Nathan Writes-Speaks

I'm here to edify you and to do more. And the source of my inspiration is YAHWEH'S WORD.


If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


There are a lot of things we sow all in the name of enjoying our youth, not knowing, or rather, ignoring that these things will certainly grow and produce the fruits of adverse consequences.

Though these things–the actions and their consequences – ain't new–they only occur in different parcels–considering how ironically the human mind can be foolish, we fail to learn from others' neg*tive experiences.

The irrefutable fact is that you can't be doing one thing and expect a different result (consequence) from the previous result it produced.

If we are wise enough, we will know that, for example, since drunkenness is only good at wrecking souls, you are not that important or invincible that it can't wreck you. Therefore, What should you do? Prevent yourself from becoming a victim?

There are countless examples out there we can take to avoid becoming the victims of avoidable predicaments.


Good morning 🌅




If the world were all at peace, some of these world's richest men, countries, and institutions would not be this rich.




In your family, relationship, church, etc., when you fight amongst yourselves, you only make him strong.


“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”
Romans‬ ‭8:18‬ ‭


Ben Shapiro


This is so powerful and true!

Alcohol literally ruins everything. Relationships, friendships and even yourself. The sooner you realize the better.

Turn back to God!



Fear looks at obstacles; faith looks at God.

Vlad Savchuk



Your enemy, or anyone or anything that wants to destroy or undermine you, will first try to have a dwelling place in your life or amongst you. If Judas Iscariot had not lived with Jesus Christ, he would not have known where and when to betray Jesus to his arresters. It's a common military or warfare tactic that when a war is waged against a country or a group, espionage or spying will be carried out on the country or group to know their weaknesses and strengths, and where, when, and how to attack. It's usually said in the Hausa Language that, "Da na gari akan chi gari." Meaning "A town is only conquered by the town person or insider."

There are some things and people you should not Permit into your life because they will be a trap for you or they will lead to your destruction. For example, a lot of people who are in one addiction or another today, became addicted because they permitted the habits into their lives. And today these habits are slowly killing them, fast forwarding their death. These habits are like pests, parasites, and pathogens. They came to them, and they permitted them to have a dwelling place in their lives. After getting the dwelling place, they started wreaking damage in their lives. Likewise, when you permit some people into your life, they only bring about your ruination. Befriending or keeping a bad person, when you yourself are not bad, only leads to your destruction. Remember: A bad company corrupts good manners or morals.

Let me ask you: a person inside a pit and a person standing on the edge of the pit, between them, who stands a chance of pulling the other? The person who is in the pit. The person who is on the edge of the pit will have to exert lots of energy to pull out the person who is in the inside of the pit, but the person who is in the inside of the pit will only put a little effort or exertion to pull the person on the edge of the pit by his feet into the pit. This is likewise the scenario of a good person (the person on the edge of the pit) vs. a bad person (the person inside the pit). People are more easily corrupted than corrected. Thus God said to the Israelites: "They shall not dwell in your land, lest they make you sin against me; for if you serve their gods, it will surely be a snare to you” (Exodus 23:33 ESV).

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© Nathan Writes-Speaks


The leopard takes its prey up the tree in order to kill and eat. This is called hoisting. Why? Because the leopard is a tree cat. It is familiar with the tree. The tree is the leopards domain and there he is most effective.

The Lesson

You can only operate in DOMINION when you operate in your DOMAIN. Adam had authority so long as he dwelt in the place of obedience and submission to God. Adam and Eve sinned, lost there domain, and lost their dominion.

Many are being devoured by the devil because they are not occupying the space or domain God has given them. They don’t operate from prayer, fasting, worship, and/or the Word. Furthermore, many are trying to enter into spaces God has never sanctioned and they are living ineffective spiritual lives. Get back to where God called you and you will see Genesis 1:26 come alive!

Dr. Kynan Dr. Kynan Bridgess


You cannot define activities deemed explicitly sinful in the Bible as "good" under the guise of love and tolerance.

Ben Shapiro


Social media destroys kids. It sucks them into a vortex of pain and suffering.

Ben Ben Shapiroo


People are more easily corrupted than corrected. Thus God said to the Israelites: "They shall not dwell in your land, lest they make you sin against me; for if you serve their gods, it will surely be a snare to you” (Exodus 23:33 ESV).

© Nathan Writes-Speaks
Nathaniel Galadima

Photos from Nathan Writes-Speaks's post 11/09/2023


We have two classes of people: the good and the bad. This is not a call and encouragement for self-righteousness, or asking us to make a distinction between ourselves and other people, seeing ourselves as good while seeing others as bad, as the Bible says, “None is righteous, no, not one" (Romans 3:10 ESV), and Jesus says, "No one is good except God alone" (Mark 10:18 ESV).

