Michael Oluwasegun Ibukun Adewale

Michael Oluwasegun Ibukun Adewale

Life is beautiful with Christ



You must understand that you don't have permanent members, you see those people shouting halleluyah amen ?
they are not permanent and they can leave you without thinking twice.,
so build around God and forget followers.

Don't trust anyone who claims friendship with you, even trusting yourself is DANGEROUS.
Do not talk of others, Don't think everyone is loving, caring, reliable like you.
Those people you are parading as friends can shock you without looking back.
Build around God and forget friends

If you have never experienced rejection from those ahead in Ministry, then you are a learner.
Not that they are evil or don't love you,
it's just that your not in their class and you don't belong in their groups. So thinking they will just incorporate you easily, then you are a joker. Seniors in Ministry can relate well with you when they see something they can collect or that will benefit them no matter how little it is. Stop pursuing after them because of results, build capacity, build your personality, develop your Ministry, soon they will seek for you !

This one is very common, it's not that you committed any sin, God has his reasons for this, even in the Bible there was silence periods. Between Malachi and Matthew, there is an empty space, that is what divides Old Testament from New Testament, "IT'S CALLED SILENT PERIODS " It was 430 years without a word from God. If you are a Pastor and you have never gone through this silent periods, then your calling is questionable. Yes you have prayed, fasted, sacrificed, done everything recommended by the Bible, spiritual fathers and mothers, mentors and seniors and even friends in Ministry, yet no result and God is not speaking. He is in using you to speak to people but he is silent in your matter, it's called SILENT PERIOD, very stressful because you are confused about everything.

Satan only attacks what threatens him and his operations, if your Ministry is not a threat to him, then he has no business attacking you. Oppositions only comes to those in positions, only the tree with ripe fruits attracts stone, only a player with ball receives attacks, if you are experiencing any form of attack on your life and Ministry, then welcome to real life of a Pastor.
If satan does not attack you directly, he uses people especially those close to you. Expect this always because it's part of the package. He may come with issue through scarcity or anything capable of pulling you down etc.




Cure to Anxiety (Part 3)


The Cure for Anxiety part 2.


The Cure for Anxiety.



Tuesday, 6th August,1974.

This concerns some of the uncorrected practices and tenets that I have hitherto overlooked. The Lord has granted me the grace of additional 20 years to my life expectancy that I might bring these
practices into line with the tenets and injunctions that were laid down at the inception of Celestial Church of Christ. This is why I am addressing you today. I am grateful to God who has kept me alive and afforded me the opportunity to be in your midst today. I was ill unto death when angels appeared to me and told me 20 years were added
onto the life I am living now because I still had work to do in the Celestial Church. I had no idea they (the hosts of heaven) saw so much correction to be made. They had foreseen people will make concerted efforts to change this church if I were to pass away before these corrections were codified.

At the inception of this church, you all saw that the tenets, mode of worship and manner of praying were different from what obtained in other churches. If you noticed you would see that the tenets were not only different, they were not products of human wisdom. You all knew that I was a carpenter from the beginning and I had no formal education, but the Spirit of the Lord has been with me and may He never leave me.

When this church got to Ajase in the western part of Africa, the power of the Lord descended so much so that one way or the other Satan began to plant bad seeds in the midst of it. He tried so much to mess things up for me. He used one leader, whose name I cannot now mention, in Ajase. But concerning these leaders, I thank God and I commit them unto the hands of the Lord, and all of the bad seeds that they sowed in the church are the things I have come to destroy and the Lord will eradicate them completely in Jesus mighty name (Amen). When this church was established in Port Novo West Africa, where I was born, some Catholic priests called Botoeis contended with me greatly that they scared a lot of people away from me. Even my deputy, Senior Evangelist Benoit Agbaosi, was caught up in these troubles because he became a member in the third month of the church.
The conflict brought on by these white priests Botoeis was so great that I can not even describe it, but the Lord put them to shame. It was because of this persecution that I left Ajase for Itofin West Africa.
I found respite at Itofin. It was from this period that the reports of the miracles that the Lord was performing through me reached Nigeria West Africa. It is the People of Igbaji that took these reports to Nigeria and when the people of Lagos Nigeria saw how effective prayers were amongst these people they asked that I come to see them. I refused to go at the first and second invitations. It was at the third invitation that I went and settled at Makoko Lagos. The people of Lagos received me wholeheartedly. The tenets
that I did not have the peace of mind to establish in Ajase, I was able to establish in Lagos Nigeria.
Supreme Evangelist A. Bada and a lady called Mama Ore Ofe (the Lady of Grace) were with me. Members of my
family, who colluded with Father Botoeis to frustrate me and had dismissed the people of Otofin as mere illiterates, started hearing how
the power of God was working in Nigeria.
They began to reason that if I was able to deceive the people of Otofin because of their illiteracy that could not possibly be said of the people of Lagos Nigeria.

