Tino healthhub

Tino healthhub

At Tino healthhub,we believe that living a healthy life increase longevity & we'll help u attend that


Whatever you are doing to escape poverty ,take it seriously. The world is not fair to the poor at all.


Please Know this and know peace : you can't deworm a child under 1 year.


When I was a child I used to believe that epilepsy is contagious

that you can get it from holding an epilepsy person's hands or when the person's spit touches someone, that you can contact it.

Some people believe that it is an "ogbanje"

People still believe that epilepsy is a curse.

People can even run far distant from an epilepsy patient when they are under attack just so that they won't have contact with the person.

These are misconceptions Of epilepsy as non of the above is true.

Because of these misconceptions, many children or adults with epilepsy are stigmatized.

Children with it are segregated among their peers in school, church, etc.

Let's dive into what epilepsy is all about.

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder of the brain.

Neurons are a type of cells that carries information or signals from the brain to other parts of the body and from other parts of the body to the brain

In the brain, there are what are called excitatory and inhibitory Neurotransmitters .both work together in a balanced manner to coordinate the work of other nerve cells.

When there is an Imbalance between the two, leads to a seizure.

What is the cause of epilepsy?

Genetic disorder. it runs in the family. if someone in the family had it, there is every possibility that it can pass to the next generation

Brain tumors. when there is growth in the brain, it can cause an imbalance between the two neurons

Trauma: when you have a shock or sad situation, you can develop that

Brain infection .when there is a growth of organisms in the brain

Alcoholic and to***co intake etc

What should be my duty when I see someone having an attack?

First of all, put the person in the recovery position and make sure to time the duration of the seizure if it continues beyond 5 minutes, please quickly call for attention to take the person to a hospital.

Never put anything in their mouth. some people are on this table, putting onions, spoons, etc.

Put any sharp objects away.

Stay calm till the seizure ends and hold their hands and reassure them that everything will be OK.

So, Next time you see an epilepsy person having an attack, don't run, be of help.


This is me officially telling all my family and friends A HAPPY NEW YEARπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

I Want to share some life experiences that I know it may be of help to someone here this new year

1) Make sure God is at the centre of everything you do.Never you do a thing without introducing God into it

2) Focus more on yourself and do things that constantly makes you happy.Happiness makes you stay healthy, young and Live long

3) Run yourself with people that inspire you .People that want your growth,encourage you to do better,connect you to good opportunities etc.

4) Not everyone will like you.its normal.Not everyone you vibe with will vibe with you.Draw the line.

5)Not every family member is a family member. You can bear with me that they are some family members you have not seen or spoke with for 5,6,10 years.Any family member that you have not seen or spoke with for a year is not your family. Yes,you may be related to them by blood but not your family. There are people you meet in your journey of life - Those people are there for you,support you ,care for you etc.Those people are your family

6) The way people treat you is the way they perceived you.Don't put yourself in something that does not concern you.if they don't involve you dont involve yourself

7) when you are dealing with people do not entertain minor minor things. If you are talking with your friend and he/s calls you a certain name that you know you are not or you don't like ,there & then correct the person bcos if you don't, that mistake may continue over and over.

8) Don't be afraid of losing any friend.It is pertinent you let go of jealous friend, friend-enemy etc.you should know who you should call friend .

9)Exercise always.you should not necessarily go to gym. You can run,dance,swim,skip etc. Exercise helps erect your veins to function properly

10) Take your health seriously. An healthy man is a wealthy man.Get some supplements that help boost your immune system, nourish your body and makes you stay healthy

11) You are the Architect of your own fortune.You are the main character in your life.work towards whatever you want to achieve and you see yourself achieving it.Take responsibility of your life.What you allowed-in in your life is what you manifest .

12) Read alot of books.Reading widened your knowledge and make you stay abrest and relevant

13) please make sure you learn a skill. Learning a skill may not really be the thing ,but being the best in your chosen field is the thing

I hope this help!


Aspirin(vasoprin) does not lower blood pressure and cannot replace your blood pressure medications.However ,its ability to thin out the blood vessels can benefit some people with High blood pressure


What do i need to do to prevent stroke?

Adopting a healthy

Getting plenty of exercise

Monitoring your cholesterol and taking the steps to control if it is high

Monitoring your blood pressure and managing it if it is high

Managing diabetes if you have it

Stopping smoking if you smoke.


What are the symptoms that shows that you may be having stroke?

Difficulty walking


Falling without an identifiable cause

A sudden inability to understand speech


Rapidly Developing vision problems

A severe headache without an apparent cause

Partial Numbness in part of the body( inability to feel any sensation in part of your body.


What are the conditions that can make me have stroke?

High blood pressure


Artherosclerosis (build up of fats and other substances in the walls of the arteries)

Cholesterol level

A sedentary lifestyle
(Lack of physical activity can lead to high blood pressure ,high cholesterol and overweight )


Why should I take vasoprin?

Vasoprin can reduce your risk of heart attacks and stroke by preventing blood clots.


Let's learn a little about vasoprin .

What does vasoprin do to the body?

