ECWA Theological Seminary, Jos - JETS

JETS is training leaders through sound biblical and theological education to transform church and society.

JETS is committed to Christ-likeness, Biblical, Innovation, Scholarship, Community (Partnership), Mission Focus, Prayer and Holistic Ministry.


Easter Greetings from ECWA Theological Seminary, Jos!

Wishing you all a blessed Easter filled with hope, renewal, and joy! May the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ inspire us to live lives of faith, love, and service.

Have a wonderful and meaningful celebration with your loved ones.

Happy Easter!!!

Photos from ECWA Theological Seminary, Jos - JETS's post 30/03/2024

JETS Joint 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 Matriculation Ceremony.

The Charles Frame Chapel at JETS was filled with an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement on March 28, 2024, as the institution hosted its joint matriculation ceremony for the 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 academic sessions. The ceremony marked a significant milestone for the 344 students who were officially matriculated into the seminary.

The event commenced with a solemn procession of matriculating students, faculty members, Deputy Provost, Matriculation speaker, Provost, Legal Adviser, Board Chairman, invited guests; followed the National anthem, ECWA's anthem and the Seminary's anthem.

The Ag. Provost - Dr. Solomon Amao delivered the opening address, emphasizing the importance of academic excellence, spiritual growth, and service to humanity in the journey ahead.

In his remarks, Dr. Amao highlighted the institution's commitment to providing holistic education that nurtures not only the intellect but also the spirit and character of the students. He urged the matriculating students to embrace the values of integrity, diligence, and compassion as they pursue their academic and spiritual aspirations.

Following the Ag. Provost's address, a sermon was delivered by Rev. Prof. Bitrus Sarma, after which the legal adviser of the seminary - Barr. Victoria Olaniyan administered the oath of matriculation, symbolizing the students' official induction into the academic community. Each student, adorned in different academic regalia symbolizing different academic programs, solemnly pledged to uphold the principles and standards of the institution.

The ceremony also featured prayers, and words of encouragement from Rev. Dr. Friday Sule Kassa - the Deputy Provost, Admin & Finance. It provided an opportunity for the seminary community to come together in celebration of academic achievement and spiritual growth.

The joint matriculation ceremony of ECWA Theological Seminary for the 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 academic sessions was indeed a memorable and significant occasion, marking the beginning of a new chapter in the lives of the matriculating students and reaffirming the institution's dedication to academic excellence and spiritual formation.

Photos from ECWA Theological Seminary, Jos - JETS's post 25/03/2024

The week was dedicated to the memory of Musa Asake, and there named the Musa Asake Week
The speaker for Day 1 was Rev. Prof. Madaki Sarki, he is a retired ordained Minister, an alumnus of JETS and was an intimate colleague of the late Musa Asake.
In his address about the late Musa Asake, the Rev. listed just a few attributes that made him stand out in his time, they were:
1. Sincerity
2. Humility
3. Trustworthiness
4. Generosity, among others
There were times the Rev. told Asake that he admires his work with God and wishes to become like him. The death of Asake almost made him lose faith in God, but the live Asake lived and the pleasant memories the likes of Rev. Sarki hold dearly today keeps him going.

The day 2 of the students’ week had the Provost unveil JETS’ catalogue after many years without one. A lot of work was put into the production of the catalogue. ECWA Institutions have adopted the catalogue and will incorporate it into their operations.
Students had varied song ministrations. The Provost, despite the fact that he’s on sabbatical leave, magnanimously graced the student event with his presence and sang a beautiful hymn to the admiration, and loud jubilation of the students.

The week ended on Saturday with an early morning aerobics organized by students, the event had a large turn-out of students and staff from all departments.

Photos from ECWA Theological Seminary, Jos - JETS's post 15/02/2024


A few JETS students recently paid a courtesy visit to ECWA President - Rev. Dr. Stephen Baba Panya. These students were selected by the Student Union Government (SUG) as the committee for the Footprint of Jesus Magazine they are working on.
Actualizing JETS' concept of Human Dignity and National Development came from the previous magazine which was based on 'Reflection'; students wanted this year's edition to be more practical. Secondly, given the fact that ECWA's members are not particularly exempt from the happenings in the country that inhibits their human right and dignity, hence the visit.

