Abimbola Joseph

This page is one where God reveals Himself through His word ..


Sunday Worship
Topic: The Kneeling Knee
Bro Abimbola Joseph
Bro Odunayo Jemiseye


There’s a whole lot Mercy can do in your Life ...


Watch out for this on 29th and 30th of August, 2021.


In HIS grip,

Photos from Abimbola Joseph's post 15/07/2021


Proverbs 4:7 The beginning of Wisdom is: get Wisdom (skillful and godly Wisdom)! [For skillful and godly Wisdom is the principal thing.] And with all you have gotten, get understanding (discernment, comprehension, and interpretation). [James 1:5.]
Proverbs 4:8 Prize Wisdom highly and exalt her, and she will exalt and promote you; she will bring you to honor when you embrace her.
Proverbs 4:9 She shall give to your head a wreath of gracefulness; a crown of beauty and glory will she deliver to you.

Wisdom the Bible says 'is the principal thing', this means Wisdom is the most important element required for your journey through life and ministry. Many claim to be wise in their eyes but to God they are mere fools displaying their traits. A person can be very intelligent, having a very high capacity to think and be innovative yet that is not Wisdom..
People mistake intelligence for Wisdom which in the real sense is not... Who is Wisdom?? Jesus Christ is!
Note in our opening scripture, the letter 'W' is capitalized that means it's not just mere wisdom it is Godly Wisdom. Christ is the Wisdom of God.
Get Wisdom: we're asked by this scripture to get Wisdom. How do we then get Wisdom?? Through Knowledge.. We have to know Christ. It's a pity that many today including ministers Know about Christ but they don't know Christ.. It is of grave importance that we know Christ, Learn of him ( via his word), have close and personal relationship with him..
The growth of many ministers and ministries are re****ed because they have despised knowledge and you see them operating with scanty knowledge of what they've been commissioned to do and for that reason they remained where they are.. The more you know of Him (Christ) the wiser you become..
Many others have perished just because the lack knowledge..

It is when you know the worth of a person or a product that you will place a premuin value on it.. You cannot prize Wisdom ( Christ) highly if you don't know him..
Many crave prosperity and they venture into all sort of things buying different ideas from carnality but they have been looking in the wrong direction..
"....Exalt Wisdom and she will Exalt you"... Place Christ above all and He will in turn raise you high ( see Matthew 6:33)
Show me a man who has honored Christ with his life and I will show you a man whom Christ honors..

Beloved, do not neglect the call of Wisdom for so much about your life, ministry, career etc depends on it.. Make getting Wisdom your priority, value him and you will enjoy the rewards thereof.. Promotion awaits when you Exalt Wisdom..
To those who have gotten hold of Wisdom via thorough knowledge of him, don't let go, hold on stronger.

May the Holy Spirit grant us more understanding...

Prayer: Lord, help me learn of you, know you, value you highly and retain you all the days of my life.

Abimbola Joseph
Good morning 🙂🙂

Photos from Abimbola Joseph's post 07/04/2021

Be constantly connected to and with your maker....


God’s Spirit is for us as we are for him... Jesus called him the comforter... His name fits his job description he comforts... he directs, he teaches, and he does many more jobs and he will do for you if only you consult him..
People prefer to pay thousands to consultants with canal wisdom than to go on their knees in prayer and seek counsel of the Holy Spirit...
Start now to seek God’s face to direct your path always..
Psalms 32:8-8


What are you doing about the salvation of others ??
Don’t just stand there and watch them burn... you have a responsibility to sn**ch them from the fire 🔥
Take a stand today, Save a soul !!!



One of my spiritual daughters has a gift of healing, but she wasn't manifesting because she has a man in her life who is always pressing her breast. 😞

Please don't laugh, this is a serious burden.

This was what God told me when I went to Him asking questions why she is not walking in the fullness of her gift. God told me the reason she cannot walk in the healing dimension even though she is blessed with the gift of healing is because she doesn't have enough energy to power her gift.

I called her immediately and asked her what God was talking about, and she opened up to me on the activities in her relationship.

She said she knows she carries something powerful and special. When she was much younger she would pray for people and they would receive a healing instantly. Even when she was in college too, she noticed that every word of healing she utters always results into a miracle. But when she met someone in her final year and started a relationship, she noticed that she could no longer operate on the same healing frequency she is used to before she met him.

Aha!! That was when I realised that she is on airplane mode.

When you have a gift or a calling that requires you to consistently stay in deep waters in other for you to preserve your annointing, but you are in one yeye relationship that is sucking away all the life and power out of your annointing because you are always caught up in weather for two moments.

Although she wasn't having s*x with this guy, but her relationship had all the other spices of s*x. I'm talking about kissing, smooshing, pressing b***s, skin to skin, and the other chilling we use to do. This was the reason why be couldn't stand in her healing authority, because her battery is too low to power the annointing she carries.

Look, I know you've heard so many messages about premarital s*x preached to you a thousand times, but what I'm talking about here is far deeper than the sin of fornication.

See, if you're involved in fornication God will judge you according to the price you have to pay for walking in that sin. And the Bible says the wages of sin is death, which actually means a separation from God. But if God has given you an annointing to benefit a generation and you let a sinful relationship rub that generation of the gift sent to them through you, God will judge you according to the price that generation will have to pay for remaining in captivity because your gift could not get to them.

