The Music Institute TMI

The Music Institute [TMI] is a Christian platform tasked with a mandate to educate and empower Chris

The Music Institute, is a Christian Platform tasked with a mandate to educate and empower the Christian Musician on matters surrounding Music and Ministry




Although Praise is a good thing and it can have many positive effects on the receiver, W.N Vincent in this book exposes how getting certain kinds of Praise from men can be harmful to us as believers, and specifically, Music Ministers.

We trust you'll find this insightful.
Get your free copy hereπŸ‘‡


To dream big and realise that it's totally free... So magnificent.



Ephesians 3:20 says God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or IMAGINE, according to his power (Spirit) at work in you.




Welcome to March! ❀️


John 17:3 (AMP)
"Now this is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true [supreme and sovereign] God, and [in the same manner know] Jesus [as the] Christ whom You have sent."

No one would deny the centrality and popularity of the biblical theology of KNOWING GOD.
While KNOWING GOD is the focus of numerous academic, spiritual, and Christian literature and discussions, being KNOWN BY GOD is less talked about. One may say the subject matter has been relegated to the background

It is important to note that, in every relationship, knowledge has two sides: you know your partner, and you are also known by your partner.

Many believers are overtaken with the thought of KNOWING GOD, and we have neglected the other part of the relationship. Hidden away from us is the consciousness that we have left God hanging with his unsatisfied desires to also know us.

God wants to know us even more than we think and ever want to know him. God wants to share his feelings and burdens with us, even more than we want to share ours with him.

And to think that the Lord God, the Almighty, is eager to enjoy our company, even more than we desire to fellowship with him, such that he keeps drawing us into communion even when we don't want to or feel like it, is humbling.

Don't pretend with God, my dear friend.
Follow on to know the Lord, and to be KNOWN OF HIM.

2 Tim 2:19
John 10:14-15


Commitment is about Responsibility and not necessarily Feelings.
Would you still love if you didn't feel like it?
Would you still pray if you didn't feel like it?

Over the years I have learned that Love is more of a commitment than a feeling, and the proof of Love is in the choices we make, - Obedience and Sacrifices.
"If you love me, obey my words." (John 14:15,21). Such simplicity.
There are times when it will be hard but choose His way.

You see, God isn't moved by mere words!
The Bible says, "For the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed." 1 Sam 2:3.

In September of 2020, I was writing a song and something didn't feel right. My heart was in the wrong place (posture) and though the words (lyrics) were beautiful, deep down I knew I DIDN'T MEAN A WORD I WAS SINGING TO GOD.

I knew that God was (and is) MORE interested in Me (the state of my heart, the minister) than in the songs I was singing to him (my ministry). Because if my heart is not right, whatever I do and call MINISTRY can not be right.
I had to put my pen aside and be real with God.

Dear friend, we can lose many things, but one thing we should never lose is our virtue of SINCERITY with God.

God isn't swept off his feet because you sang and cried as you led praise and worship, in Church on Sunday, and people said, "Oh! How he/she loves the Lord!"

God judges differently. Beyond the make-up we wear, he looks into us; our heart, motives, intentions, and with these, he weighs our actions.

Dear friend, be real with God. Be sincere with God. Be open to God.
Cover-ups don't work with Him. I've been there countless times!

I have come to understand that GOD IS MY PRIMARY AND EVER PRESENT AUDIENCE, and I can't pretend with Him.

When I go before Him and He calls me out, I answer, _'Yes Lord, You're Right! I'm sorry.'_

Dear friend, do not lose your virtue of sincerity with God.

Can we pray together,
"I am open to you, Lord here's my heart, come take your place.
You know my appetites. You know what I'll fall for. Help me to stand.
You know where I'm coming from, and You know where I am, now. You even know where I'm going. Help me to follow."

Going before God all covered up in insincerity is like going to see a friend who knows all we said about them but sits silent, listening to us professing love for them. The Nerve! πŸ˜‚ It's hurtful. (Sadly, some of us have been there too).