Though we may all have flaws as fallen humans, whom without Christ we are the worst of creatures, humanly speaking or by human standards, some are better in Character than the others. You know damn well that there are people you cannot stand or welcome into your life because of their bad character or attribute.

The Bible says, "Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall" (1 Corinthians 10: 12 ESV). We can span this Bible scripture to not only mean standing in faith in Jesus Christ but to also mean standing in good character. And standing in good character means to always be watchful not to let the character be corrupted or get soiled by the evil constituents surrounding you, as the Bible says, "Do not be deceived: 'Bad company ruins good morals'” (1 Corinthians 15: 33 ESV). Be careful with the corrupting societal elements.

Let me ask you: a person inside a pit and a person standing on the edge of the pit, between them, who stands a chance of pulling the other? The person who is in the pit. The person who is on the edge of the pit will have to exert lots of energy to pull out the person who is in the inside of the pit, but the person who is in the inside of the pit will only put a little effort or exertion to pull the person on the edge of the pit by his feet into the pit. This is likewise the scenario of a good person (the person on the edge of the pit) vs. a bad person (the person inside the pit). People are more easily corrupted than corrected. Thus God said to the Israelites: "They shall not dwell in your land, lest they make you sin against me; for if you serve their gods, it will surely be a snare to you” (Exodus 23:33 ESV).

© Nathan Writes-Speaks
Nathaniel Galadima
MJ Happiness

Photos from Hananya Naftali's post 10/09/2023
Photos from Nathan Writes-Speaks's post 09/09/2023


Just because God qualifies whom He calls does not mean that He needs useless Vessels nor means that you should remain a useless vessel, awaiting God's qualification. God Himself needs a better vessel, and He uses or utilizes it maximally.

The Bible says, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15 KJV), and "Now in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and clay, some for honorable use, some for dishonorable. Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work" (2 Timothy 2:20-21 ESV).

Most times, for God to use you (and use you maximally), you have to make yourself available. And making yourself available means making yourself ready and, especially knowledgeably, fit for the work.

There are a lot of lessons in the Bible to corroborate the aforementioned statement or assertion: Despite God's anointing of David to be King over Israel, God made him undergo 7 years of preparation. God made Joseph go through thick and thin just to have him prepared for the position of prime minister in Egypt. Jesus Christ spent years preparing Himself, especially knowledgeably, before He started His ministry. Etc. God does not joke with preparation.

I kept asking myself why God had to choose or use Moses to set the Israelites free from slavery in the land of Egypt despite the thousands of Israelites who were already in Egypt while Moses was even a fugitive in exile. "Was it that there was no competent person that God could use amongst the thousands of Israelites in Egypt?" I asked. But I came to realize something: apart from Moses' unique qualities –patriotism, strong will, and humility –Moses was exposed to knowledge, arguably, beyond any of the Israelites present in Egypt. Moses was a learned man, exposed to the knowledge of about three cultures:Israelite, Egyptian, and Midian cultures. Moses did not grow up like a peasant as his fellow Israelites. In fact, the Israelites were not even peasants; they were lower than peasants –they were slaves. And a slave would not have the grace and opportunity to acquire an education. But unlike his fellow Israelites, Moses was a palace boy, enjoying and acquiring the education of an ancient civilization; enjoying ancient luxuries and pleasures, dining with Pharaoh and his household at the table. Moses was as much as civilized as the ancient civilization could make or transform one into. And God needed a civilized man to work with.

The secret of Apostle Paul's exploit lies behind his exposure, civilization, knowledgeableness, and education. Apostle Paul, when he was Saul, acquired a great deal of education under a renowned teacher, named Gamaliel. Apostle Paul was very vast in knowledge and had connections. To keep this article (content) abridged, I would say He was a man we can call a professor today. This was because he grew up in an advantaged, elite, and aristocratic society or environment. And as far and wide as I can scan through the New Testament records, Apostle Paul did more exploits than the rest of the Apostles.

"No man–other than Jesus, of course –has shaped Christianity more than Saul [Paul]" according to Church History In Plain Language. This was because he was a man of three WORLDS: Jewish, Greek, and Roman. Though he being educated in the strictest Jewish tradition and had studied under the famous rabbi Gamaliel in Jerusalem, Paul spoke Greek fluently and was familiar with Greek thought and literature. This meant he could express the doctrines and teachings of Jesus, many of which were based on Old Testament beliefs completely foreign to the Gentiles, in ways that the pagan mind could grasp. In addition, Paul was a Roman citizen, which gave him special freedom of movement, protection in his travels, and access to the higher of society.

