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4500 only
Electric bbq grill
Portable charcoal barbecue
5500 only
Blender with 4 cups
100%guarantee, it grind beans,tiger nut and many more
Product name:Non stick pots
Qualitative non stick pots
Jugs with cup
13k only
Dish rack
16k only
Food processor
Mix your cake and more with this simple and affordable manual hand mixer
Food processor(pounds yam,mince meat and many more)
100% guarantee and full refund for any fault encounter
13k only
Samosa pan
Air fryer
100% guarantee and full refund for any fault encounter
Buy 3 and a get a spoon container for free
Price:30k only
7 Alarming things you must know about frying foods[ #3 will blow your mind]
due excess fat consumption;regardless of the cooking methods used, consumpting foods with high fat content means a high calorie intake[fried foods has the highest contents of food].This can lead to weight gain and obesity .obesity is a trigger for several diseases and health conditions.
diseas like diabetes and high BP: when food is fried it becomes more calorific because the food absorbs the of fat oils.Eating lots of fat laden food can raise blood pressure and cause high cholesterol.
threat to cancer:Another alarming worry about fried food center is acrylamide , a chemical that forms in foods cooked with high heat such as fried,acrylamide has been shown in animals studies to cause cancer.Those with family history of cancer should of extra careful about fried food consumtion.
threat:Artherosclerosis [ sometimes called hardening of the arteries ] occurs when fat chlosterol and substances build up in the walls of arteries.these deposites are called plaques,over time these plaques can narrow or completly block arteries and cause problems throughout the body.
fats bad for your heart:not all fats are bad but trans fat are definetly the culprit fats. A Harvard has stated that eating trans fats increases level of low-density liproprotein.
I can understand that you are a freak to fried food and upon reading the above you are confused and desperately looking ,thinking of how to stop it to maintain your healthy life but how can you do so? An AIR FRYER is the solution.call or whatsapp 08164549139 for more information on air fryer and how to get one for yourself. THANK YOU.
Air fryer available
6 litres
Non stick masa pan
100% guarantee and full refund for any fault encounter
Buy 5 and get a free manual hand mixer
7k only
7 Alarming things you must know about frying foods[ #3 will blow your mind]
due excess fat consumption;regardless of the cooking methods used, consumpting foods with high fat content means a high calorie intake[fried foods has the highest contents of food].This can lead to weight gain and obesity .obesity is a trigger for several diseases and health conditions.
diseas like diabetes and high BP: when food is fried it becomes more calorific because the food absorbs the of fat oils.Eating lots of fat laden food can raise blood pressure and cause high cholesterol.
#3 Threat to cancer:Another alarming worry about fried food center is acrylamide , a chemical that forms in foods cooked with high heat such as fried,acrylamide has been shown in animals studies to cause cancer.Those with family history of cancer should of extra careful about fried food consumtion.
Artherosclerosis threat:Artherosclerosis [ sometimes called hardening of the arteries ] occurs when fat chlosterol and substances build up in the walls of arteries.these deposites are called plaques,over time these plaques can narrow or completly block arteries and cause problems throughout the body.
#4 Trans fats bad for your heart:not all fats are bad but trans fat are definetly the culprit fats. A Harvard has stated that eating trans fats increases level of low-density liproprotein.
I can understand that you are a freak to fried food and upon reading the above you are confused and desperately looking ,thinking of how to stop it to maintain your healthy life but how can you do so? An AIR FRYER is the solution.call or whatsapp 08164549139 for more information on air fryer and how to get one for yourself. THANK YOU.