Victoria Ameh Page

Victoria Ameh Page

Touching lives through Inspirational and spiritual write-ups, relationships, health and wellness, and other life matters.


When a man or a woman tells you you are not their kind of woman or man, please, don't beg such a person to accept you. Never force yourself on people. Remember, one man's poison is another man's food. Move on with your life, develop yourself in different capacities, especially in the area of your passion, and the man or woman that truly deserves you will come running after you without stress.



Ladies, let's have a straight talk today because really when I see some ladies doing things the wrong way, it breaks my heart.

Where exactly are you heading?

Where is your destination?

What has ABBA laid in your hands?

I hope you understand that there's a WOMB inside of you that is capable of birthing great things if you allow it?

Do you even know where you are going to?

If you don't know where you're going to, every where will look like your destination, ma.

If you don't know God's Will and plans for you, every brother-in-suit will fit in to be your husband, ma.

If you know where you're going to, it means you have your PURPOSE defined and I'm super certain that every man in church cannot fit in to your purpose.

When you know where you are going to, you will be selective in choice making and not jump because the fireful brother in the choir asked for your hands in marriage.

When you know your destination and HE that is leading you, you'll go back to Him to seek His consent if you should go ahead and be tied forever with that brother that seem to fit in to your purpose.

Where are you going to, sisto?

Where is that destination that ABBA is leading you, ma?

Knowing your destination helps you know the kind of driver you beckon on to drive you. Don't forget the instance you say "Yes, I do", you're no longer the driver but that man begins to drive you and you must SUBMIT!

Go and find purpose and leave man!

When you are in PURPOSE and fulfilling it, man will find you!

We've moved from that era that ladies are referred to "liabilities", we are in the new era where Women do GREATER THINGS for the ADVANCEMENT of the Kingdom of God.

Nations are waiting for what you carry and will birth oh, you will only birth godly seeds when you have God's Son as your husband.


Get to work and leave man to do the "SEARCHING". Allow Him find you and always thank God that he found his "good thing" which is you.

If you don't have a destination, there's HE that reveals to as many that seek Him in all genuineness.

He'll reveal where you're heading to you, hold your hands through and show you who should be head over you.

This is when you carry WORTH!

This is when you become a CROWN to your husband!

This is when you become a GOOD THING Scriptures refers to.

You can't waste away like this having your world revolve around just settling down with a man, there's MORE that you can do.

I believe that Source is reaching out to souls.

If you're a part of them who haven't discovered purpose, move closer to JESUS and He'll reveal your destination to you.

Beyond the letters, I pray that your eyes of understanding is enlightened in Jesus Name. Amen.



When all seems not to be working well in your life, always tell yourself this: "this phase shall pass"


Happy weekend family.
Just know that God is not done with you yet. He is preparing something big for you.


As Christians living in this world, we have civic rights, duties and responsibilities that we need to fulfil; payment of taxes is one of our duties as citizens of a particular nation. Jesus fulfills they duty of paying the temple tax for Himself and for Peter. He uses this opportunity to teach us the fulfilment of our duties as good citizens of our nation; we need to contribute to the wellbeing of the places where we live, study and work. Paying of taxes, sincere exercising of our franchise, obeying rules of law and order are marks of being good citizens. The Lord teaches a great lesson of submission to legitimate temporal authority that does not supplant divine authority.



We often hear health personnel talk about the need to exercise.
I want to liken exercise to cooking a fresh meal or warming an already cooked meal.

Our food products are usually in a solid and hard form which makes them unpalatable to consume. In order to make them more easily consumed, we cook them by applying heat to make them soft and easily taken into our body system.

Exercise can be likened to the heat applied to our food products.
Our muscles, bones are usually rigid(hard). Exercise makes them become flexible and more active and in turn make us more flexible and more active(energetic).

Sports people engage in exercise alot so they can be more flexible, active(energetic) to perform well.

When you engage in any exercise for the first time, you would usually feel pain in those parts you worked on. Reason being that, your rigid muscles, bones have been disturbed. They were not used to that but with continuous exercise, you won't feel those pains anymore.

You may say I don't have time to go out to the gym or other outdoor environments to exercise. I will tell you that you don't necessarily have to go to the gym to exercise, oh yes! I do my workout in my room

You may also say I don't have anybody to guide me. You can workout on your own. Simply download a workout app on your phone. There are different apps on workout depending on what you want to achieve ( burning of belly fat, butt workout, general workouts, etc.).

You don't necessarily need to wear joggers, body hug tops, tights and canvas to exercise, you can workout on other clothes that won't disturb you while working out.

Personally, I discovered I became more flexible in dancing when I started exercising regularly. I wake up earlier, my stamina also increased (that is, I hardly fall or things hardly slip off my hands). I noticed that whenever I go on a long break on exercising, i tend to wake up late and feeling weak.

Exercise also help me overcome depression. It makes me more energetic and lively.



