Eketronics Global Concept Limited

Eketronics Global Concept Limited

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Photos from Eketronics Global Concept Limited's post 10/02/2024


Isaiah 49:24-26, Jeremiah 30:16-17,
Isaiah 21:3-5, Deuteronomy 32:39-42

God is all powerful. There is no power or force that can challenge the authority of God.He is the head of all principalities and powers. There is no power that a defile the power of God. The scripture says in Deuteronomy 32:39-42 that nobody can oppose what He does in Isaiah 43:13, the scripture recorded that no power can change His plan. God has no power to change situations. He has the power to change situations. He has the power to deliver you from every kind of problem,oppression and wickedness of the wicked you may find yourself. The scripture recorded that the lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated, nothing that they will come through one way and flee before you through seven ways, Deutronomy 28:7. Also, in Isaiah 49:24 the scripture says that the prey of the mighty shall be speedily released. Your challenges are within the control of God. He is capable and ready to fight all your battles and grant you freedom from every kind of problem, subjection or oppression you are passing through.
Before the end of this program, every human or spiritual authority holding you bound shall be overthrown and destroyed. Your enemies will know the shame of defeat. Those fighting against you will go down for your sake. You shall be vindicated. Your freedom is assured. Your deliverance is certain and every power working against you will be extinguished and obliterated in the name of Jesus.

1. My Father, my father, by your power, let every negative personality human, spiritual, occultic or diabolical responsible to what I am passing through in life be exposed and neutralized in the name of Jesus.
2. Oh Lord, every power contesting my progress and breakthrough human and spiritual be destroyed by power in the blood of Jesus.
3. My Father, by your divine mandate, let every evil chain, rope, padlock and spiritual babwire which the enemy is using to hold me bound, break by fire and thunder of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
4. Pray for our Spiritual Director, Evang. Chukwuebuka Anozie Obi and Zion prayer Movement Outreach.

Pray Effective Prayer Book - Prayer 37

Photos from Eketronics Global Concept Limited's post 09/02/2024

DAY 19: FRIDAY 9TH FEB. 2024

Mathew 5:14, Acts 16:25, Acts 17:5-6.

Dictionary defines top as the highest part or component of an object. It can be attributed to someone who is eminent; the chief person; the most prominent one. It can also be described as the highest rank; the most honorable position; the utmost attainable place. Put in another way, the utmost degree; the acme; the summit. On the other hand, dictionary defines the word Topic as the subject; theme; a category or general area of interest. Simply put that, because you are on top, you are the highest pitch, the climax, summit and corresponding, becomes the topic, which inevitably is the subject matter, the theme and general area of interest of every discussion. If you are at the top, because you are occupying by the Grace of God and enviable position. Such position attracts persecution, enviousness and unwarranted attacks spiritual and temporal, but the scripture says in Psalm 119:165 that “those who Iove your law have perfect security and there is nothing that can make them fall. Also the scripture says in Romans 8:31 that if God is for us what can be against us? Child of God, it is clear, certain and unambiguous according, to the word of God in Mathew 5:14, that you are light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hidden. It went further to state that no one lights a lamp and puts it under a bowl, instead it is placed on a lampstand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. Your light shall shine. Your destiny shall manifest and accomplished by the Grace of God. Paul and Silas were good example of people on top and invariably became the topic during their time according to the scripture in Acts 17:5-6. The scripture recorded that they were enormously sought for. They were persecuted, arrested and locked in prison because they diligently and assiduously preached the word of God, to the extent that they were accused of turning the world upside down through their preaching.
Also in another occasion, Paul and Silas were arrested, beaten and imprisoned. In the prison, they prayed and sang and the Holy Spirit came down mightily and in an unprecedented manner that the foundations of the prison opened and the jailer wanted to commit su***de thinking that they had escaped, but they were happy that they were persecuted for the sake of Jesus Christ. Because they were on top, they became the topic that everybody was talking about them. Every discussion and gathering where their names and matter were not conspicuously mentioned are considered as inconsequential. This is because they were on top, therefore until people begin to talk about you and your name hit the headlines of the national dailies, you shall not be considered as important. Receive the anointing to preach the word of God in such a magnitude that like Paul and Silas you shall turn the world upside down in the name of Jesus. By reason of your connection to this program, your light shall shine. It shall extinguish, destroy and expel comprehensively every darkness in your life, family and business. Your voice shall be heard. The lord will grant you uncommon miracle that will separate you from the crowd for elevation, promotion and announcement in the name of Jesus.

