The Beacon Newspaper Nigeria

No. 114A Sparkling Junction, Jos Plateau State, Nigeria. E-Mail: [email protected]


"The less financially beneficial the job of the politician is, the better for democracy. And when I said less financially, I mean let's put the politicians on salary scale and subject them to civil service rules. Of course, they will not be 35 years in service or whatever, they should have more allowances to cover up for the pensions of four years they will be in office; and let us further institute a lifestyle audit that will lead to investigation" - PROFESSOR PATRICK SUNDAY DAKUM

Photos from The Beacon Newspaper Nigeria's post 20/06/2024

"If they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left." Margaret Thatcher

"When the debate is lost, insults become the losers tool." Socrates


"We measure human development by the Development Index which is longevity of life, knowledge, education, and the last, purchasing power. So, where have we fit in? We must continuously measure human development as supposed and not from infrastructural development. We say they are constructing railway, this and that, but in what way has it improve the health of the people? Are they living longer? Oh, we have built X number of schools, how many students are passing their WAEC exam? How many are graduating from the universities with flying colours? How many have qualitative University education? How many are in the areas that will improve production? How many are in the technical section? For me, there is a lot to be done" Professor Patrick Sunday Dakum

Photos from The Beacon Newspaper Nigeria's post 20/06/2024


Photos from The Beacon Newspaper Nigeria's post 19/06/2024

By Shabul Mazadu
In response to the recent claim by Plateau State Governor, Barrister Caleb Mutfwang, of training and empowering 340 youth of the state with modern agricultural techniques to help boost their agricultural potentialities via practicality, some of the trainees said they were left to their fate after being trained.

Speaking to THE BEACON on condition of anonymity, the trainees said the government only cajoled them into applying for the training at Keffi in Nasarawa State with bogus promise to be empowered with modern agricultural implements which turned out to being a hoax. They said, “The Ministry of Youth and Sports in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development picked 20 youth from each of the 17 local government areas of the state and trained them at CSS Farms Group in Keffi/Abuja Road.

“The training lasted for 2 weeks from Friday 3rd May, 2024 to 16th May, 2024. After that we were not given transport money to return home, instead we were told that once the vehicles conveying us to Jos reach our destinations, we can alight and go home. But some of us raised observation and asked that when they (vehicles) reach Mararaban Jama’a, how can others transport themselves to their various local governments? It was them we were given N10, 000 each with a strict warning to keep it confidential.

They further said, “During the graduation of our training on Wednesday 15th May, 2024, the Governor, and the two commissioners were absent, and didn’t come to cheer us up. And since then we heard nothing from them on the issue of empowerment with modern equipment.”


"What kind of country is this that every Friday Mosques are full and every Sunday Churches are full, but the fuller they are, the higher the corruption? Something is wrong with the way we practice our faith. Go to Japan and like places, their faith is not higher than ours, but their corruption level is much lower" - PROF. PATRICK SUNDAY DAKUM


The Chief Executive Officer, Institute of Human Virology Nigeria, IHVN, Professor Patrick Sunday Dakum, has saluted the entire Muslim Ummah in Nigeria as they mark the Eid-el Kabir festival which reflects the life of sacrifice and total obedience to God as exemplified by Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) when he was ready to offer his son as sacrifice to God before he was divinely provided with a ram as replacement.
Dakum calls on the Ummah and all Nigerians to emulate Abraham's faith in God and his life of sacrifice, saying only genuine fear of God and sacrifice for peace, unity and progress of the country can Nigeria be free from its current predicaments.
According to him, there is no better time that selfless sacrifices of Nigerians are much needed for the survival of the country like now, and that except we become our brothers keepers, we will hit the iceberg and sink.
Dakum added that while we pray for the country we should back up our prayers with action of doing the right and necessary things.
He wishes Muslims a safe, successful and blissful Eid-el Kabir celebration saying, "I this day heartily congratulate our brothers and sisters, the Muslim Ummah, as they celebrate their revered, significant and auspicious festival, Eid-el-Kabir. It's my sincere prayer and wish that you all have a safe, successful, fulfilled and blissful celebration."
Shabul Mazadu
Media Consultant
16th June, 2024

Photos from The Beacon Newspaper Nigeria's post 13/06/2024

Serious governments don’t execute projects for fun, name and hype, but for significant purposes with the target of ameliorating citizens’ plight, and boosting the economy without incurring losses.