The Lord is a God of knowledge, and nothing is hidden before him. So, when did we begin to think we could hide from him? Since Adam, I guess!
But we hurt him, even more, when we come to him with a mask.

Put away your mask before God, my friend.
Come to God with your full chest! πŸ˜‚

He may discipline you, but surely he will embrace you.

His Love, Grace, and Mercy is enough!




Our Public ministry is meant to be a representation of our private ministry to God.

As people who are tasked with leading God's people in praise and worship, we are meant to cultivate a devotional heart for God while developing our primary skill or gift (music). We are meant to be people of the Word and Prayer.

Effective worship leadership starts in the secret place. It starts with a man that is very familiar with meeting with God with his instrument when no one is watching.

For King David, his standard for public leadership was his secret place. His undignified approach was a private habit that took public significance. (2 Sam 6:14, 21-22)

Do not only WORK for God. Yearn to WALK with him daily, - continually!

Timeline photos 12/08/2020

Is it possible to engage in a lot of activities (group rehearsals, personal practice, etc.) yet see no significant improvements in your skill level?

An emphatic YES!

Oftentimes vocalists (and instrumentalists alike) only practice to get it once.
But the key to mastery is practicing consistently, not until you get it the first or fifth time, but until you never miss it again.

At this point, one can say you have become one with it.

Timeline photos 05/07/2020

Revelation 1:6, "And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."

It's funny how we (man) can be so concerned about the externals but pay little or no attention to what is going on inside.

We are so concerned about the smoke, the lights, and how grand the stage is. Are these bad in themselves? No.

For some people, the public expression of worship (on stage) or the preparation for the public expression of worship is enough for them, but for some others, the standard and foundation for their public worship leadership life is their secret place with God.

The most effective worship leaders you look up to, today, have a secret life with God that is larger and more substantial than their public life with God and men.

Many times we focus only, on the Call, the experience that comes with leading worship over time, the understanding and right interpretation of your primary skill (Music). All these matters greatly, but please understand that one reality towers above them all, - The dealings in the Secret Place.

Like I'll always say, dear Believer/Christian Musician, you cannot fake it with God. He sees ALL and He knows ALL.

If your fellowship with God is shaky, there's no need pretending to be 'spiritual' before men. There's no need singing certain songs and behaving in certain ways in the spotlight so that certain men will think you are a 'Man/Woman of God.' There is only one true audience that is most significant, - God.
Ask Him to help you.

Dear friend, be real with God and God will be real with you! Jeremiah 29:23

You will not fail, my friend.

Timeline photos 04/07/2020

It's been over 3 weeks since we had Music Ministers Connect.
But the feed back till date has been awesome.

Dear Christian Musician/Music Minister/Worship Leader, never forget that God is your number one audience, and like I will always say to you, in all your doings, you can't fake it with God. He knows you inside-out.

If you need his help over any habit, struggles, negative mindset, wrong motives, motivation, or a heart condition, calm down and ask him to help you.

Dear friend, God is too eager to help you!

You will not fail, my friend.

Have a productive day ahead!!


Habakkuk 3:17-19

Though the fig tree does not blossom
And there is no fruit on the vines,
Though the yield of the olive fails
And the fields produce no food,
Though the flock is cut off from the fold
And there are no cattle in the stalls,

Yet I will [choose to] rejoice in the Lord;
I will [choose to] shout in exultation in the [victorious] God of my salvation!

The Lord God is my strength [my source of courage, my invincible army];
He has made my feet [steady and sure] like hinds’ feet
And makes me walk [forward with spiritual confidence] on my [a]high places [of challenge and responsibility].

Timeline photos 28/06/2020

It's such a blessing when the musicians are skilled and can also prophesy as they play their instruments.

Be in sync in your musical understanding and interpretation of the song, and also be in sync spiritually.
Also, don't just play on your instrument; worship God and lead God's people in the worship of God as you play.
Let your heart be involved!


- Please Don't Mind My Voice. Just Listen To The Message And Be Blessed. ❌
- I'm Not Much Of A Singer. I'm A Revivalist. πŸ˜…

The above two are some of the many excuses we find these days (from Christian musicians) as a reason for not developing their musical skills.