1. My father, by your power, grant me supernatural touch that will bring about the manifestation of my destiny for your glory in the name of Jesus.
2. Oh lord , by your power, install your supernatural magnetic grace by infusion in me that will attract uncommon Favour in the name of Jesus.
3. My Father, my father, by your mercy and power, you made me to be on top, grant me your supernatural grace to finish strong and persevere in your work and service, while remaining the topic for your glory in the name of Jesus.
4. Pray for our Spiritual Director, Evang. Chukwuebuka Anozie Obi and Zion Prayer Movement Outreach.

Pray Effective Prayer Book - Prayer 60

Photos from Eketronics Global Concept Limited's post 08/02/2024


Deuteronomy 1: 6:8, 2Kings 7: 3-10

In a camp there are some rules, regulations, instructions that must be observed by all the inmates. In a camp your movement is restricted within the premises of the camp. Expectedly in a camp there are free entrance, but in some cases, there is no free exist. To break a camp in some circumstances need, radical decision and taking of risk. A person in a camp is on the interim in a state of stagnation. This is because your movement is restricted as you can only be allowed to be moving within the camp, because you are under a rule or condition that you cannot break at will. You are marking time. Your movement is under the control of perhaps a higher authority. Your progress in a camp is limited, restricted, monitored and teleguided , therefore in some circumstances in other to succeed or achieve a definite purpose you need to break camp. This means that you need to exit from the camp, move forward and have freedom. Before the end of this program any power that is holding you bound shall be destroyed. You shall move forward. You shall no longer be stagnated. I connect you to your divine helpers and benefactors in the name of jesus.

1. Oh lord by your power grant me the grace to take appropriate decision at the appropriate time that will enable me achieve your purpose in my life in the name of jesus.
2. My father by your power, locate me for uncommon fa our that will rewrite my history positively in the name of jesus.
3. Lord every wicked man or woman vowing to bring me down be destroyed by the blood of jesus.
4. Pray for our Spiritual director Evang chukwuebuka Anozie Obi and Zion prayer movement Outreach.

Pray Effective prayer book - Prayer 57

Photos from Eketronics Global Concept Limited's post 07/02/2024


Joel 2:26-27, Acts 17:5-6, Isaiah 54:4, Isaiah 61:7

Beloved, shame and disgrace are not your portion. They are twin evils and normally cause a reduction in a person's personality. Many factors can cause shame and disgrace in a person's life, family or business. When a person cannot achieve or accomplish what his colleagues or contemporaries have done. When your colleagues or mates have all married and you are still unmarried. If your mates are doing well in their respective professions and businesses and you have nothing to show. This means that you are lagging behind remarkably in the area of your profession or business. It means that you are not where you are supposed to be. It can also be caused by unexpected negative occurrence or influence that manipulated you, to do what will bring your name to the mud. When your efforts to accomplish a definite or specific task or even to succeed in life are not visible or counter - productive. Before the end of this program, every shame and disgrace in your life shall be destroyed. You shall no longer be defeated by your enemies. Your enemies shall be humbled, retreat submit and destroyed. Every negative circumstance following you or ministered against you shall be exposed, destroyed and be backfire. According to the word of God in Joel 2:26-27, which says my people will not be disgraced again. Every shame and disgrace in your life, family and business are hereby abolished. By the authority in the name of jesus, I remove shame and disgrace from your life; disgrace of rise and fall ; disgrace of poverty and wretchedness; disgrace of late marriage are hereby separated and extinguished from your lives in the name of jesus.

1. My father, my father by your power roll away and destroy comprehensively anything that will cause shame and disgrace in my life in the name of Jesus.
2. Lord, every wicked man or woman manipulating my life , family and business negatively to cause me shame and disgrace be neutralized by the blood of Jesus.
3. Oh lord by your mercy and power wipe away every shame and disgrace in my life and grant me supernatural favour and connections that will turn my life around for good in the name of Jesus.
4. Pray for our Spiritual director Evang. Chukwuebuka Anozie Obi and Zion Prayer Movement Outreach.

