Marriage Clinic

Marriage Clinic

Marriage Clinic is a One-Stop Place for Marital Solutions out to address everyday issues making Mirages of Marriages.

The goal is to make Marital Success common & your "happily ever after" a reality.


Why Testing Commitment Before Marriage is very important. Watch the Full Video beloe...


Testing Commitment before Marriage is vital to you making the right decision or Choice of whom you want to equally Commit your entire Life and Time to. That Someone likes you or shows interest in you doesn't mean they are or will be Committed to you going forward. Also, that he/she is getting Freebies from you or some sort of benefits from the relationship doesn't also translate into Commitment towards you. You don't ASSUME that he or she is Committed to you nor DEMAND for Commitment bcos Commitment comes from a Place of Conviction and Clarity about wanting a Future together with you. You don't use S*x or Pregnancy to demand for Commitment, it doesn't work out most times when you go that route and that's why it is very mportant to do all the Commitment Tests before going into Marriage with him or her. Watch the Full Video via Link..


Here are 7 Things No One Tells You about Marriage before getting Married and it's important to be aware of these Truths or harsh realities so you can have a Full grasp and understanding of what you're going into. Watch Full Video here...


We had a Very Expository & Insightful Session with Bishop Felix Adejumo yesterday. He Shared with us some Deep Secrets and Wisdom that can be adopted to make our Marriage Work & enjoy the Wife or husband you Married. He started out Sharing with us Why it's important and the benefits of Empowering your Wife who is your helper & cannot provide you with the needed help if She's not Empowered. He goes on to Share with us the Story of how he empowered his Wife - Funke Adejumo when he married her & ensured she got more Education bcos he was seeing the Future and wanted her to be relevant and useful in Future. He explained how he provided her with the needed Supports paying her School fees including Baby Sitting their Children while she was away in School and even helping her ensure at night that She's done all her assignments. As time goes by he started giving her the Platforms for her to Express herself and teach. He said unknown to him when he was doing all these investing in her, he never knew She would evolve into becoming this Strong Woman and Global phenomenon We See today traveling the World blessing Lives & humanity. He Stressed though that his Wife - Funke Adejumo had never at anytime disrespected him just because She's now empowered or become even more Popular than him. He said No She never did. She remained humble and loyal towards him and she was always looking up to him bcos he also continued to improve & develop himself so that he can continue to provide her with the needed Leadership as she rises in Life. He took time to Speak heart to heart with Men saying your Wife cannot respect you as a Man if She can't look up to you, or if you don't bring anything to the table or play your Leadership role at home. He said Leadership is responsibility and if you are not taking up your responsibility she won't respect you. He shared some advice too with Women and Spoke to Pastor's Wife as well desiring to be heard like his Wife. Lastly, he also shared with us how his Wife Funke Adejumo came to Limelight and got discovered by the World. It's Wisdom packed and You need to Watch it yourself via the Link below ...


The D-Day is here! Join us this Evening 26-08-2022 by 6pm WAT & 12pm EST prompt as We host LIVE Bishop Felix Adejumo on another Edition of Marriage Clinic LIVE. He will be Speaking to the Topic: Why You Should Empower the Woman in your Life. When a Man is down or broke the First Point of Call around him at that moment is his Wife & When She's not Empowered the whole Family Suffers for it including the innocent Children. Hence, We deem it fit to Educate Our Men & Women alike on Why the Woman must be Empowered and to Walk us through this Path is no other Person than a Man Proven to have Empowered his Wife (Funke Felix-Adejumo) when She was a Nobody to the point She's become a Global icon and renowned Speaker traveling the World today blessing Lives & humanity. Bishop Felix Adejumo will be Sharing with us LIVE how he made this happened in their Marriage and the Supports he provided for her even when the Kids were Small. You don't want to Miss it. Venue remains on Marriage Clinic TV YouTube Channel via the Link>>>


