Kunle Adesiyan

There is No Appropriate Time than NOW for the Youths of this Nation to be enlightened and Prepared t


Biddy Mason

Biddy Mason, born on August 15, 1818, was an influential figure in the history of Los Angeles, California. She was born into slavery in Hancock County, Georgia, and later gained her freedom. In 1851, she was brought to California by her owner. However, due to the California Supreme Court ruling that slavery was illegal in the state, Mason and her family were granted their freedom.

Mason went on to become a prominent entrepreneur, midwife, and philanthropist in Los Angeles. She amassed considerable wealth through her real estate investments and established herself as a respected member of the community. She used her resources to support charitable causes, particularly assisting the poor, sick, and marginalized individuals in the area.

Biddy Mason's life and achievements serve as an inspiring example of resilience, determination, and community impact, and she is remembered as an influential figure in the history of African Americans in California.


Seeking external validation can hinder personal growth and well-being; relying on others for approval puts our happiness at their mercy, leading to a never-ending cycle of seeking validation.

Cultivating healthy self-esteem is crucial. It empowers us by recognizing our own worth and value, independent of external opinions. With self-esteem, we gain confidence in our abilities and choices, reducing the need for constant validation.

Building a strong sense of self-worth liberates us from the inconsistency of external validation and allows us to embrace our authentic selves.

Ultimately, self-esteem fosters personal growth and a sense of fulfillment. So embrace your individuality, cultivate your self-esteem, and let your light shine brightly from within. You are enough, and your journey is yours to embrace with confidence and self-assurance


The Donkey In The Well Story

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who had a donkey. He used to take him to the market place with lots and lots of wheat every day.

One day, the donkey accidentally fell down into an empty well. The poor donkey cried miserably for hours. The farmer thought for a while and tried to figure out what to do. The farmer was really sad at this mishappening.

Finally, he decided that the donkey was old and so he decided to cover up the donkey by shoveling some dirt on it. The farmer invited all his neighbors to come over and help him cover the old donkey. They all grabbed a shovel and begin to shovel dirt into the well.

At once, the donkey realized what was happening and it started crying loudly. After some time, to everyone’s surprise, he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well and was surprised at what he saw.

With every shovel of dirt that fell on his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up. As the farmer’s neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the donkey, he would shake it off and take a step up. After a couple of minutes, all the neighbors were shocked as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and jumped off!


Photos from Kunle Adesiyan's post 17/03/2023

Senator Teslim Kolawole Folarin; The Best Fit for Government House

In the run-up to the gubernatorial elections in Oyo State scheduled for March 18, 2023, there has been much debate about who is best suited to lead the state towards its desired future. A lot of arguments, many partisan and some borne out of genuine passion and for good of Oyo state people. One name that stands out from the crowd is that of Sen. Teslim Folarin, a politician who has proven himself to be an exceptional leader. A name that has become synonymous to excellence and proven leadership skills. His capacity, competence, and character make him the man of the hour, and the best fit to occupy Agodi House and lead Oyo State as Governor.

Teslim Kolawole Folarin is a man of immense capacity, possessing the knowledge, experience, and expertise needed to lead the state. He has served in various capacities over the years, both in the private and public sectors, acquiring the requisite skills needed to govern a complex state like Oyo.

His experience in the Senate has also equipped him with the necessary legislative expertise to create laws that would benefit the people of the state.

Folarin's competence is another reason why he is the best fit to lead Oyo State as Governor. He is a man who delivers on his promises, and his track record speaks for itself. As a Senator, he has sponsored and co-sponsored bills that have positively impacted the lives of his constituents. He has also provided employment opportunities for the youth through his various empowerment schemes.

In all of the emerging engagement towards this poll, Folarin has demonstrated a commitment to the people, a passion for development, and a keen sense of foresight. He has been unequivocal in arguing for the side of the masses. He has consistently advocated for policies that promote economic growth and development, improve access to quality healthcare, security and provide quality education for all. His track record speaks for itself, as he has consistently shown an unwavering commitment to the welfare of his constituents.