The first excuse about "listening to the message and not their voice" has been around for a long while, but it was just over a year ago I heard about, "I'm not much of a musician, I'm a revivalist".
I laughed so hard when I heard it. πŸ˜‚

But I think the likes of Evangelist Lawrence Oyor and Min. Theophilus Sunday have put this philosophy to bed.

Dear Christian Musician, provided that the voice, a musical instrument, (and the basic elements of music) are tools you will use to pass across your message to your audience, then learn music well so you can do it well.

To show forth the Glory and Excellency of God to the world through your ministry, you need both the Anointing and The Musical Skill.

Music is your primary skill as a Christian Musician, and Music is meant to be studied, so you need to put in the required work.

The old argument of 'Anointing Vs Musical Skill' should not be.
One should never be treated as less significant to the other. And without one, you will be limited.

Timeline photos 18/06/2020

I know you're eager to serve God and His church in whatever capacity He has called you.
I know you have good intentions too. But I have one question; Does Jesus know you inside?

Let's take a cue from Jesus who is our perfect example. While he walked the earth, He set his secret place (inner dealings with the Father) as the foundation and standard for every outward manifestation. He wasn't going to try to 'keep up' with the outward activities at the expense of his fellowship with The Father.

Mark 1:35
In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to a secluded place, and was praying there.

Mark 6:46
After bidding them farewell, He left for the mountain to pray.

Mark 6:47
When it was evening, the boat was in the middle of the sea, and He was alone on the land.

Luke 5:16
But Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray.

Luke 6:12
It was at this time that He went off to the mountain to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer to God.

Luke 22:41
And He withdrew from them about a stone’s throw, and He knelt down and began to pray.

We can all do better here.
Do not sacrifice fellowship for activities, else you'll run yourself down soon.
This is about cultivating a devotional heart in the place of fellowship.

Timeline photos 10/06/2020


It's a show of pride to try to do what only the Holy Spirit can do, without asking for His help.
As worship leaders (Christians) we know that our help comes from the Holy Spirit (Zach 4:6). But while we know this, many times, and in many ways, we do not practice this.

We opt to ride on the wings of our skill and the fame/name that we have built over time (our track record) such that, we are not so perturbed when we do not live and lead a life of worship, or the times we only pray and fast depending on how big the program is.
We may not say it out loud, but this is how we think it in our mind, "It's a small gathering. I can handle it" or "It's a large gathering, Lord help me." This is a bad habit, and this is so serious because gradually you may get frustrated when certain things don't happen as you envisioned in the program/meeting (you can't fake it with God. He knows), and you will be humbled.

Jesus said something about the coming of the Holy Spirit that struck me, "He will GLORIFY ME because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you." John 16:14.
This means if I want to glorify Jesus, I can never do it by SELF. I need to align with the Holy Spirit.
I understood this better in Philippians 2:13 (Amp) "For it is [not your strength, but it is] [a]God who is effectively at work in you, both to will and to work [that is, strengthening, energizing, and creating in you the longing and the ability to fulfill your purpose] for His good pleasure." The God at work in you is the Spirit.
Attempting to lead God's people in worship outside the help of the Holy Spirit is futile (ineffective, meaningless, hopeless, useless). Dear worship leader, you can do nothing to glorify God without the help of the Spirit.

Timeline photos 09/06/2020

Listen to the words of John Piper, "You cannot show at the same time that you are clever and that Christ is majestic.”

Sometimes there is the tendency to want to 'show off' as worship leaders. Sometimes, some of the testimonies we share in the midst of worship leading may point people to us as 'strong and perfect'. Hence, we MUST consciously point the people to God saying, "It is not me. It is Christ". (Zach 4:6, John 3:27)

There are many things that will want to exalt themselves as the most important factor, as we lead worship. It may be the Music, it may be the stage light and setting, it may be the cares of life, it may be your skill or gift - the fact that you have a track record of 'leading worship well' and whenever you sing you can 'make things happen' - SELF. All of these are IDOLS.

