InnocentMinds Training

We are committed to helping individuals and groups in Africa move away from traditions and mediocrity,push boundaries,achieve massive and outrageous succes


Enlarge The Problem 🧠

Problems are inevitable, some fleeting while others linger.

Former US President Dwight Eisenhower once said, "If you’re having difficulty understanding a problem and how to solve it, enlarge it."

It's not the problem itself but our perspective that matters.

Problems are opportunities in disguise.

By shifting our mindset, we can transform challenges into stepping stones for growth.

Reflect on your decisions, recognize recurring patterns, and accept the things beyond your control.

Embrace acceptance as an active process, leading to self-awareness and empowerment.

When faced with a persistent issue, step back, and view it from a new angle.

This fresh perspective can unlock innovative solutions and prevent stagnation.

Don't repeat the same actions and expect different results.

To effect change, identify what needs changing, understand why, and commit to a new approach.

Take the reins of your experiences, explore new viewpoints, and embrace change.

Today is the day to step up and take control of your journey.

Hope you agree.

Innocent USAR
Founder, InnocentMINDS


The Forgotten Hare

There once lived a Hare who made friends with a group of tortoise.

She enjoyed their wits and even found their cunningness to be endearing.

For so long she moved at the pace of the tortoise, soon forgetting how fast it could race.

A day soon came, when a wildfire engulfed the forest where many animals lived inhabited including the tortoise and the hare.

The tortoise had their hard shells to protect them as they withdrew into them and in the ensuing pandemonium, hunters captured and killed the hare in the forest after stopping the wildfire from engulfing the entire forest.

That evening as dusk came and the smoke from the wildfire settled, the surviving animals gathered to take stock, they found that the the rabit was no where to be found.

It's new found snail speed ensured that it fell prey to the consuming fire.

Many of us are found in similar predicaments.

We often forget who we really are, what we are made up of and the innate strength built in each of us that enables us to withstand, survive and even thrive the wildfires of life.

We get consumed by the prevailing disempowering thoughts and self sabotaging behaviours all around us.

We unconsciously let our environment and associations influence and change our long-held positive values as we soon forget that which we are truly made up of.

We hence loose our essence and authenticity.

Isn't it time to rediscover our true potential and start out on a clean slate that gives us room to fully expresses our true, strong selves?

Many folks have found their voices again at our events in recent years.

They identify and get rid of acquired internal inhibitions.

Why not you?

I am leading many committed folks year, to a place that will afford many including you, the opportunity to discover the Forgotten Fast Hare, buried deep within them.

Many times, the problem that we think we have is not the problem in itself.

It is HOW we see the problem that is in itself the real challenge.

Many folks have found their voices again at InnocentMINDS' events in recent years.

They identify and get rid of acquired internal inhibitions. Why not you?

WHAT I AM ABOUT TO SHOW YOU will afford you and many others the opportunity to discover the Forgotten Fast Hare, buried deep within them.

Many times, the problem that we think we have is not the problem in itself.

It is HOW we see the problem that is in itself the real challenge.

Here is your opportunity today to ponder how not to be caught off-guard in the wildfire of career, business, marriage, parenting, and in every other area of life.

Your moment is here.

Take it right and empower yourself.


Innocent Usar


The Downside of Expectations

Expectations are beliefs shaped by experiences, cognitive processes, and cultural norms, dictating our happiness.

Tying our happiness solely to achieving goals can hinder growth and well-being.

Society's pressures often prioritize external validation over personal passion, leading to disappointment when reality diverges from plans.

While setting high expectations is natural, linking happiness only to their achievement is risky.

Happiness should not depend on meeting predetermined conditions but on embracing the journey.

Letting go of rigid beliefs and understanding that life unfolds for us can lead to genuine happiness, empowering us to create our happiness regardless of external circumstances.

Reflect on your life blueprint, align actions with personal visions, and assess if beliefs align with expectations.

Embrace the journey, cultivate happiness, and empower yourself to pave your path to fulfillment.


We all have our down days when we feel dull, wishing things would move along less slowly.

