Odinaka Uzoma

Our focus is to better lives across the globe via education. A well constructed write-up can deliver.


I have reached 900 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉


Hi! I'm a motivational speaker and writer, from Nigeria West Africa.

Please follow this my Facebook profile via the link, I'll follow back immediately 🥰.


Prince Odinaka Ajaegbu


Please follow my Facebook profile, I'll follow back immediately 🥰.


Prince Odinaka Ajaegbu


Trust: Earned Process

Trust is the lifeblood of relationships, built on integrity, reliability, and consistency. It takes time and effort to cultivate, but it blossoms with honesty and commitment. Encouraging the journey of earning trust builds stronger connections, respect, and loyalty. Yet, one misstep can cancel the whole trust.

Telling lies is a dangerous path to take in life. It kills the trust people have in you as easily as ABC.

Can you be trusted with money, can you be trusted with a high position of authority, such that pride and ego will not destroy you? Can you be trusted with a beautiful woman or a rich man?

Don't think you are being smart when you take advantage of those who trust you; they are only allowing you to build your self confidence. You may not always be lucky breaking the trust people have in you.

Trust is priceless, so cherish and nurture it.

My name is Odinakachukwu Prince Uzoma, wishing you a glorious and happy Sunday.


Last week, I wanted to send 45k to someone who was working for me, but the bank kept canceling the transaction. I reached out to a friend and asked him to help me send 45k to someone and I will pay back once my bank service is back up, he responded with

“Onyem abeg na 40k I get but I go send am , try send am back because I de try save up to 120k to help repair toilet and septic tank for my papa for village , their own spoil”

I felt emotional, so I asked him for his dad’s number, making him believe I wanted to say hi to him, he gave me the number while he sent the 45k as I requested.

I called his dad, made all arrangements with him and workers to fix the toilet without the knowledge of my friend. I sent him back the money after two days, while work was going on in his house without his consent, he just found out and he broke down in tears.

Most men and women are going through a whole lot, pressure from family and environment is causing these men to carry bigger load than they can. If you are carrying such load, May God come through for you and your family.



Never complain about what your parents couldn't give you, it was probably all they had.

If you love your parents, whether alive or late, say "I love my parents".



Any human who is not disciplined is heading to ultimate destruction.

Indiscipline has taken its pound of flesh on the universe. Indiscipline wreaks havoc on marriages today. It is highly appalling that some men have resorted to r**e because they cannot control what is in between their legs. It is no longer a surprise that a substantial number of beautiful ladies have sold their respect and dignity on the platter of money and material gains—indiscipline! It pains my heart to know that there are many children in the world today who do not know their biological father; this is what indiscipline has brought upon humanity. Hmmmmm!

Indiscipline makes you distracted by the immediate success you are experiencing presently, making you to settle for less whereas there are higher grounds for you to attain. In your workplace, indiscipline brings you into over familiarity with your boss, endangering your employment.

Permit me to use the words of George Washington, the first president of the United States of America: "Discipline is the soul of an army, it makes a small team formidable."

Friends, success hinges on discipline. The rewards of discipline are so voluminous. Put on discipline today so that you will have a good history to leave for your children when you are no more.

My name is Odinakachukwu Prince Uzoma. Have a disciplined Thursday.



Your attitude has the power to either attract or repel those around you.

For instance, I received an unexpected direct message on Facebook from an attractive woman asking me for money to recharge her line for us to chat on WhatsApp, despite my lack of interest. I tried to explain the situation; she has neither commented on my posts nor messaged me. But she responded with insults, showing she's unwilling to learn. I had to block her. Interestingly, she works for a friend of mine in Canada who runs a tech business in Lagos. Her job could be at risk with just one message to my friend. Proper behavior is crucial on this platform. Many beautiful faces on social media lack substance and intellect.

Don't ask for financial help without engaging posts or messaging meaningfully. This reflects your rationality, logical thinking, and social skills. Work on self-improvement. Expensive appearance doesn't equal intelligence or wealth.

If you find yourself constantly scaring people away, it's time to embark on a journey of self-reflection and change. Working on your attitude is no easy task, but the rewards are immense.

This is me, Odinakachukwu Prince Uzoma, in the picture below, investing in myself for a better me.



Patience is the bridge that connects dreams to reality. let us not forget that patience is the key to unlocking extraordinary achievements in life and destiny.