We must understand that there is nothing we have, in seed form, that wasn't given to us by God, including our skill and gift. We need to consciously and deliberately make Christ the center of our worship while uprooting every other thing that will want to take his place - IDOLS.

As worship leaders (and Christians) we must consciously fight against being idolized in the heart of the people, at the expense of the revelation of the risen Christ.

Despite how great the ministry of John the Baptist was, he didn't want to put himself in the spotlight at the expense of Christ. The moment the topic was brought up he said, "He must increase, but I must decrease." John 3:30

In this, he said his joy is fulfilled. vs 29

Dear worship leader, if your greatest joy and satisfaction isn't to see Christ glorified as you lead worship, then nothing else can satisfy you.

We may say it, but God sees what goes on in our hearts.
Hence, we need to constantly be before him with a tender heart.


Our public ministry is meant to be a representation of our private ministry to God.
One of the challenges of some worship leaders is their lack of off-stage worship life.

How often do you sit down to worship and pray deeply with your instrument (voice or a musical instrument) before an audience of ONE - GOD? Not for the purpose of rehearsals, but to share an intimate moment with your lover (God).

For some people, the public expression of worship or the preparation to lead worship is enough for them, but for others, their secret life with God is the foundation and standard for their public worship leadership.

Dear friend, don't pretend with God.
If you need His help to stay with him more than you usually do, ask him.
The most effective worship leaders today have a secret life with God that is larger and more substantial than their public life with men.

Here's one powerful truth; worship leading is best when we do publicly what goes on privately.

Live and lead a life of worship off-stage.


One of the bad habits of some worship leaders is, we oftentimes get consumed in what we are doing, so much that we're oblivious to what is going on in our environment or with the people.

Philippians 2:4 says, "Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others".

Throughout your song selection process what are you thinking about? What popular songs to sing or what biblical truth the church needs?
When you lead worship, are you aware of what the people are doing or you're only satisfied with the fact that every arrangement is going according to plan? Do you shut your eyes and focus on your personal worship to God alone, not minding what the people are doing?

It is important to know that worship leading is both vertical (to God) and horizontal (to the people).
How effective are you at creating spaces in between song leading that makes room for congregational participation during worship?
How effective are you in guiding them through these spaces, telling them what to do, in a bid to PASTOR THE MOMENT? Saying things like, "Now lift your hands and worship your lover, " or "No one can worship God for you. Now go before God and let him hear your own voice," etc. as the Spirit of God leads you.

As a worship leader, you have a pastoral role. You need to be more than a Song leader.

PS: Having a Pastoral role as a worship leader means, you need to know and understand the truths in God's word to be able to communicate those truths to the congregation. Hence, YOU MUST BE A STUDENT OF GOD'S WORD, UNDER THE TUTELAGE OF HIS SPIRIT, alongside your commitment to your primary skill (Music).

This is so important because everything you say and do contributes to influencing the congregation.


Good vs Bad Worship Leader Habits

Sometimes you (as a worship leader) may get frustrated in worship because of the lack of participation of the people and you may be tempted to begin to demand (some may even command).
But as worship leaders, we should always be encouragers.

If you want the congregation to respond in a certain way in the midst of worship, rather than demand such a response from them, share with them truths from God's word that emphasizes such a response.

If you want them to clap and give a shout of praise to God, for example, you can share scripture like Psalm 47:1.

This way their response is not because you demanded it from them or cajoled them to respond, but their response is unto the truth of God's word, which should be the foundation of our worship.

Photos from The Music Institute TMI's post 06/06/2020

So last night we had the first edition of Music Ministers Connect (A virtual workshop for music ministers).
It was such an awesome moment.
Here are some things we got from the last edition that will add to you greatly as a worship leader.

Cheers to the growth of your music and ministry.
See you next Friday!



