Church Of The Ascension Onipanu Ota

A landof salvation and Blessings


Greetings Beloved.

Today & throughout the year, When thou passest through the waters, the Lord will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee, for God will grant you all round victory in Jesus Name. Amen. (Isa. 43:2 KJV)



The psalmist in psalm 34:10 says, "The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing"
On the strength of the fact that you worship God of possibility, every virtue vested in you shall begin to work for success as from the beginning of this new year in Jesus name.
God shall grant you grace to make positive impact in all areas of your endeavours. He will grant you uncommon grace to work towards purpose and you shall not miss your path in destiny.
This year God in His mercy shall launch you into surplus. He will make you a problem solver and not a problem creator. From now, the Lord's giving grace shall increase upon your life in Jesus name. God shall make you a winner on a daily basis and you will never surrender in the battle of life. God shall grant you divine strength to pursue your life's goals to fruition in Jesus' name. From now, the grace of consistency is your portion. Regardless of whatever level you might have been operating before now, God shall build in you His consciousness as from today. In this year 2021, your good dreams shall materialize. Yes, no carryover of good things in your life in Jesus' Mighty name. Amen.


Welcome to the last Tuesday of the Year Beloved!!! Thus says the Lord:

Today, the God of hope shall fill you with all joy & peace in believing, that you may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13 KJV)

Therefore, the work of your righteousness today & beyond in all phasets of life shall be peace; and the effect of your righteousness quietness & assurance today & forever in Jesus Name. Amen. (Isa. 32:17)


Photos from Church Of The Ascension Onipanu Ota's post 28/12/2020

After the Christmas service.


Greetings Beloved.

Tonight, the Lord will give you the shield of His salvation: His right hand will hold you up, & His gentleness will make you great as you wake up in Jesus Name. Amen. (Ps. 18:35 KJV).



Feed My Lambs...

The students' fellowship is an all-rounder fellowship on campus - care, love, prayers, evangelism, evangelism and more evangelism.

It wouldn't take any serious student joining for the first time any trouble to flow with the tide of being conformed into the image of Christ. It wouldn't take long also before being paired with someone on the next evangelism day to go forth and witness the gospel.

I was not a new student. I joined the fellowship in my first year; it has been bliss and has helped my life in tremendous ways.

We set out to evangelize that fateful day, I and the lady paired with me, to Angels lodge located along Ifite road, Awka.

We entered the lodge and saw a group of young boys at the far end of the hostel discussing and laughing amongst themselves. Fresh souls strategically placed to be won by the Lord! The lady with me felt it would be better we minister to others in their rooms but I said no, these ones outside needs ministering as well and so, we walked up to them.

Getting closer, we discovered they were smoking w**d.

"It would be difficult to reach out to these ones or make them listen," I thought to myself but i banked on God to help me touch their hearts.

Surprisingly, they all stopped laughing and discussing to listen to us.

I decided to preach since they were guys like myself and we could connect better. I told them about the love of Christ which He demonstrated by coming to take upon Himself the sins of the world so that none would perish or be separated from Him. I told them of His grace which He has given and His Spirit which has come to help us live rightly for Him. All they have to do is to receive this life and believe in Christ.

They were five in number but only one of them was captured. He quietly put out his cigarette and when I led the prayers of salvation, he responded with all eagerness and accepted Christ. He gave me his number and I promised to reach out to him through calls, texts and even visit.

We left that day and...

I never called, I never texted and I never visited again.

My life continued and I forgot about him totally, two years down the line, I was at Temp site trying to get a bus down to Ifite. A bus stopped in front of me with the conductor asking if I was going their way. I came closer and was about entering when the recognition clicked.

The conductor was the guy I preached to two years ago.

I met him as a student but now he is a dropout and a bus conductor.

I met him well dressed but now in tattered clothes.

I met him in school but now on the streets.

He recognized me too and smiled wickedly, "Ah Pastor, na so una dey do? 'I will call and visit'... but you never did till today, abeg comot from my front jare!"

He hit the bus and they zoomed off and left me transfixed on a spot.

I died instantly.

I've lost someone the Lord sent me to. Someone, I supposedly thought I won, someone I promised I would follow up to ensure he stayed in the faith until he could stand firmly on his feet; someone I failed. Someone I lost.

I watched the bus go until they were out of sight with his voice ringing in my head, "na so una dey do?"

Do not birth sons you're not ready to care for. Evangelism is good, ensure a good follow up completes the whole process. Do not leave them unattended to or they would fall into deeper guilt and mistakes, disbelieving if they were saved and that would cause more problems for the next person to witness to them.

John.17.12 While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name. Those whom You gave Me I have kept; and none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled. (NKJV)

1Thess.3.5 That's why I couldn't quit worrying; I had to know for myself how you were doing in the faith. I didn't want the Tempter getting to you and tearing down everything we had built up together. (MSB)

Gal.4.19 But oh, my dear children! I feel as if I am going through labour pains for you again, and they will continue until Christ is fully developed in your lives. (NLT)

1Thess.2.19 After all, what gives us hope and joy, and what is our proud reward and crown? It is you! Yes, you will bring us much joy as we stand together before our Lord Jesus when he comes back again. (NLT)

Feed My lambs . . . tend my sheep . . . feed my sheep” (John 21:15-17).



Hope this helps.
Most times when a marriage is in trouble, people tend to see their Marriage as a mistake rather than seeing the mistakes they are making in their marriage. At this point they regret marrying their wife or husband, begin to think of a new partner, imagine marrying their ex or fantasizing a marrriage without issues.

Some even divorce or remarry and later wish they had remained with their first Spouse, as they find greater trouble in the new spouse. This is because the first marriage was not a mistake, and the mistake has not been discovered yet.

So you can remarry as many times as you like, you will still experience problems in marrriage until you discover the mistakes you are making in your marrriage and correct them.

So divorce or separation is not a solution to consider when you are having problems with your marrriage.

When your car has a flat tyre, you do not abandon it, but change the tyre and move on.

When we have a headache, no matter how excruciating, we do not cut off the head but take care of the headache.

When a bulb blows out in the room we do not change the room or the house, we replace the bulb and light up the room.

When we have challenges at work, we do not refuse to go to work, we go there to solve the problems.

So when marriage has an issue, we don't have to try to change the spouse instead of changing the attitude that is creating the problem.

Most times when we see some couples enjoying their marriages and enjoying each other to the fullest, we admire and cherish them, but the opposite is seen in our own marriage. The reason is that some people have worked on their marriage by paying the necessary price and that is why they are enjoying the fruits of their labour. It is said, “The way you make your bed is the way you will lie on it”.

