Don Richard

Don Richard

Digital Creator



1. You must never agree to have s*x with a married man no matter what he promises or professes. Never!

2. Never agree to have s*x with your boss. If the harassment becomes too much, resign and trust God for a better job.

3. If God put people under your care to mentor or Pastor, it is better you die than to have s*x with them. Never take advantage of God's people no matter what.

4. Don't have s*x with a married woman. If you are getting too much attached via chatting, official or academic rapport, break up the closeness or whatever name you have for it.

5. Never have s*x with your lecturers. S*x for grades or marks is for nonentity. You are not. Never must you be.

6. If you are a marketer, never agree to sleep with a prospective client just to meet your official target. Never!

7. Don't have s*x with your in-laws. If he or she stays with you and you are finding it difficult to resist the pull, let him or her leave. I mean latest tomorrow.

8. Don't have s*x with your neighbour or colleague. A neighbour is a neighbour. A colleague is a colleague. Don't get your life more complicated.

9. Don't have s*x with your platonic friend. If the relationship is no longer platonic, break up the thing.

10. I believe God created s*x to be between male and female. Stay away from having s*x with your same gender. God is against homos*xuality and so should you.

11. Don't have s*x with your sibling or relatives. In**st is vile.

12. Don't have s*x with your girlfriend. Don't have s*x with your boyfriend. God did not create s*x for love relationships. He created it for MARRIAGE.