In executing certain projects such as transportation, there are vital variables the government must consider such as cost, serving the purpose, duration (durability), scope, magnitude (size) and self-sustaining.

The resuscitation of rail transport in Plateau State by Barrister Caleb Mutfwang led administration is a concoction of noble idea with haphazard and preposterous implementation which destroyed its essence and made caricature of the whole exercise.

Considering the scenario surrounding the exercise, it leaves many in puzzle trying to figure out the target of the government as what it aims to achieve, because the rail transport is engulfed by variables such as the distance intended to cover (intra-city, inter-city and inter-states), patronage, self-sustaining and durability (quality).

If the variables mentioned are the target of the government, then, it's obvious that the administration is heading towards absolute failure and wastage of resources; because the train and rail gauges are obsolete having spent 112 years. They have been in existence since they were introduced in Nigeria on 3rd October, 1912. They have outlived their usefulness, and the technology that brought them has long been advanced.

It is worthy to note that every vehicle as humans, have their life span; and trying to resuscitate and use them after their expiration will bring frustration and huge resource wastage.

So far, the trains are having serious problems as they keep breaking down all the time, signaling incapacitation to travel long distances and imminent return to dilapidation.

Based on the early 1900s connectivity of the rails, the trains cannot ply all local governments, nor the city centre and its suburbs, but linearly from Terminus in Jos North to at most Kuru in Jos South Local Government. This is failure itself, because very few passengers will patronize the train and the funds gotten from the fare will not maintain the transport business, nor recoup the funds already spent on their resuscitation. The government will only be running on losses maintaining the moribund trains when there are so many productive sectors begging for financial attention.

Modern trains pass through city centres and their suburbs based on the rail connectivity, and are very fast and comfortable, unlike their ancestors.

These Lord Lugard era rails cannot connect Plateau to the Federal Government's which is set for construction from Lagos to Kano, because of obsoleteness.

Current rail transport business has undergone modification with varieties for various purposes such as: intra city-wise designed is different from inter-city’s and inter-states’. Electric intercity trains have three rails unlike the intra-city. Their gauges have been modified unlike their ancestors revived by Mutfwang.

In this era, rail transport should connect the city centre and it's suburb and all the local governments before extending to other states. And if the government has any intention of connecting the local governments with rails, the current connectivity must be overhauled and there must be construction of new gauges which will serve the purpose.

The idea of having rail transport in Plateau should not be on the basis of politics in order to claim trailblazing, but a project with enormous benefits that should be well planned to meet the modern requirement and standard.

To engage in rail transport is not a year’s job, it demands brand new railway construction with modern gauges and with far and near connectivity. And it should be envisioned to connect the entire states of the federation in due course.

Plateau should not be going for 112 years old technology which will only cause wastage of resources, but must fit into the current technology which has multiple benefits.

To achieve rail transport in Plateau, the governor has to employ the services of experts and design the routes intended to cover and start construction of modern gauges which modern train can roll on. But if he insists on what he has started, be rest assured that the resuscitation of the corpses called trains, will soon return to their mortuary because they have outlived their usefulness, and have been overtaken by wear and tear. They have depreciated, and no amount of repainting to appear new and attractive can keep them functional. What is required is new train rolling on new gauges for durability and value for money.

If rail transport gets boosted in Nigeria which Plateau will cue in, this archaic will be overhauled and fizzled out in due course with modern means replacing it. Since this will happen, why not start the modern means now to avoid prolonging the glorious day and its attainment challenges?


Prof. Dakum speaks on democracy and good governance. NTA News


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It’s a fact that every good thing has a correspondent evil militating against it to stem its progress and prosperity so that malevolent will hold sway and enjoy monopoly.

The democratic journey in Plateau State since the advent of the Fourth Republic depicts progressive defeat of Mind over Matter at virility and viability of sound democracy and the penchant for power drunkenness in civilian regalia daubed with political mortar, leading to virtually complete counterfeit of this system of government.

Countries and states which remarkably progressed democratically have done so by meticulously paying attention to the norms and ethics of the game against all odds and consecutively correcting errors committed and initiating systems and checks for its growth and sustainability.