Your marriage is as good or as sweet as you make it. Some couples, because of the negative things they are seeing in their marriage, accuse each other of being irresponsible. They point accusing fingers at each other for being irresponsible. Some even say many bad things about their spouse, even calling him or her names; some think that marrying that man or that woman was a mistake.

It is not so, your marriage was not a mistake, but you are the mistake.

Your habit is the mistake
Your character is the mistake
Your manner, anger, unforgiveness, laziness, lack of love, lack of affection, lack of attention, impatience, bitterness, selfishness, ignorance, stinginess, not being considerate, infidelity and lovelessness are the mistakes.

Talking about bitterness. Some still dream of a marriage with their ex seeing your spouse as a stumbling block. Wake up to the smell of coffee. Be content with your spouse. That behavior is your mistake.

So get up now and build your marriage because it is not a mistake.
Divorce or separation are never options.

**Don't be in hurry to quit**


A father said to his daughter “You have graduated with honors, here is a car I bought many years ago. It is a bit older now. But before I give it to you, take it to the used car lot downtown and tell them I want to sell it and see how much they offer you for it.

The daughter went to the used car lot, returned to her father and said, “They offered me $1,000 because the said it looks pretty worn out.”

The father said, now “Take it to the pawn shop.” The daughter went to the pawn shop, returned to her father and said,”The pawn shop offered only $100 because it is an old car.”

The father asked his daughter to go to a car club now and show them the car. The daughter then took the car to the club, returned and told her father,” Some people in the club offered $100,000 for it because it’s a Nissan Skyline R34, it's an iconic car and sought by many collectors”

Now the father said this to his daughter, “The right place values you the right way,” If you are not valued, do not be angry, it means you are in the wrong place. Those who know your value are those who appreciate you......Never stay in a place where no one sees your value.


*Greetings Beloved.*

*Today, God says, For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the LORD that hath mercy on thee*

*As you step out today, may, God's mercy, favour and kindness be your portion, and may His peace guard your heart. May You enjoy Angelic visitation in all your ways today in Jesus Name. Amen.*



In the next few years, you'll look back to today, to count those that are still with you from the list of those that started a journey with you.

Some would have charted other courses for themselves. Some would have revealed their true nature and essence and walked away.

Others would probably have finished their mission in your life, while dissension might have forced a few to part ways with you.
ONLY a handful will remain.

So learn this:
Love everyone as much as you can now. Give your best to help them and point them to the right path.

But don't be too emotional to move on when the need arises. Be the friend they need you to be.

It's kidnapping to force people to see things from your perspective and make them move with you when it's obvious they don't want to.
Kidnapping is a crime.

Don't force people to grow beyond their willingness to do so. They will abuse your intentions, abuse you, and make a mockery of your efforts.

Sadly, you just have to leave some people behind and journey on for a better tomorrow.

But tomorrow will tell who made the right choice and chose the right path.

But in all you do, DON'T BURN SOME BRIDGES. If not for anything, it will help you retrace your steps back when you veer off course.

Don't burn some bridges.
E get why.



5). PSALM: 90
6).O.T. Lesson: GENESIS 22: 1-14
7). Hymn: CH 441; CONH 598(Building offering) {O JESUS, I HAVE PROMISED}
8). N.T. Lesson: 1 Timothy 6:6-21
9). Hymn: CH 83; CONH 538(Covenant Seed Offering){LORD, THY WORD ABIDETH}
a). Service Offering.
b). Tithes and other Offerings.
13). Final Prayer and Grace.
14). Closing Hymn: CH 516; CONH 291 {ROCK OF AGES}


*Almighty God, Your word is a lamp to our feet and a light upon our path; grant that by patient study of the scriptures we may follow more closely the way that You set before us; through Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God now, and for ever. Amen.*


"And Abraham said, “My son, GOD WILL PROVIDE for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering.” So the two of them went together.

In the above text the provision of God for Abraham was a ram to replace his son Isaac.

One of the attributes (names) of God is Jehovah Jireh i.e. The Great Provider. This attribute is demonstrated in the lives of all creations of God man and animals but more in the lives of His children who chose to do His will.
The word PROVISION means:
a). An item of goods or supplies,, obtained for future use.
b). The act of providing, or making previous preparation.
c). Money set aside for a future event.

Although the human WANTS are endless because we will always want all the goodies that the world can offer even though those goodies could be disastrous and harmful to our lives yet we will crave for them.
The Bible calls our attention to how man although wicked by our nature will give to our children what is good, how much then will God give better things to His children who ask from Him.

"If you then, evil as you are, know how to give good and advantageous gifts to your children, how much more will your Father Who is in heaven [perfect as He is] give good and advantageous things to those who keep on asking Him" Matthew 7:11

The list of human needs is endless. A Psychologist Abraham Masloy summed up the human needs into five in hierarchical form:
1). Physiological needs: air, water, food, shelter, sleep, clothing, reproduction.
2). Safety needs: personal security, employment, health, property.
3). Love and Belonging needs: friendship, intimacy, family, sense of connection.
4). Esteem needs: respect, self-esteem, status, recognition, strength, freedom.
5). Self Actualization needs: desire to become the most that one can be.

C). These are the needs of all humans no matter the color, the race, the gender, the position and status in the society. These are the provisions we all struggle to possess. These are the driving forces on man and animals that make us to do all that we do whether good or evil.
These are what governments of all nations promised the citizenry if voted into power. Unfortunately, there is no government or individuals who can provide all these.

Looking at the story of creation in Genesis, it is very clear that God's provision had been since the time man was created. All the creations of God which includes food, air, water, light, the sun, moon, stars, rain, soil,plants, vegetations, animals, fishes, soil minerals are what God provided for the enjoyment of man.
These provisions are generously given to all of us. Many have explored these provisions to their blessings and that of the human race.

The Bible recorded the acts of God in providing for His people while in Egypt, in the wilderness and while in Canaan, the promised land. These Inc:
a). Multiply them from seventy (70) and their flock to multitude when leaving Egypt.
b). He fed them throughout the time of famine.
c). Preserved their male children even though Pharaoh directed to kill them.
d). Shielded them from the ten (10) plagues that ravaged Egypt.
e). Delivered them out of the claws of Pharaoh and his officials.
f). Gave them victory and safety from their enemies.
g). Fought their battles that could have wiped them out of existence.
h). Divided the Red Sea for them.
i). Drowned their enemies in the sea.
j). Provided water from the rock.
k). Fed them with manna from heaven.
l). Gave them meat that they craved for.
m). Put fear of Israel in the heart of their enemies.
n). Gave them leaders after His heart.
o). Bless their land with the best in agriculture even though a desert.
These are just few of the provisions of God for His people Israel.