Do you understand what I'm saying to you?

While boo is busy pressing your breast, the blind man whose eyes you are suppose to open is still out there walking around in darkness and hopelessness.

While you are busy shifting bae's pant up and down, the demons you have been called to cast out of people are having a swell time tormenting and destroying their soul even more.

Can you see that there is a deadlier implication of your s*xual relationship than the lose of your own soul? A thousand other souls you have been called to save are also getting lost.

While you are busy enjoying your s*xual relationship, the person you have been annointed to model a Godly relationship to has married some idiot and ended up continuing the generational pattern of bad marriages in their family because your annointing did not locate them when it should.

I need you to start seeing this premarital s*x matter differently now, please. I need these touching body things to start irritating you, because its not about you anymore, the fate of a generation is attached to what you carry.

While you are busy taking naked showers together, the deaf ears you have been annointed to open are still closed, and daily those persons are paying the price for your own disobedience.

Com'on guys! Com'on!!!! A phone is useless when it is put on airplane mode. We all have a special gift and annointing, called to a special purpose, there is so much at stake, so much.

Who can feel this pain? 😭



*Theme 🎯:*

*Script. Reading 📖:*
James 4:6


_*Pride* is the state of being boastful or inordinate self-esteem. Beware🧏🏾 of this great barrier between God and man. Pride is deadly & the root cause of many other sins. It can lead to bitterness, rebellion, hatred, anger & more. Take heed cuz God resists the proud. Pride makes you sinful, giving you an impression of being more valuable or better than others. That's abominable!. Pride is the *Sin Of The Devil.* To resolve pride, constantly be on the lookout against pride cuz it's subtle & hard to identify. Prayer & fasting are God’s appointed ways to fight against Pride. *May God stir in you the zeal of self-control & humility in all aspects tru Christ our Lord, AMEN🙏🏽*_

*Bro. B£rtrand*


Reconciling with God is the pathway to eternal life through Jesus Christ...
Note: It is a dangerous game to be against God..
Good morning 🌞☀️


Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

God is interested in your growth, well being and prosperity.. He gave the charge to be fruitful and multiply but have you ever imagined this question “what kind of fruit am I to bear and multiply “ ??

God deposited part of himself into you when he gave you the Breath Of life meaning God’s very essence, nature is dwelling in you..
God wants you to produce that which he has deposited in you...

The big question is.... Do you have God’s very nature dwelling in you ??



The classic passage from the Bible that answers this question is *John 3:1-21*. The Lord Jesus Christ is talking to Nicodemus, a prominent Pharisee and member of the Sanhedrin (the ruling body of the Jews). Nicodemus had come to Jesus at night with some questions.

As Jesus talked with Nicodemus, He said, “‘I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.’ ‘How can a man be born when he is old?’ Nicodemus asked. ‘Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb to be born!’ Jesus answered, ‘I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, “You must be born again”’” ( *John 3:3-7*).

The phrase "born again" literally means "born from above." Nicodemus had a real need. He needed a change of his heart—a spiritual transformation. New birth, being born again, is an act of God whereby eternal life is imparted to the person who believes ( *2 Corinthians 5:17; Titus 3:5; 1 Peter 1:3; 1 John 2:29; 3:9; 4:7; 5:1-4, 18*). *John 1:12, 13* indicates that being "born again" also carries the idea of "becoming children of God" through trust in the name of Jesus Christ.

The question logically comes, "Why does a person need to be born again?" The apostle Paul in *Ephesians 2:1* says, "And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins" (NKJV). To the Romans he wrote, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" ( *Romans 3:23*). Sinners are spiritually “dead”; when they receive spiritual life through faith in Christ, the Bible likens it to a rebirth. Only those who are born again have their sins forgiven and have a relationship with God.

How does that come to be? *Ephesians 2:8-9* states, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast." When one is saved, he/she has been born again, spiritually renewed, and is now a child of God by right of new birth. Trusting in Jesus Christ, the One who paid the penalty of sin when He died on the cross, is the means to be "born again." "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation: the old has gone, the new has come!" ( *2 Corinthians 5:17*).

If you have never trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, will you consider the prompting of the Holy Spirit as He speaks to your heart? You need to be born again. Will you pray the prayer of repentance and become a new creation in Christ today? "Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God" ( *John 1:12-13*).

If you want to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and be born again, here is a sample prayer. Remember, saying this prayer or any other prayer will not save you. It is only trusting in Christ that can save you from sin. This prayer is simply a way to express to God your faith in Him and thank Him for providing for your salvation.

_*"God, I know that I have sinned against you and am deserving of punishment. But Jesus Christ took the punishment that I deserve so that through faith in Him I could be forgiven. I place my trust in You for salvation. Thank You for Your wonderful grace and forgiveness—the gift of eternal life! Amen!"*_

Have a blessed Week !!


Following Jesus Christ ( the way of the cross) they say is ‘difficult’, ‘painful ‘ is you’re right if you have said that but know this ... ..” eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him” 1 Corinthians 2:9


The best way to follow is God’s way...
Your wisdom is limited, your might, your knowledge is limited, you understand very little but there’s ONE who knows it all (Isaiah 46:9,10)..
You ask for money but you get good health, yet you complain that God has not heard you but He knows giving you money will cut your life short so he gives you good health so as to live till your enemies are made your footstool....
Why Murmur against God ??
Be grateful....

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