It's easy to get caught in negativity during those times, but there's always a way to elevate your mood and get back in your power zone.

Negative moods come and go, influenced by various factors like music, weather, news, or even interactions with strangers.

However, nurturing positive moods leaves a lasting impact on our health and how we perceive the world.

To maintain a healthy mindset, it's crucial to engage in constructive activities that boost your emotions without resorting to harmful habits.

By conditioning your mind to focus on empowering states, you can enhance your overall well-being and performance.

If you're struggling to break free from limiting emotional patterns, consider seeking support through classes that empower individuals to take control of their lives.

Here's to a better life...

Innocent USAR
Founder, InnocentMINDS


Kai! Our Laid-Back Youth and The Middle Belt Syndrome

I used to take pride in our gentle, endearing nature up north, especially here in the middle belt.

But, talking to friends now, I realize that I am not the only one thinking we are not so driven and passionate about living life, success, legacy and impact.

This is an attribute of both the guys and the ladies.

How informed and involved in advocacy, business enterprise, community developmental projects, social work and innovation are the most of our young people here in the Middle Belt?

As an Entrepreneur, Coach and Trainer, my experience with young people here, now and in recent years have troubled me.

I know very few may read this and make any significant commentaries and contributions, but I can understand why.

Mediocrity and smallness seem to have become our hallmark.

When my friend, Praise Fowowe came to Jos in 2010, we had some great meetings and events.

At one of such, he made an illustration with Condoleeza Rice.

No one in the audience of over 300 mostly young people, knew or had heard of her- the former US Secretary of State.

I was embarrassed.

If we think our Southern brothers and sisters as well as those elsewhere are too forward and "gra gra," there may be a lesson or two to learn from them and their nature and nurture.

Even some of them who were born here or who have lived with us, have become like us, if not worse.

Too much of our focus here, unfortunately, is on marriage and relationships, football and sports, school runs and 'baffs,' music and entertainment, and the like.

The thing is, nothing is bad in some of these things by themselves.

The one-sided nature of our focus is a very troubling trend.

The beer parlours of Benue and Plateau States. Have become legendary.

Our depleting food harvests have shamefully been depleted.

Our vulnerability to bandits and Fulani night marauders has shown our once- legendary impenetrability as history lessons.

Our failure to get our political elders to trust us to sit at the seat of political and leadership discourse is unacceptable.

Hardly do you see us involved successfully in business, the literary world, international travel, personal development, many other innovative ventures and such daring enterprises in different fields of human endeavour.

We take great pride only in our representatives winning local and international reality shows and dance and music competitions, and to me, that can be great, but is that all we've got?

Are those our only ambassadors?

Our kids and younger siblings aspire to be and model their lives and future after music stars, film actors, rogues in government and various people who show them a very distorted view of success.

In Jos for instance, most young people want to be an MI, Tu Face, Mikel or Genevieve, or on the other hand end up in some secretariat as a civil servant.

Before I get misunderstood, I must say that these are not bad people.

There is much more in personal achievement and success in the arts and other areas than we seem to know.

Many either envy or want to be like that son or daughter of a Commissioner, Minister, Governor successful businessman, academic or Permanent Secretary.

You meet a couple of youngsters who begin to introduce themselves, like, " I am, or, he/she is the son or daughter of so and so person or big man."

A serious identity crisis.

You hear and see signs of all of the above in conversations, on Facebook and Instagram postings, in church, at clubs, at the viewing centre, in the salons, in lecture halls, etc.

We do not listen to the news or read newspapers.

Hardly do the majority of the middle belt youth read anything outside of academic books, just to pass examinations.

When we try, we read fiction such as crime and romance ONLY.

We are so filled with excuses and limiting beliefs.

We consistently blamed parents, leaders, the government, and many others but refuse to accept any responsibility.

To an extent, I believe that would make some sense.

I am disappointed and appalled though, by the dearth and scarcity of good role models and mentors.