1). For Israel in the wilderness. Deuteronomy 2:7
2). For Elijah in the time of famine. 1 Kings 17:6
3). For Elijah in the wilderness. 1 Kings 19:6
4). For the army of the three Kings. 2 Kings 3:20
5). For the Prophet's widow. 2 Kings 4:6
6). For Samaria in time of famine. 2 Kings 7:8
7). For the multitude that followed Christ. Matthew 14:20

The lessons for believers today is that what He has done in the past, He is doing till now. You also can enjoy God's provision.
The testimonies of the children of God abound that God is still providing for His children. This is so because He stands by His word:

"For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed" Malachi 3:6
"For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven" Psalm 119:89
"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever" Hebrews 13:8
God is keeping His words till tomorrow. He cannot fail, He cannot disappoint, He will not go back from His word because He is Omnipotent(He has all the power), He is Omniscient (He has total knowledge about everything) and He is Omnipresent (He is everywhere all the time)
The word of God is sure to be fulfilled in the life of believers.


1). Surrender your life to Christ full. Be a believer of Christ.
2). Allow the Holy Spirit to control your life and not the material things.
3). Read, hear, study, memorize, meditate, obey and live by the word of God. Let the word of God be number one thing that you love above other provisions.
4). Live a life of prayer. Pray that the promises of God to be fulfilled in your life.
5). Have fellowship with people that God.
6). Be involved in God's service.
7). Learn to provide for the needs of others.

One sure thing about God's provision is that the moment the wants of His children becomes a need, you can rest assure that God will provide. God is able to give us the provisions He promised if we are not after them to satisfy our ego.
Sometimes because we don't have millions of Naira in our account, we don't appreciate God's provision. This must be corrected in our lives. Corona virus lockdown that started in March till today is a proof that God provides for His people. You may not know but many are suffering seriously because of financial problems that came with covid 19. Learn to stand by the word of God.
His word says:

"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want" Psalm 23:1

"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus". Philippians 4:19

Let us pray......



Written By Ayodele Adeoye

Is that why you have been suffering in silence? Is that why you don't share your pains and worries with anyone for help? No wonder your spouse increases in wickedness daily, because he/she knows you won't talk to anyone about it.

Who did this damage to our marriages? Who taught you this imbalanced idea? Where do they find that in the Bible? Who told you not to let third party into your marriage without defining who a third party is?

Many people today are suffering from chronic domestic violence and depression; sadly they've been taught that they don't need third parties so they kept it to themselves. Some are going through trauma and frustration which they can't share with anyone because third parties are not allowed. Some have even died in the process yet no one knows what killed them.

It's time to loose this band of wickedness we tied on the people. "No Third Party In Marriage" is man's philosophy and that's why it has become more of a cancer than medicine. It's doing more harm than good. Let's kill it before it kills our marriages.

The third parties you don't need in your marriage are intruders, selfish people, haters, pretenders, evil and wicked people etc and not those who genuinely love you, counsellors, prayer partners, godly people etc. You need good third parties to learn from, seek advice from; you need third parties who can pray for you and with you, third parties who can settle your quarrels, third parties who understand marriage more than you etc. Don't die in silence when you can speak to someone who can help you.

The reason why that your husband is still abusing you is because no one is aware of it. If you don't speak out he may not likely stop. Talk to people he respects and fears who can correct him before his abusiveness becomes an addiction. If you die in silence instead of getting help, it will be counted against you as su***de. Don't commit su***de when you can get help.

Before we became adults our parents taught us.

Before we became professionals our teachers taught us.

Before we became godly our clergy taught us.

Before we became experienced we learnt from others.

Marriage cannot work in isolation, we need good people around to contribute little to make it work.

Peaceful home is our concern!


When Love gets too much...

"I have a child", I said as we ate the food silently, " a little boy though he's not little anymore, he is about 10 years old now."

He chewed his meat slowly, swallowed and took a sip from his glass of water before looking up at me. My eyes caught his and i saw my reflection in them. The chandelier above giving them a bright glint. Fear and heaviness rested heavily on my chest as his stare went deep into my soul and for once I wished I didn't have such a dirty past.

We met in my school fellowship during a program. He was one of the guest speakers. A medical doctor. After his lecture on health challenges, I asked him a question on genotype problems which he answered intelligently.

After the meeting, he offered to drop me home.

Two months later, he called and said since we are both AA, can I consider his marriage proposal. He said it in a funny way that made me laugh and I accepted two months later as well. He is everything I could ever ask for but I decided to let it out today, after a month of our courtship. I wouldn't want to enter marriage with secrets.

"What is his name?" He asked.

" His name is Michael, I had him while I was 15, I was - "

"R***d while living with your aunt, you became pregnant afterwards and gave birth to Michael, you came back to live with your parents and got r***d again, this time it was an etopic pregnancy and you had to undergo an operation and in the process you lost your womb due to complications. I know that right now, you can't bear kids," he said and smiled tenderly at me.

No one knew what happened to me because I hid it so well, Michael lives with my Mum and I've never raised him in any of my conversation with people.

" How did you know all these?" I asked in confusion.

"I had to settle those things before coming to speak with you, it took me two months to finally accept that I want to do this with you. When you stood up to talk back then in the fellowship, I knew you were the one and so I pursued immediately.

However things changed when God started revealing those truths about you and I had to pray again, to be sure you the the one for me and the answer has always been the same right as it was from the beginning.

Then only thing I never got was the name of your son and so I waited for you to tell me yourself," he said as calmly as ever.

I cleaned the tears that trickled down my eyes so as not to embarrass myself that way in public,

"You knew all these and you still want to marry me?"

"We all have choices, I can choose not to even though I know you're the one but I want to make it right in marriage and I'm sticking with you"

"I don't deserve you, " I said and made to stand up but he held me back.

"No, I'm the one who does not deserve such a strong lady like you, such a loving, committed, faithful and hard working lady like you. I know I want my own kids but I believe there is more found in God in marriage and I'm concerned with what we will achieve together in the kingdom. I believe God will give us children, but for now, we have Michael."

He used 'We' and I finally couldn't hold back. I wept bitterly. He had to take me out himself to his car parked outside the eatery. There i cried out my heart in his arms soaking his shirt.

He held me tenderly waiting for me to let it all out: the pain i went through from being r***d twice, the rejection i suffered, the pregnancy and loneliness and the realization that i have been rendered barren from faults not mine.

