Olusola Ayobami

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Episode 1

"Oh God what is wrong with this woman!" I said in frustration.

"Why can't she understand me for once?" I said as I paced around the room.

"What's the meaning of all these? Why can't she understand? I can't take this anymore! I can't!" I screamed as my tears poured out in frustration.

"Am I the only one that she's so busy wrecking my life? Oh! Just because I'm so loyal, she's taking advantage of me. I've been such an idiot!"

I had given my life to Christ under the powerful ministration of Mrs Juliet Thompson. She's a firey and passionate minister of the gospel. She's well known all over the country.

I had been having this spiritual attack for a long time. Before I went to that revival meeting or should I say was carried there, my case had gotten worse.

Whenever the attack came on me. I became super human. I mean, I became so strong that ten men cannot hold me down. I could break anything that stood in my way.

I became so violent that my family had to lock me up in chains. I had to keep this from my younger sister. She had no clue of what was going on in my life. But my secret could not last long.

Anyway, that's a long story I would not venture into.

Mrs Juliet Thompson was not the one invited but her mentor, Mrs Toyin Abayomi. But she wasn't disposed, so she sent her mentee to represent her.

While Juliet was ministering, the power of God hit me in the congregation and I began to manifest.

She had to confront the personality in me in that meeting. At last, I was set free and surrendered to Jesus.

After my conversion, I had a dream two weeks later and decided to see the man of God to share it with him.

What did I see?

I saw thousands of people holding my dress, pleading with me withe tears in their eyes.

"Give us the bread! We are dying of starvation!" They cried out.

"What bread?" I asked.

"The bread! The bread! You have the bread! Don't keep us in hunger! Give us the bread!" They kept repeating those words.

I was confused. I had just given my life to Christ a few weeks ago. So what could this bread possibly mean?

I was still in my confused state, when Mrs Thompson walked up to meet me and tapped me on the shoulder from behind.

I je**ed and turned to see who was standing behind me. Recognition set in immediately and I smiled.

"Mummy! I don't know what's going on here! They are asking me to give them bread. I'm the C.E.O. of my late father's company. I don't sell bread. I don't know why they are demanding bread from me.

And ma, why do they keep calling it the bread?" I asked.

He smiled and looked at me.

"Daughter! The bread is the word of God. They are asking you to feed them with the word of God. They are hungry for God's word and you are to feed them with it.

This is your calling my dear. You are called to be a minister of God's word. You are to teach his words to his people and guide them through the word".

I looked at her. The fear of the work assigned to me was seriously overwhelming. I was scared, seeing I did not have much knowledge on the word of God. I was completely scared of what laid ahead of me.

"Mummy! I don't know what to do! Please help me! Teach me all I need to know. I'm just a baby in the Lord. I was born two weeks ago. I don't know my left from my right.

Please Mummy! Teach me more about God!"

That was how the dream ended.

I had to look for Mrs Thompson and tell her all I had seen.

She listened with rapt attention, nodding at everything I said.

When I was done saying what I had to say, she explained everything to me. She made me understand what the dream meant and what I needed to do.

Then I knelt down and begged her to mentor me, just like I did in the dream.

Reluctantly, she agreed after my incessant pleas.

So, I began my mentorship program under Mrs Juliet Thompson. Well it wasn't much of a class actually. She kept checking up on me and asking on how my quiet time went. Then sometimes she would teach me something in the Bible, something completely new to me.

She would explain the Bible and say things that made me marvel.

I was gradually becoming a lover of God's word. I studied the Bible everyday and reported back to her the revelations I received during my Bible study.

By the way, my name is Cristina, but I changed it to Christiana. Christiana Kolapo.

This is my story..........

To be continued...........

Young lady! Young man! What is your destiny?

Who are you created to be?
Have you discovered your purpose?

Do you think all you were created to do was to get married and have children?

Has the one who created you spoken or revealed to you what he designed you to become?

If he has, what steps are you making towards preparing yourself for that assignment you were destined for.

MY BABY HUSBAND is going to be a journey you wouldn't love to miss.

Get ready to journey into the life of Christiana.

A lady with the calling of God upon her life.


Episode 2

A month after Mrs Thompson and I bonded very well in mentorship, she invited me over for a little heart to heart discussion.

She asked about my spiritual life and the progress i was experiencing.

I gave her all the answers she needed, until she got to a spot I never wanted her to get to.

As a Christian, I knew lying was completely wrong. Worst of it would be lying to a woman of God, my mentor. So I forced myself into replying her.