It's no news that you've been going through a lot, you've tried all you can but seems no change and to make things worst, all those you thought could be of help are far from helping you, everyone is only talking but doing nothing to ease the pain you go through; I just want to let you know that it's just a phase; all of a sudden you became scared about life and what the future holds for you but I need you to subdue your fears so you can hear your intuition more clearly and so you can love yourself with no apology. What you need is peace and everything good, I want you all to, first of all, choose to send out peace, compassion, love, and all that's good for you and watch how it will come back to you.

Everything you are going through is just a phase and will become history if you refuse to give up, giving up on your dreams should never be an option, never quit, for there's no gain and trophy for quitters.
You are not an accident, your being here is planned and predestined by God, don't let anyone make you feel otherwise; the future is bright, for there will be joy in the morning. But till then, please keep your head high in hope and believe all that God said concerning you.



While we are in this world, we might encounter frightening experiences that present themselves like a mighty wind that threatens and rocks us off balance, even causing us to lose faith in God. The wind of suffering might blind our eyes to the real presence of Jesus with us or even lead us to associate God with the problem. “it is I, do not be afraid” is the consoling words of Jesus today. Let us find in these words of Jesus the reason to conquer all fears, to believe more strongly and to trust in him.



While growing up, we would always have dreams of what we want to become or do in life.
Some desire to be medical doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Nurses, I.T. Gurus, Musicians, Dancers, Artists(Paintings, movie stars), Footballers, Basketball players, Volleyball players, entrepreneurs, Own a fashion house/Academy, or Music Academy, pastors, priests, own NGOs to help the less privileged in the society, etc.

With time, those dreams may begin to change or fade away due to challenges of life or change in mindsets.
One of the major reasons people give up their dreams is largely due to unforeseen circumstances.

I saw a movie last night titled: "Brian Banks".
Brian Banks being the lead actor in the movie was a young man who had a passion for football and his dream was to become a footballer and play with a big team(NFL team).

At the age of 16, Brian Banks was accused of r**e and kidnapping by one of his college mates, he was arrested and sentenced to prison for 6 years because he had no one to speak on his behalf being from a poor background.

While in the prison, he had a tutor for juveniles. The tutor picked a special interest in Brian Banks and began to mentor and encourage him one on one aside from the general mentoring sessions organized for the prisoners.
At first, he was not paying attention to the man, he was angry at life and would destroy things and fight with inmates because he was innocent of the crime

The man came to him one day and handed a book titled: "As a man thinketh" to him.
Gradually, his mindset about his situation and life began to change for the better.

After some years in prison, he was granted a probation period of 10 months during which he had the opportunity of defending himself in court.
He pushed through with the help of a girl he met, his mother, and some counsel and was declared innocent. I shed tears when he was declared innocent seeing the pain and struggles he went through for the crimes he did not commit.

He was called back into his football team. Although he was not doing well at the beginning due to the long break from playing football but with continuous training and coaching, he made it to play with his dream team (the NFL team).

Life will always throw blows at you that may make you want to give up on your dreams. It happened to Brian Banks, he lost all hopes of becoming a football star but deep within him, the passion was still there.

I want to encourage you today to hold on to your dreams no matter what you may be passing through right now. As long as you don't give up, your dreams will come true.
It may take time, but they will come true.

Remember that delay is never denial.



When I came out in the morning for work on the 11th of July being a public holiday in celebration of Sallah(Eid-El Kabir), I noticed everywhere was scanty of people and Vehicles especially the 'Keke'(Tricycle) riders. At first, it looked strange to me because on a normal day, the road would be packed full with people, those going to work or market, parents taking their children to school
I then remembered it was a public holiday and so there was no work or school and that was the reason for the low population on the road.

Something spectacular struck my mind while observing how scanty the population on the road was and that was about the 'keke'(tricycle) drivers.
One was that there were just few of them on the road unlike other days when they would be many of them and even at that, lots of people would still be stranded due to the high population. People going to work, parents taking their children to school.

Most of these times, you would see people struggling and rushing to enter any oncoming 'keke'. You would see the 'keke' drivers telling passengers to enter with "change"or else they should not enter. They are that strict because they are so many waiting to board 'keke'.

Another thing that struck my mind was the fact that the few 'keke' drivers that were on the road were scouting for passengers. Some would drive a very long distance without getting any passenger. When they sight someone coming, you would see them rushing towards the person to pick him/her. They would even reverse to meet the person.

At that point, I began to smile to myself and then an inspiration dropped that relevance comes with seasons. That is to say, everything and everyone on earth have their seasons of relevance.

For instance, during the COVID-19 Pandemic, nose/face masks became one of the most relevant things in the world that so many people made fortunes out of selling nose/face masks because it became compulsory for everyone to wear then so as to curb the spread of the corona virus.

In this life, everyone and everything have their season of relevance(importance).
There is no need for unhealthy competitions
There is no need to commonize or look down on people or things
There is no need to feel pompous or proud when you are in your season of relevance because a time will come when that person or thing you underrated will be in their seasons of relevance and you or that thing you hold so dearly will no longer be in their season of relevance.

