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Fibroid removal – Curelandsolution 30/06/2021


There are four types of uterine fibroids/myomas, and a woman can develop more than one type of fibroid:

Intramural Fibroids:
This type of fibroids develops in the wall of the uterus.

Submucosal Fibroids:
These fibroids are located underneath the uterine lining. They are the least common.

Subserosal Fibroids:
These grow on the outside of the uterus and continue to grow larger.

Cervical Fibroids:
These fibroids develop in the cervix..

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Fibroid removal – Curelandsolution This Natural Solution will detoxify your body system and improve your overall health. So not only will you Get Rid of Fibroid, you will also prolong your life as well.Using this Natural Solution, you will notice drastic changes and not too long into the therapy, you will literally be free from the w...

Fibroid removal – Curelandsolution 30/06/2021


The Uterine fibroid also known as Leiomyoma or Myoma, is a mass of compacted muscle and fibrous tissue that grows on the wall ( or sometimes on the outside) of the uterus.

They can be small like a pea or as large as a grape fruit. Fibroids usually occur before pregnancy but most women won't know until they have had ultra sound scan.

Many woman with fibroids, particularly small ones have no problems, occasionally though, fibroids can cause complications with the development and birth of the baby. This is dependent on the size and location.

A common complication for women with fibroids is excess bleeding after birth ( postpartum hemorrhage) because the uterus struggles to contract back down with the fibroids. Dependent on the location and size,some fibroids may obstruct the birth canal making vaginal birth difficult.

Risk factors for uterine fibroids includes:

- Age- More common in older mothers
- Ethnicity-More common in black women
-Family History- If a close female relative has had fibroids.

For more information, visit our website
call / WhatsApp 07060834374

Fibroid removal – Curelandsolution This Natural Solution will detoxify your body system and improve your overall health. So not only will you Get Rid of Fibroid, you will also prolong your life as well.Using this Natural Solution, you will notice drastic changes and not too long into the therapy, you will literally be free from the w...


Living Your Best Life: 7 Must-Know Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle

Metabolic health is your body’s ability to maintain ideal levels of blood sugar, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, blood pressure, and waist circumference. All of these statistics help measure your overall health. The better these numbers, the better your overall health.

If so few people are healthy, it must not be worthwhile to put in the effort to get there, right? Otherwise, everyone would be doing it!
Not so. There are a lot of benefits of a healthy lifestyle, and learning to add healthy habits doesn’t have to be hard.
Here are the top things you can do to live a healthier lifestyle, how they benefit you, and steps you can take today to implement them.

1. Eat Healthy Foods
This is not new information, but it’s still the core of creating a healthy lifestyle. Without proper nutrition, almost nothing else you do will matter. Fueling your body with clean energy is the key to building a healthy lifestyle.

What You Can Do Today
You can’t change your diet overnight. But you can make healthier choices. Start by getting rid of junk food, or at the very least hiding it out of sight or somewhere hard to get to.
Put healthy foods like fruits and vegetables in easy to reach places, so you’re more likely to snack on them instead. Spend some time each week prepping veggies, so they’re easy to add to a dish, or easy to munch on.
Each week, try a new healthy recipe and find fresh foods you love. Changing your diet takes time, but every time you make a healthy choice, you’re setting yourself up for a better life.

Benefits of Eating Well
Eating healthy helps you maintain a proper weight, which is key to preventing most of the most common causes of death. But it also improves your memory, gives you better energy, and can clear up bad skin and even headaches.

2. Move Every Day
This isn’t a surprise, either. You know you need to exercise more. So what’s holding you back?
But here’s the cool thing. You don’t need to hit the gym to get the benefits of exercising more. The healthiest people incorporate movement into their daily lifestyle, not just at the gym.

What You Can Do Today
Start just by moving more. Set a reminder on your phone to stand up every hour for three minutes or so. Take a walk during lunch—Park at the back of the parking lot. Always take the stairs.
But you should also find a form of movement you love. While lifting weights and cardio are essential, exercise shouldn’t feel like a chore. If you enjoy rock climbing, yoga, soccer, dance, or any other thing that gets you moving, pursue that!

Benefits of Moving More
Better sleep, more energy, improved muscle tone, become more physically capable and live your life to the fullest. You’ll also be better looking, you’ll be more active for longer, and you’ll feel better about yourself. Regular exercise can even relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety.

3. Set a Regular Sleep Schedule
Sleep is a fundamental core to maintaining proper health. In a perfect world, you’d get up and sleep with the sun cycle. Even if that’s not realistic for your lifestyle, you should still set a regular bedtime and wake up time you follow every day.

What You Can Do Today
Highlight problems that keep you from getting good sleep. Upgrade your mattress or linens if you’re not comfortable, or buy blackout curtains if light keeps you awake. Set white noise or pink noise to help you sleep better.
Set up a night routine that can help your mind rest. Include things like journal or setting up a diffuser with a lavender scent to help your brain fall asleep.
It’s also smart to stop using technology an hour before bed, and stop eating three hours before bed.

