Ben Frederick

Ben Frederick

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What if you loose everything that makes you look down on people??? 🙄🙄🙄

What if? 😊


1. In 1858, a Boston Sunday School teacher named KIMBALL began visiting one of his students at the shoe shop where he worked as a clerk. Eventually, he led him to Christ. That student's name was D.L. MOODY.
2. Twenty-one years later, Moody, now an evangelist, visited London and a great spiritual awakening took place. F. B. MEYER, a local pastor, went to hear Moody and his life was transformed.
3. Later Meyer went to America to preach and in one of his meetings a student named J. WILBUR CHAPMAN got saved.
4. Chapman became active in the YMCA, where he met and discipled a former baseball player called BILLY SUNDAY.
5. Billy Sunday became a great revivalist and, in one of his crusades in Charlotte, a group of businessmen came to Christ. A year later, they decided that their city needed another crusade, so they invited MORDECAI HAMM to be their speaker. After 3 weeks Hamm left town, discouraged because he'd only had one convert - a 12 year-old boy called BILLY GRAHAM!
6. One brother, Andrew, led another brother called PETER to Christ; then Peter brought multitudes.
7. One woman, whose name he still doesn't know, led DAVID YONGGI CHO, pastor of the world's largest church (800,000 members), to Christ.

One person - just one - can make all the difference. YOU CAN BE THAT ONE!!
You can be the one 🙏


Painting by Joseph Desiree-Court

What are we seeing:
A person trying to save his father, and completely ignoring his wife and son, who are closest to him. And the lightest weight among them is that he saves you.

Character representation:
- THE MOTHER: represents LIFE;
- The child: represents the FUTURE;
- THE FATHER: represents the PAST.

Interpretation of the Work: man has clung to the past and, therefore, loses his LIFE, and his FUTURE.

As "HAVELOCK" said:
The art of living involves knowing when to hold on and when to let go.

Stop sticking to your past and move on


Don't give the devil a little corner in your heart. Don't let the world have any part of your heart. Trust Him with all your heart.


Is not that a proof of his love, that he forgives us freely? If I attempt to cover my sins they will find me out; if I dig a grave, I cannot bury them so deep but they will have a resurrection. But the Lord takes them away; not one of them shall ever be mentioned: they are gone for time and eternity.


“The first and last stages of holy living are crowned with praying."


The God that can create a world like this and can call it from nothing into existence certainly can make a poor sinner like you and me stand by His mighty power.


It's the season of Love, Love and Love.

So therefore we have a place a burden on ourselves to organize a Valentine's Q&A section themed "Love, S*x and Relationship". this is a system created for you to ask your long term bothering questions on the said topic. We discovered there are those that actually want to ask deep and sensitive questions but are afraid of what church, people and pastors will say and their reactions. and others who also need their confusion to be cleared based on Love, s*x and relationship.
Here is a privilege for you to freely ask your questions based on Love, S*x and Relationship and get your questions answered.

You can join the group through the link to participate👇

God Bless You.


On January 7th 1855, Charles Spurgeon preached his first sermon. What a powerful man of God he became!


A disturbed student Vignesh was in a deep hole. First his family threw down a rope, but he wouldn’t come out. Then his doctor threw down a rope, but again he didn’t come out. Then his pastor, with the same result. Finally his classmate and friend Arul came by, and he too, threw down a rope. But this time Arul got down into the hole. “What are you doing down here with me?” asked Vignesh. Arul answered, “I am here to climb out with you.” So then both climbed up. This is what Jesus did to us. He left his heavenly abode to lift us out of the pit called sin.

This is what we must do to others. Instead of giving advice we must embrace them and bring them out.


Abraham Lincoln was coming out of the Church. It was a time when he had lot of enemies. A man met him and asked, “What Mr. Lincoln? Did you pray that God will not be on the enemy side but be on your side?” Mr. Lincoln replied, “The problem is not whether God will be on the enemy side or my side. The important thing is that we must be on God’s side.”

Hang on to God, whatever may happen in life.


I'm the Repairer of the bridges.
I will rebuild the broken walls.
I will reorganize the foundation.
The Word I said unto Jeremiah, I say to you.

‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭1:10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬.
See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms,
To root out and to pull down,
To destroy and to throw down,
To build and to plant.

- To Root out : the old foundation.
- To Pull down : the unauthorized building.
- To Destroy : every work of the Flesh in your life.
- To Throw down : every man-made building that doesn't glorify God but perpetually it is for the Glory of God.

These are the things God is going to do in your life.
After doing these four works, God will build you up, God will plant you in a new place, God will build a new foundation, God will cause you to plant in a new work, you will forget the days of your weeping and sorrows and old works.

January 1, 2024.


I pity the child of God who has got into that position that he does not want to read the bible again or feel he doesn't need to read God's word again.

Nothing brings spiritual death and deformation than a dusty bible.


I have learnt a lot in this year 2024.


2023 The year of our expansion.


On a cold night, a billionaire met an old poor man outside. He asked him, "Aren't you feeling cold outside, and you're not even wearing a coat!" The old man replied, "I don't have a coat but I'm used to it. The billionaire replied, "wait for me. I'll just go home and get you a coat."

The poor man was so happy and said he will wait for him. The billionaire got to his house and got busy there and forgot about the poor man. The following morning, he remembered the poor old man and went out to find him but found him dead due to the cold.

The poor old man left a letter saying, "when I had no warm clothes, I had the mental strength to fight the cold, but when you promised to help me, I clinged to your promise and it killed my mental power."

Don't promise anything if you can't keep your promise. It may not be necessary to you, but it could be everything to someone else.



Without the Fear of the Lord and Righteous Living before God, you could have the Anointing to heal the sick and cast out demons, but your soul is corrupted, you don't glorify God with your life.


The only bird that dares to peck on an eagle is the raven. It sits on the eagle's back and bites its neck.

However, the eagle doesn't respond or fight with the raven, it just opens its wings and begins to fly higher in the sky.

The higher the flight, the harder it is for the raven to breathe and the raven eventually falls due to lack of oxygen.

Not all battles you need to respond to.
Not all arguments or critics you need to respond to or answer back.
Just lift a standard they will fall off.
Stop wasting time with the raven. Just take them at your height, and they will fade away.

May God take us to a height where it will be difficult for the enemy to peck us. Amen.


Videos (show all)

watch the video and meditate on it well
Merry Christmas🎄
The cost of knowing God_ by Rev. Kesiena Esiri. Their is a price tag when it comes to knowing God, knowing God is indeed...
A fatherly counsel from Baba Gbile Akanni to young people.
Let your husband know this before you get marry
Pastor Lawrence on this😂
It is a taboo to be defeated as a child of God
If you don't pray, you will fall into temptation
Be determined to succeed.