The outset of Plateau democracy in the Fourth Republic was greeted by desperation, untoward and unconstitutional seizure of power, where the perpetrators wield massive support on the wings of democratic naivety of the greatest population until Frankenstein Monster civilian rule was formed. And today, undemocratic features are celebrated and giving prominence to detrimental and regression policies.

Suffice to mention the unconstitutional imposition of the infamous state of emergency suspending all democratic structures slammed on the state on May 18, 2001 by President Olusegun Obasanjo administration, and the illegal impeachment of Chief Joshua Dariye from governance on November 13, 2006 heavily and massively welcome by power mongers and their apologists. These unconstitutional and undemocratic activities were celebrated by power mongers and their supporters not minding the consequences on the state and its democracy, and today the same support for constitution abuse is witnessed such as the refusal to swear-in the remaining seven members-elect of the House of Assembly and non-appointment of a minister from the state for six good months.

The whole processes of democracy which is people oriented is not so in Plateau State as both intra-party and electioneering campaigns have been abused and corrupted and seem to go on unabated such as; party executives are chosen at the instance of the governor or party sponsors and not the will of party members. The same caliber of people determine candidates of different elective positions via un-free and unfair party primaries; thus denying the people the rights to choose the candidates of their choice to govern or represent them.

The most terrible aspect and legacy of political damnation is the use of religious ingredient in electioneering campaign. Since the Second Republic when the governorship candidate of the Nigeria Peoples Party, NPP, used it against his counterpart of the National Party of Nigeria, NPN, and succeeded in 1983, it became a political ace to this very day, in fact with progression using additives of ethnicity and forgery.

The same thing repeated itself in 1992, where the governorship candidate of the Social Democratic Party, SDP, used it against his counterpart of the National Republican Convention, NRC.

In 2003, the ruling Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, used the same thing against the All Nigeria Peoples Party, ANPP. And those people who were victims of such, defected to the PDP, and used same in 2007. Till date, religious campaign is a veritable political tool in Plateau politics. In fact it has graduated into political forgery as was the case in 2023, where a letter was falsified and claimed to have been written and sent by the National Chairman of the Labour Party, LP; saying Plateau state should vote the PDP, likewise the concocted felony attributing stepping down of the LP governorship candidate for the PDP’s.

Religion, tribalism and forgery are not ingredients of electioneering campaigns, but destructive vices to democracy. A former Commonwealth Secretary General, Chief Emeka Anyaoku said, “Campaigns and advocacy of support for candidates must be based on the manifestos of political parties outlining policies and programmes for addressing the various challenges facing the country and its citizens.”

Elections in Plateau are based on rigging, and that has advanced steadily. It is no secret that the Chieftain of the PDP, late Ibrahim Mantu before his demise confessed to rigging elections for his party. Then PDP, governor Dr. Jonah David Jang said on May 27, 2013 in Faithway Chapel, Rayfiled that God is a democrat who hates rigging but approves successful one (rigging).

The All Progressives Congress, APC, had to introduce inconclusive election (sophisticated rigging) to win the 2019 governorship elections.

A major aspect of democracy is the rule of law, which every elective and appointive office holder must observe.

There were several court orders that were disregarded by governors in Plateau State most especially when it comes to elected local government chairmen. The Jonah Jang administration sacked the LG chairmen he found on ground without recourse to completing their tenure. The administration refused to swear in the Langtang North LG chairman who won on a different political party from the governor’s.

The Simon Lalong administration did the same thing in sacking the elected PDP LG chairmen he found on ground. And now Barrister Caleb Mutfwang too, did the same thing by sacking APC elected chairmen when their tenure was yet to finish.

The same Lalong administration refused to swear in the Langtang North Chairman who defeated his candidate despite several court orders.

Governor Caleb Mutfwang and his protégé, Speaker of the House, Gabriel Dewan, refused to obey the Appellate Court judgment to swear-in APC and LP members-elect, until a compromise was reached with 9 out of the sixteen, while the remaining 7 were not because they refused to.

The Rule of Law is the heartbeat and nucleus of democracy, without it, it is mere felony in power.

As democracy is defined, “Government of the people, by the people and for the people,” it involves governance as continuousness, but this is lacking in Plateau as can be seen in the aspect of abandoning uncompleted projects started by predecessors with public funds as means of vindictiveness.
No projects were ever done with the governor’s personal funds but state’s; hence, it’s undemocratic to discontinue the good infrastructures or policy initiated by past administrations. All Fourth Republic Governors in Plateau were guilty of such, while eyes are on Caleb Mutfwang whether he will cue in.