God most times wants to use a readied and filled vessel, especially filled with knowledge. God does not joke with knowledge. Thus He commanded Joshua to always study. And He said His people were destroyed for lack of knowledge.

The Holy Spirit is one, and as such every believer in Jesus Christ receives Him in the same measure, but why do others do exploits more than others? One of the reasons is, that others are more prepared, ready, and available.

In as much as God desires to use you to the fullest potential, you still have the power to limit God from using you maximally; you have the power to determine to what extent God should use you–even though He will still use you anyway. You can either help God to use you maximally or you can be nonchalant and God will have only a mediocre use of you. And how do you help God? You help God by making yourself ready all the time. A soldier who is not trained for war cannot say he is ready for war; and a soldier who only has a one-time training, and refuses to update himself by engaging in subsequent exercises and pieces of training, can still not say he is ready for war.

Let me further explain this to you. The Bible talks about the Sword of the Spirit in Ephesians 6:17. The Word of God is the Sword of the Spirit. But how can the Holy Spirit use His Sword? The Holy Spirit uses this sword through you. And how does He use it? Consider the following.

When Jesus Christ was being tempted by Satan, something happened: it was a display, exhibition, and contention of Scriptural knowledge, a battle between two sages, and two scholars.

Now the history depicts that Jesus Christ spent years learning the Torah and Jewish tradition, from childhood. There are references even in the Bible to how Jesus Christ as a boy engaged in scholastic discussion with some teachers. Jesus Christ eventually proved His learnedness when the devil came to tempt Him in the wilderness. When Satan said a thing, Jesus would counter him (Satan) with the Word of God by saying it is written. Memory could not have served Jesus Christ this perfectly well by recalling the scriptures that Jesus Christ was using to counter Satan as presented in the Scripture without the help of someone powerful because the debate was not aforethought. This someone powerful was the Holy Spirit. The Bible says when the Spirit Of Truth comes, He will remind us of all things.

A sword is used for battle. But the Bible says, "For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds" (2 Corinthians 10: 4 ESV). And still, the Bible is the Sword of the Holy Spirit, which means the Holy Spirit does not use physical or literal sword. Therefore, still as mentioned earlier, the Sword is the Word. But how does the Holy Spirit wield His Sword?

The Holy Spirit wields His Sword (the Word of God) by reminding us of it (the Word of God) in the face of contention, confrontation, or battle with the kingdom of darkness. The Holy Spirit will remind us of the Word which we can use to defeat the kingdom of darkness when it comes with its temptations, precisely as what Jesus did. The Word represents the Sword that you use to strike the enemy. But for the Holy Spirit to remind you, you first have to study the Word, as there is nothing to remind an empty head with.

The more you make yourself ready, the more God trusts you and reveals himself more to you, and the more the extent to which He wields or uses you.

© Nathan Writes-Speaks

With Nathaniel Galadima and MJ Happiness



Every man is created for a specific purpose; to come and achieve a specific purpose, just as we send our products to the market to be bought for purposes. Having determined the purpose for which a man will be created, God forms the person or man with the right and needed properties, features, constituents, or ingredients that will empower or enable the person to achieve or fulfill the purpose for which God has formed him. This features or ingredients are simply a spirit. God has created each an everyone of us with different spirits of different skills or abilities. These skills or abilities are called talents.

Thus, God said to Moses: "You shall speak to all the skillful, whom I have filled with a spirit of skill, that they make Aaron's garments to consecrate him for my priesthood" (Exodus 28:3 ESV).

© Nathan Writes-Speaks with Nathaniel Galadima



Human subcreations are created to meet needs or to solve problems; they are created for purposes. Each of these subcreations is a combination of various features, constituents, or ingredients as its essence. Without or if the product or subcreation is not created with these features, constituents, or ingredients, the product or subcreation cannot achieve the purpose for which it has been created –without its essence, it lacks the potency and ability of achieving its purpose. For example, when producing a drug like paracetamol syrup, it will need paracetamol (powder) as its base ingredient and other additives otherwise there is no way it can achieve its purpose of production: relieving body aches, headache, and fever. A car cannot work or be driven if its parts are not wholly coupled. Likewise anything.

