Moses Olowe

I share Tips to help low income earners build a Business doing what they love🧑‍💻


Happy Birthday Dear Moses Oluwaseun Olowe ❤️🥳

You're Amazing

You're Loved By God

You're Favoured on Everyside...

Soar High And Dominate in this new Season!
Dear God, thank you for another memorable year. All that I am is because of you

You have allowed me to live another wondrous year, and I thank you from the deepest core of my heart

Thank You Jesus.. 🙌🙌🥳


🥇Why A Creative Like You Should Earn Daily?

📍Having a System of support (Daily Income)while you build keeps you focus

📍Waiting for support from Investors before you build is not really a good option

📍Lack of money can be a discouragement towards what you build..

📍Nobody cares about how you fund those million dollar ideas

📍The shame of not having enough which results to borrowing or even begging

Hmmmm, What else???🤔🤔


Be the Best Startup
Not Just the Biggest.


7 Powerful reasons Why People Buy

1.Save Time
2. Save Money
3. Save Effort
4. Earn Money
5. Increase Pleasure
6. Eliminate Pain
7. Increase Health

Leverage this while selling and you're guaranteed to make more sales..

(Credit: Cashvertising)


A lot is learnt when you read, A whole lot more is learnt when you take action on the alot read.


If you're an Employee, You can still

-Write Ebooks
- Create Video Courses
- Write a Paid Newsletter
- Consult

Entry has no barrier

The Possibility of Increasing your income streams or replacing your salary is high..

Got it..

And as a Student, Limitless opportunities at your doorstep


Although, You can't see it yet

Just Believe!

Even Beyend your Current Situation ...


How to sell on Social Media!!

As a Business Owner, Posting content is good

But Marketing your content is Great.

Marketing in itself is Posting done the right way

Yes, It's a known fact that the social media algorithms dances in tune with your Postings..

Because it identifies the reactions and comments as a metric

But What really matters to you as a Business owner is the Sales and Conversions your Posting can generate...

If you are using social media marketing, your Posting should do these 3 things.

> Generate leads

> Nurture those leads

> Convert those leads

And which definitely leads to sales and conversion in the long run..

I trust so much you got value..

Want More, Hit the link in my Bio to find out ...


I Got into a Wrestling Match with the Worst Enemy you could ever imagine...😱💪

Yeah, was filled with lots of kicks and wild punches, Guess you might be thinking who emerged as the winner

Hmmm, i would leave that to you to find out in a bit.

You should see the curious faces of the crowd while the fight was going on in the blood covered ring.

After a long fight of about 55 minutes 20 seconds

Two fighters lying face down. They could not move for minutes..

Could it be they clashed on each other?

Or, Could it be they were gathering strength to continue the fight.

Well, Graciously, I stood up..

You should see the excitement on the crowds faces, Someone eventually stood up

I climbed the Corner Rope.

Here are Come... BOOM

I hit my enemy in the Jaw with a powerful drop kick..

Whistle blows... [Peeeee]

The Ref calls of the fight

You should see me standing and smiling profusely..

This is what Victory feels like...

Yet again.

Now you might be wondering what you’re reading...

Or Perhaps Why was I taking on a Worst Enemy...

👉Self Doubt, a worst enemy yet common to every personality...

I guess you get the point now

But would you allow that worst enemy of yours to take the victory today?

Definitely, your Answer would be No.

What are your hopes and Dreams for your future?

How can you take steps towards achieving them today?

Remember - you owe it to yourself and the people you care about to be the best version of you.

Keep Winning, Happy New Week.




What if working Hard isn't enough?
Hello Beautiful minds.

I'm rest assured you're set for a Beautiful week ahead, but i ask you this question today

What if working hard isn't enough

You could be working hard, yet, you’re working hard in the wrong direction...

But what if there can be a shift or difference on how this week will go and then you experience a massive change...


For Example: If you're the best employee in your company, you should be building yourself something on the side

You can be the best employee to your company and then the best to the open market.