Benefits of Proper Sleep
A regular sleep cycle can help you wake up with more energy and improve your focus throughout the day. It also improves your memory and fights inflammation in your body to keep you healthier. It can even help you lose weight.

4. Drink Plenty of Water
If you’re drinking your calories, you’re doing it wrong. Water should be the primary beverage you drink, and all (or at least most) of your calories should come from real food.

What You Can Do Today
Get a water bottle you like and start carrying it with you everywhere. If you hate the taste of water, get an infuser and add cucumbers, mint, strawberries, or lemon so you can enjoy it more.
Often just having water nearby will help you drink more. You can also set triggers throughout your day to remind you to drink, like immediately after getting up, or before a mealtime.

Benefits of Staying Hydrated
Staying hydrated helps you keep clear skin. It lubricates your joints and airways and supports your brain. You can feel more alert and consume fewer calories throughout the day. But it also helps to flush out waste in your body and maintain your blood pressure.

5. Manage Stress in Your Life
A small amount of stress or stress in short bursts is perfect for you. Long-term stress can wreak havoc. It contributes to ulcers, depression, anxiety, headaches, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
So learning to manage stress is essential to keep a healthy lifestyle.

What You Can Do Today
Meditating and journal are often the two best DIY ways to manage stress. But it’s also a good idea to find someone you can confide, whether it’s a close friend or family member or a therapist.
It’s also a good idea to create space in your life to relax and have fun. Consider yoga, painting, or hiking, or anything that helps you relax.

Benefits of Lowering Stress
Lowering stress helps fight inflammation, headaches, depression, and anxiety. It can make it easier to maintain a healthy weight and other healthy lifestyle habits too.

6. Build a Strong Social Circle
Taking care of your body isn’t enough to live a healthy lifestyle. You also need to nourish your soul, and the best way to do that is by building a strong social circle.

What You Can Do Today
Spend time with your friends, family, and community. Reconnect with someone you haven’t spoken with in a long time, or join a new group or club. Try to set up a regular coffee date or brunch time with friends, and get to know your neighbors.

Benefits of Close Friends
Having people in your life, you can rely on helps fight depression and loneliness. These people can support you through dark times and encourage you to live your best life.

7. Don’t Skip Doctors Appointments
Make sure you visit the doctor and dentists as often as recommended. Early detection is the key to treating most terminal diseases, and these diseases can’t be detected early if you never visit the doctor.

What You Can Do Today
Make sure you have a doctor’s appointment scheduled in the future. Visit the dentist, doctor, and eye doctor regularly. If you haven’t in a while, schedule an appointment today.
Benefits of Seeing the Doctor
While the initial trip (and following bill) isn’t fun, regular doctor visits are the key to detecting diseases before they become a problem.

What You Can Do Today
Start learning about the most common chemicals in cleaning and personal products, and learn to spot them in your products. Then replace them with safer alternatives. Visit a high-quality hair store or your local health food store for more reliable options.

The Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle Outweigh the Work to Get There
There are a lot of benefits of a healthy lifestyle. While it does take work to get there, the fundamentals are easy to understand and implement. The pros outweigh the effort it takes to establish healthy habits.
So follow these tips for living a healthy life, and enjoy living your best life.



Good health plays an immensely crucial role in our overall well-being. With an alarming number of reports on different ailments, it has become simply impossible to overlook the importance of good health in our lives. Yet, we often don’t heed healthy habits like eating a balanced and nutritious diet, avoiding detrimental substances, exercising etc. Healthy habits aren’t that much hard to develop provided you have the mindset. If you are still unsure why good health is so important, here’re 8 key benefits of having it, which would surely give you the impetus to claim good health.

1. Live a happier life

With good health, you feel happier. This is mainly because you won’t have any fear or concern regarding your health condition. Also, you’ll be able to live a stress-free life compared to people with chronic diseases. On the contrary, with poor health, you’ll be missing out on various enjoyable activities that you may have pursued otherwise.

2. Increased longevity

Being healthy means that you’ll have a greater chance of living longer compared to people with chronic ailments or poor health conditions, who not only have to deal with financial worries but also face stress and depression – two key impacts triggered by poor health.

3. Improved energy

Everyone has experienced a lethargic feeling at least some point of time in their lives. But with optimal health, your body becomes more capable of managing the energy level. Good health also helps to deliver nutrients and oxygen to the tissues and makes the cardiovascular system functioning more efficiently. It boosts your energy level to help you perform your daily activities and even let you enjoy better sleep at night. When you’re in good health and full of energy, common ailments associated with poor sleep quality like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease etc get alleviated as well.

4. Enhanced self-esteem

When you’re enjoying good health, it’ll automatically improve your self-esteem. A balanced life filled with nutritious diet and lots of physical activity greatly contribute to the improved confidence level. In addition, being healthy also means that you’d be better able to help the others. Knowing that you’re aiding other people will also increase your self-confidence. All these things heavily contribute to enhance your self-image and give your self-esteem a big boost.