Rather than mentor us, our opinion leaders and businessmen seem to be largely more interested in picking us up for either a drink at the bar, to act as pimps or companions for the social events where they cannot take their wives or, at their l***y all-night rendezvous or out of town escapades.

At youth meetings and religious occasions, it's all laden with lots of special numbers, dance and sports. I am tired of this usual spectacle.

Once we are done with our NYSC in far lands, we run back home in search of comfort and jobs and living in our parents' safe nests.

Our divorces are getting out of hand and I bet you any reliable research in this area would elicit statistics that would be mind-boggling.

We are adept at gracing marriage and wedding ceremonies, burials and the visitations of comedians who come around from time to time to make us laugh and forget our sorrows.

I cannot over-stretch these issues here.

This mentality has kept us at a very mediocre level.

I call it the Middle Belt Syndrome (MBS).

It's in Benue, Plateau, Taraba, Kaduna, Nassarawa, the FCT, Adamawa, Niger, Kogi, parts of Kwara, Gombe and Bauchi States.

They call us MINORITIES and we simply accept that label to mean, THE LEAST and SETTLE.

Our parents and elders failed us woefully.

We did not learn to be bold, confident and assertive.

We did not see a lot of them succeed.

We did not see them lead.


The worst of the crimes is that we refused to take responsibility ourselves, in turn.

We only hustle to get admission, acquire certificates or get into music or farming or better still, dancing.

We supply a large percentage of the food sold in some of the biggest markets all around our nation, yet we have some of the poorest infrastructures.

It's on record that the level of corruption among our leadership here is very high.


The MBS - Is this therefore an indictment on the middle belt youth who is sentenced to doom and mediocrity?

Far from it.

It's the MBS that has got to be dealt a heavy blow.

I have consistently said that we have been deceived and told that "youth are the leaders of tomorrow."

That is far from the truth.

Do you remember the Yakubu Gowon's, the Joseph Tarkas, the Joseph Gomwalks, the Tafawa Balewas and many others who stood shoulder to shoulder with leaders from other parts of the country at a very young age?

We are not the leaders of tomorrow.

..but only if we wake up to lead TODAY in different areas of life

I am seeking a new breed and a generation of driven, goal-oriented, passionate and purpose-driven youth in the middle belt, who know and are aware that we are at par with our colleagues in the far north, south-west, south-east and south down the destructive tools of religion and follow God as well as our passion with our whole hearts.

I am constantly meeting a couple of like-minded youth, here and there now who are unique and different.

The civil service may be good but we can do better folks. Who says we must depend on jobs only?

You and I can be entrepreneurs, employers of labour and industrialists.

I have but seen only a few do this here. like Anthony Robins would say, AWAKEN THE GIANTS WITHIN YOU!

I am not unaware that our friends in the south do have some challenges of their own.

I am not saying they are perfect, but, HABA!


Away with that inferiority complex and low self-worth that has eaten deep into our productivity and confidence.

Let's join forces and encourage one another.

We are not in competition with each other or with our brethren in other places.


It's time to get industrious.

It's time to get rid of the MBS.

Let us declare a revolution and "state of emergency" on the MBS.

Let's begin to take responsibility.

We MUST aspire to be better by far, than our mothers, fathers and our many unconscious mentors.

Awareness without action is nothing.

We must think and do things differently.

Let's arise and get in the groove and the mix of things.

We must move in the direction of picking up and acquiring skills and skill sets that empower us in all ramifications of life.

I want to begin to be in the pursuit of real productivity and excellence.

Are there some emerging and rising stars amongst our youth?

Certainly but it's all like a drop of water in the ocean -/we need more.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media outlets are not avenues for chit chats, entertainment and lazying around passing time.

We must stop playing ludo, droughts and cards under trees in Tudun Wada, Hwolshe, Bukuru, Busa Buji (these alow-income home living areas in Jos) and in our towns and villages.

I cannot continue to be too quiet and a 'follow-follow.' Nigeria and Africa's challenges have their problem's solutions lying dormant on my inside.

It's time to stir them up! I am no longer satisfied with the status quo.

I was born an original.