He drove me home silently afterwards and in that silence, I felt extreme peace.

When it gets too much, it spills over, soaking you from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet until you're saturated by it. That Love is not just a feeling, it is a living being. Love is God (1 John 4:8b).

When do you think is the right time to tell your partner about some things that happened to you in the past. After three months of courtship? 6 months? 2 years? Wedding night? Never?


[7/10, 6:56 PM] Daddy: EPISODE 1. "EXOUSIA". Topic: Introduction To AUTHORITY.
A TEACHING SERIES With The Ven. Williams R. Mehinsan. Vicar St. John's Anglican church Aroloya.
🙏🏻🙏🏻Please Subscribe!!!
Drop your comment, thoughts, Prayer points, Etc, in our comment section.
Oluwa Ooo!! Ee Se!!
[7/13, 1:11 PM] Daddy:
[7/15, 1:37 PM] Daddy: EPISODE 3. "EXOUSIA".
A TEACHING SERIES With The Ven. Williams R. Mehinsan. Vicar St. John's Anglican church Aroloya.
🙏🏻🙏🏻Please Subscribe!!!
Drop your comment, thoughts, Prayer points, Etc, in our comment section.
Oluwa Ooo!! Ee Se!!
[7/17, 10:33 AM] Daddy: EPISODE 4. "EXOUSIA". Topic: ABUSING AUTHORITY.
A TEACHING SERIES With The Ven. Williams R. Mehinsan. Vicar St. John's Anglican church Aroloya.
🙏🏻🙏🏻Please Subscribe!!!
Drop your comment, thoughts, Prayer points, Etc, in our comment section.
Oluwa Ooo!! Ee Se!!
[7/20, 11:13 AM] Daddy: EPISODE 5. "EXOUSIA". Topic: AUTHORITY To Function.
A TEACHING SERIES With The Ven. Williams R. Mehinsan. Vicar St. John's Anglican church Aroloya.
🙏🏻🙏🏻Please Subscribe!!!
Drop your comment, thoughts, Prayer points, Etc, in our comment section.
Oluwa Ooo!! Ee Se!!
[7/22, 7:31 PM] Daddy: EPISODE 6. "EXOUSIA". Topic: AUTHORITY To Let go.
A TEACHING SERIES With The Ven. Williams R. Mehinsan. Vicar St. John's Anglican church Aroloya.
🙏🏻🙏🏻Please Subscribe!!!
Drop your comment, thoughts, Prayer points, Etc, in our comment section.
Oluwa Ooo!! Ee Se!!

EPISODE 1. "EXOUSIA". A TEACHING SERIES WITH The Ven. WILLIAMS R. MEHINSAN. EPISODE 1. "EXOUSIA". Topic: Introduction To AUTHORITY. A TEACHING SERIES With The Ven. Williams R. Mehinsan. Vicar St. John's Anglican church Aroloya. 🙏🏻🙏🏻P...

How well has Nigeria responded to COVID-19? 20/07/2020


I express my sincere appreciation to the Almighty God for giving me the grace to see this day. To his lordship, a teacher of inestimable value, The Rt. Revd (Dr.) J. Akin Atere. May God continue to bless your episcopacy in the name of Jesus. I also thank our selfless and indefatigable Mama, Mrs Foluso Olukemi Atere, may you continue to live and wax stronger to enjoy the fruits of your labor and nothing good shall die in your hands in Jesus' name. Amen.
At this juncture, I appreciate the Dean of the Cathedral, the Ven. Nelson O. Adewole, my Archdeacon, the Ven. Stephen A. Oluwawalemi, Ven. Emmanuel O. Adekoya, JP and the Ven. Cornelius R. Aduloju for their impact in my ministry, God bless you all. Amen.

I thank all the Canons, the Priests and the church pastors.
Respects to those who have presented their write-ups earlier.


The coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) is an highly transmittable and pathogenic viral infection caused by a virus, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) named the virus causing COVID-19. The Covid-19 disease emerged in Wuhan, China by December, 2019. The intermediate source of origin and transfer to human is not known. The human to human spreading capability of the virus occurs due to close contact with an infected person.

*COVID-19 : Symptoms, Spread and Prevention*

The novel Coronavirus, SAR-CoV-2, or (COVID-19), which was until December 2019 a mystery has spread to every continent on earth, except Antarctica, and has become a misery to the health, economy, and way of life of the human race. Despite preventive measures by individuals and state bodies, the virus has continued to spread unabatedly with a rising number of infections daily and the deaths recorded in their thousands. Globally, the virus is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, and over 4.4 million cases. This the World Health Organization (WHO) classified pandemic is shaping our story every day, and stand to be part of our history forever.
Interestingly, before the lockdown commenced as a result of the novel coronavirus, youths are known to spend a huge chunk of their time on social media doing one thing or the other. Hence, with the lockdown in place, most of them are always on the internet. The internet has been a channel to spread various types of information including fake and invalid news. Therefore, to prevent the populace from falling into the trap of incorrect information, the need for correct and up-to-date information arises.
This pandemic has caused fear and panic. It is not unusual to expect a pandemic of global concern like COVID-19 to be a source of trepidation but this has also been exacerbated by misinformation and myths flying around. They may appear to be legitimately true, but the appearance is not always reality, and half-truth is more dangerous. Fear kills faster than the virus. Here are some symptoms and possible myths and truths about the coronavirus disease:

*1. COVID-19 only infects people of a particular bloodline.*
This is false. There is no evidence to support this. COVID-19 indiscriminately infect people across different races and climes. This is seen in the number of cases and death toll recorded by different countries across continents.

*2. COVID-19 eventually leads to death. It is not survivable.*
This is false. Although COVID-19 leads to the death of people, especially those with weakened immune systems due to underlying illness, a higher percentage of people recover from it after being treated and managed, and thus regain their full health. Scientific modeling suggests that around 1 in 100 people who get COVID-19 will die.

*3. I need a mask to prevent the virus*
This is false. The guidelines by the World Health Organization do not necessarily include the use of nose masks, however, to an extent, it could be of good use but should not be overemphasized. A mask prevents you from spreading or contracting it. Instead avoid contact with sick people, clean and disinfect objects and surfaces, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and use a hand sanitizer where available.

*4. One can tell if someone has COVID-19*
This is false. Most people have COVID-19 asymptomatically, even after the virus may have lived in their bodies for more than 14 days (the incubation period). Around eight out of 10 people with COVID-19 will have mild symptoms. Also, some symptoms may signal other diseases that are not COVID-19, hence it only takes a diagnostic laboratory test to know if someone has COVID-19 or not.