Man is a combination of three parts: body, soul, and spirit. That's why he is called tripartite being. The day one's body ceases to function, it results in the death of the person. Without spirit the body is just a carcass. When God created man from the dust of the earth, man was lifeless until God breathed into him the breath of life, which is the spirit.

Every man is created for a specific purpose; to come and achieve a specific purpose, just as we send our products to the market to be bought for purposes. Having determined the purpose for which a man will be created, God forms the person or man with the right and needed properties, features, constituents, or ingredients that will empower or enable the person to achieve or fulfill the purpose for which God has formed him. This features or ingredients are simply a spirit. God has created each an everyone of us with different spirits of different skills or abilities. These skills or abilities are called talents.

Thus, God said to Moses: "You shall speak to all the skillful, whom I have filled with a spirit of skill, that they make Aaron's garments to consecrate him for my priesthood" (Exodus 28:3 ESV).

You are not an empty vessel; you have installed or instilled within you what the world needs.

© Nathan Writes-Speaks


He says, "For I know the plans I have for you . . . plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope" (Jeremiah 29: 11 ESV).



First thing to know is, you didn't create yourself, therefore you can't love yourself as much as the One that created you let alone more than the One that created you.

Second thing you should know is, you didn't send yourself into this world, it was not your decision to come to this world; someone sent you, and He sent you for a purpose or an assignment. Therefore, it is not for you to determine how fast you journey in life and what purpose you live for–though divine or God purpose can be altered but this is only if you derail from the track God places you on. But as long as you maintain your walk on God's track, He determines your journey and its pace. It's not for you to determine your life. Thus the Bible says, "The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps" (Proverbs 16:9 ESV).

God Determines the journey of His children; He determines the journey of the ones He called.

The Bible says, "Throughout all their journeys, whenever the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle, the people of Israel would set out. But if the cloud was not taken up, then they did not set out till the day that it was taken up" (Exodus 40:36-37).

I believe the aforesaid or aforementioned Scripture is one of the reasons the Israelites had to spend 40 years in their journey to Canaan land–Because God was determining when they should set out and when they should camp. Now left to them, they could not have spent upto a year in that journey but God made them spent 40 years.

In their journey, the Israelites would only set out when the cloud (glory and presence of the Lord) was taken up. But once the cloud was on the Tabernacle, they would be in the camp for as long as it tarried. Let's assume by human determination it would only take half a year (183 days) to reach the Canaan land if they didn't rest for a day, and they decided that they would journey for one day and rest for one, repeating the process continually, making the journey to last for a year instead of half a year, by God's determination, their rest or camping would no longer be one day but months. And it this determination that made the duration of their journey 40 years.

We all know that whatever God does, even when it seems unpleasant to us, is right and good. Because He says, "For I know the plans I have for you . . . plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope" (Jeremiah 29: 11 ESV). We can make a lot of assumptions here of why he had to delay or slow their journey: 1) To teach them lessons that will help in the promise land, 2) To equip them for battles, 3) To test them, 4) To deal with the tribes or people's that lived in the land of Canaan, preparing the land for them. Other than these, we can also say that He (God) wanted them to be having enough rest because they had young ones among them, both humans and animals. If God had allowed them to determine their journey, out of eagerness and anxiety to reach the land of milk and honey, they would overwalk themselves, and it would jeopardize the well-being of the people and animals, especially the young ones.

God might have revealed to you of where He is taking you–your promised land. You may want to get there speedily or hurriedly. But God may be bringing things along the way to slow the journey. This is because He is 1) teaching you lessons that will help you in your promise land, 2) equiping you for battles, 3) testing you, 4) dealing with the "tribes or people's" that live in the land He is taking you, preparing the land for you.

Don't rush the journey; don't follow shortcuts–dont rush what God is slowing down. Doing this is disasterous. Remember, He is the One that called you out of "Egypt"; He is the one taking you to Cannaan. Remember, you have never been to Canaan, you don't even know the road that leads to it, but He knows. He is the driver, your duty is just to fasten your seat belt and stay calm. Don't rush Him. He is the One that called you. Allow Him to determine the journey.

© Nathan Writes-Speaks


Don't rush the journey; don't follow shortcuts–dont rush what God is slowing down. Doing this is disasterous. Remember, He is the One that called you out of "Egypt"; He is the one taking you to Cannaan. Remember, you have never been to Canaan, you don't even know the road that leads to it, but He knows. He is the driver, your duty is just to fasten your seat belt and stay calm. Don't rush Him. He is the One that called you. Allow Him to determine the journey.


God Determines the journey of His children; He determines the journey of the ones He called.

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