5. Increased capacity of fighting diseases

Good health helps avert certain diseases including high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease etc. When you maintain good health, you’ll be able to keep your blood pressure and cholesterol within a safe range. This makes your blood circulation smooth, lowering the risks of various cardiovascular diseases. In addition, good health comprising of proper diet and regular physical activity can also prevent or help you better manage health problems such as diabetes, depression, metabolic syndrome, arthritis and certain kinds of cancer, among others.

6. Improved mental clarity

Having a healthy body and mind would make you think clearer. Whenever you’re experiencing a crisis and you need to find out a solution quickly, you’ll tend to make a wise decision if you’re in good health. This is because being fit – both physically and mentally, would let you concentrate better on certain things and encourage clarity of thoughts. On the contrary, if you’re having a poor health condition, your mind will become tired easily when you’re trying to concentrate on things. Also, you’ll get distracted easily with the discomforts associated with your health issues.

7. Enjoy physical activities

Being in good health condition enables you to perform almost anything you want, especially doing strenuous activities and sports. As a matter of fact, you’ll be able to enjoy the physical activities when you’re fit. Regular participation in physical activities isn’t only great for your mind and body but it also boosts the immune system and alleviates the symptoms of depression. On the other hand, with a poor health condition, you’ll become tired quickly and thus won’t be able to enjoy the physical activities that you do.

8. Controls weight

Maintaining a proper body weight is crucial for having good health. When you’re fit, it becomes much easier to reach your weight-loss goals. Even if you’re having proper body weight, good health condition can aid to boost your immune system, improve cardiovascular health and improve your energy level.

Final words

Apart from all these benefits, with good health, you won’t be suffering from chronic or frequent physical pain which is, by itself, a huge incentive to get started if you aren’t already making an effort to stay healthy. Keeping good health isn’t an easy task, but a strong willpower will help you sail through the journey. Being in optimal health would let you have much better opportunities to make full use of your life. So, now when you know the benefits of good health, it’s time to stop overlooking the importance of it and act to actually claim it. Obviously, it takes effort, energy and time to invest in health but the rewards are almost countless.

So, get started with a complete fitness and diet plan to have a healthy future ahead!

About Natural Health Products - 06/04/2021

What are natural health products?
Natural health products are naturally-occurring substances that can be used to maintain or restore health. They can be vitamins, minerals, herbs or other plants, amino acids (the individual building blocks of protein), or parts of these substances. They can come in many forms such as pill, capsule, tablet, or liquid form. They supplement (add to) the diet and should not be considered a substitute for food.

Natural health products are widely available in Canada in health food stores, grocery stores, pharmacies, on the Internet, and by mail. People commonly take them for health-related reasons. Common natural health products include vitamins and minerals (such as vitamin C or a multivitamin), botanicals (herbs and plant products, such as St. John's wort), and substances that come from a natural source (such as omega-3 fatty acids).

Makers of natural health products cannot legally say that natural products can diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent disease. But they can say that they contribute to health maintenance and well-being.

People have used the active ingredients in natural health products for thousands of years to help health and to treat illness. Sometimes those natural products are the basis for some of today's common medicines. For example, people have used willow bark tea for centuries to relieve fever. Pharmaceutical companies eventually identified the chemical in willow bark that relieved fever and used that knowledge to produce aspirin.

The Natural and Non-prescription Health Products Directorate (NNHPD), within the Health Products and Food Branch of Health Canada, regulates natural health products in Canada. Natural health products must be reviewed and approved by the NNHPD before they can be sold legally in Canada. Visit

What are natural health products used for?
People use natural health products for many health conditions.

Historically, people have used herbal medicines to prevent illness, cure infection, relieve fever, and heal wounds. Herbal medicines can also treat constipation, ease pain, or act as relaxants or stimulants. Research on some herbs and plant products has shown that they may have some of the same effects that conventional medicines do, while others may have no effect or may be harmful.
Researchers have studied some natural products and have found them to be useful. Omega-3 fatty acids, for example, may help lower triglyceride levels.
Researchers have found that some natural health products do not help prevent or treat certain health problems. For example, beta-carotene and vitamin E do not lower risk of heart disease or heart attack.

Are natural health products safe?
Not all herbs and other natural health products are safe. If you are unsure about the safety of a supplement or herb, talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or dietitian.

Always tell your doctor if you are using a natural health product or if you are thinking about combining a natural health product with your conventional medical treatment. It may not be safe to forgo your conventional medical treatment and rely only on a natural health product. This is especially important for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

When using natural health products, keep in mind the following.

Look for products that have a Natural Product Number (NPN) or Homeopathic Medicine Number (DIN-HM) on the label. These numbers tell you that Health Canada finds the product to be safe and useful if you follow the directions on the package.
Like conventional medicines, natural health products may cause side effects, trigger allergic reactions, or interact with prescription and non-prescription medicines or other natural products you might be taking. A side effect or interaction with another medicine or supplement may make other health conditions worse.
The way natural health products are manufactured may not be standardized. Because of this, how well they work or any side effects they cause may differ among brands or even within different lots of the same brand. The form of supplement that you buy in health food or grocery stores may not be the same as the form used in research.
Other than for vitamins and minerals, the long-term effects of most natural health products are not known.

About Natural Health Products - Health Canada information for the public on natural health products