The chat with Dr. Stephen Baba was to hear his thoughts on Human Dignity, and to know what ECWA as an international body was doing in response to these issues - issues that have inflicted both physical, emotional and psychological harm to God's people. These issues are not limited to the wanton killings going on in communities in and around the state, but they include Pastors who manipulate people, which invariably translates to dehumanization and disregard for people's dignities.


Happy Valentine's Day 💘💌


Every year, at about this time, the rest of the world celebrates Valentine's Day, we at JETS have decided to celebrate one of our own, The Chaplain - Rev. Solomon Guruza.

Happyyyyyyy Birthdayyyyyyyy sir.
May this be one of your best years yet

Photos from ECWA Theological Seminary, Jos - JETS's post 13/02/2024

This week was specially dedicated to the Missions Department; students, staff and Faculty in the department coordinated events in the Chapel.

The first day - yesterday was for Sermon.

HOD - Rev. James Francis

Guest Speaker - Dr. Hassan Musa
Topic: The Urgency for Mobilizing Young People for Missions in the 21st century
Text: 2Tim. 4:1-5, Matt. 9:35-38.

Secularization of life in the modern world:
The first European/western enlightenment of the 16th to 18th centuries. This reconstructed the world from natural to modern and led to:
a) Humanistic assertion of autonomy
b) Protest atheism
c) More quest for conquest and control
d) Atheism, an act of freedom
e) Creative distortions and the making of truth/fact/opinions
f) The rise of secularization of education, law & religion

Sadly, we now have Pastors who are more concerned about the growth of their congregation, amass wealth at all cost, without recourse to the souls of the many they are leading up hell.

We need to break down secularization & build universality - being more godly & Christ-like than being religious & hinged on human-imposed doctrines that keeps us from carrying out the mandate of Christ - Missions.


JETS at 44!!!

Celebrating 44 years of ECWA Theology Seminary, Jos (JETS) signifies a legacy of academic excellence, spiritual growth, and community impact, reflecting a steadfast commitment to nurturing future leaders in theology.

Congratulations to Us all

Photos from ECWA Theological Seminary, Jos - JETS's post 30/01/2024


ECWA Theological Seminary, Jos (JETS) recently was visited by a team of God's people from Missions Africa.

The team was very excited with what God was and is still doing with & through his people here in JETS. They went on a tour of the facilities in the Institution. The team unequivocally expressed their unreserved gratitude to God for his unending providence; as well as to the Provost - Rev. Prof. Sunday Bobai Agang for his availability, wisdom, foresight & respect for Human Dignity that he peaches and is widely known for.

The team, led by the Provost, Deputy Provost Academic and Deputy Provost Admin, the Chaplain, Director of Library Services (DLS), Auditor, Bursar, Director of Facilities (DOF), and the Registrar visited some of new infrastructures and ongoing ones, some of which were the new block of classrooms and offices where construction was aggressively done within one year and is presently 95% completed.

They also visited the Sustainable Development Resource Centre (SDRC) where the Director of the Centre gave an overview of the centre's objective, the new 64 capacity female hostel, an ongoing construction of the Phase 2 of Boys Hostel also known as 4Flats, the center for Professional Excellence, Clinic & rows of classes at Norton Block.


ECWA Theological Seminary, Jos (JETS) announces the sale of admission forms into it various programs.

Entrance examination and interview for all applicants holds in February and November. Apply via the school website or manually by purchasing forms at JETS Campus. Call 08022323518 or email [email protected] for more information.

B.A. Theological Studies (Theological Studies)
M.A. Theological Studies (Systematic Theology)
M.A. Theological Studies (Church History and Historical Theology)
M.A. Theological Studies (Christian Ethics and Public Theology)
M.A. Theological Studies (Christian Apologetics)
M.A. Theological Studies (Youth Ministry)
M.A. Theological Studies (Peace and Conflict Studies)
M.A. Theological Studies (Community Development)

Photos from ECWA Theological Seminary, Jos - JETS's post 10/01/2024

Psalm 9:1 - 'I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.'
1Thessalonians 5:18 - 'Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.'

In line with the above scriptures and despite all 2023 came with, the power of the Lord kept us strong and made us conquerors through Christ our Lord.
JETS as a community has chosen to be thankful to God for the many good things He is doing with, in, through and for us.

It's been exactly 1 year since we commenced the construction of additional Classrooms. This new structure can accommodate between 150 and 200 students. This was motivated by the desire to equip men and women for the work of the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in various spheres of church and society in Nigeria, Africa and beyond.

