Latest version Of Money

Latest version Of Money


Photos from Latest version Of Money's post 15/11/2021

Happy New week
Many testimony is coming your way


Happy New month


Happy New week everyone I wish you great in all you do


Good morning everyone
Today favor open door for you and blessings will inbreace you with Joy
This is our great platform once again ,latest version of money we update you" with Joy full new and exciting testimony
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Spiritual growth and make money

Spiritual cleanser from any spiritual woman or man having s*x in dream

Spiritual Deliverance in an spiritual problem and attack

Spiritual Double Connection outside and inside country

Marriage breakthrough with Happiness and Joy ++ double testimony

Spiritual and physical sickness Healer with assurance of happiness

Update spiritual growth and make money now

[email protected]




Direct your attention toward excellence. Take responsibility for the matters entrusted to you. Do not repeat slander, and do not listen to it; repeat only what is seen, not what is gossiped about.
Weigh words well, for a keen tongue, and a subtle mind begets both disorder and peace, according to the use to which they are put. The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding. You will know something when you understand how it works.

What is done does not matter as much as what was learned from doing it. It is better not to know and know that you do not know than fake and be exposed and disgraced later. One who wants to rise to the summit, to the mountaintop, to the peak--to the highest point in all that they do must seek its base in the valley , update to highest form in life by contact latest version of money to level up ....



Stillness is not negative; it is not the lack of LIFE; it is about the control of our LIFE. Silent Power is always Constructive.

The practice of Meditation/Silence helps us gain a glimpse of our inherent Nature/Sakhu. That is why wise men spend so much time in Silence. Unless we have the quietness of Mind, unless we have learned to control our restless thought, we cannot remain unmoved in all the experiences of LIFE.

Meditation is about how we can refine our thoughts. Thoughts can break through everything. But, only when our whole nature/Sakhu becomes Silent, free from pretense, free from demand and discontent, we have the steadiness of mind necessary for communion with our Higher Self
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We are obligated to professionally organize our misery, our suffering, our enslavement, and our exploitation, not merely to end this miserable condition; but to create our world anew.
Most importantly, to give new meaning to our lives, to give freedom to our soul again, to have faith in our own abilities again, to love again beyond the pain, to feel life beyond these storms, to live without prison bases and enslavers, to think without censors.
To believe without fear of devils and gods, to hope without handouts and humiliation, to stand without bending, to walk without crawling, to speak without stuttering, to have courage again, to have heart, to ensure safety against attacks, to be without want and weaknesses, to be whole again, to do justice and to be just, to reach for PERFECTION AGAIN.

PERFECTION to feed our hungry, clothe our naked, house our homeless, educate our ignorant, tend to those early and late in life, to make wings that fly this time.
To settle accounts and right all wrongs to lift up our fallen, to restore our good names, to give life to those near death. Also to mend our broken, to make weakness strength, to make cowards courageous, to make those in fear brave, to give voice to silence, eyes to blindness, legs to those who are crippled, justice to those mistreated, science to those mis-educated, engineering to build futures, an opportunity to those cheated in the past, and purpose and CERTAINTY TO THOSE WHO LIVE IN DOUBT ..

[email protected]



Spiritual illumination is such a prized possession because man lives in a world of chaos, disease, and hatred. Spiritual illumination aims to lead one out of this chaos and away from both disease and hatred or out of darkness and ignorance into a state of balance, harmony, and enlightenment.

Our Kemetic Ancestors taught us that we could achieve a state of illumination through a sustained spiritual effort and meditation practice. When the darkness/ignorance is removed, then there is only light.

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1. Don’t call someone more than twice continuously. If they don’t pick up your call, presume they have something important to attend to;

2. Return money that you have borrowed even before the person that borrowed you remember or ask for it. It shows your integrity and character. Same goes with umbrellas, pens and lunch boxes.