The only s*x you should have is with your Legally wedded partner.

```God Bless you all```

Share to educate others
please follow up my page for more tips and invite your friends.
Let's push it to 50k followers.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฅฐ



1. Your control of your s*xual urges will be the reason you are either successful or a failure.

2. P**n and ma********on is the greatest killer of success. It stunt and destroy your brain.

3. Avoid drinking alcohol like a camel drinking water. Nothing worse than losing your senses and acting a fool.

4. Keep your standards high and don't settle for something because it's available.

5. If you find someone smarter than you, work with them, don't compete.

6. No one is coming to save your problems. Your life's 100% is your responsibility.

7. You shouldn't take advice from people who are not where you want to be in life.

8. Find new ways to make money. Make money and ignore the jokers who mocks and make fun of you.

9. You don't need 100 self-help books, all you need is action and self discipline. Be disciplined!

10. Avoid drugs. Avoid w**d.

11. Learn skills on YouTube not wasting your time consuming sh*tty content on Netflix.

12. No one cares about you. So stop being shy, go out and create your chances.

13. Comfort is the worst addiction and cheap ticket to depression.

14. Prioritize your family. Defend them even if they stink, even if they are idiots. Cover their nakedness.

15. Find new opportunities and learn from people ahead of you.

16. Trust no one. Not a single person no matter how tempted. Believe in yourself.

17. Don't wait for miracles make them happen. Yes you can't always do it alone but don't listen to the opinion of people.

18. Hardwork and determination can make you achieve anything.
Humbling yourself only takes you higher.

19. Stop waiting to discover yourself. Create YOU instead.

20. The world won't slow down for you.

21. No one owes you anything.

22. Life is a single-player game. Youโ€™re born alone. Youโ€™re going to die alone. All of your interpretations are alone. Youโ€™re gone in three generations and nobody cares. Before you showed up, nobody cared. Itโ€™s all single-player.

23. Your life path is designed in such a path that you feel needy, depressed and weak all the time. And there's only one way out, which is deciding to get out. No one but you will save yourself and your loved ones.

24. Not everyone has the same heart as you. Not everyone is honest with you as you are with them. You will meet people who will use you for their gain and then discard you once that section of their life has passed and they are fulfilled. Stay woke.

25. By age 25, you should be smart enough to:
โ†’Celebrate the success of others
โ†’Avoid jealousy and envy
โ†’Keep an open-mind
โ†’Avoid assumptions
โ†’Act with intention
โ†’Practice gratitude
โ†’Speak honestly
โ†’Exercise daily
โ†’Avoid gossip
โ†’Eat clean

Time waits for no one.




1. A girl who doesn't have transport fare to visit someone that she claims she love. (liability)

2. A lady who can't get you birthday or valentine gift but expect you to bring down the world for her during hers.(liability)

3. Someone who can't comfortably call you on phone for 5 minutes.
Always flashing, complaining and requesting for data and airtime...(liability)

4. I wonder how some Men cope with ladies that think relationship is an occupation where she's supposed to be paid and taken care of??
(S*x is not a benefit to only men.). She might not even allow you have the s*x, yet you keep spending on her like government, kwantinue (liability)

5. Stop dating a liability no matter how beautiful she is. Beauty is a bonus, focus on her content!
Date a lady who can add something meaningful to your life.
Things like: financial intelligence, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence.

6. Date someone who's capable of managing multiplying whatever she has and the ones you give to her, your soul will be at peace!
Not someone that will always be at the receiving end.

7. I'm not saying she must be rich.
But let her have something doing no matter how little it is, because no matter how much money you make, she must be able to assist you during the rainy days...

I know ladies will come for me๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿฅฑ
Please don't come for me oo.. I'm not feeling too well ๐Ÿ˜”


I ask us Who is a woman??๐Ÿ’โ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ’โ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ™โ€โ™€๏ธ

Having va**na, b***s, and hips doesn't make you a woman.

A woman is the one who feeds a man with encouragement and ideas

A woman is the one who helps a man to save and invest wisely .

A woman does not run her mouth with sarcasm and insult just to prove a point, rather her words are gracious and can heal a broken heart .

A woman is the one that knows when to talk and to keep Quiet.

A woman is the one that doesn't leak secret.

A woman is the one that is content with what she has, and not the one that sells her self for material things.

A woman is a manager, a caretaker,a womb that can nature and birth destinies .

A woman doesn't do trending things, but she is reserved and has a taste of a Queen.

A woman doesn't look down on any man because of his present state of life and financial status, rather she encourages any man to get better.

A woman is the one that does not just bears babies, but bear ideas and inspiration anytime, anywhere.
A woman is the one a man can cry on her shoulders and not feel humiliated for doing so nor lose his value .

A woman is not the one that deceive a man just to eat his money, but the one who is honest and sincere in any relationship.
A woman. Is not the one that makes men feel terrible, but the one a man can run to for comfort.

A woman is the one that will spoil a man with honour and respect because there lies her strength and integrity .

A woman is an influence, a nation and a helper.

Many are females but only few can be called a woman.

Now ask yourself today,
am I a womman that man need??


Future billionaire will like this


Future billionaire would like and follow this page

Photos from Don Richard's post 28/02/2024

As she closed her eyes, visions of her husband's future danced before her. She saw him achieving great success in his career, his face illuminated with joy. Their home was filled with laughter and warmth, surrounded by a loving family. Together, they conquered challenges, grew stronger, and lived a life overflowing with happiness and fulfillment.

Photos from Don Richard's post 26/02/2024

Title: The Gatekeeper's Love