Philippians 4:19 - 'And my God will meet your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.'
There were times where it seemed the project won't see the light of day due to scarcity of funds and resources, but God in His divine providence, kept supplying our needs and today, here we are, the project is almost complete. This is one of the many infrastructural developments carried out in the school within the past year.

Romans 16:27 - 'To the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen'



Yeeeeeeeppppeeeiiii!!! 💃👯
We made it to 2024. You deserve the accolades, flowers, a pat on the back, and a treat, you’ve tried. Despite all 2023 came with, you stood tall, overcame them all and here we are.
Cheers to new beginnings & growth 🥂

As we embark on a new academic year, let the pursuit of knowledge, growth, and community spirit guide our journey.
Wishing everyone a successful and enriching semester ahead! 🍎📖


Happy New Year Everyone!

May this year be filled with growth, knowledge, and spiritual enrichment.

Embrace the opportunities for learning and continue to shine as beacons of faith and wisdom.

Wishing you a year of academic success and personal development.


May your heart be light, your days be merry, and your Christmas be filled with warmth and joy.

Merry Christmas! 🎅🎄🌟
From us all at JETS ☺️


You are specially invited to JETS' 40th Annual Graduation Ceremony.

Date: 2nd December, 2023
Time: 10a.m. prompt
Venue: JETS' compound

Come and celebrate the faithfulness of God in the lives of your friends, families & loved ones.

Photos from ECWA Theological Seminary, Jos - JETS's post 06/11/2023

DAY 2: 3RD November, 2023
The day two of the conference commenced with a session of heart-warming and uplifting praise and worship from the Chapel band then an opening prayer.
‘Political and constitutional order reflects a shamefully conspicuous deficit in the treatment of human dignity in Nigeria, as a political construct created under British colonial rule, and sustained as a Federal Republic with 36 states and a Federal Capital’ were the opening words of Barr. Kajit J. Bagu (John Paul) as he began his session with the topic ‘postcolonial exclusion: Human dignity, God’s Fatherhood and cognitive justice’.
Touching on human dignity and God’s fatherhood, he highlighted a few pointers:
1. Original human dignity – be fruitful, multiply and have dominion
2. Original innocence to original sin
3. Divine decree at Babel: Diversity
4. Sin, dehumanization, God’s persistent intervention
5. The Decalogue and human indignity today
‘The greatest indication of the presence of evil is chaos while the greatest indication of the presence of God is orderliness’. The ability of being repentant is taken away thanks to the presence of evil. The endpoint of trying to deny other people’s identity is genocide, he said.
One of the main ways of encouraging human dignity is to progressively shed our indigenous diversities to one harmonious, acceptable national identity, for example, to identify simply as a Nigerian instead of identifying as a Plateau, Buji, Bassa or Berom person.
The second speaker for the English session was our very own Rev. Prof. Sunday Bobai Agang who spoke about ‘Human Dignity in the Market place’. Summarily, Rev. Agang spoke on the tragic death of Deborah in Sokoto in 2022, the ongoing Russian invasion and conflict in Ukraine, and the recent Hamas attack on civilians during a celebration in the Gaza strip, saying all of these serves as poignant reminders of the profound loss of human dignity experienced worldwide. He further added that, those cases demonstrates that the issue of feeling guilty for the deaths of innocent people is a widespread worry not only in Nigeria, but also in other African countries and around the world.
Focusing on the Human Dignity and the need to maintain it, Prof. Miriam Solomon led the Hausa session with this topic, ‘Mutunci dan Adam ma Mutunci Mace ne’, speaking in Hausa language, Prof. Solomon highlighted a few points that are responsible for women loosing trust and their dignity before the male folks and in the society as a whole. As a panacea for the aforementioned and in addition to the points raised by the speaker, participants listed a few ways in which women can preserve their dignity to include self-respect, respect of others, hygiene and personal care, promote social activities, engage in conversations and full responsibility for one’s actions.
The last speaker for the day was Assoc. Prof. Chris Kwaja with the topic ‘Humanity and the fragility of Human Dignity: Pathways to Resilience’. What is it about fragility that makes my security unguaranteed? Was the question the Associate Professor used in opening his session, ‘human lives now mean nothing!’.
Ways people respond to fragility:
1. The fragility of human dignity has made people resort to violence in resolving crimes that have not been dealt with.
2. Silence
3. One other challenge that has bedevilled people is the shrinking of governable space, this is a situation where government abandons the populace, thereby giving room to bandits and hoodlums to hijack or take over communities, bandits now refine and define the realities and future of people.
In the face of fragility, the issue of resilience comes up. This is the ability of people to build a centrifugal firewall/roadmap against forces/crisis that attempts to tear them apart. One of the forces of resilience is the family. The Prof. delightedly remembered his good ole growing up days where his parents would tell him ‘we might not have the money or wealth to give to you, but the word of God and the wisdom of the scripture is what we’re leaving with you’.
The family is a shield against adversity, it is the most important pillar against trauma, it covers members of the family like a hen that shields her chicks under her protective wings from the claws of the hawk.
The JETS’ Prophetic Voice Conference ’23 came to an end with a questions and answers session as well as the Deputy Provost Academics appreciating everyone for being a wonderful audience. Certificates were issued to the participants of the Hausa session, the Deputy Provost assured participants of the English session that their certificates would be sent to their emails in the course of the week.