"Tell me about your relationship life? She asked.

I didn't know where to start, so I gave her a stare of confusion.

"I mean, tell me if you're in a relationship or if you've been in one before, how it went?" She clarified me.

Of course, I knew that was where she was heading. But the thing was, I wasn't ready to allow my mentor into my relationship life. It could be the end of it. How did I know?

I don't know how, but I know! I know what I know. Something kept telling me the day I related my relationship life with my mentor would be the end of it. So I decided to hide it.

So here I was, stuck between telling the truth or a lie. I decided to tell the truth and see what I would face for choosing to do so.

"Mum! I'm in love with a guy!" I began.

I looked at her facial expressions to know if I was permitted to go ahead. She nodded her head and my confidence was stirred up.

"His name is Christopher Nwachukwu. He's a multi millionaire and owns one of the best fabric producing companies in Nigeria.

We met in a conference I attended 2 years ago and we just couldn't be separated since then.

Two weeks after we got to know each other, he asked me to be his girlfriend and I accepted. So we started dating since then.

Our relationship has lasted for two years".

My mentor said nothing for a while, which fuelled my tension.

When she finally broke the silence, she hit the nail on the head.

"Is he born again?" She asked.

"Ma!" I called her attention, even though I heard what she said.

"You said the relationship started two years ago. If my calculations are correct, you gave your life to Christ three months ago. So is he also born again like you?" She asked.

I exhaled, and lowered my head. I knew what was coming and didn't know how to handle it.

When I first gave my life to Christ, due to my financial class, I was almost ashamed of letting my friends know who I am. I knew how they would make mockery of me. I was this kind of person that cannot condone insults.

I react fast to any form of disrespect thrown in my face. So giving my friends an opportunity to persecute me was something I wouldn't willingly opt for.

So I still attended our normal weekend parties, just to make them feel I still belonged. I forced myself into dancing those crazy immoral songs, what some of you would call worldly songs, just to quench their suspicions.

And soon, I found myself lying to hide my identity. Ashamed of the man who was not ashamed of a mentally re****ed lady. Cured me of my mental health and broke the chains that held me bound.

I was living in depression for days, until I had the dream that changed my life. That was when Mrs Juliet took over my every now and then.

When she found out I still attended night parties, she stopped me immediately. She also stopped me from taking part in gossips and idle chattering with my friends.

Soon I was spotted out. Yes, the light I was covering with a blanket had prevailed. The light of Jesus in me I had kept under my office table was drawing attention underneath my table.

I could not hide anymore. My friends started asking questions.
Why have I been missing parties?

Why have I been keeping to myself?
Why have I been acting weird lately?

I didn't give them an answer. My strategy was to promise them I would change, which of course would never happen.

Not too long, I was spotted driving into a church, that was all the information they needed.

The next day, hmmmm, na God help me ooooo. Remain small make I regret why I gave my life to Christ. I kept reminding myself about my former life and thanked Jesus in my heart. That was what kept me from breaking down in tears and crying in front of my friends.

Before I gave my life to Christ, I usually retired for the night once it is 9pm. I had a personal bodyguard whose duty was to ensure I never missed that appointment.

He would take me to a special room in my estate and lock me up in chains. The room was sound proofed. Because once it was 9pm, I would become insane and violent.

My strength was out of this world. It took the effort of 20 bodyguards to hold me down. In my insane state, I would scream so much that my voice was like that of a man. Tear into pieces anything insight, whether man or property.

Like I said earlier, I hid this from my younger sister. My friends took me to a herbalist who tried to help but he couldn't. He said the forces that held me were too powerful to engage in a combat with.

He was the one who helped me and my friends detect the time the seizures happen and when it stopped. He told us that it always started by 9pm and ended by 12am.

So he gave us the idea of locking me up in chains once it is 9pm. That was how life treated me, until I met Jesus, the problem solver.

So if he could do something that huge for me, I would be ungrateful to deny him before my friends. This was what I held on to in my heart while the mockeries rained down on me.

They tried to talk me out of my new found faith, but I had always been an adamant girl right from childhood. I guess God placed everything we have in us for a good purpose. I never knew my being adamant and stubborn would be of any use to God. Well here it was, my stubbornness served God's purpose.

I just couldn't betray God. I'm this sort of person who knows how to repay someone's good deed. I don't love living with the guilt of treating someone who helped you in the past badly. It could throw me into depression if I was not careful, which was something I hated so much.

"Christy!" My mentor called me out of my drifting thoughts.

