RAPHA Global CARE Outreach

RAPHA Global CARE Outreach

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God’s Plan is Bigger

I have a message for you today… God’s plan is bigger than your current circumstances. I understand when you feel like everything is a mess and you will never come out of the overwhelming weight that is on your shoulders.

This is where you must remember who you are in Christ Jesus. Satan is a liar! There is no truth in him. Satan will always make you feel hopeless, there’s no way out, it’s the end and there is nothing else you can do, BUT WITH GOD there is always hope! It doesn’t matter what you are going through right now, God has a bigger plan than you can imagine. It’s so great, it will blow you away!

While the enemy is plotting your downfall, God is positioning you to prosper and to recover all! Hold on! Keep trusting the Lord. His plan is bigger and better than yours and you will be so thankful you waited on and trusted in Him!

Prayer: Thank you Lord for protecting me as I journey through my current circumstances. I give you full control of my life. I surrender and ask You to take over! I give you all the broken pieces of my life so you can put me together how You want. Your will Lord, Your way, in Jesus name, Amen!


The act of “putting things in God’s hands” means that we acknowledge that the outcome is not in our control, but in God’s hands, and allows us to find peace and trust in His sovereignty and His divine plan for our lives.

Surrender and trust in God’s will, even when you are faced with uncertainty, fear, or difficult situations.

Proverbs 3:5-6 emphasizes complete trust in God’s guidance, even when our own understanding fails.
👉 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Matthew 6:25-34 encourages us to let go of anxiety about things we cannot control and trust in God’s provision.
👉 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?”

Philippians 4:6-7 suggests turning our worries into prayer and finding peace through faith in God’s plan.
👉 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Romans 8:28 offers assurance that even challenging situations can ultimately be part of God’s grander plan for our lives.
👉 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

✨ ”For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.“ — Jeremiah‬ ‭29‬:‭11





Before God can use you effectively as an intercessor or a prophetic voice, one of the things He deals with is your eye. He deals with the way you look at people. How you handle their mess, their mistakes, their flaws, their sins, their weaknesses, and their nakedness.

Because for you to stand in the gap for other people in the courts of heaven or before the Throne of God and plead for their cause, you must be full of compassion, mercy, and love, just as Christ Jesus was tempted in every way that we are, yet without sin, and became the Man of Sorrows, acquainted with grief so that He can now be an effective High Priest who understands and identifies with our weaknesses.

So He has to remove the critical, finger-pointing eye. And many times, He does it by breaking you. Over and over again. He turns your eyes inward so that you see yourself as you really are. He focuses your eyes on the planks of wood in them, so that you can realize that what is in the eyes of others is just a tiny, little speck compared to your own need for God's help.

He opens your spiritual eyes to how helpless your own soul is without His grace and how merciful He has been to you. He allows you to go through what is commonly referred to as "dark nights of the soul" so you can come face to face with how helpless a human soul is without the love, grace, and compassion of God.

He takes you through experiences that break you so much that you realize there is no goodness in you except that which Christ brings by His presence in your life.

He has to do this because if He doesn't, you run the risk of standing before Him like the Pharisee, nose stuck in the air, and flaunting yourself before Him, "I am not like those others Lord...I am better."
You may begin to pray for others from a platform of accusation or without feeling.
Then your sacrifices on their behalf would be rejected.

He wants you, instead, to offer sacrifices that are sweet smelling and acceptable before Him,



The Word of God is the total weapon of warfare — both offensive and proactive, as well as defensive and reactive.

We often think to wield it when the enemy strikes first, just like Jesus did in the desert when the devil himself spoke tempting lies. Jesus struck back with the sword of the Spirit, the very Word of God, and we can too.

But the truth is, this is a weapon we can swing before the prowling enemy arrives.
God’s Word is a saber to be savoured when the sun is on the rise at the start of each new day.

Before any enemy lie or scary circumstance strikes, we must strike first.


Embrace the new day with open arms, for YOU are empowered!

With a surrendered heart to the Holy Spirit, you become a vessel that He can use to work through.

As Israel Houghton says, "It's a new season, it's a new day. A fresh anointing is flowing my way. It's a season of power and prosperity, it's a new season coming to me."

Every step you take forward, you enter into a new season. This is the perfect time to take a STAND and make a choice. All that we need is resting in His hands, so take a-hold and say yes to His every promise.

The past season has equipped you for this season and seasons to come.
You are now a warrior for God, filled with wisdom, power, and might.
Be sensitive to His voice, leading, and be obedient to Him!