Photos from ECWA Theological Seminary, Jos - JETS's post 02/11/2023

If you missed today's session of the JETS' Prophetic Voice Conference '23, I can assure you, you missed a lot, but not as much as you'll miss tomorrow if you don't make it a date with us.

Tomorrow's line-up of guest speakers are:
1) Prof. Sunday B. Agang
2) Barr. Kajit Bagu
3) Dr. Chris Kwaja
4). Prof. Miriam D. Solomon
5). Dr. Binta Iliyasu

Make out time to attend as tomorrow's session will be the last for this year. As a pidgin proverb puts it 'Na bottom-pot dey sweet pass', come and have a taste of tomorrow's bottom-pot.

See you there!!! 😉☺️😊

Photos from ECWA Theological Seminary, Jos - JETS's post 02/11/2023


On November 2, 2023, the JETS' Prophetic Voice Conference 2023 commenced with a warm welcome from the institution's Deputy Provost Academics, Dr. Solomon Amao, who greeted guests, faculty, staff, and students. The Provost delivered a heartfelt welcome address, expressing gratitude to everyone for their presence at this year's second conference. This conference serves as a platform for JETS to raise its prophetic voice on issues concerning the nation and human dignity.

The devotion and opening prayer were led by ECWA Executive.
The first paper presentation/session was conducted by one of the guest speakers - Dr. Gideon Para-Mallam, who delved into the topic "Christian Public Witness, Human Dignity, and Nigeria's insecurity conundrum." Dr. Para-Mallam's paper explores the connection between Public Christian Witness and insecurity, shedding light on the challenges faced by the Church in Nigeria and the resulting impact on the practice of public Christian witness. Additionally, it raises the question of whether "Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB)" is a myth or a reality in Nigeria. He passionately spoke about Agricultural terrorism and the need for more theological reflections on agricultural terrorism. In his words, ‘dirt, bacterial, and fungal infections are killing people almost as much as terrorist attacks, so the government needs to look into the wellbeing of the populace, … stand up for justice in Nigeria’.

In his concluding remarks, he posits that ‘human dignity is sacrosanct’ and also encouraged Christians to show resilience and wisdom as they seek to speak truth to power in carrying out their prophetic responsibility in affirming the dignity of the human being and the sanctity of human life. The light of the gospel is powerful in quenching the thick walls of the darkness which surrounds us. Like Smith Wigglesworth encouraged “Your very presence should bring such a witness of the spirit that everyone with whom you come in contact would know that you are a sent one, a light in the world…”

The Keynote speaker – Prof. Nana Maiyaki Tanko was next to take the stage, she spoke on the topic ‘The Fatherhood of God and Human Dignity’. She began by appreciating the leadership of JETS for putting together such conference at a time as this.
Prof. Tanko introduced the concept of human dignity from the standpoint of Christianity, hinging it on the concept of man created in the image of God. It however interrogates the assumption and universality of the meaning within the varying discourse in the light of the contemporary definitions.

Some current issues that affect human dignity and human right and should not be tolerated include:
1. People living in sub-human condition
2. Slavery
3. Pervasions
4. Human trafficking
5. People working in disgraceful and terrible conditions
6. The Church’s tolerance to prostitution
She commended ECWA for putting in place philanthropic organizations for reaching out to people going through harsh realities and sub-human conditions. The Professor emphasized lifestyle Christianity, living an exemplary life and doing good to all man irrespective of their religious inclination and ideology.

