Catholic Doctrines and Spirituality

This page is created to promote pure Catholic doctrines, catechesis and spirituality.

This page aims at reminding us of the richness and the beauty of Catholic teachings , tradition and spirituality.


Dear Fellow Catholics, let us profess our Faith by typing Amen at the comment section 🙏🏽

I believe in God,
the Father almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried;
he descended into hell;
on the third day he rose again from the dead;
he ascended into heaven,
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty;
from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting.



I think this picture is so beautiful. This shows the vicissitude of life. Life is an interplay of joy and sorrow, pain and relief. The Blessed Virgin Mary and Our Lord Jesus Christ had these different moments during their earthly existence.
May our joy last longer than our sorrows . May our success last longer than our failures and disappointments. Above all, May we all attain the beatific vision where we will experience everlasting joy and happiness. Amen!


Through the intercession of Our Lady Mother of Hope, May God grant your special petition presented under this post. Amen 🙏🏽


Holiness does not consist in not making mistakes or never sinning. Holiness grows with capacity for conversion, repentance, willingness to begin again, and above all with the capacity for reconciliation and forgiveness.


We fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God;
despise not our petitions in our necessities,
but deliver us always from all dangers,
O glorious and blessed Virgin.

Photos from Catholic Doctrines and Spirituality's post 24/01/2024

Happy birthday to Bishop Denis Chidi Isiuzoh, the Catholic Bishop of Aguleri diocese, Anambra State Nigeria, the Home diocese of Blessed Cyprian Iwene Tansi. He is a Bishop full of zeal for catechesis and grassroot evangelisation. God bless your new age!


Happy 26th Episcopal Anniversary to Archbishop Adewale Alfred Martins, the Archbishop of Catholic Archdiocese of Lagos, Nigeria. He is a very generous and caring Bishop. May God bless him and grant him many more successful years in His vineyard. Amen



Have you read this part of the Scriptures that talks about the use of medicine for healing the sick? Here is it :

Sirach 38:4-14
“The Lord created medicines out of the earth, and a sensible person won't ignore them. Wasn't water made sweet by means of wood so that the Lord's strength might be known? And he endowed human beings with skill so that he would be glorified through his marvelous deeds. With those medicines, the doctor cures and takes away pain. Those who prepare ointments will make a compound out of them, and their work will never be finished, and well-being spreads over the whole world from them. My child, when you are sick, don't look around elsewhere, but pray to the Lord, and he will heal you. Stay far from error, direct your hands rightly, and cleanse your heart from all sin. Offer a sweet-smelling sacrifice and a memorial of fine flour, and pour an offering of oil, using what you can afford. And give doctors a place, because the Lord created them also, and don't let them leave you, because you indeed need them. There's a time when success is in their hands as well. They will also ask the Lord so that he might grant them rest and healing in order to preserve life”.

When you are sick go to hospital and consult your doctor since God also created medicine and the doctor for healing you when you are sick. Try this ordinary means of healing created by God first and back it up with prayer. You can still go to hospital and invite whoever you want to pray for you to come to your sick bed and pray for you. No hospital will send a priest, pastor, prophet or evangelist away if he or she comes to pray for you in addition to the treatment you are receiving.

Don’t rush to miracle centres or prayer ministries or marine shrines/witch doctor’s shrines first when you are sick or when your loved one is sick. God who created medicine and doctors is not stupid! It is when you have tried the ordinary means of healing he has provided for you and there is no improvement that you can then seek the extraordinary means of healing through miracles. Many have died while many have lost their loved ones stupidly because they had money to rush them to hospitals but they decided and concluded on their minds that the problem was spiritual. They ended up spending more in witch doctor’s shrine or some prayer centers that run on “pay before service”. The fake prophets and evangelists must surely tell you that your sickness is spiritual in order to take over the spiritual problem with the financial benefits. By the time they are done draining you financially it will be too late for the sick person to survive the sickness that ought to have been treated in the hospital much earlier. Most complex and critical cases we have in hospitals today are the cases of those who delayed medical diagnosis and treatment. Most of them don’t survive this unfortunate deterioration. Many can’t forgive themselves for taking this wrong step and still lost their loved ones.