It is worthy to note that Plateau political top juggernauts don’t see politics in line with the interest of the citizens, but as their estates and must lord it over all. They see their views as sacrosanct that must be obeyed. So, any choice of candidate (s) and policy that contradicts theirs is anti-Plateau and a crime. A onetime sitting Governor said, “Politics is not for the Poor.” And his party today is in power exhibiting the traits. If not, what is the rationale behind depriving seven state constituencies for almost seven months their representation in the state assembly? The poor constitute the greatest population of those constituencies. If it were billionaires that constitute the greatest population, would they have attempted depriving them of their rights?

If they believe that democracy is also for the poor, the N500m brought by the First Lady, Remi Tinubu, to be given to the internally displaced persons, would have been given to them, and not to be decided for a different purposes.

Plateau State is in dire need of an overhaul and rebrand of its democratic process for the dividend of democracy to be maximally enjoyed, so far, democracy is already defeated in the state, and unless something is done, the misadventure will be precedents for future leaders that this system will groom, and in due course the state will be a failed one.


Grab a copy of THE BEACON June 12-26, 2024 edition for your reading pleasure.


By Shabul Mazadu
Piqued by rural underdevelopment in the country, and the non-feasibility of redeeming such in the nearest future, the Chief Executive Officer, Institute of Human Virology Nigeria, IHVN, and Plateau State Labour Party, LP, governorship candidate in the 2023 general elections, Professor Patrick Sunday Dakum, said he is fully in support of the legal action taken by the Federal Government in securing autonomy for the third tiers of government from the clutches of their oppressors so as to witness rapid and tremendous transformation at the grassroots.

It would be recalled that on May 26, 2024, the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Lateef Fagbemi SAN, on behalf of the Federal Government, dragged the 36 states governors to Supreme Court seeking orders to restrain them from arbitrary removal of LG chairmen, allow the credits accrued to the third tier be directly paid to them, restrain governors, their agents and privies from receiving, spending or tampering with funds released from the federation account for the benefit of LGs and so on.

Speaking to THE BEACON recently, Dakum said if the local governments are developed, the entire country is developed. And that they cannot be developed without financial autonomy. He said. “There is the problem of rural development. I was on a platform where they kept talking on the fact that if you look at rural development from 1999 to this time, there has been neglect of the rural areas right from Joshua Dariye, Jonah Jang, Simon Lalong and Caleb Mutfwang administrations. I made a comment there saying that rural infrastructure will continue to be stalled unless there is financial autonomy for the local governments. That’s why I am very happy with the Federal Government taking the state governments to court, because unless you give them autonomy, there will be no development. Give them autonomy and send the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, after them if they misappropriate funds.

“Rural transformation will require complete financial autonomy at the local government, but like I said, put the system in such a way that leakages are blocked.”

The former Commissioner of Information and Health lamented that there are jurisdictions of state governments from those of the local governments, but the governors confiscated all and brought them under their control, giving them enormous scopes of responsibilities and making the citizens believe that every development hinges on the state governments in the state just to control LGs’ funds and wield huge powers; and because the infrastructural development and other responsibilities are so many and profuse too, development becomes so sluggish.

This he went on, is responsible for the slow pace Nigeria is moving in terms of all forms of development, adding that the remedy is for the local governments to have their autonomy without undue interferences from governors, and let every tier stick to their responsibilities, and rapid development will ensue. He said, “There are LG roads, schools, health care and so on, and there state roads, schools, hospitals and so on. If each tier will handle their responsibilities well, remarkable progress will be achieved.”

He lamented that if only will the LGs have their autonomy and work assiduously, they will create jobs at the grassroots to lessen the burden of unemployment on the Federal and State Governments, attract investors and enhance Gross Domestic Products of the country.

Dakum prays for the Federal Government to win at the Supreme Court to enable local governments have their autonomy and erase the snail speed development witnessed in the country.

Photos from The Beacon Newspaper Nigeria's post 08/06/2024

By Shabul Mazadu
The recently sworn-in member representing Bokkos Constituency in Plateau State legislature, Hon. Sylvester Wallangko, has intervened at the incapacitation of some displaced 38 SS3 students who were victims of December 23, 2023 attack on communities in Bokkos, to sit for the National Examination Council, NECO, and West African Examination Council, WAEC, exams, by awarding them scholarship.

