The Perfect Side Hustle

The Perfect Side Hustle

Digital Marketer|I help young people build a profitable online business


Awake the giant inside of you


Learn this life transforming skill



For the past 6-7months now, I've come across a number of great people with so much potentials embedded in them. But to my greatest surprise, their inward potential has been limited...

Fear has clouded them so much that they aren't away they are men with great potentials. What they could achieve has been so limited that they now wallow in a state of unrest.

Why would you allow the so called F-E-A-R engross you to the extent that you forget who you are?

You've always been in a state of wanting to do great things, but at same moment vthe second thought flashes in whispering to you "but I don't know if I'm gonna make it via this route"

My friend that is FEAR, It always want to strip yiu of your potential.

What do you then do to overcome it?

Never give in to fear, when it comes speak to it..

Tell it, I can do it, I have the potential, I will not be limited

But it doesn't just stop at confession, you really have to do what it says you can't do. When you do these things,.. you'll realize you're free from fear

Apply this principle in your daily activities and see how your potentials are unleashed.

You can connect with me via WhtApp DM +2348161780010

I am



Parents are such a great gift from God most high and they go any length to make their children get the very best even when they don't have the ability to, they always ensure you fit in among peers.

But do you know as beautiful, loving and caring they are, they can be violent atimes?

What do I mean?

Every parents have an expectation from each child. To some levels, your parents will bear you on their shoulders.

Fund your education right from kindergarten till higher institution with the hope you're returning to make things better.

It will then be a slap on your face, if after all they've labour, you still return to them for feeding and all.

You should be a burden bearer and one who relief them of all their stresses.

Now that you're still in school, are you planning after graduating going back and being dependent on your parents again? Or ask for urgent 5k? It will be really catastrophic....

Meanwhile, you can learn a skill and start a profitable business that can relieve you and your parents even sustain you both just with your Smartphone.

But here's the problem, you've always heard about opportunities but you never accept them, you're always with doubt...

If you'd love to get bashed by your parents you can skip now

But if you think this is for you, then you can send me a WhtsApp DM now +2348161780010

I will show you a proven way to avoid being bashed

I am



That's what came to my mind today. There are times you feel weary and get tired of showing up or doing your regular routine. You feel so down that you looses your will power to do that which you'll always do with enthusiasm on a regular day.

But what happened ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿคท Why do I actually looses my will power to do what I do effortlessly on a regular day?

You need to understand this things are normal and it's part of what makes you a man. Every single man has this amazing time of their lives but what you actually do at this period matters.

To some, they just give up๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿคฆ While some pick up their weakness and stir up the inner power in them to overcome their down time and do what they ought to. This kinds of people are strong.

One thing you must understand is that, many things want to stop you from growing and if you give into weakness, weeks and months will go by before you recover.

Hence a need to always push yourself, even if there are no motivation, don't give in to weakness, do what you ought to and the results will amaze you

Don't give in to you weak period, it's time to exercise power within you.


I am




You've heard people tell you, solve problem if you wanna make money. Why not just collect the money, why not just sn**ch it away?

The truth is, you'll never get a dime, even the chance to sn**ch it away won't be possible if you can't solve a problem.

It has been proven that, problem solving is the key to Financal Freedom.

Let me share my beautiful experience with you

So far back in the year, maybe two years ago, it was in the rainy season, me coming back from school all the way from Abeokuta to Osogbo. On getting to Osogbo it was raining Cat and Dog. People started moving and running so they won't get wet

All of a sudden, I begin to see people in yellow...

Haa, Damilare, what is this?

Do you know what I saw? People were literally in polythene cut out and sown (designed as a rain coat)


This is different from the regular rain coat I know oo which is often thick and though. Seeing people in the soft polythene covered from head to toe bring about a realization in me

๐Ÿ“If you can't afford the costly regular rain coat, you can easily afford this.

๐Ÿ“If you don't want to carry the regular rain coat around cause of its weight, you can easily fold or squeeze this into your bag.

๐Ÿ“The most important, you can't get wait, cause it prevents you from getting wet and drenched by the rain.

Now, looking at this new invention...

How much do you think the inventor made? In substitute for the regular rain coat, he created another easy and affordable which can resonate with everyone.

Thereby, people realizing their need to get the polythene rain coat when it's raining. He solved their problem of getting drenched by the rain.