We demand quick results, instant answers, and immediate success. But true greatness lies in the ability to wait; true greatness lies in the ability to endure and to persist in the face of uncertainty. It teaches us to endure setbacks, overcome obstacles, and savor the journey rather than obsessing over the destination

Patience is not about sitting idly; it's about understanding the value of time and embracing the process. It takes strength to remain calm when everything seems chaotic, to trust that the seeds we sow will eventually bear fruit.

Finally, patience allows us to make better decisions, build stronger relationships, and achieve remarkable success. In a world obsessed with speed, let's rediscover the power of patience and reclaim this rare virtue; thereby, finding fulfillment in the waiting.

Have a great week patiently.


DESTINY HELPER : A Guiding Light

Hear me! Everyone has got a destiny.The need for a destiny helper cannot be overstated. Life is a complex journey, filled with challenges and uncertainties. In such times, a destiny helper serves as a guiding light, offering support, wisdom, and encouragement.

They possess the ability to recognize our true potential, push us beyond our limits, and help us navigate through obstacles. A destiny helper makes life easier for us and makes it easy for us to fulfill our destinies.

A destiny helper's presence provides reassurance and direction, propelling us towards our goals and dreams. They offer invaluable insights, open doors of opportunity, and foster personal growth.

Their impact is profound, as they not only assist us in achieving our destiny but also inspire us to become destiny helpers for others.

Begining from today, being the first Sunday in the month of July, may you receive authentic, strategic, uncompromised destiny helpers all the days of your life.



There was a period in my life, on my birthday, not a single person called me or sent a message to wish me a happy birthday. Birthday gifts were not even part of the equation 😆.

Neither my Facebook friends nor "Facelife friends" made any effort to send me well wishes on my special day. One day, while I was washing my pastor's car, I voiced my disappointment out loud: "Today, no one has wished me a happy birthday." I made sure to speak audibly because I was genuinely unhappy that despite billions of Homo sapiens existing on planet Earth, yet not one person aside from those I lived with cared to acknowledge my birthday.

However, on my most recent birthday two weeks ago, my birthday post on Facebook garnered approximately 400 comments from both familiar faces and strangers. I witnessed my birthday pictures being shared across various social media platforms, not just limited to Facebook. My birthday celebration brought me priceless phone calls and text messages from influential men and women, as well as a variety of gifts: financial contributions from national and international friends and mentors, valuable material possessions, and so on.

Please understand that this post is not meant to display arrogance or materialism; after all, I haven't even achieved the level of success I desire in life. I am still a work in progress.

I don't know who this post will encourage today, but I am certain that it will be a blessing to someone who feels dejected and rejected.

My brother, my sister, be patient—your time will come.

I am P.O Uzoma, and I assure you today that your current unfavorable circumstances do not define your ultimate destiny."



The spiritual significance of Eid el Kabir revolves around the idea of obedience to Allah. This celebration serves as a reminder to Muslims about the importance of dedicating themselves wholeheartedly to their faith and being willing to make sacrifices for the greater good. It promotes qualities like selflessness, empathy, and compassion towards others, emphasizing the responsibilities Muslims have towards both Allah and their fellow human beings.

In Islamic belief, Eid el Kabir commemorates the story of Ibrahim (Abraham) and his willingness to sacrifice one of his sons, Ishaq (Isaac) or Ismail (Ishmael), in obedience to Allah's command. However, as Ibrahim was about to carry out the sacrifice, Allah intervened and provided an animal to be sacrificed instead. This event symbolizes the virtues of faith, devotion, and submission to Allah's will. During this festival, Muslims slaughter an animal, such as a sheep, goat, or cow, and share the meat with family, friends, and those in need.

It is important to recognize that the killing of human beings by extremist Islamists in Nigeria is not reflective of the true teachings of Islam. No genuine religion advocates for the taking of human life as a means of seeking retribution for blasphemy against Allah.

Wishing a joyous Eid El Kabir to all sincere and faithful Muslims.


I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the amazing individuals (my loved ones, friends, and fans) who took the time to send me their warm birthday wishes yesterday. Your kind words, thoughtful messages, and virtual hugs truly made my day extra special.

I feel incredibly blessed and fortunate to have such wonderful friends, fans, and loved ones in my life. Your presence and well wishes brought immense joy to my heart.

Thank you for making my birthday a memorable and cherished occasion. Your love and support mean the world to me. 🙏❤️🎉.