Who among the miracle workers and evangelists of our time is more powerful than the famous Capuchin Franciscan Priest and Saint called St. Pio of Pietrecilna? As a charismatic Priest he had the gifts of healing , prophecy , bilocation, multi lingual, vision, stigmata, mind reading and so on, yet he requested that a reliable and standard Hospital should be built for the sick. This was one of his successful projects before he died. A Hospital was built in his honour which he called “House of Relief for the Suffering”. This till date is one of the best hospitals in San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy. Now, who among your evangelists, Prophets, and miracle workers think about building a hospital much more of having one. Rather than building hospitals they spend more energy and money in establishing anointing oil or Drinking Water companies and begin to manipulate you to use the oil and water to replace going to hospitals. The oil becomes “Gbogbo-nise”(i.e multi purpose healer). Yet they have many doctors they consult home and abroad when they are sick. Thanks to some of them who secretly pay hospital bills of stranded patients in hospitals. More need to be done by encouraging their clients to go to hospital and not always in the habit of telling them that everything is spiritual. Let there be good and affordable healthcare systems and hospitals in Nigeria and other African countries and let’s see if many miracle centers will not go into extinction like in Europe and America. May God grant us the grace to be balanced Christians. Amen
Fr. Francis Ezeh OFMCap



Pope Francis announces the Year of Prayer, which begins today and will lead us to the Jubilee Year of 2025. According to him, we must each rediscover the “great value and absolute need” for prayer in all aspects of our lives.

Read more:



Most of the things you call prophecies in those prayer ministries and prayer houses you go are not really prophecies. Don’t be carried away! Don’t constantly fall victim to fake and false Prophets and Prophetesses. Did you know that you are the one who feeds them with the information they use for or against you either directly through you or indirectly through someone you know who brought you to the prayer house or prayer ministry ? On one hand if someone you know invited you there is the possibility of he or she sharing the information you have confided in him or her to the false prophet or prophetess. He or she works as an agent to the false prophet or prophetess. On the other hand, if you went and you were requested to write down your prayer points or your intentions for coming then it is the same information that the false prophet or prophetess will memorise and use for ministration and prophecy about you. When you eventually hear them mentioning those problems you have mentioned in your prayer points and intentions you will be surprised. The next thing is that you will conclude that he or she is truly a man or woman of God. Some of them who hold online prayer sessions and ministrations read through your prayer points at the comment section of the live streaming from where they call your names and begin to mention your problems to you in a surprising way. This is a very cheap trick and manipulation. Just be careful or had I known becomes your anthem soon. This doesn’t mean that there are no authentic prophecies and prophets in our time. There are but they are not as many as the fake ones. Same way there are original or authentic products are the way there are fake prophets/prophetesses, evangelists, and miracle workers.
Fr. Francis Ezeh Ofmcap
Note this: All my articles and writings here are targeted at false and fake practices of Christian religion and spirituality. No denomination or church is mentioned or intended for belittling. The culprits already know themselves. My articles and writings are aimed at guiding my Catholic audience on social media as well as other well meaning Christians to beware of falsehood and spiritual manipulation. God bless you!

Photos from Catholic Doctrines and Spirituality's post 20/01/2024

_“The life and witness of Father Tansi is an inspiration to everyone in the Nigeria that he loved so much. He was first of all a man of God: his long hours before the Blessed Sacrament filled his heart with generous and courageous love. Those who knew him testify to his great love of God. Everyone who met him was touched by his personal goodness. He was then a man of the people: he always put others before himself, and was especially attentive to the pastoral needs of families. He took great care to prepare couples well for Holy Matrimony and preached the importance of chastity. He tried in every way to promote the dignity of women. In a special way, the education of young people was precious to him.”_
– *St John Paul II’s homily at the beatification of Blessed Tansi, 22 March 1998.*
Happy Feast of Blessed Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi!
He is the first Nigerian to be Beatified by the Church.
He is also the Patron Saint of Nigerian Catholic Priests.
May he continue to intercede for us🙏🏽


Through the special intercession of Our Lady Health of the sick, we pray today for those preparing for surgery and those already at different theatres around the world, May God grant them safety and healing ❤️‍🩹. Amen


Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen’s response to the argument against Infant Baptism.

