Organofix Solutions

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Photos from Organofix Solutions's post 01/01/2024

🍃Organic Morning to you🍂

I am Omosinmisola Tijanee (aka Omoge Organic). Founder and owner of business Organofix Solutions Nigeria Enterprises, registered with CAC in 2019 and operating since August 29th 2015. I am a Nurse who is also interested in using natural remedies to care and heal health issues.

In this 2024 We have some exciting plans and services to render to you and yours

*Health Counseling
*Weight Loss and Gain Products
*Enlargement Products
*Hair and Beard Grooming Kits
*Infertility Products
*Infection Products
*Medical Instruments
*Skincare Products
*Raw and Rare Herbs
*Essential Oils and Butters
*Massage and Body Pampering
*Nursing Care and Assistance (aged, disabled, etc)
*General Health Care (Diabetes, Hypertension, Asthma... etc)

We look forward into doing more business with you 😌

Let's help you stay healthy through the season and beyond ❤‍🔥 Welcome to a wonderful year 🎉


Be cautious and pay attention to your body.

Note any discolorations, inflammations, sudden appearance of blisters, pain or redness.

Infections are easily treated when noted early 😊


Come get yourself and loved ones something for the festive period


Yupieee it's the second day of Christmas 🎁🎄


1st Day of Christmas 🎁
Come get yourself and yours a package

Staying healthy through the season and beyond 💕

Photos from Organofix Solutions's post 30/11/2023

Our 12Days of Christmas Sales begins shortly

Count down to December 1st


:::::::::H***N AND VIRGINITY ::::::::
(Awareness Covers: Embryology, Forensic Pathology, Lifestyle, Myth and Facts)....

Virginity is defined as the state of being "Virgo intacta" i.e one who has never had s*xual in*******se.

Defloration means loss of virginity i.e. a female who has had s*xual in*******se (Principles of Forensic Pathology and Toxicology).

Virginity, chastity or which others may refer to as maidenhood is the state of never having had s*xual in*******se.

A virgin is someone who has never had s*x — but it's not quite as simple as it seems. That's because s*x means different things to different people, so virginity can mean different things, too.

In Forensic Medicine, the differences between "virgins and non-virgins" are clear, same as those of "true virgins and false virgins" . BUT TODAY, we are not going into that ☺️

A lot of people think that having peno-va**nal (p***s-in-va**na) s*x for the first time is how you lose your virginity, while others believe that any form of s*xual acts between the opposite s*x or of the same s*x (homos*xuality which is illegal and a taboo in many parts of the world) makes someone a non-virgin.

A lot of people especially in cultures today believe that if there's no bleeding at the first time of s*xual in*******se with a new wife or fiance, she has been s*xually molested or has been a pr******te, harlot or whatever. But this is fallacious!

The most common myth around the h***n is that it remains “intact” until it’s broken during va**nal pe*******on, which renders it a physical marker of virginity. Though there are many instances where women do experience a small amount of bleeding from h***nal tearing at first in*******se, this is by no means a universal experience, as there are many women who have very little tissue there in the first place.

Because of this I decided to clear the air by releasing this research based article I worked on to help educate our young men and women on this issue of girls bleeding during first s*x.

THE H***N (h***n va**nae)
Misinformation and circulated myths about women’s health can be incredibly harmful for women. One commonly misunderstood part of female anatomy is the h***n.

The h***n is a remnant tissue just inside the opening of the va**na that’s left over from how the va**na forms during embryonic development.

It’s commonly seen as a small amount of extra tissue in a crescent-shape or ring-like configuration around the edge of the va**nal opening.

Many people might be surprised to learn that the h***n has no proven medical or physiological purpose. Some says it is for va**nal protection because it serves as a barrier between the internal and external ge***alia.... This belief is controversial/unstable as medical science says it has no useful function.

An h***n is easy to detect, it usually don't lies further than 0.8 inches (1-2cm) from the va**na opening, playing the roles of boundary between the external and the internal ge***al organs.

To understand why some women bleed and some don't, it's very important to understand what the h***n is. The h***n is a membrane that tends to cover part of the va**nal opening (it does not always block or cover the entire va**na, as some people mistakenly think).

According to the Principles of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, H***n is classified as follows :

1. Annular – the opening is in the center.

2. Crescentic or semilunar – the opening is placed anteriorly.

3. Cribriform – in this type, the h***n has multiple opening.

4. Septate – a thin strip of tissue is present in between two lateral openings.

5. Fimbriated – opening of h***n is in the center but the margins are wavy or undulating (i.e.fimbriae) and shows
multiple notches.

