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Photos from PandP's post 23/05/2022

Let's continue from where we stopped last week on selecting a research topic.

It has been established about selecting topics that you must be interested in the topic you are researching about,

From there now we continue with asking ourselves or asking the question:
What's your general approach to the topic?

Think about some general approaches that may help you further develop your topic: use a historical angle by focusing on a particular time period; a geographical angle, focusing on a particular part of the world; or a sociological angle, focusing on a particular group of people.
Start doing some exploratory, in-depth research.

As you do more in-depth research, like looking for scholarly articles, books, and other sources to include in your paper, you can and probably will modify or refine your topic based on what you find.

Research is a dynamic process. Don't be afraid to discover new things and modify or refine your topic.
The topic development process will help you to develop your research project, which is essentially your proposed answer to your research question. You will then be ready to use the sources you've found, and find more sources in order to support that thesis, or to answer your research question.



History of Education in Nigeria

It is an acknowledged fact that the introduction of education was one of the means used by the colonial masters to plant and establish their interest in Nigeria [7] . Having settled down as “Colonial Masters” in Nigeria, they organised and established schools for their young children in their private quarters and church premises. By and large, some top Nigerians who have opportunity of getting closer to the colonial masters brought their children to join. With time, Nigerians started establishing private schools for their young ones too.

Importance of pre-school education is entrenched in the experience and research which shows clearly without doubt that the early formative years (from birth to six years), is the most crucial in the overall development of a child’s personality. According to [8] , children should be removed from home at an early age and be looked after by people specially trained in the care of young children. [9] , is of the opinion that such children would benefit from the knowledge and professional skills in child development, early education, medicine, and special work. The socio-economically deprived children can thus be availed the opportunity to enjoy the valuable provisions of nursery education. In other words, a child who is deprived of nursery education would be missing the much needed assistance for the balance development during the first five years of life.

Photos from PandP's post 16/05/2022

Formulating Research hypothesis:

Before we get the gist of how we can develop hypothesis,
What is a Research Hypothesis?

A hypothesis is a statement that introduces a research question and proposes an expected result. It is an integral part of the scientific method that forms the basis of scientific experiments.

A hypothesis is not just a guess – it should be based on existing theories and knowledge. It also has to be testable, which means you can support or refute it through scientific research methods (such as experiments, observations and statistical analysis of data).

So if you want to formulate research hypothesis watch out for next weeks posts...

Thank you!


Agreement reached with ASSU, strike to end soon - FG

The federal government have released an official report stating the out come of the meeting held yesterday with ASSU and other unions.

They expressed optimism that the lingering strike will come to end in the coming weeks. In attendance in the meeting are the Chief of staff to the President, chairman of Nigeria inter-Religious council, the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa'ad Abubaka III, the president of the Christian association of Nigeria and co-chair NIREC, Rev Sampson Ayokunle, minister for labour and employment were all in attendance amongst others. For more details you can refer to vanguard newspaper and other credible news outlets.



**What is digital currency?

The last decade or so, an unconventional means of exchange emerged. Digital currency, "Bitcoin" was Founded by a programmer (or, possibly a group of programmers) under the pseudonym Sotashi Nakamoto. Bitcoin ushered in a new age of blockchain technology and decentralized digital currencies.

According to Wikipedia digital currency is any currency, money or money-like asset that is primarily managed, stored or exchanged on digital computer systems, especially over the internet. Types of digital currency includes crypto currency, virtual currency and central bank digital currency. Digital currency have many similarities with traditional money, but unlike traditional currencies it's doesn't have physical form like bank notes or minted coins.

Crypto currency on the other hand is a coin or a digital currency designed to work as a medium of exchange through a computer network that is not reliant on any central authority, such as government or bank to uphold or maintain it. Bitcoin is what I call the mother of all crypto digital currencies. It gave room for a whole number of other currencies and today the crypto world is flooded with so many other currencies. Although many other digital currencies after Bitcoin have emerged, many of them phaseout before they could see the light of day. In the next episode, we will know if there was digital currency before the advent Bitcoin.


Photos from PandP's post 10/05/2022


It is no new thing to say now that, the Nigerian Government has not really done so well in the educational sector of our society.
It quite remain a wish for us to say we shall have a better educational sector in Nigeria but we do hope that things will change soon.