Join us this Friday Evening 26-08-2022 by 6pm WAT & 12pm EST prompt as We host LIVE Bishop Felix Adejumo on another Edition of Marriage Clinic LIVE. He will be Speaking to the Topic: Why You Should Empower the Woman in your Life. When a Man is down or broke the First Point of Call around him at that moment is his Wife & When She's not Empowered the whole Family Suffers for it including the innocent Children. Hence, We deem it fit to Educate Our Men & Women alike on Why the Woman must be Empowered and to Walk us through this Path is no other Person than a Man Proven to have Empowered his Wife (Funke Felix-Adejumo) when She was a Nobody to the point She's become a Global icon and renowned Speaker traveling the World today blessing Lives & humanity. Bishop Felix Adejumo will be Sharing with us LIVE how he made this happened in their Marriage and the Supports he provided for her even when the Kids were Small. You don't want to Miss it. Venue remains on Marriage Clinic TV YouTube Channel via the Link>>>


Here is an Ordeal of a Cheating & Unfaithful Husband. His Wife in this Video got to find out about his escapades and what She did to her husband hit him really hard that he almost lost his Mind to it. Do you think this can happen in Africa or in a Place like Nigeria Where Women are heavily dependent on their Men or are usually asked to reward a Man's Cheating habits or Lifestyle with Praying for him without teaching him any Lesson that will make him desist or think twice another time if he wants to go try such again. This was a very hard one on him. He can never forget this Lesson in a hurry. Let's hear from his Wife Mouth What She did. Watch...


A Group of Couples who have been Married for over 30yrs & 40yrs were asked What is the Secret to their Long Lasting Marriage and the Following Points or Secrets to Long Lasting Marriage were Common to them all. Watch...

How I Live with 2 Mother-inlaws in My Marriage - Morayo Afolabi-Brown YourView 13/08/2022

We had an insightful and expository session with Morayo Afolabi-Brown today as She Shared with us how She Lives with her Husband's Mum and husband's Grandmother under the same roof in her Marriage. Very touching and enlightening. Watch via the Link...

How I Live with 2 Mother-inlaws in My Marriage - Morayo Afolabi-Brown YourView Here is how I Live with my 2 Mother in-laws in My Marriage by Morayo Afolabi-Brown of YourView. Marriage Clinic @ 3 hosted LIVE the Chief Media Consultant, K...


We had a Very Insightful and Expository Session with the Wife of the Well respected Senior Advocate of Nigeria, Femi Falana, SAN. His Wife Funmi Falana enlightened us on the 3 different types of Marriages recognized under the Law, She Spoke on Human rights as it relates to Married Women's rights in Marriage and also the rights of the Man. She explained the different types of Abuse recognized under the Law and how making Life inconvenient or intolerable for your Spouse at home is Categorized under Emotional & Psychological Abuse. She Spoke Extensively too on the Various Grounds for dissolution of Marriage under the Law and explained that for one of the reasons which Socio-Economic reasons, When a Man is not Providing for his Family and causing Economic hardship to the Family, the Law will Check his Efforts vis-a-vis his income vs What he is putting down at home to establish if he's truly causing his Family Socio-Economic hardship. She Stressed that the Law also expect that the Woman is Economic Productive as well and not totally dependent on the Man BCOS in the case of death of the Man, She will not Suffer perpetually. She Spoke about the Ownership of the Children birthed in Marriage that under the Law, the Father & the Mother owns the Child & there's nothing like the Child belongs to the Father alone. She Spoke also about the different Cultures in Nigeria & how the Provisions of the Law Supercedes ALL forms of Cultural beliefs which is most cases relegate the Woman to a Puppet in Marriage. She ended the discussion by telling us how her JOINT Efforts with her husband made their Marriage a Success. When asked about their input in the upbringing of their Popular Son Falz, She said if you ask my Children they'll tell you I'm a disciplinarian to the Core however She also believes the God Factor helped him become who he is today. Very Educative interview with the Human Rights Activist, Legal Practitioner, Mrs Funmi Falana. A Must-Watch via the Link...

How I Managed Busy Work Life with Raising Twins - T**i Oyinsan 14/07/2022

Today We had a Very interesting and insightful Session with T**ilayo Oyinsan leaving us with many Lessons to Learn such as;

- Highlighting Why it is important for the Man to be involved in that Process of raising the Kids. If you leave that duty to only One Person to do you're robbing that Child of Experiences & Lessons they should learn from both Parent growing up.

