Lamido Nanbol

Day to day extracts outlines


The Story of the Lumberjacks (Stories about Inspiration and Productivity)

Two lumberjacks of equal skill, experience, and stature work side by side, chopping down trees together every single day.

However, one lumberjack works non-stop, without taking a break, whereas the other takes an hour-long lunch break every afternoon.

Despite working for less time, both lumberjacks inevitably chop the same number of trees by the end of each working day.

Puzzled and frustrated, the lumberjack who works all day long asks the other how he manages to chop just as much as him while still taking a break.

To this, he responds:

“It’s simple. I spend that hour at home sharpening my axe.”

Moral of the story:

Breaks are vital to productivity. Work smart not hard!


“No dreamer is ever too small; no dream is ever too big.” Anonymous



Ross Perot, American Business Magnate, Billionaire, Philanthropist, and Politician

Ross Perot was a top employee at IBM. In fact, during one of the years he worked there, he fulfilled his annual sales quota in a mere two weeks.

Yet, when he tried to pitch his ideas to supervisors he was largely ignored. This led him to leave IBM in 1962 to found Electronic Data Systems (EDS). To get the business going, he attempted to sell the products to large corporations for his data processing services. Perot was refused seventy-seven times before he was given his first contract.4

Sales Motivation Lesson: Never give up. You may have been turned down by 10 prospects in one day, but that eleventh phone call could be the one that helps you score your biggest deal of the quarter. In sales, the ability to develop tough skin and pick yourself up after losses or disappointments is critical.


“Without dreams, there can be no courage. And without courage, there can be no action.” Wim Wenders

Ernst Wilhelm “Wim” Wenders is a German filmmaker, playwright, author, and photographer.

Once you have created your dreams, the courage to pursue them will follow. And once you have the courage, there is nothing that is going to stop you from taking action!


“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” C.S. Lewis

C. S. Lewis was a British writer and lay theologian. He held academic positions in English literature at both Oxford University and Cambridge University.


Day to day extracts outlines.


"Life is a patient teacher, it keeps recycling your pain until you learn".

Apostle Joshua Selman


Let your ideas and thoughts give you inspiration.


“The easiest thing is to do is to dream dreams; the more difficult thing is to actualise the dream.” – Tony O. Elumelu, CON


There is always one thing with critical thinking,the more you engage in it,it keeps hunting you until you get the job done.


Anything you believe in,ensure you sustain the believe towards it untill the very end.


"The world is changed by your example,not by your opinion"

Paulo coelho


"To be intelligent is to be simple; but to be simple is extraordinary arduous".

J. Krishnamurti



sculptor works in a very interesting way. I’m an artist of sorts, so
I have a bit of an understanding how artists work. One thing I
have learned is that you never argue with an artist until he is finished.
Don’t discuss anything with a painter or a sculptor until his work is
completed. An artist can be very rude if you disturb him before he has
accomplished what he intends to do, because he sees differently than
those who are not artists.
An artist can walk by the stone in your front yard and see a figure
in it. He may stop by your house and beg you for a stone you have
walked past many times without noticing. The dogs may have been
doing stuff on it. You may even have been planning to get rid of it
because it’s a nuisance. But the artist walks into your yard and sees
something beautiful in that stone beyond what you can imagine.
Two months later when the artist invites you to his workshop he
says, “Do you see that? Do you know where that came from?”
“England or France?” you ask.
“No,” says the artist. “It came from your yard.”
“Do you mean…?”
“Five hundred dollars, please.”
You were sitting on $500. The dogs were doing stuff on $500. But
you couldn’t see the potential in the rock.
Source: Understanding your potentials by Dr. Myles Munroe


Success knows no background, locality,educational status but dedication,hardwork, consistency and deliberate efforts towards becoming.


What is worth doing is worth doing well.