3. Never order the expensive dish on the menu when someone is giving you a lunch/dinner.

4. Don’t ask awkward questions like ‘Oh so you aren’t married yet?’ Or ‘Don’t you have kids’ or ‘Why didn’t you buy a house?’ Or why don't you buy a car? For God’s sake it isn’t your problem;

5. Always open the door for the person coming behind you. It doesn’t matter if it is a guy or a girl, senior or junior. You don’t grow small by treating someone well in public;

6. If you take a taxi with a friend and he/she pays now, try paying next time;

7. Respect different shades of opinions. Remember what's 6 to you will appear 9 to someone facing you. Besides, second opinion is good for an alternative;

8. Never interrupt people talking. Allow them to pour it out. As they say, hear them all and filter them all;

9. If you tease someone, and they don’t seem to enjoy it, stop it and never do it again. It encourages one to do more and it shows how appreciative you're;

10. Say “thank you” when someone is helping you.

11. Praise publicly. Criticize privately;

12. There’s almost never a reason to comment on someone’s weight. Just say, “You look fantastic.” If they want to talk about losing weight, they will;

13. When someone shows you a photo on their phone, don’t swipe left or right. You never know what’s next;

14. If a colleague tells you they have a doctors' appointment, don’t ask what it’s for, just say "I hope you’re okay". Don’t put them in the uncomfortable position of having to tell you their personal illness. If they want you to know, they'll do so without your inquisitiveness;

15. Treat the cleaner with the same respect as the CEO. Nobody is impressed at how rude you can treat someone below you but people will notice if you treat them with respect;

16. If a person is speaking directly to you, staring at your phone is rude;

17. Never give advice until you’re asked;

18. When meeting someone after a long time, unless they want to talk about it, don’t ask them their age and salary;

19. Mind your business unless anything involves you directly - just stay out of it;

20. Remove your sunglasses if you are talking to anyone in the street. It is a sign of respect. Moreso, eye contact is as important as your speech; and

21. Never talk about your riches in the midst of the poor. Similarly, don't talk about your children in the midst of the barren.

22.After reading a good message try to say "Thanks for the message".

APPRECIATION remains the easiest way of getting what you don't have....
Happy weekend



We should stop abuse one another, we should definitely stop calling sort of name in any religion or tradition that we don't really know, every body must definitely get to the top , freedom can not achieve by burning and killing innocent people' noted arrogant and wickedness in the name of good leadership is killing many people now, "

Receive from each according to their abilities, give to each according to their work. Ensure quality, simplicity, and perfection in all that you do. Value good people, value truthfulness and honesty; value science and its fruits, value merit and results. Judge deeds, reward merit, award those deserving. Those who can work but do not work should not eat. Have courage, have heart, face fears, prepare for difficulties, and take life seriously. Commit to a purpose in life that may not be realized in this lifetime; make serious decisions with care. Keep a style of plain living, humility, equality, precision, persistence, and hards-work while ending flattery, arrogance, profanity.

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Self-knowledge is true knowledge—all other knowledge changes. What we learn in school differs based on the period of time. Our school knowledge is not based on what's good for us but rather the best way to govern and control others.

That's why some communities send their children to two schools—one to learn about others; the other to learn about themselves. So, with all that we think we know, such as the first president's name, sadly, we don't know who we are. We've spent years believing in the intellect and not the spirit. As a result, we stay child-like, superficially smart, and uninvolved; instead of wise and evolved.

With self-knowledge, we become empowered with thoughts that transcend this world. We seek that ultimate truth. But to seek that truth, we must realize the conflict within ourselves.

That conflict is to either remain asleep or wake up. Better yet, as the story goes, we can be like "Iai," an ass, which won't let go of the lies or falsehood. Undoubtedly, we've become stubborn in thinking that the path is one of assimilation with a dominant force, whereas it's one of assimilating with life force. No one will empower you with self-knowledge, which leads us to the "ultimate" truth.

Latest version of money update you in many ways



No matter what we call ourselves, what we wear, how much money we make, what groups we join, where we were born, and even the language we speak---our self-healing depends on our mind. Mind games are played on us through so many mediums-politics, religion, and of course, education. Over time, we adopt a consciousness where the clouds exist but not the sky, where books exist but not education, where doctors exist but not healing. Some call this a Western mind. Until we connect with our original mind, our foundational energy will remain blocked. It's our thoughts, the untold story, the exploitation all the way back to Greek civilization that defines our victim mentality. We must liberate our minds. We must embark on a renaissance to cleanse out the toxicity, the filth, and the degradation that is a side-effect of acute exploitation and oppression of the human mind. We do that by moving on a path of intensive self-healing. Only by recognizing that we possess the power of self-healing can we reinterpret our experiences from being victims to being enlightened and centered.
Latest version of money help you learn more