As Governor, Folarin's competence would be put to good use, as he would be able to tackle the myriad challenges facing the state, including security, education, and infrastructure. Folarin's passion for public service is evident in his philanthropic activities, which from history, he has failed to make mention except when beneficiaries of such come out in open to show appreciation, often times he usually warn against, he do prefer to keep them between him, the beneficiaries and his God. He has sponsored several initiatives aimed at improving the welfare of the less privileged in his constituency. One can imagine what he will do with bigger platform and opportunity like the Governorship of Oyo State.

One cannot talk about Teslim Folarin's suitability to lead Oyo State without mentioning his character. He is a man of integrity, who has earned the trust and respect of his constituents. On the contrary to many of libellous comments and innuendos against his name and persona, he is known for his humility, openness and honesty, traits that are sorely lacking in Nigerian politics. His character would be a huge asset to the state, as he would be able to build trust between the government and the people, which is essential for development to take place.

Teslim Folarin is the man of the hour, and the best fit to lead Oyo State as Governor. As the people of Oyo State head to the polls on Saturday, they should entrust their future, hopes and aspirations in the vote for Teslim Folarin, a man, no doubt, who would deliver on his promises, and take the state to greater heights.

Photos from Kunle Adesiyan's post 28/11/2022

ICYMI: Unveiling of the Deputy Governor

Photos from Kunle Adesiyan's post 28/11/2022

Today in Pictures


Happy Eid-l-fitr

May the blessings that comes with this celebration stays with us forever

Taqaballahu minnaa wa minkum


I congratulate everyone on entering the blessed month of Ramadan, the month in which the Qur’an was revealed, the month of fasting and prayer. It took God's grace to witness such a month.

May Allah accept from the fasting from us and you.

Photos from Kunle Adesiyan's post 07/02/2022


Please accept my warm congratulations and best wishes on your recent receipt of certificate of return as the duly elected Chairman of our great party, the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Oyo State, and as you prepare to take up the responsibilities and challenges of your high office.

As you embark upon your new responsibilities, I wish to assure you and your newly inaugurated State Executives of my unflinching support and loyalty at all times.

Accept my Hearty Congratulations and Best Wishes always.

'Kunle Adesiyan
Ibadan, Nigeria.


One cold night, A billionaire met an old poor man outside. He asked him, "don't you feel cold being outside, and not wearing any coat?" The old man replied, "I don't have it but I got used to that." The billionaire replied, "Wait for me. I will enter my house now and bring you one. " The poor man got so happy and said he will wait for him.

The billionaire entered his house and got busy there and forgot the poor man. In the morning he remembered that poor old man and he went out to search for him but he found him dead because of cold, but he left a NOTE.

"When I didn't have any warm clothes, I had the power to fight the cold because I was used to that. But when you promised me to help me, I got attached to your promise and that took my power of resisting".

MORAL: Don't promise anything if you can't keep your promise. It might not mean anything to you, But it could mean everything to someone else.


Merry Christmas Everyone!

I hope you had a wonderful day wherever you are. Christmas can be the happiest and also the saddest time for many. Sending my Love to all of you and especially to those who cant be with their Loved ones today.

I also want to say a Big Thank You for all your incredible support over time, I couldn't have done it without you!

Lots of Love and Merry Christmas! 🎄


“A man who calls his kinsmen to a feast does not do so to save them from starving. They all have food in their own homes. When we gather together in the moonlit village ground it is not because of the moon. Every man can see it in his own compound. We come together because it is good for kinsmen to do so.”

― Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart



Ben Affleck is the man that abandoned the role of Batman, separated from his wife, lost contact for a while with his children, became an alcoholic, was hospitalized, got out and relapsed, was criticized and insulted.
He had a motorcycle accident and promised himself to get back on his feet.

And 17 years later he meets his first love, Jennifer Lopez who brought him the change he needed, today he is a Disney director, screenwriter, actor, and even got back the role of the Batman again.

In the background Ben Affleck speaking at an event and his current partner admiring him and feeling proud ♥

It's Never too Late to Start all over!
Don’t ever think of giving up.


A Powerful Lesson From The Bees: A heart-warming Story of Love and Care

My dad has a hobby post-retirement. He has hives all over the place in his garden. And he collects honey. Not a lot, but enough to distribute to all his friends and relatives. I make it a point to visit him whenever he collects honey.