- She Explained how also Childbirth will never Leave your Body the same the Way it was before Pregnancy and What you can do to Manage it & still look good.

- T**ilayo Oyinsan also Spoke Truth to Men about not Neglecting their Wife or Looking away from her just bcos She's Pregnant or Breastfeeding your Child than rather than looking away, Sit by her and keep her Company while She's Playing her Motherly role to your Child. I love the Fact that She Stressed that even though they had both MILs around for the Omugwuo that her husband did not leave the Work to just the Women in the house alone that he always wants to be involved in raising his Kids and there are so many things he has taught the Children today that She couldn't have taught them alone.

- She also talked about Conflict Management how a husband and Wife should Step back whenever there's a Conflict and not allow it destroy your Marriage.

- She also Spoke Truth to Women on how you must not Kill your Dreams in Life just BCOS you have married or given birth to Children. She said some Couples are hurting today BCOS one is Feeling the other is not allowing him or her Live their dreams in the Marriage hence living a resentful life in the Marriage - Unfulfilled.

-T**iayo Oyinsan ended by giving Women different tips & ideas on how to Monetize their Knowledge, Talents & Skills as Mother & Wife even without leaving your House and leveraging on Technology. The Lessons are just enormous & it's a Must Watch ..

How I Managed Busy Work Life with Raising Twins - T**i Oyinsan Join us on another Edition of Marriage Clinic LIVE on Tuesday 12th July, 2022 by 4pm WAT & 10am EST as We host T**ilayo Oyinsan fondly known as TeeiTeei. She...


Join us on another Edition of Marriage Clinic LIVE today Wednesday 13th July, 2022 by 4pm WAT & 10am EST as We host T**ilayo Oyinsan fondly known as TeeiTeei. She will be discussing with us how She has managed her busy Work Life Schedules with raising Twin Kids at the same time. T**ilayo Oyisan is a TV Host, Podcast Host, in short an On Air Personality & Producer yet with ALL She does at the Work Front She has been able to Manage & Combine Well raising her Twins Children. She will be Sharing with us how She has been able to Strike a Balance without her Work Life Suffering nor her Home Front Suffering in any way in addition to her ability to maintain her Beautiful Look & Stature as a Wife & Mother of Twins...You can't afford to Miss it. Venue remains on Our YouTube Channel - Marriage Clinic TV via the Link below...


Join us on another Edition of Marriage Clinic LIVE on Tuesday 12th July, 2022 by 4pm WAT & 10am EST as We host T**ilayo Oyinsan fondly known as TeeiTeei. She will be discussing with us how She has managed her busy Work Life Schedules with raising Twin Kids at the same time. T**ilayo Oyisan is a TV Host, Podcast Host, in short an On Air Personality & Producer yet with ALL She does at the Work Front She has been able to Manage & Combine Well raising her Twins Children. She will be Sharing with us how She has been able to Strike a Balance without her Work Life Suffering nor her Home Front Suffering in any way in addition to her ability to maintain her Beautiful Look & Stature as a Wife & Mother of Twins...You can't afford to Miss it. Venue remains on Our YouTube Channel - Marriage Clinic TV via the

A Twisted View About Marriage - Why You will Marry the Wrong Person 06/07/2022

If You Know You Just Want to Carry the Status of Married or Enjoy the Benefits of Marriage without Wanting to Embrace the Work then Marriage is Not for You. You don't have to go into Marriage yet if you will go in there & Create Problems rather than improve Lives. Marriage is for those Who are Ready to Walk together, Face Life together and Willing to be Co-Labourers in the Work of Building their Home. Marriage is Not for Boys or Girls nor is it for Alapa ike (Feather Hands that don't want to do anything to help out at Home). Marriage is Not for Lazy Bones & Hands...Watch...

A Twisted View About Marriage - Why You will Marry the Wrong Person Some People go into Marriage for the Wrong reasons and that is why it is good for us to examine the twisted views about Marriage we have around. Here are the...