“If you argue that your child should be allowed to decide at his age of decision whether to accept baptism or not then why don’t you allow him or her to attain the age of decision before he or she could decide the kindergarten or nursery school he or she should attend.?Why don’t you allow him or her too to attain the age of decision in order to choose the type of food that will nourish him or her? You know what is good in other spheres of life and decide on behalf of your children but when it comes to spiritual matters you begin to rationalise “
(Paraphrased from his Book: “These are the sacraments “)



The denial of mental health issues is the worst problem we face in this part of the world. Many are battling with mental illnesses and disorders but instead of acknowledging and seeking treatment or therapy they are in perpetual denial of the reality around them. They decide not to get in touch with reality. At most they embellish it with Christian devotion and piety. They use spirituality and devotion as a form of camouflage so much so that if you are not careful you can easily conclude that they are spiritual men or women. It is not until you have one on one encounter with them and you will realise how deteriorated their mental health have reached. Only those who live or work with such people suffer more from the adverse effects of their mental illnesses. Those under them or living with them suffer a lot of abuses both verbal abuse and physical abuse. They toxify any environment they find themselves with abuses, harshness and harassment. They see themselves as models who should mentor others by way of seeing frequent faults in everything and the constant tendency to give correction at every slightest opportunity they see. But they can never take correction from others since they see themselves as impeccable. In fact they are incorrigible! It’s even more devastating if they are managers, bosses, landlords, caretakers, pastors, priests, religious sisters or brothers, principals, administrators, headteachers and supervisors.

When many of us feel feverish or physically sick we know how to seek help from pharmacists and doctors. How then do we shy away from doing the same when it concerns our mental health? Many wait until they are bundled, chained and forced before they will go and see a psychiatrist or psychologist. Why wait till you have turned naught?Although God answers prayer and prayer is very important, God has already made provisions for the solution of your problem through psychotherapy. Why not use it and back it up with prayer and devotion? For those who are on therapy, please don’t give up your regular medication and therapy. Don’t get discouraged but keep pushing. It shall be well with you.
Fr. Francis Ezeh OFmcap


May this week be filled with divine guidance and overflowing blessings. May you accomplish all your goals with grace and strength. Amen!


They attack and criticise Catholics for making sacramental confessions to their Priests who are trained not to violate confessional secrecy but their prophets and evangelists are busy exposing their health and spiritual conditions on televisions and social media. They say catholics shouldn’t confession to their fellow human beings or mere mortals like them but to confess directly to God while they confess and expose publicly with microphones on their mouths their sins, health conditions and spiritual problems to their prophets, Pastors, Evangelists, Daddy GOs and Mummy GOs on camera, where the whole world see them as possessed marine goddesses, cancer patients, womanizers, impotent, barren, demoniacs. Prostitutes to mention but a few, all in the name of televising miracles. You can’t heal someone and destroy his or her dignity and integrity as a human person. You cant dehumanise the humanity Jesus Christ came to restore and save.
Fr. Francis Ezeh Ofmcap


The Catholic Church remains the church that won’t toy with your privacy and secrecy. The internal forum is meant to protect your privacy and secrecy. This is your integrity and your dignity as a human person. Your sickness and your quest for miracles shouldn’t destroy your privacy. Lawyers know that it’s unprofessional to expose certain confidential information of their clients to the public. Medical doctors are also trained to keep the health records and history of their patients confidential except a third party is a family member who is primarily responsible for following up with the treatment of the patient. Bankers are also conscious of keeping the confidential information of their customers.