*5. Covid-19 is a manmade disease and an act of terrorism*
This is false. Covid-19 originated from animals, precisely the bats, and can be transferred to human beings but there is no proof that it has been a result of terrorist attacks on people.

*6. COVID-19 only infect senior citizens (old people)*
This is false. COVID-19 can infect people of all ages. However, it had been reported to be dangerous in older people including young people with underlying illnesses such as asthma, diabetes, HIV, or heart conditions.

*7. There is a vaccine to cure COVID-19*
This is false. There is no certified vaccine for COVID-19. Scientists all around the world are working day and night to speed up the development of a safe and effective vaccine which usually will take up to 18 months. Some vaccines have been permitted to proceed to the clinical trial stage, which is necessary in order to know the physiological and psychological effects oh humans. However, unfortunately, not all vaccines will work.

*8. Drinking, injecting or swallowing bleach or disinfectant will kill COVID-19*
This is false. Disinfectant and bleach, like Hypo, JIK, are very toxic and can damage the body. They, however, can be used to clean surfaces, an important prevention step in stopping the spread of coronavirus.

*9. Taking a lot of vitamin C or medications for flu prevents the virus:*
This is false. The body only absorbs the necessary amount of Vitamin C it requires and discards the rest, a healthy immune system is a better chance to fight the novel coronavirus. Similarly, Covid-19 and flu share the same symptoms and could be mild or fatal. The fact remains that the novel coronavirus is a new strain of the virus and has not been clinically proven to be effaced by these drugs.

*10. Herbal medicines can be used to treat the virus*
Africans and many others around the world believe in the power of local medicines and herbs, while these are effective in some ailments, no herbal remedy has been tested and approved for the treatment of Covid-19.

*11. Packages from China spread the disease*
This is false. While there is a lot of speculation the fact remains that the novel coronavirus cannot survive on packages or letters for that long rather it lasts longer in a human host or a metal surface. The only chance if your package is metal and has come in contact with an infected person otherwise, there’s no proof of such.

*12. The virus only survives in Cold regions*
This is false. Warmer regions of the world also experiencing the pandemic , there is no evidence that it only affects those in colder regions, in addition despite the fact that flu tends to drop in warmer months of the year is no proof that Covid-19 will also drop.

*13. Chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine can cure COVID-19*
This is false. The spike in the buying of Chloroquine is some quarters shows people have been grossly misinformed that it can cure COVID-19. While several drug trials are ongoing, there is currently no proof that hydroxychloroquine or any other drug can cure or prevent COVID-19. The misuse of hydroxychloroquine can cause serious side effects and illness and even lead to death (WHO, 2020). If you feel unwell and having symptoms of COVID-19, contact the designated government health care provider nearest to you. Avoid self-medication.

*14. COVID-19 is caused by 5G mobile network*
This is false. The mode of transmission of COVID-19 has been through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or speaks. Also, when people touch their mouth, nose, and eyes with contaminated hands, they get infected. It is a hoax to believe it is spread or caused by a 5G mobile network as some people have said. Viruses cannot travel on radio waves/mobile networks. COVID-19 is spreading in many countries that do not have 5G mobile networks.

*15. Eating garlic helps prevent COVID-19 infection*
This is false. Garlic is a healthy food that may have some antimicrobial properties. However, there is no evidence from the current outbreak that eating garlic has protected people from the new coronavirus.

*16. Are antibiotics effective in preventing and treating the new coronavirus?*
It is False. Antibiotics are not known to fight viruses but only bacteria. The new coronavirus is a virus and, therefore, antibiotics should not be used as a means of prevention or treatment.

*17. COVID-19 can be transmitted by houseflies or mosquitoes*
This is false. There is obviously no evidence to support the transmission of COVID-19 by houseflies and mosquitoes. Touching contaminated surfaces with your hands and thereafter touching your mouth, eyes, or nose with the hand will make you catch the virus.

*18. Taking a hot bath and alcoholic drinks:*
This is false. Most bacteria are killed by the action of hot temperatures, especially during the cooking process. However, neither a hot bath nor drying your hands with a hand dryer set on high heat will kill the virus inside or outside your body. Similarly, the use of alcohol outside the body has a different effect than when taken in as drinks, therefore it does not suffice for treatment against Covid-19. Spraying alcohol or chlorine over the body can be dangerous and harmful to the skin especially of babies, it is advised rather that it should be used to treat surfaces.

*Precautions and Preventions*

1. WHO advises people of all ages to take steps to protect themselves from the virus, for example by following good hand hygiene and good respiratory hygiene.

2. Cleaning your hands with alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

3. The best way to protect yourself against COVID-19 is by frequently and throughly cleaning your hands. Once your hands are cleaned, you should dry them very well by using tissue papers or a warm air dryer. By doing this you eliminate viruses that may be on your hands and avoid infection that could occur be transmitted by touching your eyes, mouth, and nose.

4. Avoid close contact with anyone who is coughing and sneezing.

5. Practice social distancing.

*Symptoms and Spreads*

The COVID-19 virus primarily spread through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s important that you also practice respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a flexed elbow). Its symptoms include cough, fever and shortness of breath.


Since the lockdown was imposed I have learnt so many things which include

*a) The Value of Savings:* This period has taught me to understand practically the value of savings and not the importance of multiple streams of income. This shows that irrespective of the earnings of an individual, be it big or small, or the reliability or sustainability of a persons income, the habit of savings should be inculcated for the sake of investment, unforseen situations, challenges or difficulty like the one at hand.

*b) Maintaining High Hygiene Profile:* Prior to the pandemic , maintaining hygiene was something I do but with the pandemic it was taken to a whole new level as I wash my hands properly or sanitise it at any little exposure. I ensure my family members also maintain the proper hygiene with regards to the Covid-19 pandemic.

*c) The Place of Family:* The lockdown taught me that no matter the happenings in the life of an individual, family is always present and supportive. Thus, it should be treated as priority. When things gradually normalises, family members should spend more time together as memories will be created and the bond will be stronger.

*d) Patience:* This virtue is rare, thus not something everyone has, but this lockdown has enforced it on almost everybody. In the situation we found ourselves, patience is like a currency needed to get things done. Waiting to gain access into the bank, queuing to shop in the supermarkets, waiting for schools to resume, churches to reopen and hope this saga ends soon.

