Domkinan Enoch

Digital Marketing, Tech Fun facts and Updates , Graphic and web Design, I.C.T , and lots more


We've tried allot of things, it is not that they didn't work, but we didn't try hard enough, did the right things and had the consistency and patience to make it work.

We've learnt now we are unto another, we hope we get it right this time.

Happy New week!


Anita Roddick said ;
"The business of business should not be about money. It should be about responsibility. It should be about public good, not private greed."

Businesses should focus on being responsible and benefiting society, rather than just chasing profits.

It's about doing good for the public and not being driven solely by greed for personal gain.

Just as you get on your business to make profits, aim for Impact too.

Make Money, Make Impact, Make Heaven πŸ”₯

Have a great weekend ahead

your fellow entrepreneur 😊


May we get the results of the efforts we put in.πŸ™


I Almost Burn Out πŸ˜ͺ

In the past days, I tried so hard, i worked so hard, I wanted to be consistent, I needed to be consistent, I know it was necessary, common, it was a goal I set for myself, but I couldn't and it almost caused me my health.

I already had a long list of activities that needed urgent attention and others had to suffer even when I tried hard.

Am glad I didn't go extreme, am still strong at least, and I've learned my lesson.

It is good to set goals, work so hard to achieve them but when you can't, retreat and prepare a better strategy.

Make Heaven, Make Money, Make Impact!!


Chocolate City Chairman and Africa's No.1 rapper M.I Abaga has a saying "Money slow to enter, money quick to go." Which is the sad truth of our financial situations.

Although making money is hard, spending it is easier. That's why we have all heard stories of people who made millions and had it in their bank account but in a short time they become poor again and begin reaching out to friends and family members to seek for financial aid.

The easiest way to becoming financially free even if right now all you have is bank charges is to begin taking deliberate steps to becoming financially literate - learn a thing or two about financial management.

Many individuals think financial literacy is a subject you can only learn in school. While others think they have it all figured out, even without learning the fundamental principles of financial freedom.

But it is a mediocre thought. Financial literacy is a great skill only the most successful people have learned. And in order to become successful, you must begin learning today.

In fact, if you are seeking to own a business, work for an organisation, build a house, start a family, gain admission, or even save up for your future goals and projects, you have to make a commitment to become FINANCIALLY LITERATE AND FREE.

In my experience, most people are unable to save up money to start a business because; they don't know how to set SMART financial goals. They just assume in their heads that if they get a job that pays certain amount - more than their current income- they'll start saving for their dream businesses, or houses, or marriage.

And also, many people are living hand-to-mouth even in their 40's and 50's because in their 20's, they failed to prefer for their 30', 40's and 50's.

Now, a lot of successful people especially on social media will just tell you to "get a job" and "get multiple streams of income."

But let's face the truth.

Saving 10% or 20% of your income after getting paid is not as easy as they make it seem.

Personally, sometimes I struggle with paying certain debts, putting food on the table and other urgent needs.

I know learning about Finance might seem like a tedious task, but you don't have to do it all on own.

I recommend you start by joining a community of people who are intentional about their finances and are willing to give 5-10 minutes of their time everyday to become better than they are today.

I had to do this myself when I first got a job. I had heard everyone tell me "Save your money" "Invest your money" or "Buy assets" but even though these were all familiar terms, I had no idea where to begin and how to deal with the pressure, so I made a lot of mistakes. But in the end, I began to commit to leaning one new thing about finance everyday- from setting financial goals to preparing for retirement and the early or late 40's and 50's.

I was hopeful that when I was done, I'll not only become a financial literate but also someone who can plan to become a millionaire. And also be part of an elite group who would help others get started on their learning journey too.

That's why I joined these proficient team leads to organize the "100 Days Financial Literacy and Freedom Challenge)."

100 DAYS OF FINANCIAL LITERACY AND FREEDOM is an initiative that aims to help 5000 persons across diverse works of life to become better in the areas of their finance during the duration of 100 days. Without putting our hands too deep in their pockets.

When you join this community today, you'll learn.

β€’ How to set financial goals.

β€’ How to develop a saving habit.

β€’ How to plan for retirement and wealth preservation.

β€’ How to achieve financial freedom in different stages of your life - 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's and 60's.

β€’ 5 finance companies will teach you how to automate your spending, savings and investments.

β€’ And more and more.

You can get a ticket into this community for yourself, your friends, children, parents, students, employees and even bosses to help encourage them and as a sign that you care for their future.

Get access to the community by paying N200:

Panshak Jan Gakchinme.

Then, you can fill this form:(link in comments)

Panshak Jan


What's that one quality every business person must have?


3 ways I make money

I'll love to share with you 3 things I do that helps me pay the bills that you can learn and do the same too.

1. Social Media Management: people love to describe as posting and running ads on behalf if businesses and individuals, but I tell you is a little more than just that.