Timeline photos 04/08/2022

“Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.” Chinua Achebe

In 1997, a group of young entrepreneurs rescued a Nigerian bank that was on the verge of collapse, aiming to reverse its fortunes and create significant value. Their mission, though capitalist in nature, had an unexpected but important social effect: the democratisation of the banking sector in Nigeria and across Africa.
Today that bank, now the United Bank for Africa Plc. (UBA), operates in 20 African countries—with presence in the United States of America, the United Kingdom and France, linking Africa’s economies to each other and the world. UBA serves more than 21 million customers across over 1,000 business offices and customer touch points. The bank is also connecting people and businesses across Africa through retail; commercial and corporate banking; innovative cross-border payments and remittances; trade finance and ancillary banking services.

The man who drove that team was Tony O. Elumelu, who was only 34 when he became CEO—the youngest bank CEO in Nigeria at the time—and who, after 13 years, retired in this capacity from UBA and turned his focus to Heirs Holdings in 2010. With the same passion, vision and commitment used to build UBA across Africa, Elumelu embarked on another mission. Armed with the knowledge, expertise and understanding of opportunities that existed in Africa he decided to turn what had been a family office into an African proprietary investment company designed to generate a similar impact on other strategic sectors of the economy.

Working with a small, dedicated team, he set out to leverage his knowledge and expertise in business management and turnarounds. Together, the team identified attractive economic sectors, based on commercial viability and the impact each would have on the continent’s economic development.

Today, Heirs Holdings operates businesses in Africa’s financial services, oil and gas, power, real estate, hospitality, healthcare and agribusiness sectors. Although still young, the firm has significant interests in numerous companies, presence in 20 countries across the continent, and its investee companies employ over 30,000 people, while empowering thousands more.


"Until the lions have their own historians,the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter".

Chinua Achebe.


"Dreams can become a reality when we possess a vision that is characterized by the willingness to work hard, a desire for excellence, and a belief in our right and our responsiblity to be equal members of society".

Janet Jackson


Barka da sallah to all my Muslim friends and Family.


"If the path before you is clear, you're probably on someone's else's "

C.G Jung.



An individual chooses to Violate a prescribed process or practice.

An individual inadvertently deviate from specifications.

An individual doesn't have the skill's, conditions or training to execute a job.

A competent individual adheres to a prescribed but faulty incomplete process.

An individual faces a task to difficult to be executed reliably every time.

A process composed of many element breaks down when it encounters novel interactions.

A lack of clarity about future events causes people to take seemingly reasonable action that produce undesired results.

An experiment conducted to prove that an idea or design will succeed fails.

An experiment conducted to expand knowledge and investigate a possibility leads to an undesired result.


Niom consulting.

How to price your product and services

You've done the Herculean task of making those shoes and clothes, writing those books, create that online course, and even developed that app; the next question is, how can you set the right price for it.

At this point, you need to be very careful because the price you set for your product has the capacity to make and mar your business. When you get it right, you will be able to sell faster and a good margin, but if you get it wrong, you can as well be shooting yourself on foot.

Here are three things you should consider to set the right price for your product

1. The target market
2. Your cost of production
3. Target market's point of indifference

Setting the right price for your product begins at the point of developing the product. This is where you have to identify your ideal market segment and develop the product with them in mind.

This singular act will help you develop market-appropriate products or services in terms of what they need and what they can afford.

It will help you to avoid the temptation of using expensive raw materials and labor that will take the price higher than what they afford.

The next stage Pricing your product, comes after you have made the product. Here you pull together your total cost of production. Of course, common sense will tell you that you can't sell below what it cost you to produce; that's not business.

So it is very important to capture all the necessary production costs so that you will not undercharge your product at the end of the day.

The third thing to consider is your customers' point of indifference.

In everyday conversation, when we speak of being indifferent, that usually means something negative.

When we say "indifferent" in economics and finance, we mean it literally: just as happy to make the trade as not. If we got one kobo more, we'd always make the trade, and one kobo less, and we'll say, "No, thank you!

For buying and selling to take place, you must identify your own point of indifference as well as that of customers. Then set the price between yours and your target customer.