*e) Adaptation:* The lockdown as a matter of necessity has forced many churches to adopt creative ways in reaching out to their congregation and this is a welcome development, that is adaptation. This period validates the truth we all know that the church is not the building but the believers. Therefore, I have learnt to make use of the online in preaching the Gospel and encouraging people to hope solely in God while taking preventive measures as well.

*f)* I learnt that everything in life is a privilege and a result of God's grace. It made me value moving around, meeting people, and also working. The period made it clear that God is the sustainer of man.

*g)* I learnt that money need not to be wasted on weddings, burials etc as these events can hold without making a ruffle out of it.

The economy of Nigeria talks about the structure or conditions of economic life in the country. The truth be told the effect of the pandemic is majorly felt by the poor masses who are at the base of the ladder. Prior to this pandemic, Nigeria was declared the headquarter of poverty in the world and she is still maintaining the status. With this knowledge I think you would get a clear understanding of what the poor masses are actually passing through. I will be explaining the impact of the pandemic on the economy of Nigeria under three points.

*1) Fall in Aggregate Demand:* The fall in household consumption is one of the impacts of Covid-19 on Nigeria economy. This reduction arose as a result of restriction in movement thus making consumers to prioritise their spendings on essential goods and services such as food, drugs and health related services. Also the reduction of income from some sectors such as education, banking etc, the stoppage of income of workers that are engaged on a contract basis and those involved in the production of non essential commodities such as wears and utensils etc has contributed to the fall in household consumption.

*2) Impediment of Investment:* Investment is one of the driving force of any leading economy in the world. Considering the pandemic that is currently rocking the world and the type of policy implementation attitude we have in this country, it has discouraged investors both citizens and foreigners who has limited knowledge about the duration of the pandemic and what the after effect would look like to keep their money in their pockets.

*3) Rise in Government Expenditure:* The expenditure of the Nigerian government from all tiers has increased as they are spending hugely on health care services and palliative in order to cushion the effects of the pandemic on her citizens. It is no news that Nigeria's economy is majorly dependent on oil for its revenue. This revenue has being adversely affected by a steep decline in the demand for oil and further a reduction in price of oil. The net export of Nigeria has been affected because oil is Nigeria's major source of foreign exchange. In summary, Nigeria is spending more, while the income is reducing this would only amount to borrowing or running a deficit budget.

Prophecies are messages from God through human vessels foretelling and warning an individual or people about something that will happen in the future. The end may be near as pestilence is one of the events foretold by the prophets. However, nobody can prove per say that this particular pandemic is the sign of the second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. According to Mark 13:32-33 "But of that day or that hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Take heed, watch; for you do not know not when the time will come." (Mark 13:32-33).
Many pestilence were recorded in the Bible and many had also been experienced after the Bible was written so claims cannot be made that this particular pandemic is the fulfillment of the prophecy to mark the end. We should only be prepared for the second coming of Christ.
Among the noticeable prophecies unfolding strongly in this time are liberalism, war, terrorism, proliferation of arms and nuclear arsenals, moral decadence, economic recession and meltdown, famine, drought, floods, strange diseases such as cancer, HIV/AIDS and the present covid-19. All these may be pointers that the world is near a precipice.


God Is using the lockdown to remind "Men Of God" to build people and not mega cathedral. Looking at the effects of coronavirus pandemic on the places of worship allaround the world, I can only come to one conclusion which is the fact that God is using the lockdown to remind "men of God" to build people rather than investing in mega cathedrals. It has recently become a common trend for worship centres to invest billions of cash into building projects but the question is 'How many members are spiritually sound?". People who are suppose to be the real Church are less developed or invested into by leaders.

The goal of every man of God should not be to draw the member to the building(s) but to draw their attention to God which is a less goal in our society today. I wish religious leaders will meditate on this fact during this lockdown and re-adjust their pursuit when government reopen religious houses.

This time has brought to our attention that if the people cannot come to church, the buildings cannot function. Many people are quick to say this coronavirus is from the devil. But what if it is God using it to purge us of those things we need to do right?

I strongly believe that coronavirus will be defeated but religious leader should learn that building people is better than building the cathedral. "Yet the Most High does not dwell in houses made with hands; as the prophet says in Acts 7:48.


The non adherence of the lockdown by majority of the masses has its root cause to be a essential need which is feeding. In a situation where what will make an individual survive is not available, survival instinct sets in and that is automatically brings about disobedience of the lockdown order issued by the government. Prior to this time, an average Nigerian depends on daily income in order to at least be able to have two square meal a day which is not balanced. Something worthy of note is that most persons do not have savings and nobody speculated that Covid-19 pandemic will have this adverse effect on the world. When the lockdown came, it became quite difficult for people who are daily income earners, persons who work in sectors where without work you will not be able to receive salary or wages and people who have no savings to rely on. With Nigeria's government palliative distribution which is mainly characterized by corruption and inefficiencies coupled with the need to meet a basic and constant factor of human existence which is food, hunger will surely push people out of their houses. Hunger virus is serious and our survival as human cannot be separated from it.


The Nigerian government, like every other government across the nations of the earth, has had her fair share of toll caused by this pandemic. To say the Nigeria's death toll has been minimal compared to their counterpart in other climes, for instance US, UK, and Brazil, can be tentatively be attributed to the effort of the effort of the Presidential Task Force and people on the front line. However, much is still expected from the government, as stern warnings have been issued by the WHO of a possible second wave or surge of this killer virus.

A review of the COVID'19 prevention guidelines by the government has led to some states going on lockdown, closure of State and national borders, compulsory use of nose mask, reduction in social cluster of people at banks, malls, transport facilities etc, among many others. Nevertheless, these policies have been met by some hindrances and do not measure up to the magnitude of the problem at hand. As stated S. Dixit, Y.K.Ogundeji, O.Onwujekwe (2020), WHO's Joint External Evaluation (JEE) on a country's capacity to prevent, detect and respond to public health risk in 2017, Nigeria's scored poorly both in prevention and response but scored better in the detection category. This shows that Nigeria is not prepared or capable to give proper response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Be it as it may, if the above assertion is something to go by, then the Nigerian government will have to give their best in ensuring the safety of everyone, as the pandemic does not segregate the rich from the poor or the literate from the illiterate. The government should also employ more human resources, make available more testing kits and laboratories so as to increase the testing rate of Covid-19 in the country as her population is over 200 million. Government should carry out practical sensitization so that the populace will understand the concept - social distancing, the usage and importance if nose mask, sanitizer, and proper washing of hands with soap and water. Furthermore, it behooves the Nigeria government should to treat the health sector as a priority in its budgeting as part of her economic development. The moribund state of our health sector that has suffered neglects calls for urgent attention.