6. Infantile – the h***n have small and linear opening in the center.

7. Imperforate – h***n with no opening.

8. Absent – in some cases h***n may be conge***al absent.

9. Marginal – the h***n is in form of thin rim with larger opening in the.

Embryology is the process by which an embryo is formed and develops. Now, let's look into the development of the h***n during the embryonic stages.

The ge***al tract develops during embryogenesis, from the third week of gestation to the second trimester, and the h***n is formed following the va**na.

At week seven, the urorectal septum forms and separates the re**um from the uroge***al sinus.

At week nine, the Müllerian ducts move downwards to reach the uroge***al sinus, forming the uterova**nal canal and inserting into the uroge***al sinus.

At week twelve, the Müllerian ducts fuse to create a primitive uterova**nal canal called unaleria.

At month five, the va**nal canalization is complete and the fetal h***n is formed from the proliferation of the sinova**nal bulbs (where Müllerian ducts meet the uroge***al sinus), and normally becomes perforate before or shortly after birth.
(Healey and Andrew 2012).

In October 2018, the UN Human Rights, UN Women and the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that virginity testing must end as it is a painful, humiliating and traumatic practice, constituting violence against women(WHO, 2018).

In reality, the only way to find out if a woman has had s*x is to ask her.

The h***n is often attributed important cultural significance in certain communities because of its association with a woman's virginity (Abecassis, 2007)

In those cultures, an intact h***n is highly valued at marriage in the belief that this is a proof of virginity. Some women undergo h***norrhaphy to restore their h***n for this reason(Mekhennet and Souad, 2008)

The h***n can rip or tear during first penetrative in*******se, which usually results in pain and, sometimes, mild temporary bleeding or spotting.

🗣️ How common bleeding can occur at the first s*xual in*******se remains controversial. , The state of the h***n is not a reliable indicator of virginity (Knight and Bernard 1997).

Minor injuries to the h***n may heal
without visible signs of previous injury(Hegazy et al.. 2012).

Surgical procedure called h***norrhaphy can be performed to restored a torn/broken 💔 h***n.


Historically, it was believed that first s*xual in*******se was necessarily traumatic to the h***n and always resulted in the h***n being "broken" or torn, causing bleeding. However, research on women in Western populations has found that bleeding during first consensual in*******se does not always happen or is less common than not bleeding (Rogers et al., 1998).

Usually it is assumed that h***n is ruptured at the time of first rst coitus. As a result of s*xual in*******se, the h***n is usually torn posteriorly at 6 O’clock position or may tear at postero-lateral sites (5 O’clock and/or 7 O’clock position) as bilateral tears.

The tear extends from h***nal or***ce to the point of their attachment to the va**nal wall (i.e. the tears are usually complete) (Principles of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology).

In one study, slightly more than half of all women self-reported bleeding during first in*******se, with significantly different levels of pain and bleeding reported depending on their region of origin.

Not all women experience pain, and one study found a correlation between the experience of strong emotions - such as excitement, nervousness, or fear - with experiencing pain during first in*******se.

Not all women will bleed for their first time of s*x. Tears of the h***n occurred in less than a quarter of cases.

However, virgins were significantly more likely to have injuries to the h***n than non-virgins.

Even in consensual s*x, approximately half showed evidence of trauma to the h***n. Trauma to the h***n may also occur in adult non-virgins following consensual s*x, although it is rare( Adams et al., 2004).

Trauma to the h***n may heal without any visible sign of injury (White and McLean, 2006).

Trauma to the h***n is hypothesized to occur as a result of various other behaviors, such as tampon or menstrual cup use, pelvic examinations with a speculum, instrumental ma********on, gymnastics, or horseback riding, although the true prevalence of trauma as a result of these activities is unclear (University of California, Santa Barbara in September 19, 2020).

In true virgins, the h***n may be ruptured by Surgical operations for imperforate h***n/per va**nal examination.

Accidental fall on protruding object (not usually possible without associated injuries).

Insertion of foreign bodies, e.g. solapith into va**na.

A habituated female (i.e. female who had frequent s*xual in*******se) shows torn h***n known as ***nalis.

A female who had given birth to child exhibits only remnants of h***n known as ( Principles of Forensic Medicine&Toxicology).

The result is that only a small percentage of women bleed the first time! Only 37% bleed during first-time s*x(British Medical Journal).