The displaced students whose parents lost their livelihood to the onslaught, were reported to have attended free Extra Mural classes sponsored by Dr. Elkanah Garang (Former Aspirant Mangu/Bokkos Federal House of Representatives), and were aptly assisted by Wallangko who heard of their plight.

Wallangko ordered for their enrollment in school and shouldered all the expenses incurred which were NECO examination chargers and schools fees amounting to N2,500,000.00 (Two Million five hundred thousand Naira Only), to enable them secured their secondary school certificates and further their studies.

The legislator wished all the scholarship awardees the best of luck as they prepare and sit for their exams, saying he is looking forward to celebrating their success.


By Shabul Mazadu
Winner of Plateau State Governor's Football trophy 2024, Team Mangu, also known as Artu Boys, has called on Governor Caleb Mutfwang and Mangu Local Government Chairman, Markus Artu, to as a matter of urgency fulfill the promises made to the players when they lifted the trophy.

Speaking to THE BEACON on condition of anonymity, some of the players said when they won the trophy, the governor who hailed from the victorious local government, Mangu, promised N1.5m to the team and ten bags of fertilizer to each player and officials, likewise the LG chairman promised donations to the team and placement of each player on monthly salary, but eight weeks into their pledges nothing came forth and were left with unpaid allowances. They said, "By Sunday 10th June will be 8 weeks since we lifted the trophy. We were committed to delivering on our promise of lifting the Trophy especially on home soil as coaches and players, but what do we get in return? Negligence from the body that was supposed to ensure our welfare was properly and adequately guaranteed.
"We went into the Final without a single dime given to us when our counterparts were credited with hundreds and thousands of naira in their accounts so they could be motivated and defeat us.
"We're not motivated in any way! Wase Rock FC got a new bus worth over and a promise of LG sponsored Trip to Europe, but we defeated them. There was Langtang North which relinquished its QF position to its brother, Langtang South, which they thought was better enough to beat us(Mangu).
"Former sports Minister, Solomon Dalung, came also to motivate them but we triumphed, not to talk of the extrinsic motivation the Jos North Team got from its LG chairman and other football stakeholders. Above all, we lifted the trophy without conceding a single goal, but up till now we don't have anything to show, and our relatives, friends and family members have already put their hopes on us."

According to them, they did their best to make Governor Caleb Mutfwang, Hon. Markus and Mangu LGA proud, but were compensated with demoralization and frustration which cause lousy in players' performance.

Therefore, they went on, they are beseeching the governor and Mangu LG chairman to do the needful and fulfill their promises.

Photos from The Beacon Newspaper Nigeria's post 06/06/2024

By Shabul Mazadu
The member representing Barkin Ladi Constituency in the state legislature, Hon. Dickson Chollom, has toured the security outposts of his constituency on Monday 3rd June, 2023, to synergize with security agencies in finding lasting solutions to recurring insecurity challenges particularly now that the rainy season has ushered in.

Dickson who was accompanied by his Personal assistant, Berom Youth Moulders Chairman, Barrister Solomon Mantiri, some aides and selected journalists, explained that the essence of his tour was to synergize with the security agencies on ground by encouraging and letting them know that the entire Constituency is with them, and to hear their challenges and the cooperation they need to boost their morale in discharging their duty.

According to him, the rainy season is always the period that explosives of crisis explode between herders and farmers causing fear in farmers and hamstringing them from going to their farms, thereby escalating food insecurity. And that as a member representing his constituency, it behooves on him to do everything possible within his capacity to ensure that peace reigns so that both the herders and the farmers will be secured and carryout their businesses. He lamented that the lingering problems causing insecurity in his constituency are herders grazing their animals on farms and cattle rustling by criminals.

Dickson who was the immediate past Barkin Ladi chairman, had his first point of call at FOB Bisichi, where he was welcome by Captain T. A. Peters and briefed on the efforts of the security personnel.
The captain appreciated the cooperation he gets from both the Fulani and Berom communities.
Dickson, thanked them for their efforts and promised to mount solar lights around their vicinity to help make their work easier.

The member being accompanied by the Captain went to Sector 4 in Barkin Ladi where he was welcome by the Commander, Colonel US Abdulsalami who promised to consolidate the current peace in the constituency.