Why then are these so called miracle workers and prophets televising and exposing the health challenges, conditions and spiritual challenges of their clients to the world? In a bid to advertise and commercialise their prayer ministries they stream live and ask their vulnerable clients embarrassing questions and even make jest of them before performing their stunts. How can you dehumanise a human person in the name of miracles? Is it that your miracles cannot be effective and successful without your demonstrating them on camera? For me, anything not pre planned and arranged need no video coverage. Movies are acted, filmed and directed. Events are planned, videoed and recorded. The Holy Spirit can’t be programmed and preplanned. The Holy Spirit acts according to His time and promptings. Every preplanned video coverage and live streaming is man made and meant to promote human enterprise. Now, let’s throw this challenge. Do your miracle stunt without a video camera and let’s see how your church or ministry will last.

The Catholic Church doesn’t need advertisement to withstand and survive since it’s establishment by Christ. Fake things make the loudest noise and seek more attention. Have you thought of this?. Most of the transport companies that have stood the test of time do not make so much noise. They always have passengers trooping down to their terminals to patronize them where as the untrusted transport companies are the ones who mount loud external speakers with a very loud advertisement. They will tell you there is just one passenger remaining for the vehicle to depart but you will get disappointed that after buying the ticket then you will realize you are the only original passenger boarding the vehicle. The rest are fake! This will give you a clue on how to discern the authenticity of where you go in search of miracles.
May God dispel the darkness of ignorance from the Christians of our time who don’t discern properly and wisely.
Fr. Francis Ezeh OFMCap


Breaking news!
The man with disfigured face who met the Pope Pope and went viral has died🥲
Vinicio Riva, whose face was disfigured by von Recklinghausen's disease and who received a long embrace from Pope Francis ten years ago in St. Peter's Square, has passed away at age 58. May he rest in peace!


These have been the reactions and the assertions of certain people ever since the BBC documentary on the scandal of TB Joshua surfaced.
To be bereft of history is one of the worst diseases that can lead to false assertions and false claims. It can also lead to repeating avoidable mistakes. The claim that nothing was said when he was alive is false and there are myriads of evidence to back it up. Many actually spoke but their voices were not heard and the few whose voices were heard were not taken seriously by those in authority. There was a conspiracy of silence on his case when he was alive-same way there is conspiracy of silence on the living false prophets and evangelists who are milking their victims with their fake miracles. This is the same thing that happens in other sectors of the country where cases will be allowed to die without any follow up. There are also many cases that have been investigated yet nothing is said about the outcome of the investigation. Have we suddenly forgotten the outcome of Endsars and lekki toll gate massacre? What about currently when many false prophets and evangelists are still operating and televising fake miracles yet we still have those who defend them with their lives because they benefit financially and materially from them. Hence, fighting and stopping them is to close their means of livelihood and sustenance. I have got reports too from some catholic faithful who took their loved ones there and they still died. They had horrible experiences there just because of the quest for miracles. Many of them are mute over this issue before they feel ashamed of themselves saying they took their loved ones as catholics and the result was disappointing and heartbreaking.

On 30th April, 2004, The National Broadcasting Commission imposed a ban on Tv miracles. What was the reason? This was the time TB Joshua and other pastors were showcasing miracles on television stations. It was alleged that the miracles performed on television stations are fake and unverified and hence considered misleading to the public. Many fought against the ban. While some peddled ethnic sentiments, some tagged it an attack on Christianity in Nigeria. The NBC never banned the televising of religious activities except unverified miracles yet this was the misinterpretation that many fanatics gave about the ban. It was discovered that many televisions were the greatest beneficiaries of these Tv miracles since they earn more from the streaming than from other commercials and Advertisements. According to BBC report in 8 June, 2004, most television stations earned $10,000 per hour for televising Miracles. They were after their earning and gains while neglecting the adverse effects on the viewers. Could this not be also said about other sectors that ought to have combatted this mayhem?

Well, as for talking, we will never stop talking both before and after the death of the culprits. Truth may be buried for long but it can never die. Those who try to bury the truth will surely die one day but the truth lives on. If you are manipulated or being held hostage by any man or woman of God, try to speak up on time and don’t wait until he or she is dead before speaking. He or she needs to face the consequences of his or actions here on earth before escaping it to the life beyond. Justice for one is justice for all. The effects of saying it when the person is alive will be more than when the culprit is dead. Nevertheless speaking up when the person is dead should help to denounce whatever the institution or the evil legacy he or she has left behind. It will also teach the wise and prudent not to venture close any suspicious man or woman of God for any spiritual succour. May God heal the wounds of those affected already by both those already courageously exposed as fake and those yet to be exposed.
Fr Francis Ezeh OFMCap


As we come to weekend, we pray that God may perfect all your plans throughout the week and crown your efforts with success.