Many things Guava leaf can work in the body


My people perish with lack of knowledge and understand , some people cause many problem in there home, place of work (e.t.c ) house is burning with fire, you are there still casting fire on the same house 🔥" you have never married since and you going to one ministry to another one "please go and settle your spiritual problem


13 health benefits of bitter leaf


Everytime I kill I kill "I cast and bond , fire 🔥 fire 🔥 die die , thunder thunder plow plow , use knife chuk chuk see ehh spirit is not physical being stop stressing your self "many church and ministry is updated' so stop killing your self for no reason "tradition have been already before church , spiritual have been before physical and spiritual control physical " if you really have spiritual problem solve it first and stop stressing your self 'you can easily intimidate by spiritual person " even in holy book it says give sizer what really belong to him and give God what belong to him so don't easily decive , you can't kill spirit take the truth or leave it

this funny song that make me laugh alway' up catch fire 🔥 down catch fire 🔥, (you can sing and translate with your language) ,when and where will you stay if everywhere burn with 🔥 fire?? many can call this idol "see nothing like idol by updating your success Tru your father land , have nothing to do with any idol " (NOTE ) WE DO 2TWO THING
1) update those spirit so that you can have Wealth or money
2)we update them and carry them with us so you can have none .

[email protected]

Photos from Latest version Of Money's post 25/05/2021

Spiritual cleansing is a type of energy healing that focuses on identifying and clearing out the spiritual cause or reason for problems, challenges and even physical ailments manifesting in your life experience.

To understand how this works… It's important to first recognize that alongside physical reality there is an entire spiritual realm occupying the same space, and yet just outside the normal awareness of most people.

Within this spiritual space, you have an aura and an energy field that surrounds you,whether you are aware of it or not. your aura and spiritual body naturally absorbs energy from other people and from your surroundings.

By not regularly cleansing your aura, you're likely being weighed down by heavy or stagnant energy you inadvertently take on.

During the Full Moon, we are tapping into our full power and seeing situations and feelings as the observer rather than being caught in a web.

It is now you can release anything that has held you back from your goals, and purging all the things that have hindered you on your path and is no longer serving you. You will feel intensified emotions, boosted energy, and insightful creativity, after all we update your powerful .

Update your now


Wow it have been a while I posted because of traveling to work for people, it have never been easy ,🧜 note no work or job is easy trust me 'spiritual work is not easy but we gifted by God to work it perfectly "that why when people see improvement they inform other welcome back once again everyone .....
Good Thursday everyone 🤗🤗🤗




Stop sleeping on bicycle , God is making things easier day by day "nothing like kill Anyone "LATEST VERSION OF LEGIT MONEY BASE we update easly ' people are fearing because of this update or think many bad thing , if you don't trust all believe in this update don't call or chart thanks 🤗🤗


I Just Wanna talk about the value of Meditation spiritual and physical aspect
Meditation is one of those Practices which I believe everyone should do as it has so many benefits in every area of our Life. I have been doing Research & Practicing Meditation for the last 10 Years and my way of living life has completely changed. There are Physiological Benefits, Physiological & Spiritual Benefits.

Here are 21+ Benefits of Meditation which you will start Experience once you start making Meditation a part of your Daily Routine -

Physiological Benefits:-

1 - Leads to a deeper level of physical relaxation.

2 - Helps in Healing chronic diseases like allergies, arthritis etc.

3 - Reduces Pres-menstrual Syndrome symptoms.

4 - Enhances the immune system.

5 - Reduces activity of viruses and emotional distress.

6 - Drop in cholesterol levels, lowers risk of cardiovascular disease.

7 - Cure headaches & migraines.

8 - Help in increasing your 6th Sense.

Psychological Benefits:-

9 - Increases your self-confidence.

10 - Helps with focus & concentration.

11 - Increased emotional stability.

12 - Helps in quitting smoking, alcohol addiction.

13 - Need less sleep to recover from sleep deprivation.

14 - Reduces Anger & Rage.

15 - Helps make more accurate judgments.

16 - Develops emotional maturity.

Spiritual Benefits:-

17 - Helps you discover your purpose.

18 - Provides peace of mind, happiness.

19 - Deeper understanding of yourself and others.

20 - Creates a deeper relationship with your God.

21 - Attain Enlightenment.

Happy Easter 🤗🤗once again.