I do not want to die a photocopy.

I don't want to end up a news reader, but a news maker.

I will never allow myself to be consumed by the MBS or virus.

I am empowering myself and waiting for no one to do it for me. I am breaking out! How about YOU?

Please share and let's conscientise ourselves again.


InnocentMINDS Training

Map of Nigeria showing the Middle Belt States courtesy

This post is adapted from a post originally written by Innocent Usar on the 24th of May, 2011.


Good Vibes Vs. Bad Energy

There is a strong connection between our emotions and how we perceive the energy around us.

Our subconscious mind can pick up on the vibe in a room or a specific environment, impacting our experiences.

As humans, we are wired to sense and adapt to the emotions of those around us, helping us navigate challenges effectively.

Our emotional state plays a significant role in how we approach difficulties, shaping our future outcomes.

While the effects of good or bad energy can be felt quickly, they often linger longer than we anticipate.

The popular saying "Bad energy stay far away" reflects the influence of our environment on our well-being.

In a culture that promotes toxic positivity, it's essential to acknowledge that embracing a range of emotions, both positive and negative, is healthier than constantly pursuing good vibes.

Encouraging self-care involves embracing vulnerability and allowing ourselves to experience the full spectrum of emotions.

By recognizing and accepting our feelings, we can navigate challenges authentically, leading to genuine growth and resilience.

Embracing all emotions, including the not-so-happy ones, is essential for achieving genuine inner peace.

A recent study in Emotion underscores how the pursuit of happiness can paradoxically result in increased unhappiness.

Instead of suppressing our true feelings, embracing them with self-compassion can neutralize their negative impact.

Let's prioritize authenticity in our emotions; showcasing our genuine selves cultivates empowerment and fosters meaningful connections.

Remember, effectively expressing emotions and projecting positive vibes can significantly enhance feelings of contentment.

Remain as contented as you can now and in the future.


Innocent Usar
Founder, InnocentMINDS

Photos from InnocentMinds Training's post 18/05/2024

Push Abuja is on!!

Some committed individuals have started their growth journey this morning at PUSH ABUJA.
Roll up your sleeves put in the work and you will realize what is possible for you.

We continue tomorrow.

Push is next Saturday and Sunday in Lagos.
Registration is still ongoing and totally free.

See you there.


Why do relationships hold such fascination for many young Nigerians?

From social media hangout spaces on Twitter and TikTok to popular Facebook groups and accounts with hundreds of thousands of followers, the buzz around relationships, eligible bachelors, reality TV, and music stars is undeniable.

The most engaging content revolves around gossip, write-ups, videos, and pictures related to relationships and marriages, including glamorous weddings and stories of failed relationships.

The underlying reasons for this obsession might stem from backgrounds lacking genuine love, acceptance, and healthy communication.

Many young individuals come from homes filled with conflicts, neglect, and unresolved trauma, leading them to seek validation and affection in romantic relationships.

The pursuit of relationships may also serve as an escape from personal struggles and a lack of self-discovery among youth today.

In a world dominated by edited social media content and superficial connections, the allure of romantic love often overshadows intellectual pursuits and self-exploration.

Many individuals struggle to be alone with their thoughts, opting for the temporary gratification of passion and lust.

The need for introspection and understanding oneself seems to have taken a backseat to the instant gratification provided by relationship dynamics and external validation.

Many young people in relationships may lack awareness of crucial aspects such as self-reflection, healing from past trauma, building self-esteem, and reclaiming lost time.

It is disheartening to see that for many individuals in this demographic, the primary areas of focus often revolve around lounges, clubs, online dating apps, hookups, and similar activities.

A shift towards prioritizing personal growth and well-being could lead to more fulfilling and meaningful relationships.

I have an opportunity for people who want to start taking theor lives more seriously.

Attend PUSH Through Boundaries in Lagos and Abuja this weekend and next by enrolling for FREE at the link below:

I wish you well.

Share and spread some hapiness today.