That's simply PROBLEM SOLVING. They won't just give out money cause you ask them to. No, they give it out cause you solve a problem they're going through

Before I knew it, everyone around me bought it just for N100 only now imagine the numbers he would have sold that very day?

Rain beat the hell out of me from IGBONA down to my house lol

If you want to make money, the solve problems. If you wanna create wealth solve problems.

I am
A Digital Marketer and a Copywriter. Contact me if you wanna start a profitable online business that generate passive income


Wealth creation becomes easy

When you find problems around you

And you provide solution.

solved a problem and he created the Amazon KDP for Smartphone

See how much he has made, and he has also teach others same

Therefore, solve problems

And never go broke


This will help someone gain Financial Freedom



As a business owner, visibility is key. It determines how well, how far, how successful you can become.

The more people that you reach, that get to see your products, and be aware of your services, the more profits you're gonna make.

Never settle for less, sitting at a customer and leaving all to chances, No!!, It doesn't work that way. You need to put your business out there for people to see.

A very good mentor of mine says #" The More People You Reach, The More Rich You become" ๏ธ๏ธ

Therefore, making it big and balling you need to reach larger audience who are interested in your product.

Do you ever imagine why do network providers and big brands make use of celebrities to market their products?

It's cause they understand the power of reach, and it has been making them to h over the years.

So guys, build an audience today that can see your products. Utilize the power of the internet and make the very best out of it. You can never be limited

I am



Making money can be a very easy task if you know how to go about it, but can be very challenging if you don't know your way around it.

Here are two ways you can make money. You need to understand first that money is meant to be collected, and people won't just give you their money cause you wanted to collect it.

How then do you collect this money?

Yea a very good way to collect money is to become a money magnet. A magnet attract things to itself, therefore if you become a money magnet that means you're attracting money by default.

How then do you become a money magnet you ask?

Well, there's no other way to become a money magnet than to equip yourself with a skill. People will pay you for any skill you acquire. But you don't just acquire a skill, you become a master of it.

Do you wonder why some people are paid higher than the other despite having same skill?

It's cause of the level of professionalism. If you therefore wanna attract money by default, then be productive and gain Mastery

It's so amazing that millions and thousands of people have skills but there not making money with it, just because they couldn't reach people who needed their services.


If they are not coming to you, go for them. Chat them up, message them, show them what you can do.

In fact, you can give out a free of your service as a bait to secure them. But you need to understand, in reaching people, you need that communication skill. You must learn how to speak with men and also sell yourself.

The struggle begins cause you don't know how to sell yourself, how then can you sell your skill?

My people...

I hope you've learnt a thing or two today?

Let's go for more tomorrow

I am



Hello guys, yesterday I started a beautiful piece talking about the concept of the easiest and most efficient way to make money.

Today, here's a criteria you need to fulfill to make money making more easier for you.

Creation # To make lots of money, you need to be one who creates value. Let's break it down. Some do think creating value is something difficult to do, but it tell you, it's the most easiest thing to do.

Value creation deals with solving a problem and rendering solution. The comedians offers a value to give you excitement, you can think of a problem around you and get it solved.

Lets say, you're good at giving talks, you can just pick a topic and start educating people about it. The more you do this, the more people get to know you.

And when you actually reach more people, you become rich. Money making becomes easier cause people will be willing to give their money to you, when the find out how much you've given to them.

Never start creating value with an objective

Always Identify a problem first
Solve the problem
Give it out for people freely
And keep growing I the process

You're creating value that way. Turn whatever you know to value. You're surrounded by a whole lot problem you can solve

I am #
Day 2



It is very easy t make money, but then you need to understand the concept of money making. Money is a result of an exchange.

What then do you need to exchange to get money? It's called VALUE. Yes the most efficient way to acquire money is by becoming valuable.

You equip yourself with values, when you do and people recognizes you're a person filled with value, they begin to seek after you. And when they do, the end result is money.

Dangote didn't just become rich and well-known, first he didn't chase money but rather knowledge. Chasing knowledge will help you be equiped with value and then after, you become money magnet.

I will be releasing some content here for the next 30days unstopped, I hope you grow and learn as you enjoy reading through.

I am #



It's been a very interesting subject that every man want to be a business owner, but most only think of short term business plan.

One in which their presence is required for the business to thrive and succeed.

What if I told you, that will never be the great plan for you. You need to plan a structure that makes your business thrives even when you're away (asleep, on tour) or anywhere else.