Photos from Latest version Of Money's post 29/03/2021

Happy new week


If you don’t know the medicinal capacities of Papaya (Pawpaw leave) beyond being the leaf of a yellow fruit, then you are missing in action. It is strange that till today, many people who have pawpaw trees in their compounds don’t know how powerful the leaf is, as an alternative cure or treatment for many ailments. Save yourself of some hospital bills please and read this.

Here are 5 Great Ailments that pawpaw leaf extract can help you fight naturally.

1. CANCER: Yes, Cancer, you heard me right.. If you are scared of cancer and you are looking for a natural shield to insure your health with, in a world full of many carcinogenic substances, then using papaya leaves will work well for you.

While the antioxidants, digestive enzymes and other nutritional factors in papaya can provide protection against developing cancer, recent research studies are showing papaya leaves may have potential as a treatment for those already suffering from the disease.

Research by Doctor Nam Dang at the University of Florida found an extract made from dried papaya leaves killed cancer cells directly and slowed the growth of tumor cells in cultures.

The leaf extract was effective against all ten different types of cancer cells tested, including liver, lung, cervix, pancreas and breast cancer cells. The anti-cancer effects were also measured to be stronger at higher doses.

It was also found that papaya leaf extract boosts the production of Th1-type cytokines that benefit your immune system.

Dr. Dang said, “Based on what I’ve seen and heard in the clinical setting, nobody who takes this extract experiences demonstratable toxicity; it seems you could take it for a long time – as long as it’s effective.” (Aqueous extract of Carica papaya leaves exhibits anti-tumor activity and immunomodulatory effects – Journal of Ethnopharmacology).

There have been reports online and in some publications of people curing themselves from ‘incurable’ cancers with extracts made from papaya leaf.

One well known case, written about in local newspapers, is that of Stan Sheldon from the Gold Coast in Australia who was reported to be dying from lung cancer.

He used the liquid from papaya leaves, boiled and simmered in a pan as a homemade treatment for two months, before being tested again to find both lungs clear of any traces of cancer.

He said the disease had not reappeared several decades later and he had passed his treatment on to others, many of whom were also cured.

2. DIABETES : Papaya leaf juice can work wonders for diabetics as well.. It regulates the production of insulin, which in turn checks blood sugar levels. Its strong antioxidant nature also helps to bring down the consequent complications of diabetes like kidney damage and fatty liver. There are proven scientific researches on this. So don’t miss this for your diabetic love ones.

3. HELPS TREAT SKIN PROBLEMS: Papaya leaf juice has a rich content of vitamin C and A, which boost skin health and give you a healthier and radiant skin. Papaya leaf juice suppresses the activity of free radicals. The presence of karpain compounds checks the growth of excess micro-organisms, and cleanses your skin of the toxins, providing protection against skin problems like pimples, freckles and acne.

4. ULCER: Papaya leaf tea protected against gastric ulcer in a study on laboratory animals published in the September 2008 issue of the “West Indian Medical Journal.” In the study, papaya leaf extract reduced ulcer severity and showed strong antioxidant effects. Papaya leaf extract also decreased oxidized lipids and increased antioxidant activity within red blood cells. Researchers concluded from this preliminary study that papaya leaf tea shows potential for the treatment of gastric ulcer and oxidative stress on the stomach.

5. MALARIA: Sure, you must be familiar with this as proven by several studies, that scientifically validated a combination of Carica papaya (paw-paw), Magnifera indica (mango),Vernonia amygdalina (bitter leaf), Psidum guajava (guava), Ocimum gratissimum (sweet basil), Cymbopogon citratus (lemon grass), Azadirachta indica (neem), seeds of Citrus aurantifolia (lime), Nauclea latifolia and Morinda lucida as potent cure that produce 100 per cent elimination of malaria parasites, even drug-resistant strains, in humans. So you see why drinking crushed pawpaw leaf is cool for your health? Lol.

HOW TO USE...Read below

* Wash 7 medium sized papaya leaves.
* Cut them up roughly and place them in a Saucepan with 2 liters of water.
* Heat the leaves in the water until it boils and then reduce the heat right down to a mild simmer for 2 hours. By this time the liquid should be reduced by half.
* Allow it to cool, remove the papaya leaves.
* Strain the liquid.
* Drink 50 ml of the resulting concentrated papaya leaf tea three times a Day before Meal.