Need help setting the right price for your product. Talk to us Niom Consulting


You have that friend that have things to say?,that friend who is up to date with recent happenings around the globe?,a friend that thinks so fast and accurate?. I sure know you’ll want to be like him.
I have good news for you,you can be like him/her,yes you can.All you need is to have the right mindset,a willing desire to learn and patiently read through this post.
“You’re where you’re because of what you don’t know. Expand your learning,increase your earnings “.

Knowledge is the result of cognition of reality verified in practice; the true reflection of reality in the consciousness of man.
Knowledge is the opposite of ignorance, the absence of verified information about something. Elementary knowledge resulting from biological regularities is characteristic of animals as well, for whom it serves as a necessary condition for the vital activity of the organism and for the realization of its behavioral activity. Knowledge may be everyday, prescientific, artistic, or scientific; scientific knowledge is subdivided into empirical and theoretical. As a rule, everyday knowledge is limited to the statement and description of facts. Scientific knowledge ascends to the level of explanation of facts and their comprehension in a system of concepts of a given science; it is included within a theory. The essence of scientific knowledge consists in understanding reality in its past, present, and future; in reliably generalizing from facts; in dis-covering necessary and regular laws behind random occurrences and general patterns behind singular events; and on such a basis, in foreseeing phenomena. Human thought is constantly advancing from ignorance to knowledge, from superficial to increasingly more profound and comprehensive knowledge.

There is not an iota of doubt that Knowledge is Power. Power originates from the state of fearlessness and fear exists till there is lack of knowledge. a well educated and well informed human being can make intelligent decisions based upon their understanding and awareness of everyday situations and overcome difficult condition prevailing at a particular time.
Power here should not be considered as brute power or muscle power. Well, power is said to be the ability or capacity to act or perform effectively and without knowing this ability to perform effectively is not possible at all.
This thought of considering knowledge as a power is not the outcome of present-day society. At the dawn of civilization, the man was a hapless creature. He was at the mercy of nature and was both the hunter and nomad. He used to live the life of a nomad and wandered from one place to another in search of food and shelter to protect him from predators and other dangers. At that time he was not aware of any natural phenomenon. Soon he started being resourceful by coordination his mind with his body. He started gaining knowledge by observing the phenomenon around him. He started making tools to do hunting effectively. Verbal communication also developed. Man discovered fire and also learnt to produce it as and when required.
With his improved knowledge and intelligence, the man understood the natural phenomenon and began harnessing the forces of nature for his benefits. In fact, those very phenomena like fire, wild animals etc. which were a cause of worry for him when he was ignorant became a source of comfort for him. Knowledge about these things makes his life comfortable. He did not have to live in constant fear now. He started living a settled life. One settled he had ample time to think about various interesting happening around him. He started thinking to unravel the mysteries of nature out of curiosity. He became aware that once unravelled these mysteries and gained knowledge about these, his life will improve a lot. As he unravelled nature’s mysteries, he no longer holds it in awe.
Even if we go by the modern society we can see that the leading countries of the world make use of their knowledge to gain the power and dominate the other not so knowledgeable countries. America is a perfect example, what made America the most powerful country in the world is known to everybody. This proves that knowledge is very much a necessity to gain Power.



Defining delay cannot be confined to a single school of thought hence,subject to critics.
Negating delay is meeting success unprepared, delay ensure sanity in thoughts and enhance reasoning. it's a rudiment of growth.

A popular adage says "my destiny can be delayed, but can't be denied ", have one ask his/her self the rationale behind this quote?.
From my own very perspective, I tend to interpret it in all aspects applied,dealing with the subject matter,it entails optimism,keeping hope alive,let me further explain in detail.
Explaining it by parts"my destiny can be delayed ", view it from this perspective, why is the word delay attached to one's destiny fulfilment as mentioned in the quote?.
"the process to success is more important than success itself, if you negate the process, you can't sustain the success " AJS.
Let further explain it contradictions "But can't be denied ",here is a clear indication that delay is part of the process, delay is not an obstacle in anyone's life, it's only there to shape you for complex taxes.
Delay is a process you most pass through in other to get to your desired destination,it takes time for God to prepare you for the purpose he created you for.