Its time to put your effort and energy in the right direction then you can multiply your impact, multiply your passion
And remember, your future is being shaped every single day by the choices you make…

decide right now to commit to the impact you want to make...

Happy New Week Beautiful Mind. 🥇



Sometimes, We're not afraid of Starting!
We're Most times Afraid of Starting Small.

📍Starting from Zero.

But The Truth is Every genius, pacesetters, experts you admire today...

Started Small..🥇


The Best Protection against Inflation is your own Earning Power.
~ Warren Buffet


If you Want something dearly and you can't afford it.
Would you call it a terrible feeling?

Perhaps you might have had such experience lately

But Here's the reality

You have the ability and capacity to afford all that you can ever need or want

But Why does it seem you can't?

I mean,
The price of everything is going up. guess what’s not going up? People’s income

Your Income...

What would you call this?

I would leave you to answer that 😊

If your current income is all you need to afford all that you can ever need or want..

You're in luck. But If not???

Well, you're still in luck too

You know as well as I do, it's tough to stand out in the rest 2023 with just one stream of income...

But what if there was a way to level up your Game from just one stream to multiple streams..

It's possible

What then Is the Solution to this terrible feeling?

Stay with me 👇
If you're one of the best employees at your company, you should be building something for yourself on the side

Why do I say this?

The Open Market will definitely pay you for your knowledge and Skill more than a company will do.

Those skills and knowledge learnt from the open market definitely makes you employable and recession proof.

But Why does it seem it can't?

It's because you've been trying to dive in the wrong way

You don't need to go "All in" into the Open Market..

But once you've a clear target

You can just find 30 minutes - 1hr per day to push the learning cycle..

See you soon..


Oh, By the way, let me Bribe you with free stuff..
Here's a Free presentation of an array of businesses you can start today with full guidance...

Click on the link in the Comment section 👇


Do you know that the most engaging content historically has been post that trigger emotional responses..

Emotions such as Joy, Anger, laughter imputed in any content tends to go viral.

Something happened to me some days back, I stumbled on a content that left me laughing so hard. 😅

But here's the catch, I end up spending about 30 mins of my time watching other videos from that content creator,

I sincerely never planned for that.. Quite funny right

You will agree with me, this has happened to you too...

Yours might even be 1hr..

Abi, Is it not true?😎 Tell me in the Comment if you agree.

The Ability to embed feelings in your content makes it go viral

So, there's something this guys know that you don't know.. What are they, let's get practical

1.Your ability to Grab your audience Attention at the first 3 seconds

2. Your Ability to retain that attention grabbed
3. Your ability to transport that attention to a place they will get more value

Mastering these 3 simple steps can set you high chilling with the Big Boys..

See you soon.

Ohh, By the way, I have a free video that shows you how to master this 3 simple steps ... Comment Below to get access to it

Cheers to a New Week..❤️


Success stories are often born from the ashes of failure.

Speaking of an Inspiring individual who started from scratch

and achieved significant wealth through affiliate marketing is

Pat Flynn,

He was laid off from his dream job as an Architect.

His painful layoff opened up his eyes to the world of Entrepreneurship and He is currently the founder of Smart Passive Income,

a renowned online platform that provides insights into various passive income streams, including affiliate marketing.

Through his dedication to transparency, valuable content,

and building trust with his audience, he was able to generate a substantial income.

His goals are to inspire everyone around him through the actions that he take,

the lessons that he learn and the happiness he can share with others.

You definitely would love to connect with him on his Website at

At this point, i am very sure you were inspired by Patt's Story..

Tell me in the Comment Section, what part of his story inspired you..

Happy New Week Champ...🥇😊

Photos from Moses Olowe's post 03/07/2023

There are Days where you feel like not doing anything, you just want to stay in that state of comfort for a while...

You see, that state is the best time to stand up and do something.

And you will agree with me its one of the hardest times in life..

Letting our emotions play a role by choosing to embrace our comfort zone tends to limit the reach to our goals.