STORAGE : This homemade papaya leaf tea can be kept in the fridge in a covered glass or ceramic container (not plastic) and should last for several days, though it was recommended to discard it if it became too cloudy.
NOTE 💖💖💥💥💥
👉Organic Capsule for ;
1. Weak Er****on
2. Quick Ej*******on
3. Low libido
4. Back pain
5. Piles and Hemorrhoids
6.Fibroids and ovarian cysts
7.Hormonal I'm balance
8.prostate Enlargement or cancer
9 .Bp/Diabetes
10.Gases And Ulcers
LATEST Version Of money update you more


Happy Sunday everyone

Speak highly of everyone or say nothing at all. Temper your words with a consciousness of empathy. Speak the way you would want to be spoken to ,
Latest version of money help you to solve all your spiritual problem contact us now and never remain the same again .

Photos from Latest version Of Money's post 25/03/2021

Watermelon, an Ingredient For Skin Care:

Watermelon can be called more than a thirst quencher. With so many benefits lined up in its name it is not coincidence that it is stated as one of the favorite fruits for many people. It has been used in many forms such as fresh juices, smoothies, as well as pickles depending on your taste. As it is rich in fat and protein it is widely used as a favorite snack.
Watermelon servings per day would help you in the long run. It helps you with conditions like asthma, atherosclerosis, diabetes, colon cancer and arthritis. It has nature's best source of antioxidants. These antioxidants help in neutralizing the free radicals in the body. Free radicals can cause lot of damage to your body.
Watermelon is very useful for removing blemishes on the skin. It was termed to be one of the treasured gifts of Native American. Rich in A, B and C vitamins keeps the skin fresh, radiant and hydrated. The acids in the fruits act as exfoliates.
Watermelon seed oil is also beneficial for your body. The presence of omega 6 and omega 9 essential fatty acids helps the skin immensely. This oil has a very good absorption level which readily penetrates the skin and dissolves the sebum buildup.
It proves to be a good for skin care, due to its moisturizing properties. The non-greasy oil helps to smooth your skin by refurbishing the elasticity of the skin. It is widely used as massage oil, baby oil, facials, face creams, salt scrubs, shower bath as well as hair oil.

Some Beautifying Recipes:

Watermelon Toner:
You would require 1 cup watermelon pieces, 2 tbsp. witch hazel (a shrub), and 2 tbsp. water.
Preparation: Blend the watermelon pieces in a blender. Strain the liquid. Add witch hazel and water in the blended juice. Dab this juice on your face using a cotton ball. This mixture is rich in sugar and vitamins like A and B. The strong astringent properties and water content gets you a fresh and clean face.
Works as a Exfoliate:
you to learn more

Photos from Latest version Of Money's post 25/03/2021

For those of you looking for the fruit of the womb pls try this go and pluck a good size of okro leaf and cook egwusi soup with it and enjoy. It will make you hav hyper ovlation meaning a lot of eggs will be ready waiting for s***m and one touch can result to twins or triplets
Update now

Marry with Joy and gain access to happiness and breakthrough.

Doblly Connection outside and inside the country with smile.

Successful in business and administration .

Heal in any spiritual problem and physical problems as well.

Testimony assure 🤗🤗



Health Benefits of Kola Nuts

You may be surprised to learn that the kola nut (aka kolanut) is the origin of the word “cola,” and the tree on which it grows is believed among some Nigerian tribes to be the first tree on earth. This nut is how the first cola recipe received its caffeine kick -- along with real coca leaves. No wonder people thought it was “medicinal.” Today, your typical cola drink uses an artificial flavoring plus added caffeine, but you can still find real kola nuts being used in higher end sodas, in products like energy bars, and as a natural medicinal remedy.

The kola nut, also know as cola acuminate, is a caffeine-rich nut that is native to tropical Africa. In these regions, the nut is considered a symbol of hospitality and kindness. Though nearly tasteless on their own, kola nuts are often chewed before meals to help promote digestion and to help counteract possible ill effects from tainted drinking water.

TWEET In addition to being a natural stimulant, kola nuts may also help prevent and fight infections!