Her recommendations to the rot that has eaten deep into the fabric of our society however were:
1. That the Christian must engage the contemporary discourse on human right
2. We must stop borrowing concepts from modern and post-modern thinkers
3. We should be mindful of the language we use when we talk about human right
4. We have to expand our concept of human dignity and human right, she appreciated JETS for positioning herself as a global leading research institution, thereby discouraging/moving from a reactive landscape to being active and solution oriented.
5. We need to engage public policy
6. We must also rise up and go into politics, leaders that can challenge issues, turn away from bribe and be people centric.

She brought her session to an end by calling on Christians to refuse to be bitter, in her words, ‘we need to work and pursue peaceful co-existence’, ‘… The issue of Christian morality is being tested’ as such, Christians should wake up.



The JETS' Prophetic Voice Conference '23 is here again!!!

Don't forget, the event is scheduled for this week - 2nd & 3rd of November, 2023.

To register, visit
Physical registration will commence on the first day of the event.

See you there!


It's that time of the year again where JETS' rolls out its stand on national issues.

You are specially invited to the second edition of JETS' PROPHETIC VOICE CONFERENCE 2023!!!

Date: 2nd & 3rd Nov. 2023
Time: 10a.m. daily
Venue: Charles Frame Chapel, JETS' Premises

See you there!



ECWA Theological Seminary, Jos (JETS) cordially invites you to the second edition of her Prophetic Voice Conference, with the theme “The Fatherhood of God and Human Dignity - (Malachi 2:10).”
This conference is for the rolling out of JETS prophetic voice and it is a prime part of our mandate to be “the theological conscience and mouthpiece of the Church”. This is the second edition of similar conferences in the next five years. We hope to address critical issues facing our identity as a nation and contribute towards our national development.

Date: 2nd & 3rd Nov. 2023
Time: 10:00a.m daily
Venue: Charles Frame Chapel, JETS' Premises

To register, click


The Second Edition of JETS' Prophetic Voice Conference is here again!!!

Who's as excited as we are?

In line with JETS' focus on Human Dignity, and with the huge success recorded from the maiden edition that held last year, the institution is now organizing a second edition of her Prophetic Voice Conference 2023.

This is an invitation to you and yours.
We need to you to PRAY, PLAN and PARTICIPATE in the event.

More details will come up subsequently.

Photos from ECWA Theological Seminary, Jos - JETS's post 03/09/2023

ECWA’s General Secretary – Rev. Ayuba Asheshe on Thursday paid a courtesy visit to JETS.

Being a newly elected General Secretary, he decided to visit JETS on a familiarization tour to see all God has done and is still doing through our amiable Provost – Rev. Prof. Sunday B. Agang in the lives of our amazing JETS community.

The Reverend in company of staff, Faculty and students worshipped God at Charles Frame Chapel during chapel hours. He charged the students to take their studies seriously, and gave instances of when he was a student at JETS, how he also suffered, went through rough patches to rise to the top to the glory of God.

Rev. Asheshe went round offices, Sustainable Development Resource Centre (SDRC), Centre for Professional Excellence, the newly completed 16-capacity Female Hostel, the ongoing construction of new offices and classrooms, Turaki Plaza, the canteen, library, studio, classrooms, PhD block, Bingham Hostel, 4-Flats, Boys Hostel, and the Clinic.

He congratulated the Provost on the many feats he has achieved and also appreciated him for placing value in human dignity and prioritizing infrastructural development by providing the many facilities in JETS that has amiolerate the plight of staff and students.

Photos from ECWA Theological Seminary, Jos - JETS's post 16/08/2023


The New 16-capacity Female Hostel was yesterday dedicated, opened and declared fit for use.

The Provost in company of Staff and students prayed for the new hostel and told touching stories of how families and individuals were used by God to raise funds for the building project.

The female students who couldn’t hide their joy were prayed for and advised to use the hostel in such a manner that will bring glory to God and showcase them as individuals worthy of emulation.



We followed and captured the building progress of the New 16 capacity Female Hostel from ground to finish.

God has truly been faithful, within one year we started and completed this project amidst economic difficulties and financial crisis. As a community, we are extremely grateful to God for His mercies and providence & humbled to be used of Him to put smiles on the faces of people.

