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*Super-gene dwarf Malaysian palm* It starts fruiting in 2yrs and 10 months and each tree produces about 25 bunches at once. It fruits from the base because it is a dwarf variety that is different from the normal Agric palm trees that start fruiting from 5-7 yrs and grow tall before fruiting... Super gene Palm oil is the highest producing oil palm globally and it is good for domestic and industrial purposes... The oil does not sleep during harmattan Plant with 15-17 feet spacing in square shape form 👉 Super-gene dwarf Malaysian palm has thick flesh and tiny kernels which makes it produce much oil. When it starts fruiting maximally, 5 bunches gives at least 20 litres of oil PALM PLANTATION 👉SuperTenera produces 10-15 bunches 800 for well grown suckers 700 for medium grown suckers 👉 Supergene produces 20-25 bunches 2000 per sucker © Reach us 07014578685