Kola Nuts as a Natural Stimulant

As already mentioned, kola nut is a stimulant, containing 1.5% - 2% caffeine, plus kolanin and theobromine, which increases cerebral circulation. Theobromine is the alkaloid compound that can be found in chocolate and is thought to contribute a sense of alertness and well-being. This combination of caffeine and theobromine may be a contributing factor for the mild sense of euphoria that’s often reported after chewing the nuts. The net result is that the stimulating components of kola nut can be used to improve the mental energy and stimulate the s*x drive without whipping the adrenals. Thus, the addition of a small amount of kola nut to formulas can stimulate and prolong s*xual urges and intensity while revitalizing libido both in men and women without exhausting the adrenals. It is why you will see this ingredient used in Jon Barron’s Men’s Formula and Women’s Formula.

Kola Nuts as a Natural Infection Fighter
The kola nut may also help prevent and fight infections. Research published in the 2004 edition of “Phytotherapy Research” showed that kola nut was effective at reducing the growth and development of members of the mycobacterium species, the bacteria responsible for illnesses such as meningitis and tuberculosis.

Kola Nuts as a Natural Chest Cold Remedy
One of the oldest medicinal uses for the kola nut is as a natural remedy for chest colds. And modern research has shown that it is effective in this regard. The kola nut helps by enlarging the alveolar ducts and sacs (small air bags in the lungs where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged with the blood), as well as by improving the strength of the fibers in the lung tissue.

Kola Nuts for Natural Weight Loss
Kola nuts may even offer a natural weight loss benefit. In a study published in the Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences, it was found that a steady intake of kola nut by rats can actually reduce food intake, and therefore body weight, without altering water intake. This is thought to be due to the caffeine in the nuts reducing the rats' appetites. Other studies have found that intake of kola nut can increase the body's metabolic rate by as much as 118%, which means that it may help “burn off” calories more quickly. Kola nut extracts also contain nonsteroidal plant compounds that have the ability to induce death of cancerous prostate cells and may modulate prostate growth and function.

Additional Health Benefits of Kola Nuts
In addition to being a stimulant, kola nut can help increase oxygen levels in the blood and promote better concentration and a “clearing” of the head. Kola nut, like cayenne, also serves to "drive" other herbs into the blood.

How to Take Kola Nuts
Kola nuts are often ground into a powder. Because the whole nut stores caffeine much better than the powder form, it is recommended that the nut be ground right before use or preserved in tincture form. Kola nut powder can be added to coffee to increase the caffeine content, and can also be drunk in tea. The powder is also sometimes taken in capsule form.

learn more in latest version of money update 🤗🤗 I wish you good luck,Thursday will favor you


In this journey called "life" You can’t escape ur mission. Going against ur mission is like going against urself. This is the same as ignoring the call of ur soul, as ignoring ur strongest desires, as signing a contract for eternal discontent.

Your mission gives meaning to your life. Your mission IS ur very reason for existence

There's no greater gift u can give /receive than to honor ur calling. It's why u were born and how u become most truly alive.

Stop battling urself knowing fully Well that u can't win.

It's only a fool who ignores his own to look with much values in what that belongs to another person. Igbo people would say, nku di na mba n'eghere mba nri (it's what people has in common that serves them best)

To be great u have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood but stay strong.



1.Urine serve spiritual cleansing purpose from evil domination.when you bath with your early morning urine.

2.In your shop do you think someone afflicted you with not having sales,urinate in a plastic throughout the night,sprinkle all around your shop surroundings.

3.cobweb Problems:use early morning urine to rinse your head and face,you shall witness it no more by the grace of God

4.When used to bath your children, it prevents them from the attack of the evil ones

5.Spirit of hooliganism:If you have a child who is so stubborn and you are you are tired,don't know what to do again.Try the mothers urine,use it to cook 1 egg and give the child to eat and let the child drink the remaining urine.

6.It conquer the effects of evil arrow.

Pls note urine isn't poisonous as some people do think.Early morning urine is very spiritual,I will post some works soon that contains early morning urine.But if your spirit don't accept dis kindly leave it.

Update now and thank me later
Marry with Joy with breakthrough assure.

Earn money Tru your God given gift and showcase your Talent to the world.

Deliverance of any spiritual problem and physical as well .

Doblly Connection outside and inside the country.

Successful business access .

Boost your Health spiritual and physical and become healthy .

Testimony is assure thanks 🤗🤗 you

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Good morning everyone Today favor open door for you and blessings will inbreace you with Joy This is our great platform ...
13 health benefits of bitter leaf
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