In the words of our dear Provost, "if we do God's work, in God's way, for God's glory, we won't lack resources"; God supplied to the last detail every resource we needed to see to the completion of this project.

Later today, we'll dedicate the building and es**rt the ladies as they relocate into their state-of-the-art Hostel.

Photos from ECWA Theological Seminary, Jos - JETS's post 10/08/2023


School has fully resumed!
We're delighted to welcome all JETS new and old students back to school.

Some of the activities that marked Provost Week, 2023 are enumerated below:

A quick reminder of the Theme for the session - LOVING AND TREASURING GOD'S WORD was given who led the Prayers for the first day.
The Week began with a sense of enthusiasm and devotion. As the school resumed its activities, both new and returning JETS students were given a warm welcome. The focus of the day was on the theme of delighting in the Lord, derived from Psalm 1:1-2, led by Rev. Solomon Guruza – the School’s Chaplain. The students were encouraged to understand that their prosperity hinges on their genuine delight in the Lord.

The Provost extended a heartfelt welcome to everyone present, including new students, foreign students, PhD students, faculty, staff, management personnel, and office workers. The welcoming note emphasized the importance of unity and inclusiveness within the JETS community. The Provost shared insights from Psalm 119:8, highlighting the significance of keeping God's commandments with a sincere heart.

As customary with all JETS Provost Week, the event for the last day was a Communion Service.
On this special day, Mr. Kent Agang and Mr. Andrew Dunason, who represented the Overseas Council had a brief presentation session. The focus of their presentation revolved around enhancing students' research writing skills. They emphasized the critical nature of honing these skills in order to excel in their academic pursuits. The training was designed to cover various aspects of research writing, aiming to equip students with the necessary tools to effectively communicate their ideas.

Throughout the initial days of the session, the theme of "Loving and Treasuring God's Word" remained at the forefront. The school administration stressed the importance of aligning one's life with the principles of Scripture and embracing a deep love for God's Word. This focus not only shapes the academic journey but also fosters a holistic growth experience for the students at JETS.

Photos from ECWA Theological Seminary, Jos - JETS's post 01/08/2023


Welcome, new students, to JETS!
We are thrilled to have you join our vibrant and diverse campus community. To ensure you have a smooth transition into college life, we have planned an exciting new student orientation packed with fun activities and essential information. Whether you're joining us on-campus or participating virtually, we've got something special in store for each one of you. Let's make the most of this experience together!

We care about our students and are passionate about their academic, spiritual, emotional, and social life, that’s why the orientation was broken into sessions to facilitate easy comprehension and also ensure that all key departments had presentation sessions to give students detailed explanation on how registration with their respective departments work.

* : JETS Chaplain - Rev. Solomon Guruza took his time to explain to students Chapel activities and how that attendance is COMPULSORY. We are not only an institution that is about the academic well-being of our students, we also care about their spiritual life and have made it mandatory for them to attend chapel so as not to forsake the gathering of brethren.

* : Mrs. Salome O. Loho-u-Ter, the school’s registrar took her time to breakdown registration process for new students so as to prevent hitches during registration and possible back and forth when lectures must have commenced.

* : The office of the Deputy Provost Academic, represented by Dr. Kefas Kure. Dr. Kure emphasised the need for students to select courses properly, register courses that are in tandem with the program they’re studying. Noting however that their office is always open to students for assistance whenever they’re stuck.

* : We all know how the powerhouse of every organization is its finance department. The orientation wouldn’t be complete without bringing students up to speed on the different scholarship opportunities that abound for them, this is to help cushion the current economic situation of the country and also give them soft-landing while they study. The Director of Finance - Mrs. Priscilla Nuhu also enumerated the budgetary breakdown of fees and how students can go about paying them into the school’s respective accounts.

Other sessions addressed by different departments include: Health matters, Students Affairs, Library Tour, Porter and Hospitality, Online registration and Portal Matters (ICT), Campus Security , Campus Matters and Tour of Campus led by the Director of Facility - Mr. Emmanuel Joseph Mshelia.

If you have any questions or need assistance with form purchase to study at JETS, don't hesitate to reach out to us on 08061533023 or write us at [email protected]

Get ready for an incredible start to your Academic journey!
See you soon!

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Dedication of the new Female Hostel in JETS
The New 16 capacity Female Hostel in JETS
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