"You are now a new creation. Old things are passed away. Yes, it's all in the past and so is Mr Nwachukwu!"

My heart almost stopped beating for a few seconds. I looked at her and saw how straight her face was.

"Am I understood?" She asked.

"Yes ma, but!"

"What's the but about it? What does darkness has to do with light? What are you looking for in the devil's shoprite? You are a Christian, Christiana. And as a Christian, you cannot have a relationship with someone who is not a Christian, period!"

Silence followed for a brief period.

"Mummy! But he's so nice. I mean I........ I love him so much!"

"That was the old you! You are now a new man. You must let go of him and focus on your destiny. He's not a part of your life".

"But ma! How can I let go? I love him!" I said almost crying.

"You will let go by telling him it's over between the two you".

"Ha! Mummy!"

"What's wrong with this girl? This guy is not born again for crying out loud! Aren't you hearing what I've been saying since morning?"

"Mummy! It's hard oooo!" I said, my eyes were getting blurry already.

"Chris! I don't want to hear another word about it. It's either you let him go, or you let God go! Choose between the two. I bet you won't make the wrong choice!"

My tears dropped as I knew, I had come to the crossroads I had always avoided.

To be continued..........

Can someone please talk some sense into this girl's head?

What's wrong with her?

Luke 14:25 - 27.
And there went great multitudes with him: and he turned, and said unto them.

If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.

Brethren, we all need to understand that following Jesus would cost us everything and we must be willing to give him everything.

Withholding nothing.


Episode 3

Christopher sat down on the sofa, running his hands through his hair.

"Explain what you have just said!" He said with a harsh tone, showing his annoyance.

It has taken me lots of guts to stand up to the task. I had deliberated and pondered for weeks. My mentor didn't allow me waste time.

Whenever we spoke on the phone that was what she always wanted to find out.

"Have you ended that relationship?"

"Ma, I'm working on it!"

"Working on what? What is there to work on? End this thing and let's move on with your next level! Why are you so adamant in surrendering to God? Do you want to enter the belly of a whale like Jonah before you learn your lesson?"

"No ma! It's just that, it's so hard to call it quit. We've been through alot together. He's been the perfect man for me. The man of my dreams".

"Look here young lady! You were not sent into this world to dream about men. You were sent to fulfill purpose and destiny. And destiny comes with a price.

Mary Slessor sacrificed her marriage to fulfill her destiny. She let go of the man she loved so much for the call of God upon her life. She left everything behind and came to Africa to preach the gospel. You don't have any excuse.

You cannot marry this man and fulfil your purpose. You cannot be unequally yoked with an unbeliever. Cris, I've told you several times. Chose God or this man".

I was in a serious confusion. No body told me giving my life to Christ would be so demanding. All I wanted was an easy life where I was completely in charge. Yeah! I'm used to being incharge of everything happening around me.

I gave orders and they were followed. I yelled at sloppy workers and congratulated those who did well. I did everything the way I liked and no one dared challenge me.

How did I get stuck with Jesus? Looks like he's changing everything in my life and he doesn't care how I feel about the changes he was making.

Sometimes, I rebuked myself for entertaining the thought that I made a mistake in becoming a Christian.

There was my mentor, exercising authority over my life. On the other hand was Jesus, changing protocols and making difficult demands.

I was so used being a boss life. This life of being bossed around by a lady I call mentor and an invisible being I call God. I hate the way I'm sounding right now, but I can't help it. Why is everything so difficult? Why can't God allow me have my way? Why is he invading my private? Turning things upside down in my life.

Everything was perfect before he stepped in. Now he's taking away my happiness. The man of my dreams. And he's doing it without caring about how it would make me feel.

But was everything really perfect before I met Jesus? I don't think so! I was a wealthy C.E.O. but a mentally re****ed lady. I had a routine of being locked up in chains every night. Was that truly a perfect life?

The Jesus who fixed my broken life deserves my all. I was stuck. I didn't know what to do anymore. I was gradually slipping into depression. All because God was demanding for my boyfriend and I was too stubborn to let go.

I decided to take the bold step and tell him I was breaking up.

Here we are, trying to understand one another.

"Cris! You mean after two years? When we are so close to settling down? Cris, tell me what got into you?" He asked frowning.

Of course, no boyfriend who had invested so much in a relationship would smile at a break up like this.

By the way, my real name is Cristina, but I changed it to Christiana after my conversion. So don't be surprised if you see my boyfriend calling me Cris.

"Cris! I'm waiting for you! He said when I had not said anything for over 5 minutes.

