morning, so I didn't bother to call back 🤦‍♀️

I took the lady along with me and when we got home, Roi was at the entrance of the house 🏛️ with a Furious face glaring at me😡 I greeted and introduced the lady I found👩‍🦱
Roi cuts in and disagreed to accommodate the lady❌ I was angry, why would Roi be this heartless to a poor lady who has nowhere to go and just spend the night here and leave the next day🥺

I tried knowing her reason for disagreeing, yet she kept insisting she looks filthy, she looks so rough, she looks dirty and it is risky for the both of us because it's contagious🚯

what contagious about the dirty lady😏 she will wash up and look refreshing again, "I answered"
Roi was about giving another excuse🗣️ but I didn't give her the chance and just went inside with the lady😣

Roi came inside, kept insisting I let the lady stay over or use anything we both shared together💫
I turned deaf ears👂and took the lady to the bathroom to take a shower🚿
Few minutes later....... she was done, and I was shocked with what I saw😱
The lady still wrings of bad odor and look dirty as before. I asked if she took her bath or not, she replied "Yes" and truly, water was all over her body drooling down💦

Roi laughed sarcastically behind me🤣 I ignored her and told the lady to take her bath again, but this time I gave her another new sponge and soap with a strong fragrance🧼 she was done, yet she still stinks and dirty

How could someone bath twice and still not be clean😨

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*Episode Three(3)*

It was 3am at midnight🌒 the rain falling in a cool and chilly breeze🌧️ I was covered with my blanket enjoying the sweetest sleep on my comfortable bed🛌, my alarm rang, it's time for our meeting⏰

I and Roi wakes up every 3am as agreed to spend intimate moment together👩‍❤️‍👩
It was time again, but I was reluctant to get up 🥶 I angrily shut the alarm ringing and slept back🚯

Roi came to wake me but I begged her to allow me sleep extra 30mins to gather my strength🌚 my patient and gentle friend agreed and waited till it was 3:30am⭐she came back 30mins after, but, I begged for another extra 30mins🥺 she left and came back again at 4am........ ⏰

With annoyance😡 I shunned her to spare me tonight to sleep from the long day at work🤦‍♀️
Roi didn't argue, she left me alone till day break🌥️

My alarm rang again⏰ it's 6am
OMG😱, I shouted, I'm late for my appointment with a client, I must meet up before 7am😨

I rushed to the bathroom💦 dressed up and was about heading out when I remembered I was supposed to go with Roi since we go everywhere together🚗, but I was in hurry, so I thought of leaving her at home today, just a day, just for a day, I decided to leave her at home😔

Roi called me back to spend at least few mins with her before going out.

If only I had known why she was persistent😭if only I had listened, if only I had been patient enough...... 😔

I ignored Roi words❌ and told her we would meet when I'm back💢, my impatient didn't allow me listen to her at all, I left the house for work all alone without taking Roi with me😰

It was exactly 8pm⏰ I was done at work and heading back home 🏢
On my way, I met the emergence of war against my soul💔
The journey to my death began that day💀
I met someone I shouldn't have😭

Guess who I saw.........? 😢

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Episode Two(2)

Few years back I had a friend named Roi..... 👩‍❤️‍👩
A best friend anyone could ask for, my father appointed Roi as my personal friend💎 I was void of the relevance of my friend until I loosed her💀

She was my closet companion🫂
We lived together, sleep together, there was mystical bond between us💘
We are same body, same blood, same soul🩸 Roi was specifically convenated to me by father as a guide for living a desirable life that pleases my father 🔆

There is always a solitude moment we share at an appointed time in a calm and serene atmosphere ☁️💦
It's always a refreshing moment for us when we meet🫧we discussed sensitive matters and issues which Roi provides accurate solutions to every of those matters💯

There was no secret between us, we had access to our belongings without hesitation between us🧳
Everything was good and fine between myself and Roi until I stabbed my best friend🔪
I broke out trust💔and shattered our relationship😭 because I met someone else who took her place.😔🤦‍♀️😰

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Episode one(1)