Pray Effective Prayer Book - Prayer 65.

Photos from Eketronics Global Concept Limited's post 06/02/2024


1Samuel 1:9-20, Isaiah 25:6-8, Psalm 34:18, Psalm 147:3, Revelation 21:4.

Child of God, apparently, the word sorrow can be defined as a feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment or other misfortune suffered by oneself or others. Put differently it can be described as a state of sadness, unhappiness, dejection, regret, misery and depression. In Revelation 21:4, the scripture says that "he will wipe away all tears from their eyes. There will be no more death, no more grief of crying or pain. The old things have passed" Also Psalm 147:3 says that " He heals the broken-hearted and bandages their wounds". Hannah according to the word of God in 1Samuel 1:9-20 was very sorrowful because she had no child. She expressed her heart desire to God through prayer. She prayed consistently, persistently with mortification and high level of commitment to God and God answered her prayer and wiped away her tears and her sorrow turned to joy. Because you are connected to this program, before the end of this program, like Hannah, you shall not be cut off. As Hannah was answered, you shall be answered, as her tears were wiped away . As her sorrow was turned to joy, suddenly and instantly, in the name of jesus. It is settled.

1. My father, my father by your power remove every sorrow in my heart and grant me happiness and joy in the name of jesus.
2. Oh! Lord by your power let everything that has been working against me, be turned to my favour by your divine mandate in the name of jesus.
3. My father, by your Mercy and power, change my situation positively in the name of jesus.
4. Pray for our Spiritual Director, Evang. Chukwuebuka Anozie Obi and Zion Prayer Movement Outreach.

Pray Effective Prayer Book - Prayer 37.

Photos from Eketronics Global Concept Limited's post 03/02/2024


Isaiah 6:1, Isaiah 60:11, Matthew 2:13-15, Revelation 3:7-8.

Your open heaven can be attributable to the attainment of your destiny or realization of divine ordination and purposes in your life. Different type of things can cause a person’s heaven to be closed. It can be caused by your sins or the sins of your ancestors. It can also be as a result of the activities of some negative personalities,human or spiritual, occultic or diabolical working against you. A person can,out of enviousness or wickedness vow that he or she can never live and see the manifestation or accomplishment of your destiny or divine purposes in yourself Life. King Herod wanted to kill Jesus in order to frustrate and make his purpose of coming to the world unrealizable or unachievable. The Angel of the Lord revealed to Joseph in a dream to carry Jesus and the mother Mary to Egypt and remain there until the death of Herod. When Herod died the Angel also in a dream instructed Joseph to return to the Land of Israel with Jesus and his mother Mary. Subsequently,Jesus started His ministry of salvation. Also, in Isaiah 6:1,the scripture recorded that the year King Uzziah died, Isaiah saw the no no Lord and that marked the manifestation of his call as prophet of God.
It is possible that you are suffering from closed heaven or destiny or that some negative forces or powers are frustrating the manifestation of divine purposes in your life. Before the end of this program, your destiny shall be delivered, manifested and accomplished. Your heaven shall be opened. Every king Herod or Uzziah in your life blocking the manifestation and attainment of your destiny shall be neutralized by Angelic intervention. You shall be connected to your destiny helper. Your enemies according to the word of God in Isaiah 41:11-12 shall know the shame of defeat, uprooted and destroyed for your sake. Every closed door in your life,family and business shall be vigorously and forcefully opened by divine mandate in the name of Jesus.

1. My Father, by your power let every closed door in my life be opened in the name of Jesus.
2. Lord, by your power, let my destiny receive divine boost and manifestation in the name of Jesus.
3. Oh Lord,by your power,let every evil man or woman standing against the manifestation of my destiny be neutralized by Angelic intervention in the name of Jesus.
4. Pray for our Spiritual Director Evang.Chukwuebuka Anozie Obi and Zion Prayer Movement Outdreach.

Pray Effective Prayer Book - Prayer 64.