But come to think of it;
The Nigerian education system has witnessed some changes and transformations. Some of the factors that have influenced the development and advancement of the Nigeria educational system to this present level includes: historical, Sociological factors, economic, political, geographical and international factors/influences.

All these contributed to some positive and others negative ways of shaping the current state of our educational sector. An analysis of these factors would show how vital education is and how factors that look unrelated affects the educational sector of the country. Our educational system has all the worst indexes compared to our mates and contemporaries in the world. No wonder the number of Nigerians studying in virtually all parts of the world is huge. The amount individuals spend in sending the children and relatives all over the world runs into millions of dollars which is probably unnecessary if and only if we had a better educational system.

The Nigeria education falls in the concurrent list in the 1999 constitution. The sole aim of formulating the policy on education falls with the federal ministry of education as directed by the federal government. The Nigeria educational sector is guided by the National policy on education as published in 1977 and revised in 1981, 1990 and 2004, 2007. The Federal Ministry of Education is the policy-making arm of the government with the responsibility to supervise the educational sector of the country. The ministry whose vision statement is ‘to become an economy model, delivering sound education for public goods and a mission ‘to use education as a tool for fostering development of all Nigeria citizens to the full potential in the promotion of strong, democratic, egalitarian, prosperous, indivisible and indissoluble sovereign nation under God’ is one of the biggest and most important sectors of the economy.

How do we move forward educationally? We must embrace a good and selfless educated governance and promote the building of a good platform for the Nigerian inhabitants and citizens!

We are PandP Writings, we just want to make common sense about our educational state!

Photos from PandP's post 09/05/2022


How do you decide what to write about when confronted with a research paper?

Getting a researchable topic is very necessary for a research project because it helps you find solutions that seem to be a problem previously.

How do you decide what to write about when confronted with a research paper?:

First, you must have a broad idea of what you want to write about,

Secondly, do a background research of the intended topic or idea, it will help you develop your topic and hone or change it in more appropriate ways. Knowing more about your topic's background can only help you develop a more effective topic, and therefore, research paper.

Brainstorm concepts. Once you think of a broad topic that interests you, try to brainstorm all of the words or concepts you can that might be related to that topic (and write them down!). For example, if your topic is "polar bears," you might think of the following words and topics in association: ice, cubs, pollution, hunting, diet, climate change, and environmental icon.

Develop a research question. Once you have come up with a broad topic and done some background research, you may want to develop a research question, or a question you're going to answer in your paper by doing more, in-depth research.

What's your general approach to the topic? Think about some general approaches that may help you further develop your topic. be continued!


Did you know it’s illegal to feed pigeons on the sidewalks and streets in San Francisco?

Sure, a sprinkle of breadcrumbs to feed hungry birds may seem harmless but in the popular Californian city, you could get into trouble. San Francisco’s Public Works Department explains this law is in place because there “are dozens of reasons why” you shouldn’t feed your new pigeon friends, “but mainly: feeding pigeons harm our neighborhoods and also harms the birds.”

So keep this in mind when next you visit San Francisco, happy weekend 😊😊



Did you know it’s illegal to feed pigeons on the sidewalks and streets in San Francisco?

Sure, a sprinkle of breadcrumbs to feed hungry birds may seem harmless but in the popular Californian city, you could get into trouble. San Francisco’s Public Works Department explains this law is in place because there “are dozens of reasons why” you shouldn’t feed your new pigeon friends, “but mainly: feeding pigeons harm our neighborhoods and also harms the birds.”

Happy weekend ☺️☺️


Of all the characteristics of human nature envy is the most unfortunate, not only does the envious person wish to inflict misfortune and do so whenever he can with impunity, but he also is rendered unhappy by envy.

If he can, he deprives others of their advantages, which to him is as desirable as it would be to secure the same advantages himself. If a this passion is allowed to run riot it becomes fatal to all excellence and even to the most useful exercise of exceptional skill.

Fortunately, however, there is a human nature a compensating passion, namely the administration. Whoever wishes to increase human happiness must wish to increase admiration and to admonish envy.