A few days ago, I went to his house and he showed me all the honey he had gotten from the hives. He took the lid off of a large pot, full of golden honey. All I could see on top of the honey was 3 little bees, struggling.

They were covered in sticky honey and drowning. I asked him if we could help them. He said he was sure they wouldn’t survive. Casualties of honey collection.

I shuddered at the thought. Imagine one of us drowning in honey! I asked him again if we could at least get them out and kill them quickly. After all, he was the one who had taught me to put a suffering animal (or bug) out of its misery.

He finally conceded and scooped the bees out of the pot. He put them in an empty yogurt container and put the plastic container outside. They were still completely covered in honey and were slowly suffocating to death.

We put the container with the 3 little bees on a bench and left them to their fate. Because my dad had disrupted the hive with the earlier honey collection, there were bees flying all over outside.

These were the worker bees, all of them females, who had worked tirelessly to build the hives and make honey. Now they had to go somewhere else to restart the entire process.

Their life’s work had been completely shattered by a thoughtless human being wanting their honey. A little while later, my dad called me out to show me what was happening.
These three little bees were surrounded by their sisters. They were cleaning the sticky, nearly dead bees, helping them to get all of the honey off of their bodies and wings.

Not even one of them had flown away in search of a better place to build new hives. Taking care of their siblings was far more important to them. I watched in astonishment as two of the bees recovered sufficiently to fly.

They did not fly away in relief. Instead, they turned around to help the last bee along with their friends.
After a few more minutes, the third bee had been cleaned and recovered enough to fly.

That was the signal for the entire swarm to flap their wings and take off in harmony. The container was now empty. Those three little bees lived because they were surrounded by family and friends who would not give up on them.

Family and friends who refused to let them drown in their own stickiness. Family and friends who had resolved to help until the last little bee could be set free.

Bee Sisters. Bee Peers. Bee Teammates. We could all learn a thing or two from these bees.
Why can’t we be like these bees? Let us start at least from today.
Bee kind always.

Photos from Kunle Adesiyan's post 03/12/2021

During the week, I attended 1st Ibadan Youth Summit organized by Ibadan Prime Youth Forum (Youth Wing of Central Council of Ibadan Indigenes, CCII).

The Summit was an Engagement with Ibadan Youths and Friends of Ibadan. The Summit showcase Array of Stars as Guest Lecturer and Panelist like Titilope Gbadamosi, Wale Salmon Oladiti, Fatima Hassan Adeleke, Aderemi Ojo etc.

Unarguably, IPYF under the Leadership of Dr. Aare Oluwatunmise Adeagbo is truly committed towards the Growth and Development of Youths, with Focus on Youth Empowerment and Capacity Development.


Over time I've discovered there is no absolute finish line for everyone in the race of life.
Our tracks are different and our durations are different. The only thing we have in common is the same empire.

For instance, one person graduates at age 20 and struggles for another 5 years to get a job;
another might graduate at 25 and get a job immediately.

One can marry a virgin and wait for the next decade to have the blessing of children;
another lady probably after having series of abortions in her past, becomes a mother almost immediately after marriage.

A fellow becomes Managing Director at 38 and dies at 56; another becomes Managing Director at 55 and lives to 90. What a life!

Life is full of twists, turns, ups and downs and many more surprises and disappointments.
Life offers each and everyone of us different opportunities; and once an opportunity is lost, it's gone forever except by the grace of God.

It is up to each one of us to patiently prepare, wait, recognise and utilize every opportunity.

We learn on the way. No one has it all or knows it all. There is a reason why we all don't fall at the same time. It is so because when one is down, weak and discouraged, the other who is strong can encourage and lift the other person.

God never promises that the road would be easy, but He promised never to leave or forsake us.

Although life is complicated, let us learn to go easy on ourselves and trust that God is working it all out for our good (even if it doesn't make sense now).

Whatever trials, challenges or down times we face, all shall pass, and in due course, we will be up and strong again to lift up those who may be down around us.

Pass this on to your family and friends to encourage them in their journey called "LIFE".

-Dr. Obafemi Hamzat

Jumah Mubarak


Dear God, May our Smiles Never Be Smeared.