[The camera pans to a beautiful mansion, where we see JAMES, a handsome and funny gateman, whistling as he opens the gate for his boss, LISA, a successful woman in her mid-thirties. She smiles at him and heads inside.]

[LISA's friends, SOPHIE and MIKE, are sitting in the living room, sipping on wine. They look at each other and snicker as they watch James interact with Lisa.]

[SOPHIE: "Why would you marry your gateman, Lisa? It's just ridiculous."]

[LISA: "James is not just a gateman, he's an amazing person. He makes me laugh like no one else."]

[As time passes, we see various comedic scenes of James and Lisa interacting - from James accidentally knocking over a plant to Lisa playfully scolding him for eating all the cookies.]

[One day, James surprises Lisa with a bouquet of flowers, and she looks at him with admiration in her eyes.]

[LISA: "James, you're amazing. I never want to be without you."]

[James is taken aback by Lisa's confession, and he grins from ear to ear.]

[The camera fades to black as we hear wedding bells in the distance.]


Have you ever considered the possibility that some women might perceive certain men as fools due to societal norms that undermine their intelligence or capabilities?
Are there specific behaviors or attitudes you've observed in men that might contribute to this perception by women?
How do you think cultural influences and media representations of men as less intelligent or easily manipulated might impact women's perceptions?
Do you believe that women intentionally take advantage of men, or do you think there are other factors at play in these situations?
Have you ever encountered instances where misunderstandings or miscommunications led women to mistakenly perceive men as foolish?
In your experience, do you think men sometimes unknowingly exhibit behaviors that could be interpreted as foolish by women?
How do you think power dynamics in relationships influence perceptions of intelligence and manipulation between men and women?
Can you think of any societal stereotypes or expectations placed on men that might make them more susceptible to being perceived as fools by women?
Have you ever considered how individual personality traits or past experiences might influence a woman's perception of a man as foolish?
What steps do you think men can take to challenge these perceptions and assert their intelligence and capabilities in relationships and society?

Photos from Don Richard's post 23/02/2024

In times of uncertainty, it's natural to seek comfort and hope for our nation's future. Despite the challenges we face, I believe in the resilience and potential of our people to overcome obstacles and emerge stronger. Let us hold onto the belief that our nation will rise above its current struggles and become great.

To our leaders, I urge you to heed the call of duty and prioritize the well-being of the nation above all else. It's imperative to listen to the voices of the people, address their concerns, and work tirelessly towards building a brighter future for all citizens. Leadership requires courage, empathy, and a commitment to serving the greater good. I implore you to do the needful, to make decisions that benefit the entirety of society and pave the way for progress and prosperity.

For the youth of today, I encourage you to empower yourselves through education, self-improvement, and active participation in shaping the future. You are the driving force behind societal change and innovation. Seize every opportunity to learn, grow, and make a positive impact in your communities. Believe in your potential to effect meaningful change and contribute to the betterment of society.

Nigeria future:
Together, let us envision a future where our nation thrives, guided by compassionate leadership and empowered by the collective efforts of its people. Though the road ahead may be challenging, let hope be our guiding light as we strive towards a brighter tomorrow.
Please follow this page #


"It's crucial to recognize that a successful marriage transcends physical attributes. Encouraging men not to solely prioritize physical intimacy but to value a partner's character, intellect, and shared goals is paramount. Marrying a woman without vision should not be viewed as a hindrance but an opportunity for growth and mutual support. In such a union, communication, empathy, and understanding play pivotal roles. Emphasizing the importance of emotional connection, companionship, and shared aspirations can foster a fulfilling relationship beyond the physical realm. By nurturing mutual respect, trust, and a deep emotional bond, couples can navigate life's challenges together and empower each other to pursue their dreams. Ultimately, building a strong foundation based on shared values and emotional connection is key to a lasting and meaningful marriage, transcending the superficial allure of physical attraction."




Many bachelors actually fear Marriage

They fear the financial responsibilities that come with Marriage. spending on her, and then when the kids come, extra demands on him. Local man cannot can.

They fear the emotional responsibilities, tell her you love her everyday, take her out on dates, kiss her daily, be responsible and accountable to her, forgive her, it's all too much for them to handle

While some Men fear Marriage because of the things they've heard or seen, maybe their father or a close friend of theirs had a bitter marriage experience


They know they may not be able to hang out with the guys on Friday night as before.

They will be expected not to go anywhere without her knowledge,

They know they won't be be able live carefreely as they were doing before as bachelors and they still value that freedom above all.


Among this category are two types.

โœ” The ones who have nothing at all to use in doing wedding, and then running a home after

Even her bride price they can't afford with their current account balance, so they're still single or engaged, they are currently working hard and saving money toward their marriage, with plans to quit bachelorhood soon.

โœ” The ones who have money, have a good job with a good salary, even accommodation, but they want to be millionaires first, buy car, buy land and build house before they now settle down. (of course this is stupidity.)


They are still busy sampling ladies, playing around wiyu Ada, Juliet, Zara, Shade and 20 other ladies.

They don't want Marriage to slow down or hamper their philandering.


This one's haven't seen the one yet.
Among them are;

๐Ÿ‘‰ THOSE who honestly haven't found the bone of their bones and are still searching,
These ones are praying and waiting to hear God.

Amongst those who are praying, there are the ones that God hasn't answered yet, and the ones that God has answered, but they are not understanding.

