IGlint World

IGlint World

IGlint world is a page for spontaneous write-ups. Write-ups that are serendipitous in nature. Read and comment. You will be inspired and motivated on this page.


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In this world,
There are no doors,
You can’t go out,
There are only windows,
From which you can see outside,
And try to understand what’s going on,
But there is no escape from these rooms,
And these rooms are called your life,
You have to live your life with determination, Cause there is no slipping through these windows.


Humans Have More Than Five Senses.

Aside sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing, there are more-subtle senses that most people never really perceive.

Humans also have "proprioception" (sense of space) and "nociception" (sense of pain). There's also "equilibrioception" (sense of balance), "thermoception" (sense of temperature in and around the body), "temporal perception" (sense of time).

For example, there are neuron sensors that sense movement to control balance and the tilt of the head. Specific kinesthetic receptors exist for detecting stretching in muscles and tendons, helping people to keep track of their limbs. Other receptors detect levels of oxygen in certain arteries of the bloodstream.

Sometimes, people don't even perceive senses the same way. People with synesthesia can see sounds as colors or associate certain sights with smells.

Photos from IGlint World's post 28/01/2020

How To Stop Being Lazy And Get More Done

1. To-do list are Evil. Schedule Everything

To-do lists by themselves are useless. They’re just the first step. You have to assign them time on your schedule.

Scheduling forces you to confront the reality of how much time you actually have and how long things will take.

2.Make A Plan For The Entire Week

I think you’ll agree that the last thing this world needs is more short term thinking.

You’ll never get ahead of the game by only looking at today and never thinking about tomorrow.

3. Do Very Few Things, But Be Awesome At Them

Maybe you’re thinking: I just have too many things to do. I could never get it all done in that amount of time.

You need to do fewer things. Everything is not essential.

You’re judged on what you do best so if you want to have as much success as possible you’re always better off doing fewer things but doing those things better. People say yes to too much. I say no to most things. I’m ruthless about avoiding or purging tasks if I realize they’re just not providing much value.

4. Less Shallow Work, Focus On The Deep Stuff

Shallow work is little stuff like email, meetings, moving information around. Things that are not really using your talents. Deep work pushes your current abilities to their limits. It produces high value results and improves your skills.

People who are the most busy often are getting a lot less done of significance than the people who are able to stop by 5PM every day. That’s because the whole reason they need to work at night and on the weekends is because their work life has become full of just shallows. They’re responding to messages, moving information around and being a human network router. These things are very time consuming and very low value.


A 'Small Nest Egg' Can Create Big Opportunities

New Decade, New Idea, New Investment
Start Small, Earn Big.

Happy New year


There’s always some truth behind “just kidding”, knowledge behind every “I don’t know”, emotions behind “I don’t care” and pain behind “it’s okay”. Unknown


The hallmark of transformation is not just knowledge, but love.

The truest proof of love is, love for man and love for God.


Have you ever observed that our heart 💕 decides for us who to be with?

If no, then you haven't found love or fallen in love.

Love is the reflection of what the heart has already processed.

At times, the heart ♥ can confuse
Don't be naive.


Life is 10% what happens to you, 90% the way you handle it.


Maturity isn't when you understand the big things in life. Maturity is when you understand the little and unimportant things.


Confusion isn't just what to choose but choosing the wrong thing and later try to recall if someone made the choice for you. All the same, the choice has been made make it a new chapter in your life. Turn the mistake into a thingness.


At times, where we are looking at, isn't where we have to be. Where you wish to be might just be around you. All you need do is, envisage your unknown, self-indulgent and luxurious eden around your known environs.


Happiness is very essential in a family.
Happiness drives unity in homes, it speeds up results.

To be happy, here are the things you need to note

1. Build the hope of your home on God and His word.
2. Understand the needs of your home
3. Pride kills happiness in homes. Don't give it room
4. Discuss issues rather than involving a third party.
5. Try to be a little bit flexible(ability to adjust or acclimatize to new discoveries by any member of your family or home)
6. Once in a while, go on a trip or vacation together as a family.


Don't misconstrue gentility with cowardice.
Being gentle is exhibiting ideal characteristics of the wellborn(Dove).

A Dove - a person who does not want war and does want peace.


It is best you invest your time on things you have interest in.