Veteran Yoruba actor Babatunde Omidina aka Baba Suwe died on Monday at 63.

Here are nine things you probably didn’t know about Baba Suwe

1. Baba Suwe was born in on August 22, 1958.

2. He grew up in Lagos Island but hails from Ikorodu local government area of Lagos State

3. He had his primary education at Jamaitul Islamial Primary School in Lagos and Children Boarding School, Osogbo

4. His secondary education was at Adekanbi Commercial High School in Mile 12, Lagos state but obtained the West African School Certificate from Ifeoluwa Grammar School in Osogbo, the capital of Osun State.

5. Baba Suwe began acting in 1971 but came into limelight after he featured in a movie titled Omolasan, l produced by Obalende.

6. He became more popular after he featured in Iru Esin produced by Olaiya Igwe in 1997

7. He had featured and produced several movies such as Baba Jaiye jaiye, a movie that featured Funke Akindele and Femi Adebayo, the son of the veteran actor Adebayo Salami.

8. In 2011, he was accused of co***ne trafficking by the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency(NDLEA), an allegation described as false and defamatory by the ruling of the Lagos High Court. His counsel was the late Bamidele Aturu, a lawyer and human right activist.

9. He was rumoured to have died in August 2020 but was later debunked by his family members.


Baba Suwe lost the Battle 😭

May his Soul Rest in Peace ✌️


A father said to his daughter: You graduated with honors, here is a car that I acquired many years ago ... it is several years old.
But before I give it to you, take it to the used car lot downtown and tell them I want to sell it and see how much they offer you.
The daughter went to the used car lot, returned to her father and said, "They offered me $1,000 because it looks very worn out." The father said, "Take him to the pawn shop." The daughter went to the pawn shop, returned to her father and said, "The pawn shop offered $100 because it was a very old car." The father asked his daughter to go to a car club and show them the car.
The daughter took the car to the club, returned and told her father, “Some people in the club offered $100,000 for it since it is a Nissan Skyline R34, an iconic car and sought after by many."
The father said to his daughter, "I wanted you to know that the right place values ​​you the right way." If you are not valued, do not be angry, it means you are in the wrong place. Those who know your value are those who appreciate you. Never stay in a place where no one sees your value.



1. I am more dangerous dead than alive.

2. I’ve used my talents as a writer to enable the Ogoni People to confront their tormentors. I was not able to do it as a politician or a businessman. My writing did it. I think I have the moral victory.

3. As we subscribe to the sub-normal and accept double standards, as we lie and cheat openly, as we protect injustice and oppression, we empty our classrooms, denigrate our hospitals, fill our stomachs with hunger and elect to make ourselves the slaves of those who ascribe to higher standards

4. The writer cannot be a mere storyteller; he cannot be a mere teacher; he cannot merely x-ray society’s weaknesses, its ills, its perils. He or she must be actively involved shaping its present and its future.

5. I tell you this, I may be dead but my ideas will not die.

6. The men who ordain and supervise this show of shame, this tragic charade, are frightened by the word, the power of ideas, the power of the pen.

7. I have no doubt about the ultimate success of my cause no matter the trials and tribulations which I and those who believe with me may encounter on our journey. Neither imprisonment nor death can stop our ultimate victory.

8. In this country (England], writers write to entertain, they raise questions of individual existence, but for a Nigerian writer in my position, you can’t go into that. Literature has to be combative.

9. Whether I live or die is immaterial. It is enough to know that there are people who commit time, money and energy to fight this one evil among so many others predominating worldwide. If they do not succeed today, they will succeed tomorrow.

10. Today is a "Black Day For A Black Man"




Mr Kayode Uaneroro died yesterday morning. He was the police officer who ARRESTED notorious armed robber Lawrence Anini in the late 1980s. Kayode was the commandant at the Mopol training school at Gwoza when it was suggested to then IGP that if they were serious about getting Anini, Kayode was to be detailed for the task.

Standing at over six feet, dark and ripling with muscles with a no-nonsense visage, Kayode apart from being a crack Police detective also had a black belt in Karate. He had had many encounters with armed robbers and many had paid dearly. He was naturally the man to go after Anini who had become a kind of National ambarassment.