๐Ÿ‘‰ THOSE who have seen, plenty ladies around them, but they are too picky, forgetting that nobody is perfect, physically and character wise, so they are still searching for the perfect one. We wish them luck.


Yup, some guys are always having Issues finding and sustaining a relationship, anyone they propose to ends up leaving them no matter how nice they are to her, something must happen to scatter their relationship.

Either due to sins they COMMITTED or sins they INHERITED.

These ones need to come to God, get saved and set free.



Thsese ones aren't married, but their girlfriend/fiance lives with them,
she cooks, sweeps, washes, she even gives him s*x 24/7

So he sees no reason to get married, some eventually even start having kids, yet no bride price paid, and no marriage in sight for the poor lady.
Dear lady,
When dating a Young Man, and he is delaying, find out why. So you can know what to do, to contribute, assist him with advice, wait, or find your level.

May God help our Brothers.
May they not delay themselves unnecessarily.
please follow #


It's essential to address the misconception that any one gender should bear the entire burden of responsibilities in a marriage. Success in a partnership stems from mutual effort and understanding. Assuming that a man can handle everything may lead to unmet expectations and strain on the relationship. Instead, cultivate open communication about shared responsibilities and contribute collectively to the marriage's success. Laziness, irrespective of gender, can hinder growth and fulfillment. Encouraging a proactive approach and a willingness to adapt can lead to a more resilient partnership. In the face of economic challenges, both partners must collaborate to navigate difficulties. Rather than predicting future regret, focus on building a foundation of teamwork, trust, and shared commitment. This approach will not only strengthen the marriage but also enable both individuals to face challenges with resilience and unity


Delving into the realm of s*xual desire, the narrative challenges the conventional perception that men possess a greater longing for intimacy. Instead, it suggests that women harbor a potent desire for s*x, albeit shrouded by societal expectations, leading them to adopt a passive role in initiating such encounters. The reluctance to face potential rejection, embarrassment, or insult is attributed to this conditioning, creating a dynamic where women await initiation, seeking solace in the safety of being pursued.

The assertion that women do not keep secrets from those they love introduces a sense of vulnerability within relationships. Despite verbal assurances, the narrative posits that true confidences unfold in the intimate space of a bed shared with someone who possesses a profound understanding of the woman's essence. This concept challenges the conventional belief in unwavering trust, suggesting that the most profound revelations occur when a woman is truly known and embraced by a partner.

Furthermore, the narrative dismantles the perceived authenticity of shyness and tears as accurate indicators of a woman's character. It proposes that these emotional displays can be skillfully manipulated, emphasizing the capacity for deception. The revelation that a woman may not direct her disdain toward a cheating partner but rather the "other woman" introduces a complex layer to the emotional responses tied to infidelity.

In essence, the exploration of these facets of women's experiences seeks to unveil the layers beneath commonly held beliefs, encouraging a more nuanced understanding of the complexities that shape women's emotions and behaviors within the context of relationships.



It's possible for any man to ask for s*x in a relationship, but is left for you as a lady to know that s*x, can't keep him..(S*x isn't enough)

There are two major factors ladies complain about s*x in a relationship:
(1) After giving him my body he left me..
(2)He left because I refused to have s*x with him..

NOTE: Both those who gave and those who refused to give are complaining...
( Whats the difference)

Ladies Listen, S*x isn't enough, its not the only thing you can offer a man.
If You Don't Have Anything To Offer A Man Outside S*x, Please remain Single...

A man can't stay with you because his having s*x with you....

Relationship is not buying and selling.
There are much to life than Monkey style, Doggy style, Missionary style, Apple n juice style, step pillows style, etc ...

Are you sound intellectually? Spiritually? Physically? Mentally? Emotionally?

Men love intelligent ladies...
Men love ladies with ideas..
Men love respectful ladies...
Men respect ladies that know what domestic work is
Men love and appreciate a woman who is good and excellent in multi-tasking
Men respect and honor ladies that wakes up very early in the morning to make sure that the kitchen is set.
Men respect ladies that keep their eyes at home than those that their eyes are always outside
Men love bravo ladies

S*x is very cheap these days, anybody can buy it.

You need to build yourself beyond s*x.
Leave make-ups and be a productive lady.
Men are looking for ladies with ideas and solution not those who paint their faces with different colours.

*What a man wants is beauty with brain not make ups with b***s or hips. Because all these will fail but what you have upstairs will remain.

Your husband complains because you think that you know it but you don't know it. Just do what your own husband wants and not what men want. Hope it help our generationsโœ…โœ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ฏ


What are some shocking truths about human life

1.. People will notice the change in your attitude towards them, but won't notice their behaviour that made you change.

2.. Never hide your bad side to make someone stay. Show your bad side and see who can stay.

3.. Actions prove who someone is, words just prove who someone wants to be.

4.. The less you care, the more they care.

5.. The less people you talk to, the less bu****it you have to deal with.

6.. If you know how quickly people forget the dead, you will stop living to impress people.

7.. Don't get too happy and too comfortable. One day they love you, tomorrow they hate you.

8.. You can only win when your mind is stronger than your emotions.

9.. Sometimes you just have to die a little inside, in order to be reborn and rise again as a stronger and wiser version of you.

10.. Don't let people know too much about you. A friend today, can be an enemy tomorrow.

11.. The only people you owe your loyalty to, are those who never made you question theirs.

Photos from Don Richard's post 08/01/2024