Supreme Evangelist A. Bada summed it up by saying that a prophet was not without honour except in his own country and that if they did not hold on to what they got, Lagos was ready to take it from
them. It was after I built the church in Lagos and Otofin and reports that I had a large followers, it reached Ajase that the people of Ajase considered that what the Lord had done nobody could undo it.

The church began to thrive in Ajase and it spread to Cotonou Benin Republic West Africa. In Cotonou, I had a Leader that I loved very much and I made him the face of the church.
As time went by, he became carnal in his approach to the tenets and he thought he was wiser than me, but he soon came to the realisation that I did not call myself but Jesus Christ called me. I did not pay much attention to
him. He chose not to attend an event I had called and I sent to ask why.
He said he deliberately did not come and that by the time the church would re-convene the following year for the same event, I would see for myself who had a larger follower between him and I.
This leader has passed away now, but it was in this whole atmosphere that the tenets of the church became corrupted.
My deputy, Evangelist Godwill Abiasi, and I decided that we needed to eradicate some practices in Cotonou so
that there might be a uniform mode of worship in Celestial Church Worldwide. ( *Mbinguni Kanisa la Kristo Dunia Yote.* Swahili Language interpretation)

When a woman is in her menstrual cycle/period that lasts either 3 days or 5days, she only becomes qualified to go near anything holy on the 8th day onwards after sanctification. For 7 days she will be in separation because holy is the Lord. We must be holy both in body and in spirit so that the power of the Lord may progress steadily. If the spirit is pure and the flesh is not pure it amounts to uncleanliness. A person who is dirty but wears clean clothes and a person who is clean but wears dirty clothes are both still dirty. Therefore, if a woman is on her period, her sanctification will be
performed after the 7th day, that is on the 8th day onward. The reason for this is that if there be any woman who is barren like Hannah, such might enter into a covenant with the Lord saying "I am having an issue. Let my issue not flow in vain. After this sanctification, hear my prayer as you heard that of Hannah." That is what sanctification is all about. In fact, concerning this covenant, those who already had children may beseech the Lord by saying: "The children I want now are children from your throne, not those who will bring tears to the eyes of the parents." The whole church doesn't need to be there when she is being sanctified. Only the Leader-in-Charge, the woman who is doing the sanctification and her maker (JESUS CHRIST), need to be present. This should be the practice in all Celestial Churches. I will publish this rule. Whoever contravenes this rule will be considered guilty of contravening the tenets of the church.

Concerning visitors who have decided to become members of the church, they will be sanctified at the entrance of the church, with the hymn:

*CCC/ECC Hymn 8*
Jesu lo npe o tantan ma bo,Elese wa
Jesu yio gba adura fun o ,Elese wa
Jesu ko ni je koju ti o,Elese wa
Jesu ko ni je koju ti o,Elese wa.

Jesus is calling you, Oh sinner come.
Jesus will offer prayers for you, Oh sinner come.
Jesus will not let you be ashamed, Oh sinner come.
Jesus will not let you be ashamed, Oh sinner come.

The Leader will pray for the visitor and then the visitor will go and have a wash or bath.
What are needed for this sanctification are a stick of candle and a bowl of water. However, if the guest wishes, they may add soap and sponge. Note that this is not *baptism.*

We must not sing other songs from other churches. Only the songs that were revealed to us through the Spirit must be used. All the songs that Moses sang that were given to us will be used and more songs will be revealed to us through the Spirit. When we sing these spiritual songs anointing will flow and prayers will be answered. Celestials do not use Psalms. Celestials do not *fast.* The fasting for Celestials is when we walk barefooted in our Sutana. The only fast that is permitted is the 6 - 7 days fast that we need to hold in the week of the suffering of our
Lord Jesus Christ.