We all love our comfort zones, I am not excluded either

But irrespective of the feelings, We will keep doing what is required for the life we desire.

Knowing what awaits us is worth striving for

Good things take Time..

Happy New Week Beautiful Mind😊

I hope you will keep working?

Cheers to your Growth


Meet Abdulsalam, An Ibadan Boy who re-defined the odds of just been a normal Street Bricklayer to be a 7 figure Business Owner...

As a normal Guy, daily walking the streets of Ibadan city looking for bricklaying jobs to earn a living, was really a frustrating one for him...

There were times, he would not get any job,

There were also times, he would get one and end up not getting paid that same day...

It felt so frustrating, having to live from hand to mouth..

As a Diligent Guy, it took him about 4 years to save up 400,000..

Rich kid right??😅

So, he decided to leave his comfort zone and went in search for other opportunities.

Unfortunately, Tragedy struck, The young man lost all of his entire savings while trying different online schemes..

Quite Sad Right?? I know you will be like, his village people are after him 😅

As days went by, grieving over his lost money to ponzi schemes

Fortunately, he got connected with Dr Sam Harvard via one of his Videos online

He decided to take the risk of learning one singular skill and how to apply that skill from Dr. Sam

And Guess What in 30 days alone, he was able to generate double of what took him 4 years to gather...

In one of those pictures above, you will see him receiving a Cheque...

Here is one of the Biggest lessons learnt from this...

The Ability to re-invent yourself is what gives you an hedge in this ever competitive and constantly changing world, Abdulsalam saw a need to learn a skill even after he lost his savings to ponzi schemes..

I hope you got Value, I would love to hear your thoughts in the Comment section, what lessons did you learn?

Ohhh By the Way, Dr. Sam has a goal of helping over 100,000 Africans

Who are willing to learn this Singular Skill he taught Abdulsalam..

And Guess What, he is giving out a Free video that explains all you need to know...

If you will love to get access to it.. Comment Interested, And I will send it to you...


Strategies that can Boost your Sales and Help you Close more Deals..


So recently, I messaged some of my contact list asking them a simple questions..

Here's the question 👇

❗️How open minded would you be earning a consistent $1,000 per month,

with a minimum of 3hrs hours work per day doing simple tasks while also keeping your Academic journey or 9-5 job on track... 🥇
Just asking..❗️

Its quite a simple one right??
I actually got amazing answers..

You reading this now..

What do you think? Or How would you feel?

I would love to hear your comment too.
Comment below and tell me. 😊

And If you're definitely like me and your answer is, Oh, I will feel really Good,
⭕️I'm definitely Open minded or
⭕️ Sounds like a good offer, or
⭕️ You're wondering HOW

Then Prepare to get your Mind Blown with what I'm about to share with you

And If your answer is, Nah, this is not for me, I understand... Also read through to get the full gist...

Just Recently, Our New Presido was sworn into office and he announced the removal of Fuel Subsidy..

For those of you who don't understand what this means.. Subsidy means when someone pays the part price of something you consume

This means that the Government pays half the price of the fuel sold in Nigeria

I.e If the real price of fuel is sold at N350, the government pays N190 for every comsumer.

And as a result of this, price of fuel has skyrocketed 🚀

Now we all know the effect of the price of fuel on other products. The Price of everything goes up with it..

If you're a Nigerian reading this now, you need an Income source that pays you in dollars. This is one way to beat the inflation that is about to hit Nigeria.

If you have a Smartphone and an Internet Connection, you have the keys to saving yourself and your family from the hardship that is coming..

There's a FREE Live Webinar happening today by 8pm, that reveals how to build an Online income that pays you in dollars within the next 6 months to 1 year..

If this is you, Comment 111 in the Comment Section. Or hurry now to my profile, there's a link there to connect with me via WhatsApp to get more Info on that..

You don't want to miss out.

See You Soon!!!


Good morning Friends...

Go out Today with the Complete Consciousness that you're the next Multi-Millonaire in your Family...