Remember, you are divinely inspired and empowered by the Holy Spirit. All that was stolen from you is now returned a hundredfold. You are like GOLD, tried in the fire and coming out stronger than ever before!

So cling to His hand, and know that you are ready to face whatever comes your way. It's a new season, and you are fully equipped to handle it with grace and strength.



The words we speak and the actions we take are powerful and can never be taken back. Once we have uttered a word or done something, it becomes a permanent part of our life's story. This realization is not a new concept, but one that has been taught throughout history. In the book of Matthew, it is written, "But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken!" (Matthew 12:36).

We often speak without thinking, and our words can be hurtful, unkind, or false. After the fact, we may regret them and wish we could take them back. Unfortunately, no matter how much we may want to undo what we have said, it is impossible. The same goes for our actions; once we have done something, it cannot be undone. Even if we try to correct our mistakes later, the impact of our actions will remain.

It is crucial to think before we speak or act, ensuring that what we do or say is right and just. We should strive to make sure that we will never regret our words or deeds. Once we have opened our mouths or lifted our hands, there is no going back, and we must live with the consequences of our actions.

Our words and deeds are irrevocable, but we can try to mitigate any harm we have caused by taking positive steps. For example, Paul was unable to undo the harm he had caused to Christians, but he devoted his life to Christ's cause and made amends in his own way. Similarly, we can't take back a hurtful word, but we can counteract it with kindness and loyalty toward those we have wronged.

We must remember that our words and actions have a tremendous impact on the world around us. Therefore, we should always strive to be kind and thoughtful, inspiring others to do the same.


There are certain moments in our lives when we come across someone and feel an instant connection with them. It's not a mere coincidence but a powerful feeling in our gut that tells us that this person is going to play a significant role in our lives. We can feel the presence of God in our meetings, and we can sense that there is a higher purpose behind it.

It's not uncommon to hear people share similar experiences. Whether it's a new friend who walks into our life unexpectedly or a significant other who treats us better than we've ever been treated, or a stranger who shows us an act of kindness, or a medical professional, counsellor, or pastor who walks with us through difficult times, these people can become an important part of our lives.

God wants us to experience the love, friendship, and joy that He has designed for us. He wants us to connect with others and share His love with them. When we encounter someone who becomes an important part of our story, we should never take them for granted. They are a blessing from God, and their love for us (and our love for them) is a glimpse of God's love for us.

Sometimes, God blesses us by changing our circumstances or revealing Himself to us. Other times, He blesses us by putting someone in our lives who can help us see more of Him. We are all connected, and He moves through each of us. It's no surprise that our greatest blessing comes in the form of a person - Jesus himself. God intended it to be that way.

We should always remember that God has a purpose for every person He puts in our lives. We should be grateful for every person who has touched our lives and helped us see more of God. We should also remember that we can be a blessing to others, too, by showing them God's love and helping them see more of Him. When we love one another, we are loving God, and that is the greatest blessing of all.



As I was in prayer last night, the Lord gave me a vision of a beautiful white church.
I looked up to the sky, and white specks of soap began to fall from it, and all over the church.

I then heard the Spirit of the Lord say:

“I am cleansing the churches.
I will sweep through them like launders soap, removing every speck and stain.
No longer will the stains be hidden, but shown in the daylight.
They will be removed.
The time is coming, and has already begun”.

After hearing these words, I was overcome with the fear of the Lord. I couldn't help but feel humbled and grateful for the message that had been shared with me. Now, I feel compelled to share this message with others, as I believe that it is essential for everyone to know.

Please let's share this...


May the happiness and peace that Jesus brings fill your home this festive season and always.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas.


Every single time you pray something is shifting.
Even if you don't notice it, something is happening
in the unseen realm.

Hearts are softening.
Veils are slowly lifting.
Healing is happening.
Walls are crumbling.
Chains are breaking.
Ears are being opened.

Keep praying.
Keep praying.
Keep praying.


1. Father, I want to thank you for the gift of another week, by the power of the Holy Spirit, I declare that I have dominion over the week, in Jesus’ name.

Like sheep they are laid in the grave; death shall feed on them; and the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning; and their beauty shall consume in the grave from their dwelling. (Psalm 49:14, KJV)

2. I declare that this week is yielding for me her increase and best, in the name of Jesus.

Yea, the LORD shall give that which is good; and our land shall yield her increase. (Psalm 85:12, KJV)

3. I ask Lord that you lead me in the path of peace and of righteousness this week, in Jesus’ name.

Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth. (Jeremiah 33:6, KJV)

4. I ask for the leading of your Spirit Lord this week, may my path be flooded with lights from heaven, light above the brightness of the sun for direction and guidance, in Jesus’ name.