Oh God restore NIGERIA

In challenging times, it's crucial to reflect on the better days and draw inspiration from the resilience of the nation. As we navigate economic hardships, it's easy to be disheartened by the scarcity of essential resources like food and petroleum. However, we must not forget the strength we've exhibited in the past.

Former years stand as a testament to our ability to overcome adversity, showcasing periods of prosperity and abundance. It's essential to reminisce about the times when the economy flourished, when our nation thrived on the industrious spirit of its people. By doing so, we can reignite the flame of hope that burns within each citizen.

In the face of scarcity, it's natural to feel the weight of uncertainty. But let this not be a reason to despair. Instead, let it be a call to action. Let us unite as a nation and pledge to face these challenges head-on. This is not the time to lose faith in our potential or to succumb to the allure of divisive leaders.

It's crucial to recognize that bad leadership can exacerbate our problems. We must be discerning in our choices and not fall prey to empty promises. Instead, let us seek leaders who prioritize the collective welfare and possess the vision to guide us towards economic recovery.

Amidst the scarcity, hope becomes a beacon guiding us through the darkness. We must encourage each other to hold onto this hope, for it is the catalyst for change. Hope fuels resilience and determination, prompting us to explore avenues that can alleviate the economic burdens we face.

To change our financial status, we must embrace innovation and entrepreneurship. It's time to tap into our collective creativity and explore new solutions to old problems. Encourage the cultivation of local industries and support small businesses โ€“ they are the lifeblood of our economy.

Education is a powerful tool in transforming our economic landscape. By investing in education, we empower the next generation with the skills and knowledge needed to propel the nation forward. Knowledge is the foundation upon which a prosperous society is built.

Additionally, fostering a culture of financial literacy is paramount. Equip citizens with the skills to manage their finances wisely, making informed decisions that contribute to individual and collective economic stability.

In conclusion, while times may be tough, the spirit of our nation has weathered storms before. By reminiscing about our past successes, avoiding the pitfalls of bad leadership, nurturing hope, and actively working towards positive change, we can emerge from these economic challenges stronger and more resilient than ever before. It's a collective effort, and together, we can shape a brighter future for our nation.

Photos from Don Richard's post 08/01/2024

See what Tinubu turned us to.

Now we dey fight for garri


Elevate Your Brand with Expert Graphic Design Services

Hello [ Dearbuyer],

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to introduce myself as Richy, a professional graphic designer with a passion for helping businesses like yours enhance their brand image and make a lasting impact.

In today's competitive market, it's crucial to have visually captivating designs that truly reflect your unique identity. As an experienced graphic designer, I have worked with a diverse range of clients, providing them with innovative and tailored design solutions that have significantly boosted their brand recognition and engagement.

Here's how my graphic design services can benefit your business:

Custom Logo Design: Your logo is the face of your brand. I can create a captivating and memorable logo that encapsulates your brand's essence, leaving a lasting impression on your target audience.

Branding and Identity: A cohesive brand identity is essential for building brand recognition. I specialize in crafting visually cohesive brand elements, including typography, color schemes, and brand guidelines, to ensure consistency across all your marketing materials.

Print and Digital Collateral: From business cards and brochures to digital banners and social media graphics, I can design eye-catching collateral that effectively communicates your message and drives engagement.

Website Design: Your website is often the first point of contact for potential clients. I can create a visually stunning and user-friendly website that showcases your products or services, ensuring a seamless user experience across different devices.

Packaging Design: If you have physical products, I can design appealing packaging that not only protects your products but also entices customers to make a purchase.

Illustrations and Infographics: Visual storytelling is a powerful tool. I can create captivating illustrations and infographics that simplify complex information and engage your audience in a visually compelling way.

My goal is to deliver exceptional design solutions that align with your brand vision and business goals. I am committed to understanding your unique requirements and working closely with you throughout the design process to ensure your complete satisfaction.

I invite you to review my portfolio, attached to this email, to see examples of my previous work and get a sense of my design style. If you're interested in taking your brand to the next level with captivating graphic design, I would be delighted to schedule a call to discuss your project further.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with you.

Best regards,

Professional Graphic Designer

Message Richy on WhatsApp.

Send a message


Become a smartphone graphic designer, with little one time little ๐Ÿ’ฐ. Message Richy on WhatsApp.


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A successful life would not turn these down.




โ€œBe wiseโ€

Photos from Don Richard's post 08/11/2023

Last last.. Naira Marley don achieve his aim
Using smiling D.P
A Magistrateโ€™s Court in Yaba, Lagos State has granted popular singer, Azeez Fashola, aka Naira Marley and music promoter, Balogun Eletu, popularly known as Sam Larry bail.

The bail is in the sum of N20 million with three sureties.


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Videos (show all)

๐ŸŽฅ Discover Captivating Animation Videos! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒˆ Are you ready to be mesmerized by enchanting worlds and delightful character...
๐ŸŒŸ Enroll in our Exciting Animation and Video Editing Course! ๐ŸŽฅAre you fascinated by the magical world of animation and v...





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Caleb Olayiwola Caleb Olayiwola

Caleb Olayiwola is a Nigeria-based digital content creator and the founder at Basics In Tech