Hope Johnson

Mind-meltting sales resource for your business ��

-Sales coach


#copywriter #sales


“The goal is not to do business with everybody who needs what you have.
The goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe.” — Simon Sinek


A critic is a man who thinks he knows the way but can't drive the car.


In nutshell; time is relative.. Follow


Like, for real..

Check out this high-value property through the link in my bio

On Facebook? Click this link: bleathost.wixsite.com/hopejohnson


Do your due diligence to find properties with high value

Or, just save yourself the stress;

Check out this high-value properties through the link in my bio

On Facebook? Click this link: bleathost.wixsite.com/hopejohnson


There is more to an investment property than demand and price!

To get a glimpse of what I'm saying;

Check out this high-value properties through the link in my bio

On Facebook? Click this link: bleathost.wixsite.com/hopejohnson


high-value properties through the link in my bio

On Facebook? Click this link: bleathost.wixsite.com/hopejohnson


Real estate is changing.

There's a 3 Star Luxury Apartment for sale in a mini estate....that offers luxury cars as cheap ride Service For Occupants (cheap like Uber).

Meeeen, that's as made the property hot cake for shortlet business.

Check out the property available through the link in my bio

On Facebook? Click this link: bleathost.wixsite.com/hopejohnson


To get the glimpse of what I mean by "changing the game" click the link in my bio

On Facebook? Click this link bleathost.wixsite.com/hopejohnson


Luxury and class.

Do you know that there are 3 Star Luxury properties in an estate that offer luxury ride like this for Occupants???.

For real!!!

Click the link in my bio to check it out

Or, if you're seeing this on Facebook click this link https://bleathost.wixsite.com/hopejohnson


Learn to accept feedbacks with no emotion.

You need to get comfortable with rejections.

Your first draft will be rejected.
Cold email will be rejected.
Copy you write will have edits suggested to it.

It’s not matter of if, it’s matter of when.

To survive learn not to take things personally.

See it as an opportunity to improve.

The more you get comfortable with rejections your chances of success as increased.

It’s matter of time.

. .


Keep grinding 💪

Enough bad ideas will produce the best one. Remember that 👌


Endless creativity....

Photos from Hope Johnson's post 30/08/2021

3-Star Apartment….6-Star Experience🍷

3 Bedroom Luxury Apartment (1 Unit Available)

Legit🔥 For Shortlet.

Shortlet Is Hot Cake In Ota Real Estate(yet with so little competition unlike Lekki).

You could make up to 5.5m per year(Net) in shortlet services….with this apartment.

On a 30% - 35% yearly occupancy

With Gwagon, Bentley and other super cars as luxury ride service for your property occupants (for almost as low as a Uber ride…. Totally subsidized)

Intensive shortlet marketing from the company to keep your property occupied.

3-Star interior design…. 4 luxury bathrooms and ready to use kitchen.

With confirm water and electricity supply….non stop.

Security? Of course.

Cleaning services? Standby!

It’s in a Self-Serviced Mini Estate (Hope Johnson Villa)

Just Few Minutes Drive To Winners Chapel Headquarters, Covenant University, Bells University, Indomie Factory, Honda, Coca Cola, Shell Gas Plant and distillery companies.

This year is just the right time to get into the game.

Price: 45m (only 1 unit available)
Title: Global C of O
Delivery: 3 Months (70% Already Completed)

To get this deal...

Call 08137559670 or Just DM me


Still solid 💪😎

You might have a gold medal for writing the best copy of the year in your club.

But if you still make this mistake, you are no better than a beginner 😏.

“ You need to balance the importance of VALUE and VOLUME in your content Marketing”

Ok, what do I mean?

Offering value in your content is great.

It blesses the reader.

But value is not enough to fuel your pocket and growth metrics.

Volume is waaay important here.

Giving CONSISTENT value is important.

Social media has built this growing hunger for new content in your readers.

Don’t get stuck trying to write a great content that will go viral and drive the most sales.

It’s a total waste of time.

Of course offer value but offer it consistently.

So what’s the takeaway here?
“Strike the balance between VALUE and VOLUME in your content Marketing 👌”

Got it 👊

There are PREMIUM actionable Copywriting tips available for you(for free ) and many more to be posted right here on Facebook 👇

Click here to access them: https://m.facebook.com/groups/2563429950635626?ref=bookmarks

. .


If was lit🔥

You know what?

New writers try to copy content from major blogs.

Because they are trying to write an “expert” article on a broad subject.