How God Saved Me From A Dying Nanny 04/07/2022

In this Video I Shared How God Saved Me from a Dying Nanny and twarted the Plans of the Enemy. Before getting a Nanny, Watch this it will Save you from a lot of hassles and danger..

How God Saved Me From A Dying Nanny In this Video, I shared my testimony on how God Saved me from a dying Nanny and rescued us from a Potential Accused Murder Case. That is why it is very good ...


Live with Restream

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Today, We had an interesting Session with Seun a Professional Registered Nurse & Mid-Wife as She Educated us on ALL the Various Birth Control and Family Planning Method available as well as highlighted their Pros and Cons. Seun Spoke extensively on Each Method and how it can be Applied by both the Husband and Wife and not left to the Woman alone. She also talked about the Emergency Family Planning Method in case of a S*xual Accident such as R**e or Unplanned in*******se. A Very insightful and Educative Topic and She did Justice to it all. This is a Must- Watch for Couples. Watch via the Link...


Join us this Saturday 2nd July, 2022 on another Edition of Marriage Clinic LIVE as We look at the Topic: Natural Family Planning Methods & the Other Non-natural Methods as well as discussing the Pros & Cons of Each Method. You don't want to Miss it. And to help Unravel this Topic is a Professional in that Field who happens to be a Registered Nurse & Registered Midwife - Mrs Seun Oshokoya-Agada. She will be answering ALL Our questions on Family Planning Methods and on their respective side effects. Venue remains on Marriage Clinic YouTube Channel - Marriage Clinic TV via Link…


Why raising your Voice at Your Spouse is Bad is a Content that will help to Save your Marriage and put you in a better Position to achieve Peace at home. In a relationship such as a Marriage relationship that is for the long haul, there're bound to be moments of misunderstandings however it is important to know why in the midst of it, You must not raise your Voice at your Spouse When Angry. Watch...


Why raising your Voice at Your Spouse is Bad is a Content that will help to Save your Marriage and put you in a better Position to achieve Peace at home. In a relationship such as a Marriage relationship that is for the long haul, there're bound to be moments of misunderstandings however it is important to know why in the midst of it, You must not raise your Voice at your Spouse When Angry. Watch...


Congratulations to Marriage Clinic. Today 06-11-2022 Our YouTube Channel - Marriage Clinic TV reached 80,000 Views and also over 2K Subscribers. We are excited about these milestones as we keep on touching more Lives. Kindly go Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel If you're yet to do so to Enjoy more insightful and Educative Counseling by Clicking on the Link below...


We brought Marriage Clinic @ 3 to a Close on a Good note as I Shared on The Need to Embrace the Work that comes with Marriage if you Love Marriage or the idea of being Married then you must be ready for the Work it entails. I Spoke on the Fact that Marriage is Work and it's lots of hard work to Stay Married bcos you will keep doing the Work that Marriage demands for the next 20, 30, 40yrs of your Life non-stop...Hence, Marriage doesn't answer to Wishful Thinking or mere Wishes, rather it only responds to the Commitment, Dedication, Loyalty & Resources you give to it to make it Work. I Stressed several times that it is not the Feelings of Butterflies in the Belly that Sustains Marriage neither is it the Chemistry that Sustains Marriage rather it is the hard Work you put into it, the Dedication of your Time, Resources & Self that you put into it that keeps it going in addition to God's Grace. When you See a Marriage Working for years, it is the 2 Parties in it Working things out. The Work in Marriage entails that both the Husband and Wife are Co-Labourers in the Union & in the Home making. I Concluded by emphasizing that A Call to Marriage is a Call to Duty, a Call to Service, a Call to higher responsibility, it's a Call to Sacrificial Living and it will demand from you a high Sense of responsibility, Commitment, Dedication and Loyalty if you want it to Last. Watch...