Finally the government of Nigeria has to improve in its accountability and disbursement of the funds it got with regards to this covid-19 pandemic.


The ongoing pandemic of Coronavirus all over the world has thrown up many pertinent lessons for Church leaders that have eyes to see and ears to hear. Of course, it’s evil and destructive, yet it was allowed and permitted by the Lord, (because nothing happens in the world without His knowledge) to make humanity to learn lessons. (Romans 15-4 and Corinthians 10;11). Here are some lessons I have derived from the pestilence.

1. Its unusual times for pastor to lead a Church. So many church leaders have not led nor shepherded fearful people in such times before, so they react and lead anyhow. While some are totally confused, others carried on as if nothing is happening. Some totally shut their fellowship halls and cancelled all meetings, others simply continue to hold services somehow, while a few others were creative and went online. In all, it shows that majority were not prepared to pastor or lead in such times.

2. Conspiracy theories are thriving. People with alarmist, sensational and conspiracy theories went to town and succeeded in creating much fear in the hearts of Christians and even church leaders with their fake teachings. They came up with fake news such as;, “the end has come”, “the anti-Christ or tribulation is here now”, “your phone microchip is your 666 number”, “the origin of the virus is 5G radio signals” and many other nonsensical lies that has caused a lot of panic. In video clips, audio tapes, fabricated pictures, they send their theories to many.

3. Fear has great power to demobilize. So many prophesying Christians and church leaders has been demobilized by fear, as a result of fake information. Fear of death, fear of tomorrow, fear of future, fear of the unknown has made many to lose faith in God. Instead of relying on Bible promises and standing on them, they too has joined the conspiracy theorists to spread the virus instead of spreading the Good News of the gospel of Jesus to save and heal.

4. Public Health crisis can kill the church. We have now seen that mass health challenges can out an end to large fellowship of believers across nations.

5. Home fellowship is still relevant. When large gatherings becomes endangered, home, house and small groups is still the way to go. Unfortunately, lots of churches and denominations failed to employ this strategy, which is so prevalent in the Bible and during the first century church time. Rather, they would close down their large church gatherings because of government and health regulations and go online instead. While going online is okay, yet, there are few who have enough data, phone and network access to such innovative offers. Small groups of 8-10 praying, sharing the word, fellowshipping and discipling one another is still the right way to go. Thanks to the Bishop of Awori for this innovation.

6. Obedience to government directives can be difficult. That’s what some church leaders have shown, forgetting the Bible book of Romans 13; 1-7. I know that also comes with personal opinions and conspiracy theories, such as; “government is persecuting the church”, “the house of prayer should not be closed down in this time of crisis”, forgetting that this is a world-wide thing and those who flout the rules in other climes and gathers together in large gatherings have rather spread the virus and some church leaders died in the process.

7. Right strategy to do church can be absent. It has shown that large percentage of church leaders hate change and would rather dwell with traditional ways of doing things. Times and seasons are changing, but majority crop of church leaders are unwilling to change or view change with alarm, thereby resisting it.

8. Society can and do criticize the ‘church’. We have seen that the church is not immune from criticism by the public. Some misdemeanors of church leaders have drawn scathing but justifiable criticism. Sadly, the ‘church’ is trying to save face by donating large sums of money to the authorities to stave off these criticism, instead of doing the right thing of helping their less privilege members, branches, staff and workers who are feeling the pinch of this lockdown most.

9. Prayers in crisis is still powerful. Seeking the Lord and drawing near to Him with a pure heart in prayers is still the way out of crisis of any sort. He is the only one that can save out of His great mercies and compassion.

10. Little things can distrust our well lad out plans. Many well laid out plans have been disrupted and cancelled in this worldwide lockdown. It’s a lesson that nobody is sure of tomorrow, only the Lord.

11. Real leaders comes to the fore in difficult times. Yes, true and genuine leaders displays their leadership skills during difficult times, by rising to the occasion with quick, clear, conscience response, plans and information to the next line of action.

12. Good works can soften hearts and open doors for the gospel. Doing good, showing care and nurture to others, in the spirit of the gospel of our Lord Jesus still open hearts for positive response to the gospel.

13. You can’t depend on any government but God. This is the lesson we should all know very well. No human government is worthy of being relied upon, but God only. They think first of themselves before sparing a little thought for the poor and populace. Even in their belated and minute palliatives to the populace, they still corruptively goes about it to enrich themselves only and their cohorts!
Hope these lessons will help you to run to the Lord only for help, sustenance and safe keeping. And don’t be careless also with your health. Blessings.


1 Timothy 3:15 ”But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth”

It is crystal clear that different churches reacts to the lockdown, due to the pandemic virus, in different ways. Churches and their pastors reactions can be categorized into three groups.

a). These are churches that totally closed their buildings since then and no service or fellowship whatsoever. Some employ online services later.

b).These are also churches that struggles with the lockdown a lot and secretly still doing services one way or the other. A number of them were arrested and prosecuted by governments, and

c). These are churches that became creative, went back to small groups fellowship in different places and allows their workers and under leaders to nurture their people
All the same, whichever group your church reactions fell into, you need to adjust to the ‘new normal’ about running and leading a local church for Christ.

Not all churches are ‘living’ churches. Some are dead in dogmatism, traditionalism and institutional schemes. Such churches will largely be unable to respond to the realities of ministry today.

To shift is to move away from traditional, set ways, to change, evolve to new realities, to move away from old, archaic ways to new, effective and innovative ways that brings results. With the new normal in social distancing, mask and abhorrence for large crowds, local churches need to shift in our ways of doing church, if we hope to be relevant today. We must shift back to our original mandate. We must shift away from those ‘appetizers’ we have added to the simple faith of our Lord Jesus. We must shift away from the institutionalized church to healthy, living local body of believers that is not just a figure but a positive spiritual force in her community, shinning as Light to dispel darkness and dark works of the devil in hearts and lives of people. These shifts must be in the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit of God.

As there is pressure to open up churches for fellowship and services again, these are the three types of group of people that will come.

1. I’m Running back. This is the group that can’t wait. They have their running shoes on and are ready to sprint. Many would have never left had you not closed the doors. They don’t need or want masks, and some would hug you if you let them. Some in this group are excited about the date the doors will reopen, and some are frustrated that you have not opened already. Let’s estimate that this group comprises about 25% of your congregation.

2. I’m Walking back. If the “I’m running back” group carries great zeal, the “I’m walking back” group carries sincere caution. The “I’m walking back” group wants to carefully process what they see and experience before they return to a church building. This is likely the largest group, let’s estimate that this group is about 60%. The overall concept is that this will be the largest of the three groups, regardless of the percentage you estimate.