"Hey there! Get excited for this year because God's got an incredible plan for YOU. Just believe and keep hustling - success is on its way! Stay positive, work hard, and watch as everything falls perfectly into place. Embrace the journey and make this year your best one yet! 🎉"



The fact that you have benefited or you are still benefiting financially or materially from a man of God or a woman of God is not enough justification to say he or she is a good person. Gifting and philanthropy are also among the tools of grooming and brainwashing. The fact that a drummer is good in drumming doesn’t necessarily mean he cannot be a sexual predator or an abuser. The fact that one is a prophet or a miracle worker doesn’t mean he cannot be a womanizer or a serial abuser. He can be wanting in many other areas. Most abusers and manipulators use gifts and fake generosity to keep the mouths of their victims shut forever. Poverty and desperation can make people vulnerable. When the victims feel the pain and the hurt of the abuses they easily switch to the idea that they are well taken care of and this makes them not to speak against their abusers. But remove the financial and material benefits one day, the whole truth about their abusers will go viral .

Don’t confuse an act of philanthropy with the personality and weaknesses of a person. There are so many virtues and vices. That one is generous and remains an abuser at the same time doesn’t mean he or she is a good person. That one is a miracle worker and a womaniser at the same time doesn’t mean the person is a good man of God or woman of God. Yes! Nobody is perfect but hypocrisy is one of the vices Jesus Christ fought sternly against during his earthly ministry. Jesus did not fight sinner’s because he came for their sake but he fought those who claim they are not sinners but already made saints. Those who arrogate praises and worship to themselves rather than to God. Those who project that performing miracles is a sign of holiness and not as an unmerited gift from God to a sinner whom God uses as an unworthy instrument are hypocrites!
Have you not observed that even your politicians appear to be generous in terms of sharing money and material things that would not guarantee your security and future well being but for merely palliative purposes? Have you observed that most fake prophets, and witch doctors in Nigeria and other African countries are known too for their generosity? If any case is raised against them in the future then you will say they are good because they gave money or that you benefited from them? Let’s call a spade, a spade !
Fr. Francis Ezeh OFMCAP



It’s really hard for me to speak against the dead publicly since they are not alive to defend themselves. Yet anything that is said about them whether good or bad is for the living to learn not to repeat the same mistake. TB Joshua is not alive to tell us his own side of the story but this doesn’t mean there are no elements of truth in the BBC documentary. Since am not in the position to make any judgement on the dead, I feel obliged to say that TB Joshua is just one among other So called men of God and women who have wasted so many lives through manipulation and brainwashing. As we are still talking about TB Joshua there are many still held hostage by many men and women of God in Nigeria and other African countries. Many operate as ministries under the Catholic Church but they are actually witch doctors and occultic agents. They display Christian and catholic images but they are agents of the devil. They quote Bible and mimic Christian spirituality and prayer but in their hearts they are agents of darkness. The devil doesn’t always present himself as who he is before the children of God. He always comes as an angel of light in order to gain many followers.

