JTY_ the jerusha buddies

JTY_ the jerusha buddies

We reach out primarily to juniors, teens and youths, and secondarily to parents, as reflects Jesus.


Dear parents, it is good that you do not bring up your children to have the same fears as you had while growing up. Some fears has to do with orientation, others evolve through personal knowledge.


Dear baby boomer parent, with a gen z child, I beg you in the name of God, quit turning on the lights in your children's rooms when they are inside with the lights turned off. What exactly are you looking for?☺️☺️ ( This is on a light note. Happy Sunday!)


Dear parents, never get tired of praying for your child who fell out of faith, even if their present reality is not conforming to your prayers for them. Proverbs 22:6 is the verse of scripture I've seen time and again manifest in many families. Reach out for others to stand with you in prayer.


Dear JTY, don't be pressured by the whole 2024 runs. Slow and steady wins the race. Set 1 goal, work it, achieve it. Set another!


Happy new year to all our dear parents and dear JTYs!!!


Dear all, there is no pit so deep that he is not deeper still, said Corrie. Jesus goes with you all the way. Stay with him!


Dear parents, be careful how you love your children; pray that you will not love them more than God does. God give you understanding 😊🙏


Dear JTY, the waters may be open to all, but it is consecrations that sets you deeper in it than others. What are your consecrations?


Dear parents, there is such a thing as, "parental peer pressure." More in the comment box


Dear JTY, when everything is over and this world is wrapped up, what will matter is the judgment of God. Are you making a good bargain here on earth? Live wisely!


Dear girls, there are elements you add to your overall outlook that is not necessarily sinful, but it's not needful for the kind of ordination you're called into.😊🧡 With love...


Dear JTY,

I don't know what you are dealing with right now.

Be it loneliness, lack, depression, sickness, abuse, confusion, backsliding, sin, or a curse;

Jesus says to you, "JUST PUT YOUR HANDS IN MINE!"

Jesus has got you. Always! 🫂


Dear JTY, Mighty people only know how to do Great things. Never trust God for little! It's not in his nature.
Luke 1:49
(Don't quote out of context!)


Dear JTY, it is easier to identify sin and stay away from it when you call it what it's named!


Dear JTY, what would you want to happen to you before a certain time elapses. I want to join faith with you and summon it!


Dear JTY, never take your ordination lightly! Do what you're called to do without apology. Start where you are NOW! No better place or time. I'm rooting for you. 🧡💪


Dear parents, words spoken are arrows. They go far beyond where you stand, and register a mark where they land. Use them wisely on your children


Dear JTY, it is what you will meet your saviour with when you depart the shores of the earth, that should be the heartbeat of your living.


Dear JTY, there are no secrets to having an intimate relationship with God, it's all there in the Bible. Study it and follow the same patterns you see.


Dear JTY, in all thy gaining of expertise in your craft in this present world, ensure that Christ is expressed and eternity is your gaze. Selah


Dear JTY, in all thy living, learn to love like Jesus taught us in his word.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and her salvation.

Pray for the salvation and peace of Pakistan!

Pray that God's Word which is alive will strike like the sun through the darkness, like our dear brother– Casting Crowns sang.


Dear JTY, the Bible says to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Same Bible says that we should pray for all men. See next post!


Dear Teen, there are many things I know you wish to try out. I just want to remind you that your life is too precious for experiments.


Dear JTY, ensure never to loose your virtue of sincerity, whether in consecrations or a backslidden state, else the dark one will overtake you.


Dear uncles and aunties, it is MORE respectful to give presents meant for your nieces and nephews to their parents in their presence.


Dear moms, it is unwise to have your junior girls come out in public dressed in the attire of adults. .


Dear parents, exasperating your children is not necessarily not meeting their desires, it has more to do with doing what you have told them not to do.


Dear moms, it is important that you set the atmosphere of your home after the spirit, your children will take it with them when they start school.


Dear JTY, it will surprise you how much you're being cultured by what you hear. Stay with the word consistently and watch your responses to life overtime.


Dear parents, there is a way to teach your little children soundly, that they begin to live intentionally for God even in school.