The beauty of every Business is in its ability to thrive when the owner is not present.

Remember, the aim of every businesses is to make sales, and make them in their numbers in respect to cash in-flow which is the bottom line of it all. Now imagine a system whereby, while you're sleeping you're making sales and making them in their numbers.

What would you have saved?

You'd save yourself Time, money, stress and you get to channel your effort and strength into something different instead of being wearied by a business, one which take your time.

Do you wanna learn how to do this and attain optimum productivity and success for your business?

Then you don't want to be left out in this. I can tell you're really ready to milk as much money as you can, which you'll surely do if you follow this process.

CLICK ON THE LINK IN THE COMMENTS SECTION, and I'll show you how I and others have done this over time consistently.


Ever been struggling earning with your Smartphone?

Worry no further, in this training i will be revealing the working strategy to earn a minimum of 100 - 500$ weekly just with your Smartphone in your pyjamas.

Imagine a life you can earn even when you're not present, or even when you're still in bed.

If you're ready to take your financial game to the next level, then this is for you.

Check out the guide in the comments section.



Majority out there are so much interested and delighted in Ponzi Scheme that they can put all their life savings into Ponzi Scheme than invest in a real digital skill that can help them bridge the financial freedom gap.

After investing in Ponzi scheme, they come back saying, making money online is not possible.

Are you sure about that?

This is 21st century, you need to wake up.

If investing 50-100k in Ponzi Scheme which can't guarantee you success is not too much for you, why then do find it difficult investing 15-25k in a High Income Digital Skill that can guarantee you the success you want and equip you with long lasting passive income stream.

Below are few Digital Skill you can get started with now

Affiliate Marketing
Amazon KDP
Facebook Ads Management
E-commerce and lots more

Take the pain, put your money into these and be amazed how u grow financialy


Somethings will never change until you become obsessed about it.

Do you think success is easy? It comes with a cost. Being delibrate and obsessed about it.

You wanna change your finances yet, you're still acting as if all things are normal, guy, you have to be seriously obsessed about changing it.

More reasons you see those making it in illegal way trying all means possible.

Mind you, you don't have to go the illegal way, there are legal ways you can change your finances only if you're ready.

Your obsession becomes your possession. If you're ready for this, send me a DM to show you how


If you think making money in the online space is impossible, well you're wasting time with that thought.

Few years back, I was once like you, calling Evey opportunity a scam cause I never tried it out.

But I stumbled on this, and I gave it a trial. This actual Business has made me over 100k in few weeks of starting out.

What do I do? All i do is sell other people's product without living the comfort of my home.

All i make use is just my smartphone and a Data Connection and that has been a game changer for me.

The program I got for 15k has been paying hugely every week.

Do you wanna get started now?

Send me a DM and watch the growth



Do you know the online space is just so saturated with lots of money you can earn from?๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

The truth is,

It's like a river or lemme say an ocean with lots of fishes in it...๐ŸŒŠ ๐Ÿž๏ธ

You get to fish and get your catch only if you're well positioned with your bait ๐ŸŽฃ๐ŸŽฃ

A major factor that can help you be well positioned is access to right and quality informations

When you get this, then your navigation in the big ocean (online space) is made easy and you get to catch as much fishes you desire ๐Ÿฅ‚๐Ÿฅ‚๐Ÿฅ‚


To everyone that wanna make money legitimately,

Here are few things you need to know

1. Money is gotten as an exchange for value: To get money either come to you or you go get the money, it must be as a result of an exchange for value.

What then are values?
Values are anything that can offer help or solve people's problem. When you begin to do things or offer services that solves people's problem, you get money as an exchange for it.

2. All money comes from selling ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”
Yea from selling, you either sell a skill you have, a product either digital or physical. You need to know, money doesn't come without doing anything.

Therefore you have to sell to get money,

๐Ÿ“ Sell Informations
๐Ÿ“ Sell your Skill
๐Ÿ“ Sell your Experiences

All these can fetch you money, people out there are willing to pay for it.
Make a decision to sell today


Do you want to make your Smartphone answer to you more than it does right now?

Then this is for you. You can earn alot just by using your Smartphone rightly. I will be holding a free Masterclass where I will be revealing things you need to know to.make your Smartphone answer to you. To gain access click the link in the comments section.

Want your business to be the top-listed Advertising & Marketing Company in Osogbo?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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