Abiola Salami - Why You Need Emotional Intelligence in Your Relationship & Marriage 29/05/2022

Today, We had an interesting Session with Abiola Champ Salami II on Why We need to practice Emotional intelligence with our dealings with People daily and with Our Spouses. He explained that everyone is a Product of Nature & Nurture hence before you get overly angry about what your Spouse is doing you need to understand the Environment they're coming from & the Upbringing they had. Knowing this will help you empathize with them than being Critical of their Actions. Biola explained that the reasons for Conflicts including domestic violence in Love relationship at times is caused by intellectual differentiation (not seeing things the same way because the Way of reasoning Varies. He advised Couples to learn to use their Mouth Less but their Ears more staring that's Why God gave every human 2 Ears but 1 Mouth so that we can get to listen to each other more. Biola also shared with us some basic tips on how to resolve Conflict in a Love relationship, and managing Anger well. He concluded by saying it is not good to reason Emotionally alone but always good to reason objectively howbeit learn to Empathize with others. There's a lot shared in this Video. Watch...

Abiola Salami - Why You Need Emotional Intelligence in Your Relationship & Marriage Marriage Clinic @ 3 Presents LIVE the Performance Strategist & Author of The Magic of Emotional Intelligence - Abiola "Champ" Salami fondly called Abiola Cha...


Today, We had a Great & Very Expository time with Kunle Pelemo on Mental Health & Personal Care. He Spoke on how many usually Pay attention to their Physical Health alone but give little or No attention to their Mental Health meanwhile it's Mental health that determines how State of Wellbeing. So he shared extensively on the various Tips we need to adopt that will help to improve your Mental Health. One of them is Gratitude, another tip is taking a Deep Breath daily, and so many other tips he shared to help you destress. He mentioned that embracing Self Care Practices too is very important to your Wellbeing. Kunle explained how even the Food We Eat determines Our Mood mostly and how Sleeplessness could also affect your State of Mind and Clarity of thoughts. In fact, he shared a lot of tips on how to improve your overall Wellbeing & your State of Mental health. He concluded by saying We are not Created for isolation so always quitting a Marriage or a Job whenever there are issues may not be the best way to Secure your Mental health that as a matter of fact, People find it easier to Leave their Marriages these days than quitting their Job despite having a troublesome & toxic Boss. That People will rather Device a Coping Strategy to retain their Job than device a Coping Strategy in a Troubled Marriage. Ultimately, he said if you have tried all Strategies and yet your Mental health is grossly affected then taking a break from such toxicity may be a way out in the real sense. He said a lot to learn from. Watch...


Today's Session with Dr. Olumide Emmanuel was very intriguing and Mind blowing. He Spoke Extensively on how many do Courtship ineffectively and do not really Spend the time well discussing the things that will matter in the Marriage. He also Stressed that any Marriage that robs you of your individuality is not a Marriage but Bo***ge. If the Marriage makes deprives you of your individuality & Financial independence for no Good reason then it's not Good. He also talked about not Marrying an African Man or even an African Woman BCOS such Person's comes with lots of Viruses into the Marriage that it could take a Lifetime trying to Clean them up from the Viruses. Such People rather run their Marriage based on Culture rather than running it by the template of the Originator of Marriage. He also talked about the 4 types of Account a Couple should have and how Money matters should be made transparent and opened to each other depending on the Kind of Spouse you have as he said Some Partners won't rest with demands until they see the Money finished. It was just a Whaoh Whaoh Session with Dr. Olumide Emmanuel and it will take Watching this Video Over and Over again to digest all. It will surely Change your Mindset about Marriage and Money Matters. Watch vis Link...

Morayo Afolabi-Brown Speaks on her Relationship with Mother-inlaws 27/05/2022

We had a Good & Expository time with Morayo Afolabi-Brown as She Walked us through how it all Started having to Live with her 2 Mother in-laws (Her Husband's Mother & then his Grandmother) at the same time & under the same roof in her Marriage. She said it wasn't part of the Plan at all during Courtship that his Mothers were both Coming to Stay with them in the Marriage but then Life happened and She had to adjust and organize herself and her home in such a Way there won't be Clashes or issues and She Stressed Severally that if there were She has a Firm husband who will always Put his Feet down and makes it Clear to everyone in the house that My Wife comes 1st in this house because this is her own home and no one should come here to ruffle her in her own home. Her husband, she said would usually Save her from the Ugly Situations whenever any arises with his Mum. She advises Daughter in-laws to remove the Wrong notion or mindset they have about MILs being Bad as She said hers turned out to be an Angel in her Life & a Blessing after all. So she said DIL should learn to adjust and be humble so as to live Peaceably with your in-laws while she admonishes the Men to Provide Good & Firm Leadership at Home like her husband always did to manage the Situations. Very inspiring, insightful and expository interview. Watch...