I was almost sweating. What did I have to tell him? Everything in me wanted to marry him, just my new found faith stood in our path. I loved my man so much. We've bonded inseparably over the years.

He was the first and only man I gave my body. And since then, our love for each other got stronger.

When I got born again and found out I couldn't give him my body as a Christian, I told him. He agreed with my abstinence decision. Since that time, we had never been intimate.

He never made any advances towards me since then. He respected me so much and loved me. Oh God! He doesn't deserve all this.

"God please let me marry him!" I wept within me, but I knew that was not possible.

That scripture kept repeating itself in my head.
"Joshua 24:15. And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD".

Does it look evil for you to serve God? Feel free to chose. No one is forcing you. If you feel you are better off without Jesus in your marriage, go ahead and chose the man of your dreams.

I almost broke into tears. I knew I couldn't continue with this conversation or I would end up changing my mind and returning back to him.

I stood up and made to leave, but he grabbed my hand.

"Cris! Who's he? Who stole you from me?" He asked in a choked up voice.

My insides melted and my tears dropped. He stood up and drew me into a hug.

Stroking my hair in a gentle and lovingly manner, he spoke in whispers.

"Cris! I feel like my world is gone! I don't know if I'll ever survive without you. I've never loved a woman the way I do for you. Please, don't break my heart".

I wept like a baby in his arms and felt in heaven as he continued stroking my hair.

"Chris! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! We cannot be together anymore". I said and pulled myself out of his arms.

I made to leave but he held me by the wrist.

"Please let me go!" I pleaded.

"Not until you tell me why I don't deserve you. Why are you leaving me? He asked.

I tried to pull free but his grip was firm and his voice so tender and sweet. I just couldn't resist him. I just couldn't.

What answer do I give him by the way? Do I tell him my Christian faith stood against our union? No! He never rejected me when I told him I had become a Christian. He told me he was happy for me. Telling him I was rejecting him because I was a Christian would seriously hurt him.

Do I tell him it was my mentor who insisted on the break up? No! That would make him angry with her and seek revenge her.

So what should be my reasonable answer? Chris could do the unbelievable whenever he gets angry. He could go after Mrs Juliet Thompson and her family, just to get rid of anything that stood in his way.

I would not give him something to deal with. I better think of a better option between the two, before the wrong information slips out of my mouth.

"Cris! I won't let you go until you tell me!" He said with those pleading eyes I couldn't resist.

"Chris! I'm truly sorry! But as a Christian, I can't marry someone who's not a Christian!" I said and looked away.

"Is that it?" He asked.

I turned to look at him and nodes in affirmation.

"Then say goodbye to their religious nonsense. Anything that stands in our way must be thrown away!" He said with disdain.

I shook my head and sighed deeply.

"I can't leave Jesus! He saved me! I can't turn my back on him!" I said.

"Cris! What's wrong with that head of yours? Can't you see Jesus doesn't want you to be happy. He healed you so he can be in charge of your life. Kick out whoever he feels like kicking out and turning tables upside down.

This miracle you are always referring to that Jesus performed might just be a magic trick!" He replied.

Shocked, I turned sharply and glared at him.

"Cris! Try and understand me. I've always known you to be a hard headed girl. Someone you can't easily deceive. You use your brain to evaluate properly and I respect you for that.

But ever since this miracle stuff happened to you. You lost your sense of reasoning and became insane!"

That was it! That was all I needed to hear.

"What!" I yelled at him.

"I'm sorry dear! That was a mistake!"

I quickly took my purse and strapped it across my shoulder.

"You know what! I guess you are right".

"No Cris! That came out wrong and unintentional", he pleaded.

I knew him too well to say what he doesn't mean whenever he got angry, but I needed something to help strengthen my weak heart and he provided one.

"Why marry an insane lady? Why Chris!" I said and rushed out rushed for the door.

He ran after me and grabbed me. Wrapping his arms around me, he kept apologizing while I fought to break free.

Despite my kicking and everything, he held to me like I was his life.

My will power melted and my resistance went down. I started weeping like a baby and he consoled me.

One thing led to another and I found myself waking up on his bed. My clothes were on the floor.

Actually, it was the sound of my phone that woke me up. I sat up and looked at him. He was sleeping soundly.

I picked up the phone and checked the caller's ID.

It was my mentor.

To be continued.........

Brethren, whenever God asks you to drop something and you delay, it's really dangerous.

Delaying to obey God's instructions can result into making alot of mistakes with your life.

What we are to do as believers is to cry to God for the grace to let go and take the step immediately.