Photos from Eketronics Global Concept Limited's post 02/02/2024

DAY 12: FRIDAY 2ND FEB. 2024

Philippians 2:6-11, Acts 3:1-10, Acts 3:14-16, Acts 16:16-18

It is trite, certain or put in another way incontrovertible that the name of Jesus according to the word of God in Philippians 2:9-10 is the greatest name over and above every other name above, on earth and beneath the earth. On this note, at the mention of the name Jesus all powers and authorities in heaven on earth and beneath the earth will fall on their knees and proclaim that Jesus in lord to the glory of God the father. He according to the will of the father agreed to die the most ignominious type of death on the cross. When He was on earth, he allowed Himself to be tempted and suffered pain, afflictions, deprivation, and persecution. He was humble and obedient to the Father in all things and never claimed equality with him, hence the Father gave him a name that was above every other being or name. This name Jesus, when mentioned in Faith brings about healing deliverance, divine intervention, promotion, victories, and miracles.
Child of God, I do not know what you are passing through but I know that it has a name. Whatever circumstance surrounding you has a name, childlessness, miscarriage, stroke, mental disabilities, liver disease, heart failure, rise and fail, blindness, abortion of success on the verge of accomplishment, poverty wretchedness and all kinds of infirmities. Hear me well the name of Jesus is greater than all your challenges and afflictions. In the scripture, so many sicknesses infirmities and diseases were healed by the Apostles by the name of Jesus. Specifically, at the beautiful gate in Acts 3:2-10, Peter and John healed the man who had been lame from birth in the name of Jesus. Because you are connected to his program, the lord will intervene in your situation. Your negative circumstances will be reversed to positivity. You shall no longer be defeated by your enemies. In Exodus 33:19 the scripture says that I will show mercy to whom I will show mercy and compassion. God will remember you. He will show u mercy. Your problem will not overwhelm you. All your challenges and problems shall be neutralized and abolished in the name of Jesus.

1. Lord by the power in your name Jesus, intervene in my situation and challenges my strong, in the name of Jesus.
2. My father, let very power working again my business and family be destroyed in the name of Jesus .
3. Oh lord restore my glory and everything I had lost in the name of Jesus.
4. Pray for our spiritual Director, Evang. Chukwuebuka Anozie Obi and Zion prayer Movement Outreach.

Pray Effective prayer Book - prayer 20

Photos from Eketronics Global Concept Limited's post 01/02/2024


Exodus 14:13-31, Romans 8:1, Psalm 46:10, John 16:33, Isaiah 41:10-13.

Beloved, I say to you, courage! I do not know what you are passing through. I do not know the type of problems confronting you. I do not know who your enemies are, whether the battle you are fighting is spiritual, temporal, occultic or diabolical, but what I know is that the batt is a finished battle. That battle is not your own. The battle belongs to God. The Lord will take over that battle and give you victory. Even though you might have been passing through those pains, afflictions, marital and business failures or disappointments, over the years, but now because you are connected to this program the Lord will fight for you. You shall look for all those multitude of problems and enemies, but you will not find them. When the people of Israel were delivered from bo***ge and oppression from Egypt, as they were on their way to the promised land, their Egyptian enemies with their King suddenly changed their mind and started pursuing them in recapture them into slavery. As the Israelites were approaching the Red Sea, they discovered that they were seriously after them and they cried to the Lord and God told them through Moses that the Egyptians they see are today, they shall see no more,adding that He shall fight for them, while they maintain their peace. By Divine intervention, the Lord divided the Red Sea and allowed the Israelites cross the Red Sea on dry ground.
As the Egyptians were crossing the Red Sea, the scripture recorded that the Lord stultified or restricted their movement and made them to move with great difficulty and the sea came back speedily,overwhelmed them and all of them got drowned, not one of them escaped. Exodus 14:18-31. Also in Isaiah 42:14 the scripture recorded that “for a long time I kept silent, I did not answer my people, but now, the time to act has come…” Your problems shall not survive this program. You shall see the end of your enemies, but they shall not see your end. You knew when and how the problems and challenges started but you will not know how they left you, because you shall look for them but will not be able to see them again, in the name of Jesus.