In a thick gross dark room🌖 her paralyzed body lay unconscious😰
she looks asleep but she's in coma with an oxygen mask right on her nose to make her breadth 💉
She was sick and diagnosed with a deadly turmoil in the lungs that had affected her entire body 💔
She is dying, losing her life to the dead world in between life and death fighting vigorously for survival 😭

Who is she? She is me and I am she. 😔

My name is Tamar👩 a well dignified lady respected by many, I was my fathers daughter 👨‍🍼and i was the dearest daughter of my father controlling one of his big company as a managing director committed with so many responsibilities that always yield effective and productive results💯

My father was so proud of me, my life was fine and good🤗 until..... I met the strange being I shouldn't have crossed paths with❌

The saddening part is that, the stranger never cease to chase after those he had decided to mesmerize their now and future🚯

To avoid falling victim just like me😭 Carefully follow me on the journey of how I met the stranger......... 😔

To be continued


If only I had known she was The stranger, I wouldn't have said ~_*YES*_~ 😭
She was Wretched and miserable👿
Her disgusting outlook wrings a devouring odor 🤦‍♀️
I was perplexed seeing the pitiful atmosphere emitting from her🦠
I thought I was ordained to be a help
I never knew I wasn't sent to everyone ❌
I thought I could change the wheel and keep her under my safest shield ⚔️
But she stabbed me and made a mess out of me😭

THE STRANGER an episodic story of a young lady who met the emergence of war against her soul 😔



Do you know that the programs and meetings you attend does not determine your growth in God. How?
Find out here👇


Have you wondered why you keep pacing around the same circle of struggle in your work with God? Watch this video to know why

Debby's myth
Deborah Oladejo


Are you struggling with your secret place
Do you find it hard to pray
Then watch this video

Debby's myth


God's instruction is so foolish🧐
Watch the video....


Still on the strive of survival when Bravery sumed up within her not to give up easily on her life,in pains she had a gentle communion with the mystical being whom she seek throughout her pregnancy season,and eventually He showed up for her and breadth the breathe of life into her nostril just has He had done before. Bravery regained her strength,it's Eight days after birth,and then she named her child
The journey of Valor begins
The girl valor started growing into the full stature of an intelligent girl, she's loved and most preferred among her peers especially in school because she performs more excellently than others,she's so talented that friends envy her uniqueness
Indeed valor became another definition of her mother Bravery.
One sunny day,Valor came back from school with sudden complains of cold and headache and before evening,her temperature had increased so high,a nurse was called upon to check her,she was given an injection and drugs,but yet nothing worked out
Valor was rushed to the hospital,series of test were carried out and she was diagnosed of a disease that had seriously damaged some of her organs
Is issue repeating itself,what had happened to bravery after birth,has it emerge again on the daughter valor? The mystical book already stated that as a woman is,so her girl child,why do issues keeps popping up in my home..... These are Bravery thought,it was tough for her because her child health is getting worse than expected
Valor could not eat,she could not even bath on her own,countless sleepless night in pains,whenever she pees,it's always a black smelly urine that makes the nurses be in awe cause it's abnormal for such a thing to come out of a human being
What had happened?

Throughout the time Valor was in the hospital,bravery stayed with her,not for once did she left her,wipe her body when her temperature is high,watch over her to ensure she sleeps, forcefully feed her to keep her hygienic and lot more
Hmm so much pains attached to motherhood
Its getting worse and worse, the Doctor told bravery that Valor would not survive her sickness if surgery is not done on her and that would cost 3million naira
Poor Bravery who is still financially stranded almost lost her consciousness at hearing the doctor report,where will I get the money from she asked herself........No hope from anywhere,the husband has gone to hustle for money for hospital bills and feeding.
Bravery pleaded for help from the doctor,but was given a response of taking the sick Valor back home to die on her own. unless the surgery is not done on time she might not survive
What sort of tragedy is this?
What exactly is this disease that is eating up a 7years old girl organ and about to kill her
How do Bravery and her husband afford the money requested by the doctor
Let's find out in the next episode tomorrow

This is me saying a big thank you to everyone who took out time to celebrate with me
I love you all and God bless you