Women with thick h***ns (who constitute a small percentage of the population) - Younger girls. Because the h***n wears away on its own with time, a 16-year old has a higher chance of bleeding than a 25-year old.

By the time a girl is of or above the legal age of consent - 18, 20, 24 years of age, for example - most of her h***n is likely to have worn away on its own, meaning it's unlikely that she'll bleed a lot, if at all.

If a woman is born WITHOUT a h***n, she won't bleed the first time she has s*x. If a woman has a small or thin h***n, she might not bleed the first time she has s*x. If a woman's h***n has worn away on its own (which is very common as girls grow up), she won't bleed the first time she has s*x.

The bottom line is that there is no way to assess female virginity. Bleeding does not have anything to do with virginity - it has to do with the kind of h***n a girl has, and h***ns differ from girl to girl from birth.

Women all over the world get abused, injured and even killed due to the myth of 'virginal bleeding at first s*xual in*******se. Because most people (men and women) think that bleeding is a sign of virginity, women who don't bleed the first time have been divorced, suffered from suspicion leading to domestic violence and abuse, and even death penalty.

NOTE: This shouldn't be an excuse for unfaithfulness or promiscuity.

Remember to practice safe s*x, nearly 1 million STIs are acquired everyday worldwide.

You can share this to safe a family today.


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!

Faith Noni, Oke Kehinde

Photos from Organofix Solutions's post 12/09/2022

Slimming down just got easier with our 40 Days Slimming Tea

#10,000 each

#7,000 each

Photos from Organofix Solutions's post 11/09/2022

Buy your effective MIRACLE SEED
Get that flat tummy, burn unnecessary fat and also take care of that infection in your body with our miracle seed. It also helps with total body detoxification.

A pack of 16 seeds #350

1kg: 18000
500g: 9500
250g: 5000
100g: 4000


Pandoro also known as Kigelia africana bark is decocted and administered as an abortifacient. Historically, Kigelia africana is a real solution for ***s enlargement enlargement enlargement, actually referred to as the topmost used in Nigeria. Tribes also used Kigelia africana for s*xual complaints such as
= infertility,
= poor libido,
= s*xual asthenia,
= impotence.
= p***s enlargement
= breasts enlargement
= breasts fiming
= hips enlargement
= blocked fallopian tubes
= ovarian cysts
= breast cancer
= hotness in women


A sphygmomanometer 
Pronounced as: (/ˌsfɪɡmoʊməˈnɒmɪtə/ SFIG-moh-mə-NO-mi-tər), also known as a blood pressure monitor, or blood pressure gauge, is a device used to measure blood pressure, composed of an inflatable cuff to collapse and then release the artery under the cuff in a controlled manner,[1] and a mercury or aneroid manometer to measure the pressure. Manual sphygmomanometers are used with a stethoscope when using the auscultatory technique.



The stethoscope is an acoustic medical device for auscultation, or listening to internal sounds of an animal or human body. It typically has a small disc-shaped resonator that is placed against the skin, and one or two tubes connected to two earpieces. A stethoscope can be used to listen to the sounds made by the heart, lungs or intestines, as well as blood flow in arteries and veins




Retail Price: 20 pieces for * #2000* (at the rate of #100 per piece) Instead of ~ #4,000~

Wholesale price: 100 pieces for * #9,000* (at the rate of #90 per piece) Instead of ~ #10,000~

Promo Ends 31st July 2021


What lightening shade are you looking at.... let's help you achieve it



The Kigelia africana is a medical Tree found throughout tropical Africa, and there are local names for the plant among the several hundred tribes.

Kigelia Africana is a very useful tree which pe*****te the markets of EUROPE. For example, Malawi cultivating and exporting tonnes of Kigelia Africana to Europe and the country is getting Millions of Dollars annually.

Kigelia africana includes a strong aphrodisiac impact. Numerous dosages of Kigelia africana infusion were reported to show a substantial gain in the
= s***m count,
= testicular weight,
= testosterone levels.

Kigelia africana bark is decocted and administered as an abortifacient. Historically, Kigelia africana is a real solution for ***s_enlargement, actually referred to as the topmost used in Zimbabwe. Tribes also used Kigelia africana for s*xual complaints such as
= infertility,
= poor libido,
= s*xual asthenia,
= impotence.
= p***s enlargement
= breasts enlargement
= breasts fiming
= hips enlargement
= blocked fallopian tubes
= ovarian cysts
= breast cancer
= hotness in women

The stem bark of the sausage tree has been used by traditional healers to treat health complications like hydrocele (elephantiasis of the sc***um)



Weak Er****on?
Premature Ej*******on?
Low S***m Count?