Concerning going to the seaside, I reject this because this is not part of the tenets of the church, except for baptism. This is what separates us from the other churches. Let us not add to the tenets that were set down and let us not subtract from it.

Diving grace has been given to the Celestial Church. It is this divine grace that the Celestials must use as Christ has granted it unto the church.

Concerning going to the seaside for victory prayer jobs, I cancel this completely. No spirit should give that message. The Celestial Church has got its mercy land filled with sea sand and this replaces the seaside. All prayer jobs that are used
to be carried out at the seaside should revert to the mercy land. Nobody should separate himself from this doctrine. Whoever is found
doing this could be demoted and we may suspend him for some time. Therefore,all Leaders-in Charge should beware of this. I repeat, all Leaders-in-Charge should beware, there is no more grace concerning this. I am
prepared to do this work as I have been sent.

Concerning praying for the sick in the house of the Lord, the person leading the prayer will stand with his back to the altar, that is he must back the Altar. And the person being prayed for, will kneel facing the Altar.

Concerning going into a three, seven or twenty-one day trance or climbing a plateau for prayers, this is not in the tenets of the church. I did not instruct anyone to do that. Let nobody be seen doing this.

Concerning using palm fronds for victory Prayer jobs and using it to beat people during victory Prayer jobs, this is contrary to the tenets. I did not instruct the church to do this. Throw away palm fronds. Pray for the
sick, for victory and as you pray the Holy Spirit will descend and perform miracles. Use your loin and the Altar cloth. Those are things provided for our use in the tenets. The tenets provide that fronds can be used on occasions where there are no enough members to say a prayer or candles to be use for a prayer. The frond can be made into the
shape of a cross, one to represent each missing elder or candle.

Concerning the seven hymns for Sunday services that some churches reduce, this is contrary to the tenets and we must not do that again. May the Lord forgive you all. Do not reduce the songs.

Concerning seven, twenty-one or even three night vigils, these are contrary to the tenets. The only vigils performed by redeemers are during the monthly Watch Night Service every first Thursday of the month in rememberance of Jesus Christ. I did not hand night vigils or lay it down to anyone like that. Desist from this kind of works.

Concerning those who tell visitors to stare at them as if it were the Pastor/Founder does during sermon, service or revivals; they are just doing their own thing. I did not lay it down like that. Let everybody beware. Concerning those who ask people to focus on the cross during the sermon or revivals, this is not in the tenets. This is just their own thing. I did not lay it down like that. Desist from all these rubbish. Pray
with love and the Spirit of the Lord will descend and prayers will be answered in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Concerning prophets who use their loin to beat the sick or the afflicted and go on to use it beat the wall, I reject this right now. This is against our doctrine.

Concerning water from the tree or water from the rock, or breaking of eggs on the rock or at three junctions, or the use of banana stem for victory, or kneeling down on white cloth, these are improper and contrary to doctrine. All these must cease. Celestial Church has not come to promote occultist rituals for anybody.

Concerning the breaking of earthen pots after victory baths, that is not a Celestial Church doctrine. The Celestial Church has nothing to do with these kinds of jobs. Let these come to an end completely.

Concerning going to take a bath at three junctions, this has nothing to do with the Celestial Church. I have not laid it down like that. Stop all these jobs.

Concerning going into the jungle to do victory prayer works, this is not a Celestial doctrine. Stop it.
A Celestial Church member may fetch water in an earthen pot for a particular use, water from the mercy land can be used, water from the lagoon maybe used,
water from the sea maybe used. The Celestial may bathe with the water from these different sources, but do not break any pots after bathing. This is contrary to tenets. These practices must cease completely.

May the Lord exalt His Church. Amen

Copied from : celestial church of christ kaduna



The Meaning of the rank

The rank of the leader is not a rank for kids !

A leader is the rank of an elevated or advanced elder in the church leadership hierarchy with a deeper role and responsibility.