2. Graphic Design: This is quite popular, where you create graphic representation of ideas and messages for individuals, organizations businesses and others

3. Content writing: In a nutshell, content writing is about creating content that helps readers learn and understand a topic. It's all about providing value through words.

And people pay for you to help them write contents.

I hope this helps and informs you, you can share for others to learn too, and reach out to me if you want to learn any.

So what do you do that helps you pay the bills?



Being a boss or leader means guiding with purpose, inspiring growth in others, and fostering collaboration. It's about empowering the team, not just giving orders.

Effective leadership requires empathy, clear communication, and adaptability. A true leader values feedback, encourages innovation, and leads by example.

They create an environment where individuals thrive, contributions are recognized, and success is achieved collectively. In essence, being a boss or leader is about shaping a shared vision and enabling everyone to reach their full potential.

Make Heaven, Make Money, Make Impact .

Happy new week fellow entrepreneurs 😊


The song means, "people, what's shall we say if not thanks to God πŸ™‚"

It is sanged in Mwaghavul Tribe, from Mangu Local government in Plateau State Nigeria.

Happy Sunday everyone.


"You have refused to see," a tale untold,
Failures dance their waltz, stories unfold.
Lessons in each stumble, wisdom lies,
Yet blinded by pride, you close your eyes.
Tripped by errors, growth's path obscured,
Ignored are the lessons, fate endured.

Embrace the falls, let insight be your guide,
For in facing failures, true strength resides.
Open your heart to life's harsh decree,
Learn from the past, set your spirit free.


Understand that not every one that pays, pays attention.

Some will Bank on the fact that they paid to expect that you will work the magic to make them learn or listen to you.

Overall, in any case you find yourself teaching, as a teacher in that moment, you must first pay attention before you would successful get others to listen.

Understand the state of mind of your listeners, their reception capabilities and you can channel the information to actually feel useful to them

Cheers to a new week 🍻

Make Heaven, Make Money, Make Impact!!


Happy New week famπŸ’›


Hey ☺

It's me stopping by to wish you an amazing week ahead πŸ€—.


Make Heaven, Make Money, Make Impact!!


Congratulations to me πŸ˜ŒπŸ€—

It was exciting news when i was first accepted into the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadorship program last month July, 2023.

Within the short time, I have being able to achieve my first Milestone which makes me an Alpha student Ambassador, and working towards the Beta Milestone shortly.

Am happy because, I find this as a platform and an opportunity to partner with Microsoft, to inform and inspire my peers and others on how they can leverage on Microsoft technologies to create innovative and sustainable solutions for themselves and others.

It had always being my slogan to Make Money, and Impact and with this, am half way there.

I must not forget the community that helped me achieve this, which is the Jos Microsoft community with Tabitha Hris(MVP) Collins Ajonye Paul UMAR [MLSA] Panshak Koproda Joshua Dakim Salamatu Ceesay Nyipoji Kani Jibarang Tiana Hris and many others, you guys have been an amazing team and support system.

I believe the journey has just begun and I look forward to leaving a foot print in the sands of time.

cheers to Impact ahead 🍻


When I was much younger I wanted to become a Marine Engineer, now am an undergraduate of Economics πŸ˜€.

How about you?

Photos from Domkinan Enoch's post 05/08/2023

It always excites me to partner with my mind to form thoughts that create new things from new ideas.

Made this designs for a pastry brand.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments.


In the past 2 weeks, I only left my house twice.

Not because I am a self acclaimed introvert (infact I have a problem with those people πŸ˜„), or because I hate the rest of the world.

I have been indoors, learning and growing, mentally and spiritually, working from home and allot of other stuff.

I have read books, got courses, watched YouTube videos and movies like never before. This was more like a retreat for me and oh my! i can't explain how it feels.

I have always had this urge to make Impact, to help who I can, to share my knowledge and just do a lot, but out of empty flows nothing, so am filling my tank and I will be overflowing soon.

Well, why am i sharing this, it's simple, I want to implore you to MAKE A DECISION AND ACT ON IT.

Action Changes Things!

Let's Make Heaven, Make Money and Make Impact, cheers 🍻


The Concept of surrounding yourself with people that challenge how you think, like minds and just people who are out for Impact, doesn't necessarily implies that in every instance or conversation you have, they literally giving you formal lessons or a kind of teaching.

This is where "Uncautios Learning" comes to play. That you are with this people, there are qualities, habits and values that they portray that you uncautiosly learn from them and begin to practice just by being around them, and same applies to being around mediocres and non driven groups.

Choose wisely whom you associate yourself withβœ….

Let's Make Money and make Impact!!

πŸ“· DevFest 2022



From Seth Godin, he says: "People do not buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories, and magic."