Innocent Usar
Founder, InnocentMINDS


It is 1 day before PUSH in Abuja holding tomorrow Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th of May at Valencia Hotel in Wuse II.

Are you usually a last-minute person?

Are you used to missing deadlines?

Do you procrastinate often?

When will you begin your own personal journey of transformation and alter your old, disempowering patterns?

Maybe it isn't you but someone whom you need to be there and want to send this to them?

Go on...

It's time to be at PUSH and get help to look on your inside just as that old African proverbs says, "if there is no enemy within, the enemy without can do us no harm."

Register for free before enrolment is shut down in the next few hours...

Expect details to be sent to you immediately via email.


FOLLOW and watch my videos on tiktok:

Loads of nice videos there - even the ones I do rare and really funny videos skits...


Integrity is more than just being honest; it's about aligning our core values and moral convictions with our daily lives.

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to lose touch with our true selves.

That's why it's essential to reflect on our beliefs and life's purpose regularly.

Living with integrity demands that we don't compromise our values in the face of challenging situations.

We must remain steadfast in our convictions and stand up for what is right.

Let's take a moment this week to consciously demonstrate our values every day, no matter how small the action.

Living with integrity is all about self-honesty and having the courage to accept our convictions.

By doing so, we become our true selves and make a difference in the world.

May this week find you living your true and wholesome essence.

Meanwhile, Join me and my team at PUSH Through Boundaries in Abuja this Saturday and Sunday 18th and 19th May 2024 for FREE.

Push holds at Valencia Hotel in Wuse II, Abuja. Enrol below using the link...

Expect an email after your registration today.

Photos from InnocentMinds Training's post 14/05/2024

The NLP Master Practitioner Certification is an advanced certification in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), a field of study focused on the connection between language, mind, and behaviour.

This certification demonstrates expertise in using NLP techniques for personal and professional development, communication, and coaching.

To become an NLP Master Practitioner, you typically need to:

1. Hold a prior NLP certification (usually a Practitioner Certification)
2. Complete an approved Master Practitioner training program (usually 7-14 days)
3. Pass a certification exam or assessment

Start your NLP Journey as a beginner at a FREE 2-day introductory taster event in Abuja or Lagos this May by checking this link now...

The opportunity expires in the next few days.

Some popular certifying organizations include:

- International Association of NLP (IANLP)
- Association of NLP (ANLP)
- National Federation of NLP (NFNLP)
- Society of NLP (SNLP)

Benefits of becoming an NLP Master Practitioner include:

- Enhanced skills in NLP techniques and applications
- Improved communication and coaching abilities
- Increased confidence and credibility in your field
- Expanded career opportunities in coaching, training, and personal development

Please note that certification requirements may vary depending on the organization and location around the world.

It's essential to research and chooses a reputable certifying organization and training program.

Our organisation, InnocentMINDS Training and Consulting, is the only one in Nigeria affiliated to Association of NLP (ANLP), which and has hiated theae trainings in Nigeria since 2013.

Our next NLP Master Practitioner Certification Training is a 9-day event due in June/July 2024 as shown on the 2 fliers.

Reach us or visit our website for additional info or enrolment...

+234 908 678 6515
+234 908 678 6516


Here is an old Panchatantra story of the clever rabbit and foolish, prideful lion...

Once upon a time, there lived a cruel lion in a dense forest. He was very powerful, ferocious and arrogant. He used to kill the animals of the forest to gratify his hunger. This action of the lion became the cause of worry for the animals of the forest.

They were worried that after sometime none of them would be left alive. They discussed this problem among themselves and came upon the decision to hold a meeting with the lion. They wanted to arrive on a friendly settlement with the lion and to put an end to the problem.

One day, as per the plan, all the animals of the forest gathered under a big tree. They invited the King Lion to attend the meeting. In the meeting, the representative of the animals said,” Your Majesty, it is our happiness, that we got you as our king. We are all the more happy that you are attending this meeting”. The King lion thanked them and replied, “What is the matter? Why we have gathered here?”