A leader is a rank of integrity, character and faithfulness given to persons of good report and reputation in the church

Only men of character are fit for the rank of a leader because "Character is what protects the church from unfit men in place of leadership"

This follows what the bible said in Acts 6 v 3 where seven men well respected, full of spirit and wisdom were selected!

Leaders are men full of spirit, wisdom and character


The regalia of a leader is divinely designed to look like a dove in action with the color white denoting an high level of holy spirit in operation for all functions

A leader carries and possesses a dove-like anointing which denotes been full of the spirit and heavenly wisdom. A dove is a bird of calmness and meekness ! This are the character trait of someone who is a Leader

The leader's buttoned hand reveals a guarded and spirit controlled man under the direction and guidance of the word and holy spirit.

His approach, handling and view to spiritual things is careful, thoughtful, calm and matured just as calm as a dove and wise as a serpent.

In the church hierarchy of divisive authority : the leader has the elders subject to him and he is likewise subject to the evangelists

A leader is a rank given to men of honest report, full of holy spirit and wisdom

Stephen and Philip were examples of those who fit in the rank of leaders during the times of the apostles in the church.

Later Philip advanced from a leader to an evangelist(Acts 8 v 5, 6, 12) going on to spread the gospel

This is why of old leaders were sent forth to lead a parish by SBJ Oshoffa because they were men of competence, credibility and character

Leaders are men with insight (discernment) and hindsight (understanding)

They act in supervision with clear vision.

A leader must be deeply rooted and footed in the church, in Christ, in the word and in spirit

And he is known for his abounding love for God, his care for others, his growth in knowledge.

The leader's regalia reveals servant leadership : he serves to lead the congregation.

His loins and frills(white with sun yellow) attached are meant for prayers of health, deliverance and sickness(James 5 v 14)

The 3 crosses on his loins reveal a totally surrender life to Christ.
A revelation of the power of the cross that breaks the grip of the world off.
The 3 cross reveals his level of life in Christ and the holy spirit that produces true maturity and growth

The cross gives the power to live righteous and holy (Mo ro mo agbelebu re, Mo ka ohun gbogbo si asan)

The cross is the image of a crucified man : overpowering the pull of the flesh and Satan, replacing them with the character and nature of Christ

The Senior leader is a rank that reveals the fruitful and flourishing leader : the results are manifesting and there is growth in the service of the lord.

And it is denoted by a lace taping on the edge of the regalia like a tree yielding fruits ripe for harves

The Superior Senior Leader used to be the highest rank a non-clergy can attain during the days of the Pastor Founder.
This man is fully absorbed into the service of the lord! His understanding, experience and even discernment has increased over a span of years in the church.

The crossbar reveals anchored into the cross, this is why it slants, he carries the cross and heads for the crown.

The yellow regalia reveals the fullness and expression of God's glory, the type that was all over the face of moses making it radiant and shining

The white and yellow regalia are two likeness of God's distinctive appearance

The lace taping at the edges of the regalia is fruitfulness and blossoming in the service of the lord(psalm 1 v 1)

The Assistant leader is one under the tutor and supervision of the leaders !
He assists them in their duties and in service of the congregation and to the people
The one cross depletes still under authority.



.. But wisdom is profitable to direct.
(Ecclesiastes 10:10)

As a Shepherd, you need to live your life and do your ministry with wisdom so that you can last long in ministry and avoid trouble from law enforcement agencies.

As a Shepherd, please don't do the following:

1. Don't guarantee or surety loans for people.

2. Don't introduce businesses and investment schemes from the pulpit.

3. Don't collect pictures from people for prayers.

4. Don't sign bail bonds for people you are not sure of, especially new members or people whose family members you cannot trace or locate.

5. Don't wed a couple when their parents have not consented or dowry paid.

6. Don't hide anyone that law enforcement agencies have declared wanted, in your house or Church premises.

7. Don't matchmake people for marriage. If the marriage have issues, you will be blamed.

8. Don't try to make decisions for the members or control them. Teach the word and leave decision making for members. Except where your opinion is asked, don't force your ideas on people. When your ideas or decisions backfire, you will be denigrated.