He emphasizes the importance of storytelling and emotional connection in marketing. It suggests that people don't just want to purchase a product or service, they want to feel a connection to the brand and the story behind it.

Jeff Bezos Said "I think frugality drives innovation, just like other constraints do. One of the only ways to get out of a tight box is to invent your way out." - Jeff Bezos

I love this one so much because it pinches out the headline "No Excuses" . It highlights the idea that constraints can often lead to creative solutions. For example, if a business is operating with limited resources, it may be forced to find innovative ways to make the most of what it has.

Make Money, Make Impact,
Cheers 🍻 fellow entrepreneurs


Artificial Intelligence isn't just coming …it's already here!!!

Join us this Saturday to delve into the ongoing Microsoft AI Skill Challenge and get all your questions answered.

This event is your chance to learn from field experts and elevate your skills to new heights

Kindly click below to join us!!!πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌ

Photos from Domkinan Enoch's post 02/08/2023

Found this amazing art by Edos artistry this are a true depiction of creativity.

This is a distinction and a map out for this artist.

I love photography and art, but more than that, I love to see Entrepreneurs who are unique.

Sending love to this master mind πŸ’›


For our strengths do not lie in the absence of challenges, but the triumph over them.

We start out overcoming and winning this month.

Happy New month fellow entrepreneurs πŸ’›



Yes you read that Right, and am asking again ARE YOU MAD?

Bro! Calm down, I didn't mean the other MAD assin "werey" πŸ˜€ I meant, are you Making A Difference (M.A.D)?

you gerritπŸ˜‰

Over 6 people reached out to me within the week, to tell me how much they have learnt from me and how proud they are to identify with me.

I was super excited and emotional when they kept coming one by one, I felt God wanted to remind me not to stop.

Am out here to Make Heaven, Make Money and Make Impact and bring as much people as I can with me.

I know you are ready for that journey, Let's Make Heaven, Make Money and Make Impact too!!.

Drop the word "IMPACT" in the comment section if you are with me.


Anticipate this cause it's gonna be massive!!

Photos from Domkinan Enoch's post 26/07/2023

Check out some of my recent designs πŸ’›.

Which one is your favorite and why?



Recently, I encountered a client whom I did some work for and after a month and half long, he paid me only 30% of the initial agreement and here are his reasons.

-- "You did not do what I want"
-- " I dont see any results at all"
-- "this is not what you said i should expect"
and a lot other reasons.

At a point I thought he is just trying to trick me and just be wicked, but i realized something else when I met another client that paid me 100% + 50% extra on the initial agreement, and this was because I decided to approach the task differently this time.

I learnt 3 things,

First, different clients have different needs and because sometimes even the clients dont know their needs, i have to pay attention and ask the relevant questions that will help to define their needs.

Because when you are not solving the problem of a particular client everything else you do seems worthless.

Secondly, with my second client, I realized I articulated clearly my deliverables more than I did the first, so it gave the client an understanding of what he should expect and narrow his expectations towards that.

Finally, I learnt not to work for a client, but work with the client. Now, this implies that he should be able to know every step of the way what is going on so that at any point he is not satisfied with the progress, quick changes can be made.

And yes MY CLIENT DID NOT CHEAT ME, I figured later I just wasn't solving his problem and paying me 30% was what he could do.

I hope you learn from my experience, cause am glad I could share, you can share your others to learn too 😊 .

If you read to this point, send a DM I have a gift for you.

your fellow entrepreneur πŸ€“


Without commitment you may never start, but without consistency you will never finish.
Good Morning πŸ’›


We are not just meant for now, we are meant to create history in our own way!!


Ha!Naija o πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ˜£


Giveaway Giveaway!!!!!!

As my way of saying thank you to all of you here for following, commenting sharing and all, I'll like to design an e-flier for two Entrepreneurs here.

Here's how to win

1. Comment why I should choose you
2. Share the post
3. Invite your friends to like your comment and the post.

Two Comments with the highest reactions by 8pm wins.

Let's go βœ…

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Work towards delivery quality results that gathering so much clients.
The song means, "people, what's shall we say if not thanks to God πŸ™‚"It is sanged in Mwaghavul Tribe, from Mangu Local go...
Good Morning fellow EntrepreneursπŸ’›
Ha!Naija o πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ˜£
Drop a heart if you are proud of yourselfπŸ’›πŸ˜Š
Happy Weekend  famπŸ’›
Dont feel too intelligent sometimes πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Nigerians, we are more resilient than we know.Watch  thisπŸ‘‡
The HP CHROMEBOOK G6 EE I got  from Shopinverse
HOW TO PREVENT YOUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT FROM BEING H@CKED!It was painful for me when I lost my last account to h@cker and f...
It's Monday doesn't mean it has to be boring. Dont just have a good day, have a great day πŸ˜ŠπŸ’›
Good Morning  fam β™₯️Happy New week




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