All the animals started looking at each other. They were recollecting enough courage to start the topic. One of the animals stood up and said,” Sir, its natural that have to kill us for your food. But, killing more than what is required is not a good approach. If you go on killing the animals without any purpose, very soon a day will come, when there will be no animal left in the forest.” The king lion roared, “So what do you want?”

One of the animals replied, “Your Majesty, we have already discussed the problem among ourselves and have come upon a solution. We have decided to send one animal daily to your den. You can kill and eat it, the way you like. This will also save you from the trouble of hunting.” The lion replied, “Fine. I agree to this proposal, but make sure that the animal must reach to me in time, otherwise, I'll kill all the animals of the jungle." The animals agreed to this proposal.

From that day onwards, daily an animal was sent to the lion to become his food. The lion was very happy to have his food right before him without taking any pains of hunting. So, everyday it was the turn of one of the animals. Once, it was the turn of a rabbit to go to the lion’s den. The rabbit was old and wise. He was unwilling to go, but the other animals forced him to go. The rabbit thought of a plan which would save his life and the lives of other animals of the forest. He took his own sweet time to go to the Lion and reached the lion’s den a little late than the usual time.

The Lion was getting impatient on not seeing any animal by the time. The Lion got extremely furious when he saw a small rabbit for his meal. He swore to kill all the animals. The rabbit with folded hands hesitatingly explained, “Your Majesty. I am not to be blamed for that. Actually, six rabbits were sent to make your meal, but five of them were killed and devoured by another lion. He also claimed to be the king of the forest. I have somehow escaped to reach here safely."

The king lion howled in great anger and said, “Impossible, there cannot be another king of this forest. Tell me. Who is he? I’ll kill him. Take me to the place, where you saw him.” The intelligent rabbit agreed and took the Lion towards a deep well, filled with water. When they reached near the well, the rabbit said,” This is the place where he lives. He might be hiding inside.”

The Lion looked into the well and saw his own reflection. He thought it was the other Lion. The Lion was furious and started growling. Naturally the image in the water, the other Lion, was also equally angry. In order to kill the other Lion, he jumped into the well. The Lion darted his head against the rocks and drowned in the deep well.

The wise rabbit, with a sigh of relief went back to other animals and narrated the whole story. All the animals got happy and praised the rabbit for his wit. Thus, the jubilant rabbit saved all the animals from the proud Lion and they all lived cheerfully thereafter.

Pride makes us selfish to even ourselves and closes our minds to learning. While it may depict that we sufficiently value our accomplishments and helps us push towards what we deserve, pride is a bad master.

Some people often display pride to affirm their worth and value, but does it really serve them or trap them? There are certain things that make us swell with pride as we believe having a healthy self-worth requires taking pride in our achievements. If we accord value to our accomplishments then we develop a very fragile ego.

Although we can't discount the feeling of satisfaction that comes with achieving a goal or reaching a milestone, once we allow these things to define who we are, we set ourselves up for misery. We must cultivate humility through genuine validation and reaffirming who we are inside-out.

Pride is sometimes driven by low self esteem preventing us from acknowledging our vulnerabilities. We feel so badly about ourselves that we compensate by looking for others’ flaws as a way to conceal our own and feel superior. We relish in criticizing others as a defense against recognizing our own shortcomings.

We can realize that we don’t have to be perfect. We must embrace our strengths and weaknessess, nothing should take away our humanity.

We must become introspective about our behavior and consciously tune into our thoughts. Pride comes from fear of embarrassment or shame leading to an unhealthy craving for control.

We can be aware of our weaknesses and admit our shortcomings to avoid creating a mental block that could hinder our growth. We need to stay open minded to understand other perspectives that contradict our opinions.

I have help for you on how to stay powerfully open minded in today’s world. It is an opportunity to meet me in Lagos or Abuja and learn the most empowering tools in our land.

It is my gift to you and your closest pals today. Grab it here now for free...

Innocent USAR
Founder, InnocentMINDS
Creator, The Epic Outcomes Matrix

Story and sketch adapted from...

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As a Change - Work professional and trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), I meet people all the time looking fo...
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