Morayo Afolabi-Brown Speaks on her Relationship with Mother-inlaws Marriage Clinic @ 3 Presents LIVE the Chief Media Consultant, Kabiti Media & Host of YourView on TVC - Morayo Afolabi-Brown on Thursday 26-05-2022 @ 6PM WAT...


And to bring the Program to a Climax on Marriage Clinic @ 3 LIVE is the Convener of Marriage Clinic & Author of Marriage or Mirage Which are you Making - Morolayo Anne Owoputi on Sunday 29-05-2022 @ 6PM WAT, 12PM EST as She Speaks on the Topic: Love the idea of Marriage then Embrace the Work! Morolayo is a Woman of Many Parts. Graced & Passionate about Seeing Homes & Marriages Work Out blissfully & also ensuring that Young People gets it right Maritally as the quality of their Life & Future will largely depend on their Choice of a Life Partner, hence, the Advent of Marriage Clinic. You can't afford to Miss this. So if you Love the idea or Concept of Marriage then Let's also talk about the Work it entails that You need to Embrace to Enjoy a Peaceful & Lasting Marriage. So join us & Make it a Date on Sunday @ 6pm on Our YouTube Channel - Marriage Clinic TV via the Link Pls Save the Date & do Share to invite others...

Photos from Marriage Clinic's post 23/05/2022

Marriage Clinic @ 3 Presents LIVE a Global Mental Health Strategist & the CMS of MyCarebuddy - Kunle Pelemo on Saturday too 28-05-2022 @ 6PM WAT, 12PM EST as he Speaks on the Topic: Paying Attention to Your Mental Health & Care. Kunle is Popularly known for his Work on Mental Health as he has helped a lot of People turn around and Come out of depression, entertaining Su***de thoughts or Suffering from neglects & abandonment. He will be teaching us on Why You Must Pay Attention to your Mental Health & Personal. Care as Couples and individual to Pay attention to your Mental health & your Personal Care. You can't afford to Miss this. So join us & Make it a Date on Saturday @ 6pm on Our YouTube Channel - Marriage Clinic TV via the Link Pls Save the Date & do Share to invite others...

Photos from Marriage Clinic's post 23/05/2022

Marriage Clinic @ 3 Presents LIVE the Performance Strategist & Author of The Magic of Emotional Intelligence - Abiola "Champ" Salami fondly called Abiola Champion on Saturday 28-05-2022 @ 7PM WAT, 1PM EST as he Speaks on the Topic: Why You Need Emotional Intelligence in Your Relationship & Marriage. Biola is an Harvard Alumnus and have a Success record of Training Professionals, Companies Staff and even Couples on the use of Emotional Intelligence in driving Peak Performance. Early this year, Abiola Salami was recently adopted into the Forbes Coaches Council Member Community, a feat usually recorded by Global Leaders & Influencers. So come Saturday @ 6pm he will be unraveling to us What Emotional Intelligence is all about and why it is needed in building Strong & Successful relationship & Marriage. Make it a Date on Our YouTube Channel - Marriage Clinic TV via the Link You can't afford to miss it. Pls Save the Date & do Share to invite others...

Marriage Clinic

At Marriage Clinic, we provide you with insightful and educative information about what ideal Marriage and Love Relationship ought to be. We show you how not to easily make a Mirage of your Marriage. Marriage Clinic is a fall-out of my Book “Marriage or Mirage” - Which are you Making?

Videos (show all)

Why Testing Commitment Before Marriage is very important. Watch the Full Video beloe...
Live with Restream
Marriage Clinic Prays for Homes and Marriages
Once again, Happy Father's Day to all Our Good Men Sacrificing, Providing, Caring and Modeling Good Examples to Future g...
Praying for Our Homes and Marriages
Celebrating Marriage Clinic @ ONE
When is Enough Enough!