Genesis 22:2 - 3. And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.

And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and saddled his ass, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son, and clave the wood for the burnt offering, and rose up, and went unto the place of which God had told him.

Take not of the first words in verse 3. And Abraham rose early in the morning......

Delay is dangerous.


Olusola Ayobami


To myself,

Life isn’t always easy and I guess you don’t always get your way, no matter how hard you try and no matter how hard you believed in it. You really thought you had it all figured out until you realize you hadn’t. So maybe you took a left when you should have taken a right? Big deal, then! So what do you want to do now? Be miserable for a while, that’s okay. In fact, it’s probably healthier to go down this road. Bruise and hurt and question everything, and once you’re done, just get back up and rolling again.

Another day is another chance to make it right. To fix all these things you consider as utterly wrong and to make it all better and nicer.

Olusola Ayobami


Once there was a great king. One day he was traveling alone in a forest. Soon, he lost his way.

He looked around from a hilltop but could not see any people or villages nearby. It was becoming dark.

After some time, there was light shining from a long distance.

Then he started walking in that direction and soon reached a hut.

Outside the hut, he saw an old lady cleaning the place.

Seeing him, she welcomed him, thinking that he was a soldier from the army.

She gave the king some water to clean himself and water for drinking. She then spread a mat for him to relax.

King started relaxing.

After some time, she placed a plate of hot rice and curry in front of him.

The king was so hungry that he quickly put his fingers on the hot food. The hot food burnt his fingers, and he spilled some rice on the floor.

The old lady saw this and said, “Oh, you seem too impatient and hasty like your king. That is why you have burnt your fingers and lost some food”.

Hearing the old lady’s words, the king was surprised and asked her, “Why do you think our king is impatient and hasty?.”

The old lady smiled and began to explain, “My dear son, our king is having a big dream of capturing all his enemy forts.

In that, he is ignoring all the small forts and focusing only to capture the massive forts.”

The king interrupted the old lady and said, “That’s a good thing. What is the problem with that?”.

She smiled and replied, “Wait, my son. Like your impatience in eating the food, you burned your fingers and wasted some food.

In the same way, the king’s impatience to defeat the enemies quickly resulted in the loss of men in his army.

Instead, if you eat the less hot food at the edge first and then at the center, you would not have burnt your fingers and not wasted your food.

Similarly, the king should target the small forts and strengthen his position. It helps him capture the massive forts without losing his men in the army.”

Hearing this, the king understood his mistake and realized that one should have patience and avoid making any haste in any situation.

Moral of the story

When we want to achieve something in life, we should first understand the process and then work on it.

Instead, if we are looking for quick results, we will become impatient and never reach what we want in our life.

For example:
If we want to reduce our weight by 10kg in one week, that will not happen.

Instead, focus on 1kg reduction in 2 to 3 weeks and 10kg in 6 months.

In the long run, with patience, we will achieve our goal.


Let's meet this evening on òṣèlú 360 at Medal FM Ibadan you can listen live on www.medalfmibadan.com


Happy 1st birthday, my adorable little angel. To my very special daughter, my firstborn baby, I'm sending all my love to you today as we celebrate your very first birthday! I wish you a life filled with joy and my promise to you is that there won't ever be a shortage of love around you!


It's available on Okadabooks. Get a copy.


Buy the new book biko




The hardest tests in life is the patience to wait for the right moment.
Even Hyenas Understand The Cost Of Patience, They Wait Hours, Even Days Before They Get Their Preys, Please Study The Hyenas And Have Patience.
Don't Run Ahead Of GOD ALMIGHTY If You Try It You Will Fail And Faint.
They That Wait Upon The LORD Shall Renew Their Strength, Be Patience And Wait.
May God Almighty bless you all in Jesus name.Amen!!



Expect Your Unexpected Change

When I'm worried, it's usually because I'm trying to do everything myself. When I'm at peace, It's usually because I remember that God is in control.
Nothing can happen without God's permission and God will not allow a difficulty unless He has a Divine purpose for you. If you will keep your peace, you'll pass the test, and God will bring you out better than you were before.
The seasons change. God still remains the same. Expect your unexpected change now from better to greatness.



Previous accounts on Facebook and Instagram were hacked by the name Mike Peterson


Authenticity, reliability, advertising, speed and quality

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Great minds, be informed that account belongs to Olusola Ayobami has been hacked both on Facebook and Instagram. The bearer of the account is now Mike Petterson. Pls beware of every post from this Mike Petterson.

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