O send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me; let them bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles. (Psalm 43:3, KJV)

5. I declare that I am making progress this week, I move upwards and forward this week by the power of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus’ name.

6. I declare that I am at the right place and at the right time, meeting with the right people, and doing the right things this new week, in Jesus’ name.

7. I pray you Lord to hold my hand this week as always, keep me from falling, and keep me stable and going, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. (Judges 1:24, KJV)

8. Lord, I pray that this week will yield an abundance of harvest for me, my expectations shall come to pass, and my goals and plans shall be more than successful by God’s power, in Jesus’ name.

For surely there is an end, and thine expectation shall not be cut off. (Proverbs 23:18,



The Lord says, "I know you failed. I saw how deeply that hurt and frustrated you. It was embarrassing... I see how it stands now, as a huge boulder in your way, hindering you from seeing any future in that direction. But I want you to go back where you failed, and try again. You're wiser now. You learnt your lessons. See, I am restoring the grace to you. You can do it. I am the One who strengthens you. Arise and do it. Don't let fear stop you. Don't let those voices stop you. That sense of resistance is only in your mind, because of your last experience. But will you trust Me? Will you arise and go, based on the reliability of My Voice? Will you trust Me?"

Luke 5:5 AMP
Simon replied, “Master, we worked hard all night [to the point of exhaustion] and caught nothing [in our nets], but at Your word, I will [do as you say and] lower the nets [again].”

Isaiah 43:18-19 ERV
So don’t remember what happened in earlier times. Don’t think about what happened a long time ago, because I am doing something new! Now you will grow like a new plant. Surely you know this is true. I will even make a road in the desert, and rivers will flow through that dry land.


No matter what you may be going through, God has promised to never leave or forsake you. I encourage you to lean into His Presence, listen to Him, trust, and obey. He is with and for you and desires to lead you in every way. Tune out every distraction and tune in to His still small voice today. Jesus loves you and I do too.


Be genuinely humble and kind.
Be careful to give no place to pride in your life.

Proverbs 29:23 - a man's pride shall bring him low: but honor shall uphold the humble in spirit. James 4:10 - Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up. 2 Chronicles 7:14 - if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Proverbs 16:19 - Better it is to be of a humble spirit with the lowly than to divide the spoil with the proud. Matthew 23:12 - whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased, and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. James 4:6 - God resists the proud, but gives grace unto the humble. Psalm 25:9 - He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.. Psalm 147:6 - The Lord sustains the humble but casts the wicked to the ground. Psalm 149:4 - the Lord takes delight in His people; He crowns the humble with victory.


Psalms 118:1
O GIVE thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever!


Are you in an unthinkable place?

Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening.
~ Acts 16:25

Amazingly enough, despite what they were going through and where they found themselves, Paul and Silas decided to pray and sing.

Life sent them to an unthinkable place and in turn, they did the unthinkable.
With feet bound, and flesh torn, they praised God.
Those around them couldn’t help but hear the praises flowing from their hearts.

Chances are you are not alone in your unthinkable place. If you look around, you will discover others going through the same experience as you.
Could it be you have found yourself in this place because God has plans to use you to bless others who are walking this road with you?

Paul and Silas chose to praise God and when they did, God responded. And, don’t miss this! Their praise not only set them free, but it brought freedom to the entire prison.
EVERYONE in the prison was set free.

Today, in the very midst of your situation, I implore you to praise God…not silently, but boldly. Praise Him with everything you’ve got! Praise Him no matter where you are and no matter who may hear. Praise Him from the very depths of your heart. Like Paul and Silas, your praise has the potential to not only set you free but to loose the chains of all those imprisoned with you!

Are you in an unthinkable place today?
Then, like Paul and Silas….do the unthinkable.
and watch God do the unthinkable!

Watch God move!
Watch God shake your world!
Watch God open the doors
and loosen the chains
and set you
and everyone around you, free!!!!



Jeremiah 18:4
“And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter; so he made it again into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make.”

Did you know that most potters will throw away clay that is marred?

To be marred in Greek is “šāḥaṯ”. Meaning to be ruined or corrupt.

But notice that the potter spoken in Jeremiah did not throw away the ruined clay.
No. He started again and made it into another vessel that seemed good to the potter.

He didn’t toss it out and start with a new and better block of clay.
He saw value in what most would see as ruined.

You are not too “marred” for our Potter to mold into a vessel that He sees as “good” and “useful”.

How great is our God?