--Bertrand Russell, The conquest of happiness(1930), ch VI: envy, p. 51


The advent of crypto: It was one early morning the year 2009 but the date and month was unclear, I was sitting in d living room with my dad watching CNN news. It was d first time I heard of Bitcoin a digital currency that will soon change d world financial sector. A reporter was interviewing a financial analyst who seem to be persimistic about the emergence of this so called new digital currency trend, I shared in his sentiment anyways. I mean who cld blame us, i guess we were so used to d traditional financial system where dollars and pounds are kings backed with gold and external reserves.
In a few years time, probably 2 years from that time,I was in the same sitting room agn with my dad in the morning more like a daja vu kinda feeling although not too sure if I was sitting in d exact position I was 2 years ago.It was another interview with same analyst and same reporter talking about crypto but this time he was more positive and admitted he was wrong. It's is ok to be wrong once in a while but for a man who was always right & who had a proud aura about him and a huge ego, this was a bitter pill to swallow. At least I admitted I was wrong though, I mean was not d one taking d heat. I cld rightly say I was misled by a so called financial expert, but it was at that time I pick an uncommon interest in crypto and this interest still lingers on. In our next episode of "the new currency" we wld critically evaluate d effects of crypto on the financial system.



Happy Weekend from us at pandp.


Photos from PandP's post 21/04/2022

Research is a systematic investigative process employed to increase or revise current knowledge by discovering new facts. It can be divided into two general categories: (1) Basic research, which is inquiry aimed at increasing scientific knowledge, and (2) Applied research, which is effort aimed at using basic research for solving problems or developing new processes, products, or techniques.

The first and most important step in any research is to identify and delineate the research problem: that is, what the researcher wants to solve and what questions he/she wishes to answer. A research problem may be defined as an area of concern, a gap in the existing knowledge, or a deviation in the norm or standard that points to the need for further understanding and investigation. Although many problems turn out to have several solutions (the means to close the gap or correct the deviation), difficulties arise where such means are either not obvious or are not immediately available. This then necessitates some research to reach a viable solution.

A statement of the problem is used in research work as a claim that outlines the problem addressed by a study. The statement of the problem briefly addresses the question: What is the problem that the research will address?

What are the goals of a statement of the problem?
The ultimate goal of a statement of the problem is to transform a generalized problem (something that bothers you; a perceived lack) into a targeted, well-defined problem; one that can be resolved through focused research and careful decision-making.
Writing a statement of the problem should help you clearly identify the purpose of the research project you will propose. Often, the statement of the problem will also serve as the basis for the introductory section of your final proposal, directing your reader’s attention quickly to the issues that your proposed project will address and providing the reader with a concise statement of the proposed project itself.
A statement of problem need not be long and elaborate: one page is more than enough for a good statement of problem.

What are the key characteristics of a statement of the problem?
A good research problem should have the following characteristics:

1. It should address a gap in knowledge.
2. It should be significant enough to contribute to the existing body of research
3. It should lead to further research
4. The problem should render itself to investigation through collection of data
5. It should be of interest to the researcher and suit his/her skills, time, and resources
6. The approach towards solving the problem should be ethical

What is the format for writing a statement of the problem?
A persuasive statement of problem is usually written in three parts:

Part A (The ideal): Describes a desired goal or ideal situation; explains how things should be.
Part B (The reality): Describes a condition that prevents the goal, state, or value in Part A from being achieved or realized at this time; explains how the current situation falls short of the goal or ideal.
Part C (The consequences): Identifies the way you propose to improve the current situation and move it closer to the goal or ideal.

Here is an example:
Statement 1
The Ministry of Youth is dedicated to allocating enterprise development funds to both the youth and women. These funds are made available in order to start entrepreneurial ventures that create and expand employment. (Provide relevant statistics and quote)
Statement 2
One of the main focuses of the ministry is consistency. Unfortunately, consistency in allocating funds to the next generation of recipients requires prior knowledge of previous allocations and established practices. The current continuous disbursement method does not allow for adequate analysis of previous disbursements before a current disbursement is done.
Statement 3
Continuing with this current disbursement method prevents consistency and causes decisions to become grossly political, which in turn inhibits the achievement of the goals of the funds. Developing a more informed disbursement system could help better implement the consistency focus of the ministry and at the same time help the ministry better monitor and evaluate its funds.
This proposed research aspires to explore options for a new funds disbursement system that would focus on consistency. To do this, the researcher will carry out a full stakeholder analysis and use it to propose appropriate policy interventions.

This post is a modified version of the article Is it problem statement or statement of the problem? published on the website of Mukmik consultants. This post has been modified and republished with the permission of the author.

's witing


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1. A solid understanding of the research topic
2. Access to recent and relevant materials
3. Dedication and commitment to the writing process.
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