1. Oh Lord, by your power, fight my battle and defend me from powers greater than me, in the name of Jesus.
2. My father, my father, by your power, every affliction and pain in my life and family be eradicated in the name of Jesus.
3. Lord, let every chain of captivity in my life and family break and be destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus.
4. Pray for our Spiritual Director, Evang. Chukwuebuka Anozie Obi and Zion Prayer Movement Outreach.

Pray Effective prayer book - Prayer 19

Photos from Eketronics Global Concept Limited's post 28/01/2024

DAY 7: SUNDAY 28TH JAN. 2024

Habakuk 2:4, Matthew 17:20, Hebrews 11:6.

Obviously, it is irrefutable that God exists and no one can please God without faith. No one has seen God face to face, yet He exits and it is by faith that we believe that He exists. The scripture says in Habakuk 2:4 that the just shall live by faith. Nothing is impossible to receive from God without faith, unless on the ground of mercy. Also the scripture says in Hebrews 11:6 that no one can please God without faith, because whoever that will come to God must first believe that He exists. The scripture recorded in Mathew 17:20, that if You have faith as big as a mustard seed, you can say to this hill, go from here to there and it will go. You could do anything. I urge you, if you believe that God exits, also believe that He can do all things, because truly, there is no impossibility before God. All powers under His feet. He is the head of all principalities. He sees the end from the beginning, Isaiah 46:10. All power and situations are under his control.
It was by faith that Abraham obeyed God, when He told him to move from his father’s house to a place he does not know. Genesis 12:1-8 and God blessed him because he believed. It was by faith that Elijah the man of God prayed and declared that there shall be neither rain nor drew for years, until he said so and heaven honored his proclamation, 1king 17:1. Similarly, it was by faith that four men carrying a paralyzed man to Jesus because of the crowd opened a roof top and lowered the man right in front of Jesus so that he could have contact with him for healing and he was healed, Mark 10:46-52 cried out for help and healing to Jesus shouting on top of his voice, Jesus don of David have mercy on me and that obviously attracted the attention of Jesus towards him and he was healed.
Faith brings transformation. It brings healing and deliverance. It brings about what was not in existence to be in existence existence. By faith there is no hopeless case before God. Child of God, because you are connected to this program, God will remember you. Your problem shall not out live this program. Like blind Bartimseus, you shall testify. Your case is settled.

1. Oh Lord, by your Mercy, grant me uncommon faith that will enable me to excel in life and to achieve my destiny in the name of Jesus.
2. Lord, by your power human or spiritual working to dilute my faith in you be destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus.
3. My Father, by your power communicate in me by infusion your supernatural grace that will enable me to live and serve you all the days of my life in the name of Jesus.
4. Pray for our Spiritual Director, Evang Chukwuebuka Anozie Obi and Zion Prayer Movement Outreach.

Pray Effective Prayer Book - Prayer 12


Day 5-FRI. 26TH JAN. 2024
Acts 1:8,Acts 2:1-4, Acts 4:29-31

The Holy Spirit is a sanctifier and purifier. He is a motivator. He is a counsellor. He is third person in the blessed trinity. He leads, protects, inspires, motivates, and grants the children of God the boldness required to serve God. No one can make good decision or do anything good in life without being assisted or helped by the power of the Holy Spirit. No wonder the scripture says in 1Corinthians 12:3 that nobody can say that Jesus is Lord without the help of the Holy Spirit. If you must thrive well in the things of God, you need the Holy Spirit to be your close associate.
The Apostles and disciples of Jesus were terribly afraid to preach the word of God, until they received the Holy Spirit. In Acts 1:8, when the Holy Spirit came upon them, they received power and boldness that enabled them to preach the word of God. In the scripture Acts 4:29-32, the Apostles prayed for the spirit of boldness and that God should grant them the power that wherever they preach the word of God, that great signs, wonders and miracles will follow them. God granted their prayer. The scripture recorded that during their prayer that the power of God came down mightily, the place where they were meeting was shaken and from that day, they started proclaiming the word of God with utmost boldness.
You need the Holy Spirit to excel.
You need the Holy Spirit to manifest. You need the direction of the Holy Spirit to prosper and to effectuate your divine mandate and purposes in life. Because you are connected to this program, God will locate you to where your ordinary credentials cannot locate you. Your steps shall be ordered by the Lord. You shall proper. God will elevate you beyond your imagination in the name of Jesus.