Can I get a Witness.. 🙌

Happy Children's Day. 😊


Don't just have access to opportunities

Utilise Your Access!!!


Recently, While attending an online Event
I was asked a Question... Guess what the Question was?

What Can You do, Moses?

Well, That moment, I said to myself, I have a Skill

Funnily, While saying that, I got pricked in my Mind with this Words, DO You really have a Skill?

These made me feel a little bit bad about myself., I sat down to think through how I have not been paying attention to details (the Skill)

And Guess What, it cost me alot such as, missing diverse opportunities, struggling to sell my Skill, even struggling to build that relevance..

But Then, I realized something exceptional, Guess what it was Friend?

"Everything I see People do Today via the Competence Level is obtainable by Learning.."

I said to myself, I have been leaving alot of things on the Table just by not Learning from a Community or a Mentor..

Growth must be Consistent!!!
The Greatest People we Celebrate both Today and in History at some point were left alone to learn, practice, fail in their closet or community until they accessed Greatness.

Fast forward to today...

I realized, I have made decisions and still making decisions to commit myself to building mastery, confidence, excellence and creativity

And it's interesting how the Growth Process feels like day after day, investing time, discipline, commitment and character

Staying focused Dear Friend..

Knowing That Destinies are tied to you.

Here's my Point in all this..🥇

1. Don't get too attached to what you're currently doing that you forget the need to evolve or reinvent yourself in Learning from a Community or a Mentor
I know, you know so much more, but there's more to be learnt to attain that Greatness

I hope you learnt something useful!

By the Way, If you're currently struggling on deciding what are the perfect skill, Businesses or expertise you would love to go into in this dispensation..

I have a FREE 15 MINS VIDEO for you by my Mentor,

But it's only available for a Short Period of time!!!

So To get access to it Now, Comment "Interested" below and I will send you the link..

Cheers Guys.👊


People do not become Great by Power, they become Great because they have a Source..
Who is Your Source?


Ever Wish you could Sneak peek into your Future, Dear Friend.

I mean we all wish we could have a day or two rides into the future, to have an idea what it feels like..

What do you think?

But anyways that's on a lighter note

I would love to share a quick thought with you

Sir Tony Robbins said this: Most people Overestimate what they can do in one year, but underestimate what they can do in 5 or 10 years..

I find this true because, who doesn't want to be seen as a Success in a little time, for instance a 30Day Period...

You would agree we all want to, I mean to be seen as a genius in whatever field you find yourself

Do you know what..

You might be overestimating what you’ll achieve in the next 30 days..

But Guess what, 6 months to a year from now you could look back and be shocked by the results you were able to create..

How do I know?

Because Building anything that is capable of having a Positive impact to ManKind Takes time!!!

See you Soon

It's been a While on this Space, I trust we're all doing Great!!

Follow Moses Olowe for more Insightful Content


While growing up, I had an issue of not having the ability to be open to opportunities..

Whenever I got in contact with something that would benefit me, I would conclude in my mind that I don't have the resources, if it requires one..

It was a painful one because I missed alot of them due to the mindset I had..

If I don't have it at my disposal then it's not for me - This statement has made quite a number of persons to loose opportunities..

I got saved from this mindset when I decided to take responsibility for my life...

Just like in the Video below says👇🏿

Don't Limit Your Experience to that thing you want.

Instead of allowing those thoughts of "I can't", "I don't"

Replace them with " How can I" , "How do I"

This helps the Mind think of Ways to make whatever's it is you want possible...

I hope you learnt something today.

Before you Go, I have something for you,

It's in the midst of Chaos, the biggest Opportunities present themselves..

I have a Free Webinar for you if only you are willing to invest 1hr of your Time into Information that can Transform your Life..

3 Industry experts that can change the Game for you and be among the 1% Wealth Makers..

It would only be available for sometime, Click on the link in the comment section to access it..


I'm Moses Olowe

iRecommend Helpful Products to Business Owners, Students, Low income earners, who are seeking to 10X their income..