Jack Ma as an extremely lucky bloke who just became a billionaire in a snap. But it is safe to know that Rejections are synonymous with Jack Ma. You wouldn’t believe the number of times this man has been rejected and failed.
In his early childhood, Jack Ma Failed in his Primary School examinations, not once, but Twice! He Failed Thrice during his Middle School exams. When applying to universities after his High school, Jack failed the entrance exams thrice, before finally joining Hangzhou Normal University. He even applied and wrote to Harvard University ten times about being admitted – and got rejected each time. This was only during his education!
During and after his Bachelor’s degree Jack tried and failed to get a job at a multitude of places. After spending three years to get into a University, Jack failed to land a jobafter applying to them 30 times! He recollects in his interview, “When KFC came to China, 24 people went for the job. Twenty-three people were accepted. I was the only guy who wasn’t.” He also one of the 5 applicants to a job in Police force and was the only one getting rejected after being told, “No, you’re no good.”
This was Jack MA delay stories tag as failure, if he wasn't rejected all this w



Along life’s journey,we meet failures,so many unanswered questions,frustrated efforts,we at most have a bothering urge to quit.
Failure indirectly means wait,while waiting you think,readjust,rearrange,refocus and prepare’s an indication telling one to prepare for more complex taxes ahead.

We sometimes look at our mates/peers above us and cry,we at most conceive thoughts of su***de forgetting that our current level is not attainable to many.
Many are born and many are gone,many have got started and many are done.our destinies varies depending on God defined purpose for us.

You backed an NCE certificate of education in Early childhood education,your mate backed a bachelors degree in law,you’re already thinking bad,feeling rejected.
Can you tell the plans of God?(your mate who backed a barchelors degree in law might be unemployed for years,you who backed an NCE certificate might get employed immediately after school).
“Learn to appreciate little victory”
One step at a time!.

Keep Hope alive,try,be consistent and trust your journey.
If the mind can think it,you can do it. Impossible is nothing.
“Hardwork,persistence,dedication... are keys to success”.
N.b :The journey just begun”. Go in this your might says the lord”.💪


365 days completed🎂.
It can only be God🙏.



Companies are the kind of people you hangout with, talk with and those you ranked yourself with.
Keeping companies is Natal neccesity but knowing which kinds of company to keep is a developmental Necessity and evidence of cognitive maturity.

Keeping good companies comes with whole packages, I will briefly discuss few benefits of keeping good companies.

You wouldn't make meanings with the benefits of keeping good company except you understand why he/she should keep good company.

Imperatively, it’s important to keep good company because the kind of friends you keep tell of the kind of person you are.
We mostly deceive ourselves with the saying “When you’re in Rome, behave as Romans do”in as much as this is somewhat true, it's obsolete and lacks the rudiments of a philosophy that says "Show me your friend and I will tell you who you're"

It's a law of nature that make us vulnerable to compelling situations around us, it's logically impossible to be different when you have a company who smokes, drink, womanize and elicit all kinds of negative instincts, ironically you can't be undermined when you hangout with folks that are determined.
Remember that”Iron sharpens Iron”
You don’t expect a friend who smokes to tell you to dream big.

How can you keep good companies?.
Keeping good companies is not too much a tax to do.
Make a good scrutiny of people around you,people you’ve lived with and people you encounter on a daily basis.
First,you observe and ask questions like,why don’t he smoke?.
why don’t he womanize?.
More questions like,he don’t smoke nor womanize,how is this helping him?
Where is he heading to?
Why does he do things people who smoke can’t?
After asking severe questions,you ask yourself again,can this guy help me to be someone great tomorrow?
Why can’t I be like him?.


“Make your life a master piece,imagine no limitations on what you can be,have or do”.


“A winner is a dreamer who never quits”

Nelson Mandela

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