1. Lord, by your power, grant me your Holy Spirit to lead, teach, direct and help me to love and serve you well, in the name of Jesus.
2. Oh Lord, by your mercy and power, grant me Divine direction that will enable me to achieve your purposes in my life.
3. Oh Lord, by your power,let every power opposing my breakthrough be destroyed by fire.
4. Pray for our Spiritual Director,
Evang. Chukwuebuka Anozie obi and
Zion Prayer Movement Outreach.

Pray Effective Prayer Book-Prayer 7

Photos from Eketronics Global Concept Limited's post 23/01/2024

Day 2: TUESDAY 23RD JAN. 2024

Luke 17:11-19,1Kings 3:4-15 Psalm 124:1-8

The dictionary defines Gratitude as a state of being grateful. It is synonymous with thankfulness. Pause and think, when did you thank God last for his infinite goodness towards you? Hear me, you cannot thank him enough for all He has done for you. Thank him because you are alive. Your life is not your own. Your life is in the hands of God. Do you know that some of your mates are no more? Do you know that many that started this year with you have gone? Many of your friends you Knew are no more, but you are still alive.
Are you better than them? All you have, are not by your strength. It is not that you make efforts than others or that you are smarter than others. The scriptures says in Psalm 127:1-3 that your protection and blessings emanate from God for He blesses those He loves even when they are asleep. Also, the scripture says in John 3:27 that no one has anything unless given to him by God. In James 1:17 the scripture says that every good gift and every perfect present Comes from heaven. You sleep and wake up alive, but many people go to bed like you, but could not wake up. Your enemies have planned, plotted and ministered numerous kinds of evil against your life, business and family, but none prospered. Hear me well, all your blessings, connections, multiplication, break throughs and prosperity are entirely from God.How have you thanked God for all these multitude of blessings and provisions?
The scripture says in Luke 17:11-19 that Jesus healed 10 lepers, but it was only one that came back to show gratitude. Jesus was happy for his gratitude and consolidated his healing. Gratitude brings about open doors, healing, deliverance and more blessings. Because, you are connected to this program, God will grant you the grace of multiplication, breakthrough,and success in the name of Jesus.

1. Thank God for what He represents in your life and family.
2. Thank God for the gift of life to you and your family.
3. Thank God for all numerous blessings He has bestowed on you and your family.
4. Pray for our Spiritual Director Evang Chukwuebuka Anozie Obi and Zion
Prayer Movement Outreach.

Pray Effective Prayer Book- Prayer 68


Announcement 🎤 🎤 From the desk of our spiritual director.

Pls observe one week fasting and prayers starting from today Monday 13th to 19th November 2023.

Fast at least 6am to 12pm daily and more if you can

And also do midnight prayers with liberation candle and write the names of your loved ones on the candle.

Prayer points
1.pray against the spirit of death.

read the following psalms daily.
118 vs 17
Prover 26:27
Sirach 27:26

May God answer your secret prayers in Jesus name Amen.

Photos from Eketronics Global Concept Limited's post 29/07/2023


Mark 4:39-40

Storm is a state of instability, uncertainty or precarious situation in life. In such matters or circumstances the manifestation of the lord arrests the situation and peace will be immediately restored. God has authority over your life and situation. In the scripture under reference the disciples thought that it was over because their boat nearly capsized, because the storm was very heavy. The lord immediately intervene and commanded the storm and there was absolute calm. Before the end of this program, The lord will call every storm in your life in the name of Jesus.

1. Lord by your order, let every storm in my life and family be calmed in the name of Jesus.
2. Lord, let every power working against my breakthrough and manifestation be destroyed by the blood of Jesus.
3. My father, let your will prevail in every situation in my life in the name of Jesus.
4. Pray for our Spiritual Director, Evang. Chukwuebuka Anozie Obi and Zion Prayer Movement Outreach.

Pray effective prayer Book -prayer 52

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