9. Don't allow sick people to sleep in Church or in your house. If you must admit them, let them sign some documents that extricate you from any form of issue, should anything happen to them.

10. Don't allow your members pass huge amount of money through your account You could be arrested as an accomplice for advanced fee fraud, money laundering, kidnapping or drug peddling.

11. Don't conduct a christening ceremony service of a child whose gestation history you don't know. What if the baby was kidnapped? You could be arrested as an accomplice for kidnapping.

12. Don't bury a co**se that the family are not available with full medical report and death certificate. I have encountered situations where we were asked to exhumed a body four days after burial

13. Limit your direct involvement in politics, as a clergy you are supposed to be non partisan.

14. Don't visit a family when the husband or either parents are not around, you may be tempted or implicated.

15. Don't allow a woman that has quarrel with her husband to pass night or remain under your custody.

16. Don't take anyone to hospital without the family been aware or possibly present.

A lot of men of God today, innocently in the name of clear conscience have fallen into these ministerial landmines and destroyed their ministry or sent into undeserving prison term.
God bless you as you adhere to the above pieces of advices in Jesus name. Amen.


There is room for Improvement, occupy it


There is room for improvement, occupy it.


One of the many significances of the month of May is that it is the fifth month of the year. The number five symbolizes Grace. Therefore, you are welcome to the month where God's grace will characterize your life. This is a month where God's Grace will acquire for you whatever your human strength could not. In Christ Jesus name, Amen!


Heaven is the Goal.


Be Calm


Aura of Confidence


Ultimate Defense


Christ our strength


Believing is Seeing.


God’s love isn’t fickle. It’s constant. He loves the imperfect, the broken, those who are weak and those who mess up like me. When I fall, He’s there to lift me up. I am His treasure, and I am so beautiful to Him.
I am not loved because I deserve love!!!


You don't need a gist/gossip partner, what you need is a praying partner to be better in life.