Primarily, there are 4 specific roles the worship leader will play at several points in worship leading.
Each of these roles is distinct, yet connected. These roles can be referred to as offices.
These roles include;
1. The Song Leader(ship) Role
2. The Pastoral Role
3. The Prophetic Role
4. The Priestly Role

Many times, worship leaders spend their years in the Song Leader(ship) role and they know little or nothing of the other offices that make one an effective Worship Leader.

Join us by 8 pm Tonight, on Music Ministers Connect, as we move towards improving worship leading and other topics that will be helpful to the minstrel.

To be a part of it, send a message to 08165960652 (WHATSAPP ONLY).

This virtual session will hold on Google Meet App, So please download the app.
Here is a download link

Cheers to the growth of your music and ministry.

W.N. Vincent

Timeline photos 04/06/2020


"Worship Leading at its best is when we do publicly what goes on privately, every day.
All we do during the week relates to leading worship. It is not just waking up on Sunday, putting on our best attire, and heading to church as SONG LEADERS.

If you are going to serve as the WORSHIP LEADER God has called you to be, there is the need to cultivate a relationship with God such that what happens on Sunday, or whenever you are privileged to minister, is an overflow of the intimacy and relationship you have shared with God all week."

Do not miss out on this virtual timeout on Friday, 8 pm, on GOOGLE MEET. It promises to be a refreshing time as Music Ministers Connect.

To be a part of it, simply send a message to 08165960652 (On WhatsApp) STATING YOUR INTEREST.

Cheers to the growth of your Music and Ministry.

W.N. Vincent

Timeline photos 03/06/2020

Alright... Here we go, guys!!!! One of the most important responsibilities of the minstrel is to bring the body (church) to the point where we have a revelation of the risen Christ and are changed in our hearts, in the midst of worship and praise. And this is only possible, really, when we PARTNER with the HOLY Spirit, even as He leads us.

There is the art of leading the songs and the congregation in the midst of leading Worship, and many music ministers are most times, oblivious of what is going on in their environment (they are unaware of what is going on with the people) even as they lead the congregation in the worship and praise of God. They just shut their eyes and... SING - from start to finish.
As we grow in our music, it is also important that we grow in our leadership, hence the need to develop the skills that will help us to be more effective worship leaders.

Focus of Discussion
- An Introduction To Music For Singers.
- Towards Improving Worship Leading.

Set your calendar guys!
Hope to see you on Friday.

Cheers to the growth of your music and ministry.

W.N. Vincent
The Music Institute [TMI]

PS: Please send a message to 08165960652 (WhatsApp ONLY) if you want to be a part of the Music Ministers Connect.

Timeline photos 13/05/2020

"The problem is not our desires. Our problem is that our desires are not strong enough. We are far too easily pleased with what isn't God. Things that are so inferior to God we exalt and seek to be satisfied in them."
- Bob Kauflin

We are easily moved by Man's approval and adoration. We want man's applause, commendations, accolades, etc. Sometimes we just want people to say to us 'you're the best'.

We always want to serve God in our comfort, and the moment there is any serious demand or pressure on our service to God, we back off, etc.

Even if we have previously served idols by default, now we are born again and we have been given a desire to serve, worship, please, and obey God with all of our hearts. Phil 2:13
But that doesn't mean this battle or tussle has stopped. It is a daily, ongoing conflict we have to deal with by having the right heart attitude that God wants us to develop.

Timeline photos 13/05/2020

IDOLATRY in worship is simply exalting or seeking to be satisfied in anything other than God, and it can take place in very mundane fashions.

An idol is anything that seeks to be pleased, served, or obeyed other than God.

We can serve idols internally while worshipping God externally.
The externals do not really mean we're worshipping God, it's majorly what's going on in our hearts.

Timeline photos 13/05/2020

"You cannot show at the same time that you are clever and that Christ is majestic.”
- John Piper

The essence of our service as music ministers is to draw attention to God and not to ourselves, and we must be committed to confronting and overcoming every idol that threatens this; especially the idol of man's approval.

Timeline photos 13/05/2020

Whatever gifting you have in seed form was given to you by God. Whether it is to sing or to play a musical instrument.
We may think, "Yeah! But I really developed it!"
True, and great! But we need to understand that it is the Lord who gave us the ability to understand and rightly interpret a particular musical term.