I used to be a marred clay.
But the day I accepted Christ into my life,
He picked me up and put me back on that potter's wheel and began to mold me.
He is still molding me.

I’m so thankful to serve a God, that even in my most ruined and corrupted state, He still saw good value.
With all my blemishes and cracks, He said “Oh yes, I can use her”.

That is how He loves.

It doesn’t matter how ruined you think you are, He can mold you into another vessel by His own hands.

Mold me Beautiful.
Mold me Lovely.
Mold me Righteous.
Mold me Holy.

Please share with others.


“While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease”.
Genesis 8:22 KJV

Seasons are God’s reminder that nothing stays the same. Everything changes.
Our lives, families, careers.
The wrinkles on our faces and the number of grey hairs on our heads.

And you know what? It’s okay.

As I reflect on my life and the many seasons of change I’ve experienced, I’m grateful for the one constant, the one steady I can count on…JESUS.

The Lord is the one constant steady in my life, never shifting, never changing, always the same…yesterday, today, and forever.

I need His steadiness now more than ever before. I am a woman who craves consistency in a world that’s anything but consistent. I’m shaken when things get shaken up. I crave security in my surroundings.

But the world doesn’t offer us security, does it? It changes daily, forcing us to adjust to survive. It feels like it’s moving too fast and all we can do is hold on for the ride.

Seasons come and seasons go all too quickly, but when we keep our eyes on Jesus, it’s like hitting the pause button. He calms our restless souls and invites us to stop and breathe.

Breathe in His refreshing grace.
Exhale our heavy loads.
Breathe in His perfect peace.
Exhale our worries and fears.
Breathe in His steadfast love.
Exhale our insecurities.

In these seasons of change, I am learning to let go and trust the Lord to guide me. I am no longer craving a false sense of security to find my peace.

My peace is found in the Prince of Peace, Jesus. The one constant steady in my life.
May He also be your peace in seasons of change. 🍁🍂

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning”.
James 1:17 KJV


He is knocking at the door of your heart today.
Don't shut Him out.....


Without salvation and eternity with Jesus we have nothing. No acquired worldly items will get us to Heaven, only Jesus.



There are several places I'm hearing right now where the pain is: someone's wrists, someone's hips, the bones on the side of your hips from your waste down to where your legs start, someone's ankles, and then the top of your feet where all the little bones go down to your toes. Someone’s kneecaps, especially the right one. Someone's shoulders, someone’s shin bone on your right leg. Your fingers on the left hand. God is healing bones right now, ligaments and joints.

All inflammation goes NOW in the name of Jesus!

There is no distance in the Spirit! Receive the anointing NOW!!! In the Name of Jesus Christ, you are healed!!! ♥️♥️🔥🔥


The Lord says, "No more complaining. By the power of My Spirit within you, I am now amplifying the good things happening in your life, every blessing, every good and perfect gift I have given to you. I am magnifying them in your eyes by the Spirit of Grace. The enemy has been magnifying your sorrows, problems, issues, and challenges, manipulating your mind to look through his evil lenses so that you can become oppressed and forlorn. He is a thief and the father of all lies, and he came to steal, kill, and destroy through this evil scheme. But he does it in such a convincing way because what he tells you is actually what people term as, "the facts on the ground," or "reality of how things are." That's why you've been giving him your ear. But now, by the Spirit of Grace, I draw your focus, attention, and audience away from the thief! I turn your vision back to Me and My goodness in your life! I give you grace, exceedingly great grace to count your blessings EVERY DAY. And so shall it be, that praise will be born in your heart and by it, you will rise above what is happening around you and what's going on in your life, and you will access the VICTORY that is yours in this situation. Your heart will not be stolen by the devil! I give you FREEDOM!"


Jesus says to each of us today as He said to Peter, “The enemy asked to sift you as wheat but I have prayed for you that your faith would not fail.”
(Luke 22:31)
You can’t lose when you have an Intercessor like that!

As our High Priest, Jesus understands what you’re going through.
He’s felt what you feel.
He understands pain, rejection, abandonment, & betrayal.
He’s been there!
And now as One Who understands,
He is interceding for you.
He’s got your back!
He’s rooting for you!


Some of you are praying too much over the mountain in your life! YES, you heard me right....

God gave you, as a Believer, the "AUTHORITY" to "SPEAK TO” the mountain 🏔 and to tell it TO BE REMOVED! (MARK 11:23)

YOUR PART is to SPEAK 🗣 TO IT, GOD’S PART is to REMOVE IT!! Trust in Him to do it! He will!

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