Vasoprin works by widening blood vessels to help increase blood flow to other parts of the body


I Normally Take Milk To Relief My Ulcer Pains Whenever I Have pains,Is It Advisable?

Peptic ulcer is an open sore in the lining of either the stomach or the duodenum which is the first part of the small intestine.

Ulcer can hurt alot ,especially when the stomach is empty.

In the small intestine there is a thin layer surrounding it and in the environment, there is gastric acid(Hcl,lipase and pepsin).Its main function is to inactivate swallowed micro-organisms, thereby inhibiting infectious agents from reaching the intestine

Now,when the thin layer of the mucus is reduced,it allows the digestive acids to eat away at the tissues that line the stomach causing ulcer and pains.

When you take milk,it soothe the ulcer for a few minutes and you tend to have relief for few minutes and digestive process takes place in which the sugar called lactose contain in milk would be converted to lactic acid by an enzyme called Lactobacillus Bulgaricans making the stomach more acidic thereby worsening the ulcer pains.

So milk is not a good option for an ulcer patient instead take water and yoghurt.



I always feel so perturbed when I see people on the road disposing solid wastes or solid packages the way they want on the road side after eating snacks or drinking water especially some travellers. I would be like," this man is dirty,he is uncoordinated,unwise .....".

I'm not even talking about those ones that consistently or joyfully dispose non-degradable products like water proof or empty cans on gutter!

Seriously,Don't you have conscience! How do you think?

Okay,incase you are unaware of the health implications of what you are doing.Here is the thing: disposal of solid wastes can cause a serious public health problems.

Solid wastes refers to any type of garbage,trash,refuse or discarded materials. These solid wastes harbour some pathogenic micro-organisms that attracts all types of insects and rodents that inturn spread diseases.

When these insects or rodents comes in contact with humans,it deposit some micro-organisms which then spread in the blood stream leading to many diseases. Of course , You know malaria is caused by mosquito bites! This can be the most reasons you treat malaria often.

You can also get infected when you have direct contact with these wastes like bites of the animals feeding on the wastes.

Also,the wet wastes may get decompose and releases bad odour into the air accompanied with micro-organisms,which when inhaled can cause a serious respiratory infections like pneumonia,worsen asthmatic conditions etc.

These wastes also contains some toxins which leaches into the soil causing water pollution.The water when taken or used can cause cholera,diarrhoea,typhoid, amebiasis, scabies and vector -borne disease like dengue(mosquito-borne viral illness) etc.

Note: Many decisions we make in our everyday lives have a major impact on the planet and human health.

Endeavour to dispose your wastes properly preferably on the government approved dumpsites for easy evacuation.

Health is wealth!


It is devastating how some mothers came up with
the habit of applying steroids-containing creams
on their kids skin all in the name of,"I want glowing skin for my kids", "I want my child's skin to be fair",not knowing the repercussion those creams are causing to your child's health.

Today I want to let you know little tips of what those creams are doing to your child's health!

Steroids-containing creams we are talking about here are the ones you know and may currently be using.Yes! Those ones like your regular funbact A,Skineal,Visita plus,Abf,Neoskin,Bafama etc.

Now let's dive into the main matter.Steriods are hormones that occur naturally in the body. Steriods medicines are man-made and are similar to natural hormones made in the body to mimic the natural hormones.

Hormones are chemical messengers that use your bloodstream to travel throughout your body to your tissues and organs.They control a number of functions including metabolism,reproduction, growth,mood and s*xual health etc.

If your body is producing too little or too much of a hormone,it can make you very ill and set you up for a number of serious health challenges.

Corticosteroids,which is our bone of contentment are a form of human-made steriods used to treat inflammation, swelling etc caused by allergies.It is the form of Steroids usually contains in most triple-action creams.

When applying these creams on children and infants, they body absorbed a larger amount of this topical corticosteroids to the blood stream thereby making them susceptible to systemic adverse effects. This is because children and infants have an immature skin barrier and a greater surface area to body weight ratio compared to adults skin.

Then the absorbed creams when entered the system cause suppression of hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis and absence of adrenocorticotrophic hormones ( ACTH) stimulation.when these hormones is suppressed,you know what! It causes a whole lots which one of these is growth retardation- children with these might not grow as tall as he/she supposed to grow.They may also have delayed weight gain,always tired etc.

Steroids also weakens immune system making the children predispose to variants infections;they can easily come down with all sorts of infections and allergies like cough, cold,mood changes, difficulty sleeping which can linger for a period of time.

Note: steroids-containing creams is not advisable to be used in children and if by any reasons you use it,the duration should not exceed 5 days and reviewed weekly.

If you are in need of a good cream that can glow your child's skin without any effect to the health, there are many of such creams.If you don't know,seek for help from a reliable personnel,you know what I'm talking about.


Ampiclox cannot be used to prevent pregnancy. My conversation with a lady:

Her: pharm,I have been using ampiclox beecham for years and haven't gotten pregnant. I think it works very well for me.

Me: if you have been using ampiclox for years and you haven't gotten pregnant, there are things involved. Its either you always had s*x when you are free or you are not fertile or your man is not fertile.its as simple as that.