For more Insightful Content like this, follow me.


I can't have the Holy Spirit and Be Poor!!!

No, Never...

I am Wealthy in all Ramifications and I go about doing Good

I have the Faith Of God

I am a Life Giving Spirit..

Nothing Dies in my Hands..

I Lack nothing Good, All my Needs are meant

I can't have God and Be at Disadvantage.

No, It's not Possible.

Guess What,

Jesus is my Template for Living..

As He is, So Am I...

You want to Know the New Address of the HOLY SPIRIT?

He is in ME.. {1Corin 6:17}


Affirm this with me, We are meant to Be More..

Happy New Week Beautiful Minds..

Our Week is Blessed..🙌🙌🙌

See you Soon.


One more thing before I go..

If you are part of my newly found friends

iRecommend Helpful Products to Business Owners, Students, Low income earners, who are seeking to 10X their income..

For more Insightful Content like this, follow Moses Olowe


The Easiest Way you can Set up the Business of your Skilll...

It pains me alot when I see Content Writers, Copywriters, web designers, SEO Writers do not get the best out of the Skills they learnt.

I have seen alot of individuals that are Skillful at what they do, competent to the core but are either broke or still playing Small..

I mean, it's painful, despite the screaming and shouting on the internet.

Go Learn a Skill,.. I have learnt it, but I'm still Broke...

If you are in this Category, I understand how you feel... The Truth is

It's not a question of whether you can make Money Online, it's a question of what Systems are you aware of, that you can take advantage of to make Money online..

It's not enough that you are selling Courses, or writing gigs for client and making small money..

No, it's not enough..

Do You want to setup a business around your Skill, then ask yourself this.

📍Am I making the kind of Money, I want to make, If it is No.

📍Who is currently making the type of money I admire?

📍Can I pay him/her investing in myself to learn what he knows...

This is one Simple strategy that can guarantee building the kind of wealth you want..

Having a Skill is Important, Knowing How to make Money from that Skill is also a Skill...

Do you want to know the business of your Skill?

I have a FREE WEBINAR that shows How Ordinary People Are using a Special SkillSet to Build Successful Business Online..

If you are tired of staying small, This is for you..

You can't have Big Results by playing Small

To get access to the Webinar, Click on the Link in the Comment 👇🏿 or type INTERESTED..


Would you invest 1hr of your time into information that can transform your Life?

The Question is Would you ..

If you are ready to get it, Type on the comment Section - INTERESTED...


What If a 1hr Presentation can put an End to Every of Your Money Problem, Are You Willing to take the Chance?? 👇


Hi Dear Friends,

If all it was going to cost you was just One Hour of your Time to be able to earn an extra $1,000 per month,

Is it a price you're willing to pay?

If your answer is Yes, I have just the Perfect thing for You..

Check the Comment Section!!!

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Wanna Make Sales?  Watch This...#fypシ゚ #foryou #fyp  #makemoneyonline2023 #selling #sales #affiliatemarketingforbeginner...
My Experiences as a Newbie in the online space... #fypシ゚ #fyp #viralreels #growth
Growth is a function of Knowledge Shared..👑 #fypシ゚ #fypシ゚viral #Growth #mindset #fyp
Three Mindset of the Poor...#mindset  #makemoneyonline2023 #viralreels
Learning One of this 3 High Paying Skills can Transform your life.. 👑👑#highincomeskills #personalgrowth #viralreels #hig...
Do you want to sell better and easier.. PAY  ATTENTION to this Video#sales #marketing #viralreels
How to cultivate Positive Thinking...👑👑#personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #mindset
You want to grow your Audience... Practice this Simple Tips..
Strategies that can Boost  your Sales and Help you Close more Deals..
Marketing can be so frustrating 😔But here are 3 Secrets that will skyrocket your marketing Game..#Marketing #sales
Here are 5 tips to skyrocket your Networking skills even as an Introvert..#personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #Introver...
SELL Something Today... 🔥🔥



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