Come to my DM for mouth watering deals

Photos from Organofix Solutions's post 15/05/2021

Get a dick you are proud of

Sausage Tree extract enlargement cream

2-3 weeks result guaranteed

Available in Retail and for wholesalers


Happy New Month Beautiful People


Happy Customer😊💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾

Who else wants to redefine her body structure?

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Available in:
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Photos from Organofix Solutions's post 25/01/2021

B***y XXL is an all natural, effective butt enlargement product ! While most users will start to notice results in 1-2 months, some users will see results in as little as few weeks. This incredible formula targets only the butt and hips and does not cause unwanted weight gain in any other areas.

Usage : 1 capsules morning and evening .

(60 capsules )

Fenugreek Extract (seed), Aguaje (Mauritia Flexousa) (fruit), Maca Extract (root), D**g Quai Extract (root), L-Tyrosine.

Expiry date :1/4/ 2023

Available in retail and wholesale deal

To Order
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WhatsApp: +2348124998780
24/7 call: +2348066410741



Approximately 25% of all infertility is caused by a s***m defect. About 40-50% of infertility cases have a s***m defect as the main cause, or a contributing cause.

A s***m defect is present when s***m are irregularly shaped, have poor motility, low s***m count or no s***m

(Low s***m count)

Oligos***mia or oligozoos***mia refer to semen with a low concentration of s***m, below 15 million/ ml and is a common finding in male infertility. Often semen with a decreased s***m concentration may also show significant abnormalities in s***m morphology and motility (technically oligoasthenoteratozoos***mia).

(Nil s***m count)

Azoos***mia is a semen problem characterised by the lack of s***matozoa in the ej*****te. These men expel semen or s***m, but when the ej*****te is analysed, the number of s***matozoa is zero. This anomaly may be produced by transporation problems to the uretra (obstructive azoos***mia) or by s***m formation problems (non-obsrtuctive azoos***mia).

(Poor s***m motility)

A scenario of asthenozoos***mia presents poor s***m motility. Hence, there will be a progressive motility lower than 32% of s***matozoa moving and swimming). When levels are below this percentage, the condition is called asthenos***mia or asthenozoos***mia.

Many men with low s***m count will also have poor s***m motility issues. However, some men can have a normal s***m count but very poor s***m motility.

Do you have concerns about low s***m count or nil S***m count or poor s***m motility?

Don't die in silence
Get A Natural Therapy today with no side effects.

For more information call +2348066410741 or what'sapp +2348124998780


Chebe Hair Set

Consists of:
1. Chebe Powder
2. Karkar Oil

Was: 4,000 (4 Sets)
Now: 3,200 (4 Sets)

12 days of Christmas Promo deal
Ends on the 12th December 2020


Chebe Extract Beard Growth Oil

Was: 5,000
Now: 3,000

12 days of Christmas Promo deal
Ends on the 12th December 2020


Complete Chebe Hair Kit

Consists of:
1. Chebe Powder
2. Karkar Oil
3. Chebe Extract Shampoo
4. Chebe Extract Conditioner
5. Chebe Extract Hair Butter
6. Chebe Extract Hair Food
7. Beard Growth Oil

Was: 12,000
Now: 10,000

12 days of Christmas Promo deal
Ends on the 12th December 2020


On the 3rd day of Christmas what has organofixsolutions have to give???

1. Chebe Powder and Karkar oil
2. Chebe Extract Beard growth oil
3. Complete Kit of Chebe extract products

Check next post for the prices
..also giveaway coming at noon


It's the beginning of our 12Days of Christmas Promo💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾.(1st December to 12th December)

Who is happy?

Watch out for our daily promo deals and giveaways


If you didn’t achieve what you wished and hoped for last month, don’t worry. Another month is here for all your unfulfilled wishes and expectations to become a reality.

Happy New Month from all of us at Organofixsolutions

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Videos (show all)

Be cautious and pay attention to your body.Note any discolorations, inflammations, sudden appearance of blisters, pain o...
Come get yourself and loved ones something for the festive period
1st Day of Christmas 🎁Come get yourself and yours a packageStaying healthy through the season and beyond 💕
Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!Faith Noni, Oke Kehinde



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