And that’s really boring 😣 for readers.

Most readers skip those kind of contents.

By the way, you might want to ask what are standard contents?

I will not tell you, I'll show you 👇

Articles like this:

- How to start a business
- How to create a website
- Guide to losing weight
(There are thousands of this articles….)

They usually end up being shallow and not useful.

But writing articles on a personal point of view gets more engagement.

Personal stories like:

- How I started my restaurant with < $9,00 (ridiculous right?)
- How I created my Shopify store in one weekend.
(This are much more interesting)

Write better personal stories or experience of people as your content.


Better content + better engagement.

Got it 👊

If this post was useful, pleeease don’t like it.

Instead ♥️ or 😮 it. Ok?

Thank you.


USP - Unique Selling Preposition

Most people don't understand this aspect of marketing.

USP is not why your customers should buy from you,

"it's why they should not buy from someone else"

Let me break this down a bit with a little storyline.

I'm into real estate now(as an investor not agent)

In the real estate industry there is always this feature or specs your house must have to attract a good buyer.

Like bigger kitchen, air conditioning or something else.

It is fine to have those features (because customers already show interest in them)

But those features are not USPs because there's someone else offering that in your industry.....and they can choose to buy from.

It already a popular idea and offered but at least 20% of your competitors.

USPs are a lot streamlined to at most 3% of the market.

If you read marketing insight you will find out that only 3% of the market is ready to buy.....the remaining 97% are still on the process to decide.

Offering what only 3%(or less) of your competitors will offer is the way to win all the 3% present on the market.

That's is where value and prices don't suffer. ... that's is how Steve Jobs built Apple.

In my case I started installing renewable power supply system in my properties (which will drive the cost of power bills down and increase power constancy)

That is U.S.P in it real form.

-. Why others won't buy from anyone else but you....

Got it 👊

Hope Johnson


If you're a instagram Marketer, then here's is a big deal.

Real estate is booming in Nigeria.

Investor are blowing up their banks to buy house.

And if you enter the game quick, you'll be rich quick.

Investors need instagram because that's where most of their clients live.(high income clients)

In fact, I have a N4.6m ($10k) deal for any Instagram marketer ready to play the game.

(20% commission)

This kind of deal is one of the highest in the industry.

Even agent don't make this much per deal except the property(in question) is of higher price.

If you're interested in this deal and want to learn more.....just DM me.

But be fast.....the deal isn't going to wait for you.

Hope Johnson


Get to really know your audience and give yourself the time to actually listen to what the audience needs.

This may be the key to write the excellent copy you need for your social media platforms.

The most compelling and effective marketing copy comes from audience language, not copywriter brains.

Copywriting is not about simply taking a wild guess at what people want.

It is about listening, paying attention to the language your audience uses and building that language into the high-converting copy.

And that’s how you write great copy. But this requires a lot of research.

As Joel Klettke said it so perfectly: “Read your customers’ minds”.

According to Joel Klettke, marketers should “read their customers’ minds” and steal their words instead of just pulling copy out of thin air.

Clear copy mistakes are a no, no, no.

Have a look at some of the examples (copywriter/marketing copy vs. research-based copy) that we really liked, coming straight from Joel Klettke’s copywriting advice:

- “Sales made simple” vs. “You hate guesswork and busy work so we made sales less work”

-“Affordable time tracking payroll software” vs. “The only time tracking tool that pays for itself”

-- “Breakthrough native reporting limitations” vs. “Get the reports your CRM can’t give you – without the headache it does”

In each of the examples above, the second version of the copy is audience research, therefore right on the money.

And way more captivating than the first boring versions.

Another statement of Joel Klettke’s goes like this:

“We get stuck behind our screens and start writing about synergies and features and things people don’t actually care about.”

So, let’s not! His statement should be a wakeup call Copywriters.

The secret is to identify what people care about. And that’s exactly what you need to write about.

Got it 👊.

Get mind-meltting Sales lessons from


Still very true 🍷

The best product don't sell, it's the best 'known' product that do.👌??


You could save alot.


One of the toughest decision to make in life would be to choose wether to "let go"......or "try harder".

That's tough mate.


You know why?

Because "each year, you will lose 14% of your present customers"

Either you like it or not!

To get new customers to takes more time and money than before.

But it get easy and simple when a customer refer your business to a friend.

In fact:

65% of company's new business is from referrals they get [New York Times]


Start working a Strategy and system to put in place in your business.