Photos from Debby's myth's post 17/11/2022

Is this truly real or just a mere story😳
Experience that cannot be fathom by words😢
Powerful remarkable life event,this is serious.....
I was perplexed inexpressibly😫
Wondering what had happened right???
Journey with me......🚌
It's all started some years back. There's a woman named . Yeah you saw that well,it's Bravery😅it sounds funny but truly this woman is a definition of that name.
Bravery conceived some years back, unknowing to her then,she was carrying a whole nation inside of her. The day she knew it was such a joyous moment for her and the entire family,the joy of expecting a baby cannot be underestimated,a remarkable day every mother will not forget in lifetime.....
Beavery took some exceedingly and risky steps that a mere pregnant woman would never dare venture into. Imagine going on days without food,sleeping in an unconducive environment beside a consecrated altar just interceeding for her family and her baby,just like Anna who for her whole lifetime inteeceeded for the coming of Emmanuel. What a striking resemblance between these two people stories.
She put her life at risk just in search of a mystical being,isn't bravery mysterious herself?🤔
Nine(9)months passed,it was time for birth. Ooh what a easy process for bravery,of course there was pains but the period of birth lasted for few it was quite easy.
But❗❗❗ something shocking happened thereafter..
Three days after birth,Bravery became so sick,she started bleeding thick blood. At some point she could no longer see anything,her eyes were diming,she was cold and tired,she could no longer carry her baby to breastfeed on her own, the husband had to be the one carrying the baby,put the breast in the baby mouth to suck,she was losing the strength left in her,almost giving up,her family and husband were all pacing around,striving for her survival,as at then,they were financially stranded to afford taking bravery to the hospital for treatment,they started faning vigorously her to keep her breadth intact,the thought of death keeps popping to her mind but yet was still strong in heart believing the mystical being for survival.
What a disheartening and horrible experience....
Tears at the tip of my eyes ready to roll down at the hearing of bravery experience
Questions on my mind🥺
Will she survive?😢
Will the blood stop flowing out of her at all?
Who will mother the new baby if she end up not surviving?😭
What condition will the husband be at the moment of her pain🤦

Hmmm still on the journey of finding out the truth in the next episode tomorrow.....
Stay tuned ✍️
So quickly guysss,it's my birthday today and I'm super excited about this🤭🤭🤭
Say a word of prayer to me today and remember to send your practical wishes in terms of gift😅
GT Bank
Oladejo Deborah (Incase the holy spirit is speaking to you)😅


Shun it,don't be deceived❌

Often times when fellowshipping with God, thoughts rolls into your mind,reminder of your undone works,things you need to put in place that you forgot to do, people you need to see, negative and lustful thought...... Right at the spot where you're praying,the reminder just keeps popping into your mind 💣

Surprisingly enough,these thought will not cross your mind before you start ooo,it is during that period you have for God they began to show up,funnily,we at times thank the holy spirit for the reminder,meanwhile it oftens distract us away from God's presence,infact it happens at times that after you struggle to finish praying,you end up forgetting what you remembered during the prayer

That's how tricky the devil can be😭

What do you do whenever you experience these issues
# Pen down your thought(write out all you need to do after the prayer,so as not to be distracted)
# Tell the holy spirit to remind you Incase you end up forgetting again,and put off your mind from it(yeah,this works so much for me especially,if only you can trust Him to do that for you, definitely,he will)
# learn to control your mind(what do you feed on often,what are things that surrounds your heart often. Sieve out negativity and ponder more on things that ignite your heart positively,this is where the word of God helps you,consume it until your life becomes the life in the word)

: Anything whatsoever that would distract you away from God's presence is not from the spirit of God,so shun it❌

Happy Sunday and happy New week

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An idle man serves a master💯Click the link for more insight👇
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Do you know that the programs and meetings you attend does not determine your growth in God.  How?  Find out here👇




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Pastor Segun Odeyemi Pastor Segun Odeyemi

The official page of Pastor Segun Odeyemi. The Lead Pastor of Universal Christian Center

Princess  and Oge Tv Princess and Oge Tv


Vickie Vickie

Hi guys! My name is VICKKY✨💯 Over here I give you Good MEMES😂, MOVIE updates🎬, MUSIC updates🎵