Also, how many times have you sang or played an instrument and nothing happened, despite how well you did it?

It is by GRACE that we bear any fruit at all.
This is the foundation.


*The Music Institute [TMI] is a Year old today!!!* πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ’ƒπŸ½

As we celebrate our one year in this business, we want to do something which is in line with our vision; To educate and empower the Christian Musician in the areas of music and ministry, to show forth God's Excellency and Glory to the world.

So here's what we'll do.
We will give the first twenty (20) lucky winners a gift if they can answer just ONE question.

*In what YEAR and MONTH did the founder of receive the vision of ?*
Note! The question doesn't mean THE YEAR launched out!

The winners will get a Book as a gift.
This book covers the following areas;
- Breathing, Posture, and Support
- Diction and Emphasis
-Resonance, Tone, and Blending
- Pitch, Intonation, and Harmony, etc.

But there are Terms & Conditions
1. You must have liked our page.
2. You must be following us on Instagram.

The winners will be selected across our Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp communities.

This offer end on WEDNESDAY, 25th March.

Do you want to be proficient in your music?
Let's Play!

Cheers to the growth of your music and ministry!

W.N. Vincent
Founder, The Music Institute [TMI]


Many times, beginner vocalists are confused over what is fundamental to their growth.
Many have beautiful voices (one could say they are naturally gifted), but lack any training, and this can hinder their growth and progress as they embark on their musical journey.

On the other hand, many invest in learning but it is not targeted. They are working hard but if you asked them, they can't even tell you the specific areas they are working on. They are just rehearsing, studying books, doing several good things, but all without any target.

A clear pattern or process must be followed continuously for this process (or processes) to lead to any meaningful increase or development; the keyword is CONTINUOUSLY.

This is how to grow musically!

The Music Institute [TMI]


I get this request so much, "Sir please can you teach me how to sing?"

This request is from people who have been in the choir for many years (or not). They have taken so many solos in the choir, and they may even be among the celebrated lot in their choir.

But I have noticed a singular similarity among many vocalists and musicians alike; THEY WANT TO GROW, BUT THEY DON'T KNOW IN WHAT AREA THEY NEED TO GROW.

Hence the constant request, CAN YOU MENTOR ME TO SING BETTER? But in what area? They don't know.

It's difficult to grow and add when you don't even know what you NEED, or what area addition is needed? This is the reason why in a particular season, you'll find a vocalist working on singing like eight different vocalists whose styles and techniques are totally DIFFERENT!

One of the first steps is to ask your self; what is my skill set? What can I do? What can't I do? It is only then you'll know WHAT YOU NEED TO ADD.

After that, you can lookout for a vocalist who applies what you need to learn and score their song(s).

There is a secret benefit in scoring songs; You learn new techniques for singing or playing IF YOU ARE ATTENTIVE, and Score for learning, rather than just to sing or play on Sunday.
Be Strategic.

You can continue reading here

The Music Institute [TMI]


7 Things To Consider For An Effective Musical Event

There are several things that can make a musical event not to have the desired effect in the lives of those in attendance.

Some of the things people DON'T CONSIDER when planning a musical event, which is important, is the reason why some of these events don't live up to expectations.

Some of these things are;
- The nature and focus of the musical event
- Time allotted to the musical event

Is it a worship meeting? A mini birthday celebration? a Musical concert? Live recording? Community Gospel Party? Or maybe a music seminar?
The nature and focus of the musical event, and the time allotted to the event, if considered, will always set the tone for every other thing that will happen in the event.

For example, several Christian musical events hold week in, week out, and you will find a three-hours (time allotted) WORSHIP MEETING (nature of the event) having as much as seven (7) guests to minister.

You will want to give your guests time to deliver all God has given to them for the meeting, because of the nature of the meeting.

There are also some things to consider for an effective musical event like;

You can have access to these 7 things on our blog!

Cheers to the growth of your music and ministry!

The Music Institute TMI

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