You will find your self working end to end for new customers just to keep your business alive.

Got it 👊

Get mind-meltting sales lessons from Hope Johnson



Hey this is not persuasion ooo.

This is manipulation. At it best.

Get mind-meltting Sales lessons from Hope Johnson


Here’s how to structure long-form sales letters for anything you want to sell.

- Headline = Bold Promise :

Grab your reader’s attention with a bold headline.

Your headline should cite one insanely specific benefit that they’ll get from your product.

- Short Intro:

Keep your intro to less than 8 sentences.

“D” and “A” From AIDA

Your headline and lead checked off the “Attention and “Interest” in the AIDA Formula.

The middle of your sales letter should create desire for your product… and push them to take action.

- Bullets:

Use bulleted lists of benefits throughout your sales page.

- Testimonials:

Use lots of testimonials from people that your prospect can easily relate to.

- Risk Reversal

“Cancel anytime” .
“60 day guarantee ”.
“No questions asked”.
“Try now. Decide later”.

Pack your sales letter with risk reversals.

They make signing up a no-brainer. -

- Lot s of Call-To-Ac tions

Your sales letter should have CTAs up and down the page.

Got it 👊

Get mind-meltting Sales lessons from Hope Johnson


I'm a sales dog.

But this guy's are my spy.

Facebook record what you type, post and like.

Google track what you search and websites you visit.

All to be able to predict what you would love to buy.

Don't cringe 🙃

Whether for advertising purpose or algorithm performance people's track record is important for better ads accuracy.

Google knows your customers, likewise Facebook.

Pay them to get you some.

Facebook is a better place to sell economical products.

Instagram is better for high-price product like real estate (and B2B)

Linkedin is sweet for B2B.

And Google search helps customers find you.

Get mind-meltting Sales lessons from Hope Johnson


When in doubt, it always pays to be subtle when it comes to social selling.

Minus big box brands, you’ll very rarely see Salesmen try to push products directly.

And while sales and discounts are certainly fair game, they can quickly grow tiresome to followers.

This is especially true when marketing to boomers who aren’t always jazzed about buying via social.

Among other reasons, this is exactly why influencer marketing is all the rage right now.

Blurring the lines between promotion and organic content, influencers provide a brilliant way to show off products without being salesy whatsoever.

Playful captions and hashtags have much more mileage than something reading “Hey, buy this bikini,” you know?

Meanwhile, copy that shows off user-generated content and regrams is another smart strategy for removing the sales pitch from your copy.

Tagging others in your captions also serves as social proof, if nothing else.

Copywriting for social media is about finding opportunities to sell via your content without actually promoting it as such.

Get mind-meltting Sales lessons from Hope Johnson


Something to stir up your week....😜.

Hope Johnson






He's behind the ai behind the Copywriting tool that is literally smarter than most Copywriters out there.

At least half of the Copywriting community are mediocre and learners.

Amd mediocre Copywriting is nothing close to this ai tool.

I have used this tool to get amazing sales copies that beats my imaginations....for any industry.


For losers this is a weapon that will destroy them, but winners: this is a secret success tool you must use.....or you lose.

It's a premium tool but you can use it for free to get unlimited copy ideas for your next ad.... through the link:


Note: this is not some swipe file tool. It is waay powerful than swipe files.


Don’t be one-sided.

There’s more than just sales when it comes to building your business.

Know this:

“You can’t build your business. You build people then people build your business”

I love and learnt a lot from Steve Jobs.

On the return of Steve Jobs to Apple;

Apple had low sales, not just because of their products but because they’ve lost the people they sold to.

But with the “Think Different” campaign, people knew and understood what Apple stands for.

The “Think Different” Ads was Apple most successful campaign of all time and yet the ads did not promote/feature any product.

Success in Marketing Is not only about Conversions.

It’s also strongly about Connections(with customers).

Build a relationship, not just Email list.

But understand this:

People connect with people…..not business.

The “ Think Different” helped us connect with Steve Jobs (and others in Apple)

Help your customers connect with you.

Copywriting at it’s best will give you the ability to connect with your customers through social media, blog or paid ads.

…..and will move them down the funnel from Connection to Conversions.

Got it 👊


There's a magic in the the name of a customers.

The idea of personalizing your emails to your subscribers by using their name is worth it.

But you know what?

It could also sound annoying like stores Salesmen to customers.

When you try to sound polite, to you; you feel polite.

But to them it shows you're trying to be perfect....than you really are.