🎉🎂 Happy Birthday to an extraordinary person—my incredible self! 🎉🎂

Today marks the anniversary of my arrival in this beautiful world, and I couldn't be more grateful for the journey I've embarked upon. It's a time for celebration, reflection, and embracing the wonderful person I have become.

On this special day, I choose to honor my accomplishments, the lessons learned, and the growth achieved. I am proud of the person I am and excited for the person I am becoming.

Here's to another year of chasing dreams, making unforgettable memories, and embracing every opportunity that comes my way. May this new chapter be filled with love, laughter, remarkable adventures, exciting opportunities, and meaningful connections.

Happy Birthday to me! 🎉🥳 Let's make this year the best one yet! 🎁✨

Photos from Odinaka Uzoma's post 30/05/2023


As citizens of Nigeria, it is essential that we come together and support our new president, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu. Regardless of our political affiliations, it is our duty to rally behind the leader who has been sworn in to represent us on the global stage. The president needs our support to fulfill the promises made during his campaign, and as citizens, it is our responsibility to hold him accountable and ensure that he delivers on his promises.

While the election may have been a heated and divisive time, it is commendable that the supporters of opposition parties have remained calm and peaceful. It is a testament to the strength of our democracy that we can express our differing opinions without resorting to violence or chaos. It is vital that we continue to respect each other's opinions and work together in the best interest of our country, Nigeria.

Finally, it is crucial that the court of tribunals listens to the cry of opposition parties and ensures that justice is served. Our democracy thrives when there is a level playing field, and everyone's voices are heard, regardless of their political affiliations. We must trust in the judicial process and believe that the court will make a fair and just decision.

My name is P.O. Uzoma and I say congratulations to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu as he functions in office.



Destiny is often seen as a predetermined course of events, shaped by various factors such as fate, chance, or the choices we make. Unlike a competition, where individuals or groups strive to outdo each other to achieve a specific goal, destiny is not a race, nor is it a contest. It is a unique path that each person must navigate, with its own challenges, opportunities, and outcomes.

While competition can be a healthy motivator, it can also foster a sense of comparison and jealousy, leading individuals to focus more on winning than on personal growth and fulfillment. In contrast, destiny encourages individuals to focus on their own journey, without being distracted by the achievements of others.

Fundamentally, we all have a unique destiny to fulfill, and it is up to us to embrace it with courage, determination, and an open mind. By doing so, we can cultivate a sense of purpose and meaning in our lives, and make a positive impact on the world around us.



It is also important to recognize that domestic violence and sexual abuse are not just physical actions. Emotional and psychological abuse can be just as damaging and harmful as physical violence. Tactics such as gaslighting, manipulation, and controlling behavior can leave lasting scars on a woman's mental health and well-being. Men must understand that any form of abuse or coercion is unacceptable and can have long-lasting consequences for their partners.

We must also work to dismantle the societal structures that allow for violence and abuse to occur. This includes addressing issues such as poverty, unemployment, and lack of access to education and healthcare. These issues can create stress and tension within households, which can lead to abusive behavior. By addressing these underlying issues, we can help prevent domestic violence and sexual abuse from occurring in the first place.

In conclusion, promoting a culture of respect, equality, and consent, dismantling societal structures that allow for violence and abuse, and providing support and resources for women who are experiencing abuse, we can work towards a society where domestic violence and sexual abuse are no longer tolerated.



Domestic violence and sexual abuse are serious issues that affect countless women around the world. Unfortunately, many of these instances are perpetrated by their own partners or spouses, who should be their protectors and supporters. As a society, it is our responsibility to condemn and discourage any form of violence or abuse, especially in the context of intimate relationships.

First and foremost, it is important to understand that domestic violence and sexual abuse are never acceptable behaviors. No matter the circumstance or the provocation, resorting to violence or coercion is never an appropriate response. Women have the right to live their lives free from fear and violence, and their partners have a responsibility to ensure their safety and well-being.

To discourage men from abusing their wives domestically and forcing themselves on their wives sexually, we must start by promoting a culture of respect, equality, and consent. This means teaching young men and boys about healthy relationships and the importance of mutual respect and communication. It means challenging harmful gender stereotypes like (I am the head of the house and you as a woman have no choice and vision) and promoting gender equality in all aspects of life, including the home.

In conclusion, domestic violence and sexual abuse are unacceptable behaviors that have no place in any relationship. Men must understand that their partners have the right to live free from fear and violence and that they have a responsibility to ensure their safety and well-being.