Dickson applauded both him and his predecessor who are namesakes, saying as their names imply, they operate in the same spirit working with patriotism and verity in securing lives and properties. And prayed that the support given to him as Chairman, should be replicated as legislator.

At Barkin Ladi, leaders of groups of peace seekers and mediators to ensure peaceful co-existence between sundry communities in Barkin Ladi, accompanied the member to all other places he visited.

The groups which were Search for Common Ground, Interfaith and Architect for Peace Forum, followed Dickson to Barkin Ladi Divisional Police Headquarters where they met the DPO, Warfield.
The DPO who was praised by his men for reburshing the Divisional structures, welcome the guests and took them round to see their efforts with the promise of ensuring peace sustainability in the Local Government Area which also is a state Constituency.

In response, Dickson applauded the DPO saying he has optimally moved away from what the Police personnel are know with by using his personal funds to repaint the structures, provide new flags, ensuring every part has electricity and others; adding that it's an act of nobility, patriotism and selfless service which is now emulated by his men.

The member promised to support and contribute to the complete refurbishment of the divisional headquarters structures and to provide clean source of water.

From there they went to the Operation Base in Gashishi commanded by Flight Lieutenant P. Zumka who welcome them and briefed the member on their work and challenges so far. Dickson thanked him and his men for doing a great job.

The last place visited was the completed Mobile Police Squadron Barracks in Gashshi which is due for commissioning later this month.
Dickson appealed to Federal Government to hasten deployment of Mobile Police personnel to the barracks to give the people a sense of security.
The legislator posited that the security of his constituents is his paramount concern and will never rest on his oars until it is achieved.


By Shabul Mazadu
Worried by the Presidency's procrastination of appointing a new Minister from Plateau to fill in the gap created by the former's resignation and the deliberate refusal of the Speaker, Plateau State House of Assembly, to swear-in the remaining 7 members-elect as state legislators, the Chief Executive Officer, Institute of Human Virology Nigeria, IHVN, and Plateau State Labour Party, LP, governorship candidate in the 2023 general elections, Professor Patrick Dakum, has called on President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and Rt. Hon. Gabriel Dewan to appoint a new Minister and swear-in the members-elect.

Speaking to THE BEACON in his office in Abuja yesterday, 4th May, 2024, Dakum lamented that the president's delay in appointing a new minister to fill in the gap created by the exit of Simon Lalong, (then Minister of Labour, to be in the National Assembly having secured his victory at the appellate court) is a total disservice to Plateau that must be remedied immediately.

According to him, it's totally unfair to deny Plateau participation in the Federal Executive Council, FEC, for over six months for not having a minister which is not the state's fault. This action he went on, excludes Plateau in the running of the country's affairs in the capacity of ministerial activities as enshrined in the constitution of the Federal Republic and is undemocratic.

"Democracy entails carrying everyone along, following due process, observing the rule of law and dispensing justice to all without delay. There is no genuine reason for Plateau to be without a minister for this long which denies it participation in decisions making for good governance in the country. There are capable and eligible hands in the state that can handle any ministry, so why delaying the appointment," Dakum said.

On issue of the lingering non-swearing of the remaining seven members-elect to participate in the state assembly's legislation, Dakum said for democracy to thrive, court orders must be obeyed whether palatable or unpalatable. He said, "There is absolutely no reason why the members-elect the Court of Appeal declared winners should not be in the House working. It doesn't make sense. I don't understand why and how because it is the same judiciary that said the governor is PDP, and the House is APC, so, what's the rocket science in that? The court has already taken its decision and there is nothing anyone can do about it, but to obey the court's decisions. It is democracy to obey court order whether in our favour or not."

The former Commissioner of Health and Information, said that it's abuse of democracy to procrastinate swearing in of the members-elect because is nothing short of denying their constituents the right of being represented in the House, thereby making the government incomplete; adding that everyone should be carried along and no Constituency should be left behind in the interest of democracy, good governance, progress and justice.

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Prof. Dakum speaks on democracy and good governance. NTA News
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Plateau State Labour Party, LP, welcomes Mr. Peter Obi, the party's presidential candidate in the 2023 general elections...
Few out of the 206 widows dancing over the food palliatives doled out to them by the Dakums (Dr. Patrick Dakum and Mrs. ...



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