In the year 2016, as a newly ordained Deacon, a young man came to me as a fugitive from one so called prayer ministry run by a young man who claims he is a prophet. The prayer ministry is located in an unimaginable hidden place yet many people go there to get solutions to their problems as they claim. This young man was held hostage for about 4 years in the prayer ministry. How did he get there? According to him, after getting admission to study in the University, his poor widowed mother took him there for prayer and equally for financial assistance. Getting there, the prophet after obviously getting his personal information from his Mum prophesied that he should not resume school at the university when his colleagues were resuming because he will be killed by cultists on his first day of resumption. The only solution he proposed was that the youngman should join them in the ministry and be working and praying pending when the Lord declares the University safe for him. The Lord did not declare the University safe for him for four good years! He was made the secretary and the receptionist of the ministry since he knows how to read and write better than the prophet and the rest of the members in the prayer ministry. From his experience as the secretary and receptionist, when you come to the prayer ministry as a client you are asked to state or mention your name, your address, your profession and your purpose of coming. This information he sends to the prophet in the consultation room who then memorises everything and all the details about you and uses them to prophesy to your amazement!
He reveals that they usually say catholic prayers and Marian devotional prayers in the public but at heart they are not really Christians much more of being Catholics. In their secret meetings the language changes and you will begin to hear names of strange deities and marine goddesses. He and his family were instructed not to have anything to do with their extended family members. They were instructed not to travel home for Christmas and other festivities but they are free to travel with the prophet to his own home town for Christmas and festivities.

How did he get his freedom and liberation? He noticed that the prophet is a homosexual who has been sexually active with other younger men in the ministry. This is why he refused to marry and kept boasting he is a virgin publicly. Luck ran out of him when he started making sexual advances on the young man and threatened to deal with him if he refused to allow him have his way. This was the turning point of this young man’s life. This was his thought: “How can a true prophet be displaying this evil attribute and orientation?”. This made him withdraw from the ministry even with the threats of assassination. I did my best to report to the appropriate authorities for his safety and for the safety of his family. Thank God he later wrote jamb, got admission into the same university after wasted 4 years and still graduated recently from the same university without being hurt by anyone. This is the true life story of just one out of thousands of people perishing and lavishing in many so called churches and ministries.
I can only pray but can’t judge those who are presently under the yoke and bo***ge of these evil people that God will liberate them in due time. May they gain their freedom as human beings and have a thorough factory resetting. Amen
Fr. Francis Ezeh OFMCap


Christmas season has successfully ended and we have entered the ordinary time. May we be alive to witness the Christmas of 2024. May the coming Christmas season be better than the previous ones in every aspect of our lives. Amen



Just yesterday I received a call from a woman. She said her daughter told her I administered the sacrament of anointing of the sick to her when she was in ICU last year. She was unconscious and in coma. The doctor has already exhausted all she could do medically and scientifically. I was called by one of her friends to go and anoint her at 9pm. When I got there it was a pitiable condition seeing her battling with death. I simply performed the rite of the anointing of the sick according to the mind and norm of the church. I didn’t improvise anything. I didn’t do abrakatabra. I simply did what I promised the church on the day of my ordination to always obey and follow the teachings of the Church. Nobody fell down and rolled on the floor. It was a quiet moment and the patients in the other wards were not disturbed by any noise or shouting. The only thing that couldn’t take place was the reception of the Holy communion. She couldn’t take anything through her mouth at her critical condition and this has been her condition two days before my visit. The daughter felt embarrassed but I told her not to worry. I left after doing my work as a Catholic Priest only to be told that she had recovered the next day and the doctors couldn’t explain what exactly happened. She recovered her consciousness and started responding to treatment so much so that she was later moved from the ICU to the general ward from where she was later discharged few days later. She said she later recovered fully and has gone to her parish to do thanksgiving. I am not the Miracle Worker. It was Jesus who healed her through the ministry of the priesthood and the sacrament of the Church especially the sacrament of anointing of the sick. All glory to God! Thank God!

I decided to share this real life story to you to value what you have in the Catholic Church. As a Catholic priest I have had many who received the sacrament of anointing of the sick and recovered from their sick while some were aided to die peacefully through the same sacrament of the anointing of the sick. This is just one out of many other cases. I decided to share this because it’s the most recent among other miracles of the sacrament of the anointing of the sick that I have experienced and witnessed. There are so many other miracles that I can’t mention here. We catholics have rich treasures yet we go to seek help where there is no help. We have the ocean of miracles yet we go to the dry desert in search of water. We have the giver of life in the sacraments yet we travel miles to search for life in empty tombs. May God have mercy on us for not valuing what we have. Lord have mercy!
Fr Francis Ezeh Ofmcap

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