In a couple of weeks and acting on intelligence, Kayode and his ten man team of crack policemen working in m***i but heavily armed stormed into a Benin city house where Lawrence Anini was hiding. The latter wasn't expecting the Police. He was shot on his left ankle by Kayode and immobilized. That was the end of the reign of Lawrence Anini and the national embarrassment he orchestrated also was terminated.

Shortly after that Koyode left the Police service and became the Chief security officer of a top bank. At that time we had become neighbours in the Akoka area of Lagos. He was a jolly fellow, a perfect gentleman and giant and rarely talked of his escapades in the Police. He humorously referred to his licenced personal rifle as 'Bomboy'. He would ask his son to fetch 'Bomboy' whenever he sensed that armed and dangerous rascals were in the neighborhood. Anywhere he was and no matter the time, Kayode was always prepared for action. He didn't allow 'Bomboy' to be too far away.

Kayode eventually studied Law and opened a private Law office in Ebute-Metta area of Lagos and practiced law till his demise. May he find rest. May his memory always be a blessing for all those who knew him. A great warrior he was.

Rest in perfect peace, Officer Kayode.

Mike Osunde


Nothing Lasts Forever, not Even Your Troubles.


Gbajabiamila Appoints Dapolam As Political Adviser

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Femi Gbajabiamila, has approved the appointment of a former member of the House, Adedapo Lam-Adesina, as his Special Adviser on Political Matters (South-West).

Lam-Adesina replaces Ayodeji Joseph, an ex-lawmaker who served the Speaker in the same capacity until his recent appointment as the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of the Lagos State Development and Property Corporation.

The appointment was announced via a statement issued by the Special Adviser to the Speaker on Media and Publicity, Lanre Lasisi, on Wednesday, which was titled ‘Gbajabiamila appoints ex-Rep, Adedapo Lam-Adesina, as Special Adviser – Political Matters (South-West).’

Adedapo, son of a former Governor of Oyo State, the late Lam Adesina, served as a member of the 8th House representing Ibadan-North East/South-East Federal Constituency of Oyo State and former Commissioner for Youths and Sport in Oyo State.

“He has been a close ally of the Speaker since the 2015 speakership contest in the House,” the statement said.


Are you a young woman or man with the competence, capacity, and character to Run for office?

Are you between the ages of 25 and 40, from the South-West and intending to run for office in the 2023 elections?

The Convergence 3.0 is for you.

The Convergence 3.0 is the largest gathering of young aspirants who want to win elections in the South-West.

It will be packed with sessions by experts and experienced politicians to build the capacity of young aspirants to not just run issues-based campaigns but to also win the elections.

The Convergence 3.0 will be held on December 9th and 10th in Lagos state.

For more information and to register, visit www.theconvergence.ng

The Convergence is powered by Yiaga Africa and the Not Too Young To Run Movement and supported by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office

The Convergence 3.0: Leadership. Elections. Politics


Don't reject Anyone on Account of Today because Tomorrow is a Mystery.

If You know your Friend's Weakness, help Him instead of Rejecting Him because

A Person who is a Thorn to your Flesh Today may be your Helper Tomorrow

T. B. Joshua


Be committed to make others happy; that makes you a blessing.

Your seed of making others happy will yield its own harvest: others will also be committed to your happiness; you shall be blessed.

You cannot embitter others and expect to find joy for your soul.

Sow the seed of happiness, joy and love into your family, neighborhood and society.

Sometimes, you sow these seeds with tears - but without a doubt you will come back with joy.

What you give is what you get: the world is a reflection of you; simple as ABC.


Wish you a Blessed and Pleasant Jummah.

May this Valuable Day bring Satisfaction in our Heart and fill our Lives with the Endowments of Allah!

Juma'at Mubarak


Excuses don't bring Results
Start Now for a Better End
Have a blessed week


Al-hamdu l-illāhi rabbi l-ʿālamīn.

All the Praises and Thanks Be to Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

I’m Most Grateful to Almighty Allah for giving me the Grace and Favour to witness another Year.

I wish for Myself Good Health, Renewed Vigor and Protection of Allah.

May the Blessings of God be with me forever, as I explore new frontiers.

And a big THANK YOU to everyone for the Birthday Wishes.

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