My name is Odinakachukwu Prince Uzoma . I discourage domestic abuse and sexual violence.


You will succeed!🥰🥰


Things are happening in marriages o🤔🤔


Did you know?

The oldest player at Aston villa is YOUNG
The tallest player at As roma is SMALLING
The fastest player at man city is WALKER
Brighton player of the month for April is MARCH
The player with the best vision at Bayern munich is BLIND
The player who couldn't help Chelsea mount a title charge is MOUNT
The softest player at man city is STONES
and bayern bought SOMMER in WINTER transfer.
The player who couldn't help Chelsea chill well and not worry about relegation is CHILLWELL.
And finally
The player who couldn't HOLD haaland against arsenal is HOLDING.

Add your own please🤣


Defeat at the London Stadium.

🤣🤣🤣 Manchester United lost another 3 points again. Two successive defeats. May Liverpool qualify for Champions League next season 🤣😂🤣



Finding the right life partner is a crucial step towards building a happy and fulfilling marriage. It requires a deep understanding of one's own values, interests, and goals, as well as the ability to communicate effectively with potential partners.

Compatibility is also a key factor, as couples who share similar lifestyles and beliefs are more likely to remain happy together in the long term. However, even with the right partner, a successful marriage requires ongoing effort and commitment. Open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to compromise are essential to maintaining a strong and happy relationship.

Couples who prioritize these qualities are more likely to stay connected and enjoy a lifetime of love and happiness together.



Domestic abuse by men is a serious issue that often creates an unsafe and unhealthy environment for women in their marriage. The abuse can take many forms, including physical, emotional, and verbal abuse. This behavior can cause women to feel trapped and powerless in their marriage, leading them to want to leave. Leaving an abusive relationship can be difficult and dangerous, as the abuser may try to control or harm the victim.

It is important for women to seek support from friends, family, and professionals, and to develop a safety plan before leaving. No one deserves to be abused, and everyone has the right to live free from violence and fear.

My name is P.O Uzoma, and I dislike domestic abuse.

Photos from Odinaka Uzoma's post 05/05/2023


Today, I want to take a moment to appreciate and celebrate the most important woman in my life, my mother. She has been my rock, my confidant, and my guide throughout my life. She has always been there for me with her unwavering love and support, no matter what challenges come our way.

Her selflessness and dedication to our family never cease to amaze me. She is a true inspiration and role model, and I will always be grateful for every moment that I spend with her. Thank you, Mum, for your unconditional love and for being the best mother a child could ever ask for.

It is not Mother's Day, but for me, everyday is Mother's Day to celebrate and appreciate my beautiful and lovely mum.

I love you, mum.

Photos from Odinaka Uzoma's post 17/04/2023

A lab technician named Eve C Onyedikachukwu from Nigeria is marking the 10th anniversary of her decision to have her womb removed. She believes that it wouldn't make sense to bring a child into the world if she wasn't able to take care of them properly. She expressed that she has no regrets about her decision and celebrated the milestone.

Photos from Odinaka Uzoma's post 17/04/2023

Who is your favorite between Rufai and Seun?


Make sure that the stresses of life don't rob you of your inner tranquility. Regardless of your current circumstances, remember to take a moment to inhale deeply, let go of any negative emotions, and smile. You have the ability to repair anything that is damaged, but if you let yourself become broken in the process, then who will be there to fix you?

Photos from Odinaka Uzoma's post 16/04/2023


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Today, we reflect on the gift of joy that God has bestowed upon us. As we look around us, we see a world filled with pain, sorrow, and suffering. Yet, in the midst of it all, we are reminded that joy is not something that is dependent on our circumstances, but rather it is a fruit of the Holy Spirit that comes from within.

In the book of Nehemiah, we see how the people of God found joy in the rebuilding of their city despite the many obstacles they faced. Similarly, we too can find joy in the midst of our trials and tribulations when we fix our eyes on God and trust in His promises.

Let us not allow the struggles of life to steal our joy, but instead, let us choose to focus on the goodness of God and the hope we have in Him. May the joy of the Lord be our strength as we face the challenges of this life, and may it overflow from us and bring hope and encouragement to those around us.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


Brighton is playing Chelsea like Chelsea is a college football club. Of course, that's what Chelsea is now. You may be asking if this is the Chelsea you knew before. The answer is "this is not the Chelsea you knew before". A lot has changed. And I said it before that it will take time for them to comport themselves against. Chelsea is gone.

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