3. I might not come back. Don’t panic about this group. Their delay, even indefinite delay, is not necessarily a bad thing. You may have done such an excellent job with online ministry that they discovered they really like it. That’s good! If you communicate the freedom to attend online as a regular place of worship rather than subtly pressuring someone to come back, they are much more likely to return in time Keep in mind that some may have some degree of compromised health conditions or a combination of age and health issues that suggest they hold back for a season. If you go with the estimates I’m offering as an example; this group might represent about 15%.

To be relevant in this pandemic and post pandemic, churches must SHIFT in these major ways if we are going to be His living churches that will impact and transform our communities for Him.

1. Shift from analog to digital: In the last couple of weeks, especially during the lockdown, many churches and church leaders have come online and embrace digital services to reach their people and much more. It will have to continue. Invest more in the digital format and preach the gospel only, not conspiracy theories that breeds controversies. Your technical guys must now be strong part of your ministry workers and well remunerated.

2. Shift from large congregations to small clusters: This is crucial during the lockdown and even after. It’s time we embrace the small group settings that make relationship with individuals very vital for the gospel and nurturing and growth in the spiritual life

3. Shifts from just teaching to equipping: It’s time we start equipping the believers to grow in the Lord and embrace Christ lifestyle. Also to practically demonstrate their faith in the market place of life and take up the responsibility of discipling and growing others for Him.

4. Shift from secular to spiritual: The living church is not a secular but spiritual gathering and house of the Lord. The church is not just about the physical building, but a spiritual house which His Spirit dwells as we gather and fellowship together. The church must return to that through prayers, repentance, pure worship and sharing the sound Word of God.

5. Shift from gathering to connecting: The living church is not just about gathering together but also connecting with each one for spiritual edification and transformation by the Word and Spirit of the Lord. We must shift to that from the leadership downward.

6. Shift from central control to local impact: While the central/ headquarters church coordinates and supervises the operations of the Local church, yet the local church is where the Lord really wants to make mighty impact in people’s lives. So the central church should shift away from the tight control and allow the local church to thrive spiritually, financially, materially, administratively, and allow her to offer her own services to the locality as lead by God’s Spirit. Giving semi-autonomy to the local church and her leaders.

7. Shift from global to local: It’s time to shift from global outreach to localized impact. Every local church must seek to make major impact and positive contribution to her immediate community, which is her ministry area. Yes, her vision-eyes must be in the world, yet, her feet must be firm in her locality!

8. Shift from over- spending to generosity: It’s time to stop overspending on non-essentials and focus on the major in ministry. White elephant projects that has no immediate impact and contribution to people’s lives should be done away with and embrace care, nurture and empathy with the people, especially the downtrodden and needy.

9. Shift from complexity to simplicity: We just have to shift away from making ministry things complex, but embracing simple gospel and discipleship. This is the heart of ministry work. We must do away with all the packaging, branding and come down to preaching the simple gospel of repentance and discipling people for Jesus.

10. Shift from counting multitudes to impactful engagement: It’s time to do away with the mindset of numbers, crowds and large gatherings, but embrace the new normal of impactful engagements with individuals. See the one person to reach, get converted, discipled and equip to live for Christ and carry out His gospel truth anywhere he is found.

11. Shift from offering emphasis to Spirit-inspired giving: Surely, it’s time to de-emphasize our undue emphasis on offerings and tithes, but to shift to Spirit- inspired giving in the church or fellowships of the saints. It’s time to teach money in a wholistic, biblical ways and let the people chose to give as led by God’s Spirit.

12. Shift from normal gathering to His Supernatural presence and power: The living church is not just a normal gathering of people, but a supernatural gathering of called out saints of God, indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God. Therefore, the church must shift to that supernatural mode. The presence and power of the Holy Spirit must be made manifest in every meeting to change, transform and perform spectacular miraculous works that Only Him can do among and amidst His people as they gather unto Him.

The bishops, priests and ministers must lead the way first. If these changes doesn’t happen in us first, we can’t see it happening inside our churches. No local or headquarter church has the power to adjust to these new normals without the active inspiration, challenge and direction of her leaders. Therefore, church leaders must lead the way as the government prepares to start opening the doors of the churches for in-person services. The shift must happen in us now before that happens, else, we will revert back to our old ways, which will largely make our churches irrelevant in our communities.


We need to prepare ourselves and those under our charge for the coming of Christ. We are not ready, the people we lead are not ready and the church is not ready. When we get to the day of judgement our query will include how many people we led to salvation in Christ.
The call to ministry now is to return to our evangelical roots of winning souls to Christ and empowering them to survive in the environment of sin and disobedience that abounds around us.

Let we and those we shepherd work and learn together to be gospel life compliant and rapture ready while we get conversant with the end time challenges to prepare our minds and spirits never to deny our faith and place in eternity with Christ in this turbulent times. The church today needs to be weaned away from the sufferless, bread and butter popular Christianity of today and the prosperity focus that reduced the evidence of spirituality. Let us take our people back to the message at the well of Samaria - It's time to worship God in spirit and truth.

People from all over the world are going to look to the internet for answers to their spiritual issues in the post Covid-19 era. Let us put all these our robust teaching on the Diocesan website to enrich the web with refreshing African Christianity content. A greater part of our pulpit ministry will be hosted on the internet. Let us be part of the Changes in gospel message delivery.
God bless and expand our coasts in ministry.


The Post COVID -19 church must be kingdom minded and seventy percent of her programmes must be centered on the great commission. The strongest word in the great commission is Go. The post COVID-19 church must become a training center, where we train men for kingdom assignments. The five-fold ministry must concentrate on their job/role of equipping men for the work of the ministry. The work of the ministry is majorly outside the walls of the church- the market place. The church must disciple nations through Evangelism, discipleship and good works. May He use us to teach principalities and power His manifold wisdom as we stay apart to fight this war {Pandemic} together.

Thank you and God bless.

Dixit, S., Ogundeji, Y.K., and Onwujekwe, O.(2020) _Brookings: How well has Nigeria responded to COVID-19?_ Retrieved at

The Holy Bible, Revised Standard Version, (2008): Bible Society Resources Ltd.

The Message Bible, Red letter edition.

Who Health Organization (2020), _Coronavirus Overview_. Retrieved at

How well has Nigeria responded to COVID-19? Siddharth Dixit, Yewande Kofoworola Ogundeji, and Obinna Onwujekwe evaluate Nigeria's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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