Harvest of Open Heavens 2023


Over the last Seven and half decades, Celestial Church has been one of the fastest growing Churches in the world. With over 2,000 parishes in Nigeria and even scattered abroad. Despite being a spiritual Church established by the divine order of God through the Pastor Founder Rev. SBJ Oshoffa, the fold has survived a lot of turbulences. For the sake of this write up, I will be using CCC and Celestial Church of Christ interchangeably.
It is a pity seeing what the image of the Church has been reduced to on social media platforms through the indecent actions of her members and the Celestial Church of Christ governing bodies have been unable to do anything to curb the indecency of the members. Here in this write up, I will be addressing three major issues as it portrays the image of the Church in negative light to the world. First is the consumption of alcohol, second is the issue of dreadlocks and third is Trance in CCC.
For a fact the intake of alcohol (in garment and off-garment) is not allowed for a true member of the CCC as it negates the injunctions of God given to us through the hands of the pastor founder Oshoffa. Scripturally, the Bible kicks against the intake of alcohol. In Proverbs 20:1, “Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise”. What makes a man wise or foolish is his ability to handle situations in a godly manner.
I remember in the mid-70’s, there was an album released in a Parish in Ilaro, where it was stated that “anyone who uses alcohol for herbs is stylishly engaging himself or herself in taking alcohol. CCC Makoko also released an album to disclaim this. This is because Celestial Church of Christ is a spiritual Church and should be recognized as such. However, the intake of alcohol is repugnant to the Holy Spirit.
The fact that there are other denominations who doesn’t kick against the intake of alcohol does not mean it is generally acceptable to everyone. 1 Cor. 6:10, makes us understand that anyone who engages in the intake of alcohol has no place in the in the kingdom of God. Hence, why do we have Christians and believers who engage in this indecent act? This is not limited to only members. We also have shepherds who engage in this act. Lev. 10:8-10 speaks of the instructions of God to Aaron to avoid the intake of alcohol this is because they are a chosen people for the purpose of God’s Kingdom just as the shepherds. But howbeit that it’s the shepherds themselves that now permit the intake of alcohol in the church particularly during harvests. Let me remind you of the words of Solomon in Pro. 31:4-6, “It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine: nor for princes strong drink lest they drink and forget the law and pervert judgment of any of the afflicted. Give strong drink to him that is ready to perish and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts”.
In the words Papa Oshoffa,, he said “Oba ni yin” meaning “You are kings” thus referring to members of the Celestial Church of Christ. As such we are not permitted to engage in certain activities as members of other denominations would. Take note of the following Biblical injunctions for personal studies (Is. 5:11, 22, Pro. 31:4-6, 23:30-35, Ecc. 2:3, 1 Tim.4:1, 2 Tim. 3:1, Joel 1:5, 1 Cor. 6:10, 5:11, Gal. 5:21, Jer. 35:6). All of which points us to the consequences of our actions especially Gal. 5:21.
Another issue that has become a norm in the contemporary is dreadlocks and trance. Over time, I’ve come across people who keep long hair and dreadlocks. While some others go to hairstylists just to lock their hair into dreadlocks. Shepherds are not exempted. I will say for a fact that ‘dreadlocks and trance are borrowed doctrines and does not pertain to us as Celestians. They are borrowed doctrines. These activities are known to be common to the Cherubim and Seraphim Church’.
In the words of the Pastor founder, between 7 months and 1 year maximum, the hair of every born child is to be cut as it (the hair) is considered unclean. He called it ‘Irun ogbigbo’. He further included that trance is a borrowed doctrine that was brought in at the point where members of the Cherubim and Seraphim Church started joining Celestial Church of Christ. I have seen a situation where a prophet went on trance and the supposed shepherd of the church sold the Church’s anointing oil (popularly known as ororo ijo) and it got exhausted and he brought ‘Goya Olive oil’ in its stead all sold out at exuberant prices. While some others will come with perfumes, candles, soaps and other spiritual items to the point where a prophet on trance is laid. This is fetishism in disguise as it I now see it as a form of idolizing the Prophet. Papa O late 70’Oshoffa banned trance in CCC after the Holy Spirit warned him not to allow trance in the late 70’s.
Let me say for the record the only trance permitted is the usual counseling session known as ‘Ishona’. In our doctrine, a prophet can prophesy for hours and after that he will be come back to himself and not that he will be laid for days. During the days of Baba Bada of the blessed memory, he abhors such acts and even goes to the extent of cutting the hair of people who have dreadlocks in the Church as a means to bring people back to the light of the doctrines of the Celestial Church of Christ. Same thing goes for prophets on trance. It is in the absence of individuals who understand the in-depth of the tenets of the Church and are also passionate about God in the Church that is why we now have indecency ravaging the face of the Church.
It is in this light that I urge every Celestian to hold unto God in this Church as our Hymn 544 says; “Let’s hold the pillar of our Lord Jesus and keep our minds from all anxiety…”. This is because Jesus is the foundation upon which this church was founded. We have our ordinances which are peculiar to us as a church (1 Cor. 7:17) as such we are expected to adhere to it as it is necessary for our growth as a Church and individuals.
It is however on this note that I call upon the resident pastor of the Celestial Church of Christ, Rev. Pastor Emmanuel Mobiyina Friday Oshoffa, members of the Pastor in Council (MPIC), the Board of Trustees and those who have the power to influence and enforce decisions in the church to come together and make corrections because the image of the church is being tarnished to the outside world. In recent times we have seen the picture of some ladies in the Celestial garment drinking alcohol that has been the trend on the social media. I recommend that proper measures should be taken against these people rather than letting the issue be swept under the carpet.
I mustn’t fail to recognize the efforts of Celestial social media Platforms such as, We In The Celestial Church of Christ Celestial Kings And Queen ' KETU MEDIA Celestial Generation Celestial Discuss real_celestian True Celestians Celestial News Online.Com/CNOTV Cele Apete and others who has issued out disclaimers to this effect. I implore you to share this message across other media so that the world will see Celestial Church of Christ in light of who we are and not what we have been painted to be.

Shepherd in Charge: Central Cathedral Abuja, FCT and Head of the Northern ‘B’ region.


Videos (show all)

Cure to Anxiety (Part 3)
The Cure for Anxiety part 2.
Cure for Anxiety
The Cure for Anxiety.
Christ's Confindence