The feeling of politeness comes when you call someone with their "Surname".

It doesn't sound right to people.

Friends call them by their names not surname.

Like calling me Mr Johnson...I feel 😑

But "Hope" feels more friendly and attention-grabbing.

Sound like a friend you are, not a marketer.

It's a very simple but powerful secret I found from successful entrepreneurs.

Might sound weird to use at first, but the result is astonishing.

Try it in your emails, sales call.

Get to know their name and use it.

Got it 👊

Get mind-meltting Sales lessons from the best marketing group on Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/groups/2563429950635626?ref=bookmarks


Here's the real deal.

How can you position your product so that it’s the X-factor in achieving your customer's desire?

This is common with beauty products, but it can be used for any desire…

* Having more energy
* Learning a language
* Building a successful blog
* Getting kids to obey
* Etc.

Example product:

Skin cream

Example copy:

"Why Models Stay Young Till Sixty

*Revealed at last! By the world most beautiful women - who make their living by being, and staying, young!*

> **What they really do to:**.
Be that bridge between, and you will find yourself win.

Got it 👊

Get mind-meltting Sales lessons from the best marketing group on facebook: https://m.facebook.com/groups/2563429950635626?ref=bookmarks


Quick but rear sales secret for you.

Imagination is stronger than memory.

Let your Sales Copy spark your customers imagination.

Write in ACTIVE tone.


"I made 20k last month from instagram"❌

"I make 20k/month from instagram" ✔️

To your customers, the present is everything the past is nothing.

Got it 👊

Get mind-meltting Sales lessons from https://m.facebook.com/groups/2563429950635626?ref=bookmarks


For customers, the easy way is the right way.

You giving a seamless experience to you customers can automatically make you the right choice for many.

And the reverse is also true.

A customer will tell an average of 15 people about a poor service experience, versus the 11 they will tell about a good experience
-- American Express

Bad news spread faster and stick longer than good news.

If you dear punch a customer in the face with a bad experience, you will receive 10x back.

Make the "book an appointment" process simple.

Use simple website design.

Straight to the point image on social media.

Payment process flawless.

In fact, 74% of people are likely to switch brand if they find the buying process too difficult.

That's a big deal for a business to ever lose.

Start by reviewing all your Sales process and cut down on every complex part.

Got it 👊

Get mind-meltting sales lessons from here: https://m.facebook.com/groups/2563429950635626?ref=bookmarks


One of the greatest advantages of social media marketing marketers like to play up is the fact that it's free.

It's cost you zero dollars to open an account and post contents.
At least monetarily.

But the truth is, even if you don't pay cash to do all the social stuff, you're still gonna pay huge in time.

Its takes hours to create a performing business account on Facebook or Instagram.

And waay more time to flesh out post on consistent basis.

To connect, to learn and grow, to create quality images that stands out.....It's no joke.

Social media is not BS. It's business.

And it is getting even more expensive especially with ads.

Get into the game of social media marketing in time and in full.

With the mindset that it a real business that needs investment....not a hobby.

Got it 👊

Send Me a DM if you're just starting out with social media.

So you can skip mistakes millions others make 👉 Hope Johnson


I have heard this for countless time:

"If you fail to prepare then you're prepared to fail"

And that's so true but that's not all.

No doubt, preparation will help you make wise decisions on what to write on your Sales emails or calls.

But the question is:

how do you learn to know what is "wise"?


You can learn from other people's mistakes but you will grow from your own mistakes and miracles.

Live practice will make you more confident in your Sales ability.


Don't fail to practice in the quest to prepare.

Jump the cliff before you you say what if.

Prepare to kill nervousness.

Practice to build real confidence.

Got it 👊.

Get mind-meltting sales lessons from here: https://m.facebook.com/groups/2563429950635626?ref=bookmarks


Everyone has a dream of something better than today.

That's literally what keeps us alive.

But it turns out that products of some brand are the dream of some people.

Rolls-Royce cars, Rolex and so on.

Apple and Steve Jobs achieved that with the launch of the first iPhone.

It became more evident as people lined up in long ques to get the iPhone.

That's one of the biggest goal you can achieve with your brand.

"Building products that becomes the dream of customers"

Marketing will almost not be necessary by then.

Working on the product you offer is crucial in building a successful brand.

Not just an irresistible offer but an irresistible product.

Got it 👊

Get mind-meltting sales lessons from https://m.facebook.com/groups/2563429950635626?ref=bookmarks

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