Everybody and everything is important. The difference is based on the season of relevance.



Often times, we here this phrase: "the world is a market place" but many of us do not understand it.

Let us analyze what happens in a market place: A market is a place where different people sell and buy goods.
People go to the market for only two purposes: either to buy or to sell.

A person who goes to the market without the intention of either buying or selling is regarded as a wanderer.
The intention of every market seller is to finish selling what he/she took the market before returning home.

A market seller counts his/her day a fruitful and successful one when he/she is able to sell off all his/her goods. The joy such market seller would have can not be contained. You would see such person returning home very happy with all smiles that everyone around him/her would see and feel the impact of the happiness. If it is a woman, she may even decide to buy food items to prepare a very wonderful meal for her family that day.

There is so much fulfillment when a market seller is able to finish selling his/her goods before returning home and there is pain and sadness when a market seller returns home without finish selling his/her goods. It is even more frustrating and painful when a market seller returns home without selling anything for the day.

That is how it is with us in this life. The world we live in is a market place and everyone of us is a market seller.
The goods you sell are your gifts and talents.
Your purpose here on earth are the goods you sell.

In this world which is a market place, we all are buyers and sellers at the same time.
You sell your gifts and talents to others and also buy the gifts and talents of others.

Before a market seller sets out to the market place, he/she would first get, sort out and arrange his/her goods.
Likewise you, who is a market seller in this world, before you begin to sell your goods which are your gifts and talents to people in this world, you need to first discover(identify) and develop them.

If you don't discover(identify) and develop your gifts and talents, you won't have what to sell and you end up wandering about in the world. You would end up buying from other people without having what to sell and that can be frustrating. The balance and fulfillment comes from when you buy and also sell.

One spectacular thing about the market place also is that it has a closing time. Some market runs from 6am to 6pm, some from 8 am to 7pm or more as the case may be.
When it is closing time, everybody closes and goes home.

That is how our time in this world is also limited. You won't be here forever.
The closing time for the world market place is referred to as "DEATH".

When you come to the market place as a seller, the earlier you start selling your goods, the better your chances of selling them all before the market closes for the day. Likewise we living in this world, the earlier we discover(identify), develop and begin to sell our goods which are our gifts and talents, the better our chances of living a fulfilled life here on earth and when it is time for us to close(die), we would gladly go home fulfilled.




This statement: "you are addressed the way you are dressed" is a very common and frequently used phrase but it seems so many of us do not understand it.

This phrase is widely spread to address all spheres of life. We all are very much aware that people see what we represent from the outside first before getting to know what is on the inside.
Many a time, we say it is the heart that matters and not the outside.
I believe that statement very strongly too but if we should examine ourselves more deeply, we will discover that most of the things that shows on the outside springs from what is on the inside.

Many a time, when we talk about physical appearance, it is not just for spirituality sake alone.
Physical appearance speaks more volume than what is on the inside.
When you see a pupil or a student, you don't need anyone to tell you before you know as long as the pupil or student is putting on a school uniform.
When you see a medical doctor, or a nurse, you don't need to ask as long as he/she is putting on a lab coat or stethoscope in the case of a medical doctor, a white gown or trouser and shirt in the case of a nurse
Likewise, Engineers, lawyers, and other professionals.

These days, primary and secondary schools now have what they call "career day" where every pupil/student is expected to appear in a particular costume that represents the career that child desires.

When you see a mad man or woman, you don't need a prophet to tell you before you know, just by the way the person appears, you will know.

A rich or poor man/woman can easily be identified by the way he/she is dressed.

Appearance is one of the things that commands respect or disrespect in the society.
Have you wondered why banks ensure their staff appear smart especially in suits or other cooperate outfits? it is because they know the importance and impression ones appearance makes on people generally.

When you are going for a job interview, you would want to appear very smart and neat.
The guys and even the ladies would tuck in their nearly washed and ironed shirts with covered shoes. The ladies would pack their hair very neatly. Reason is that, the physical appearance will be the first impression you would make on your interviewers.

For example, I went for an interview sometime ago, immediately I entered the company premises, the security men were hailing me that: " we know you are here and ready for the interview and that we know you would get the job with the way you are looking smart"

For instance, if two people should go for a proposal in an organization, the one that appears more cooperate and neat will be attended to first in most cases and may also stand a better chance of being picked.

Physical appearance shows sign of responsibility or irresponsibility most times.

You may say it is what I have that I would wear. Looking good is not all about having plenty sometimes. The way you package yourself even with the little you have matters most.
You don't need to have plenty clothes and shoes to appear neat and smart.
The few you have, maintain them and combine them appropriately.
There is a way you would appear that people can't easily tell if you are rich or poor.

Another thing, your physical appearance will determine the kind of people that would come around you. This is more common with ladies.
You can't dress almost naked with your b***s, thighs showing and you expect a responsible man to come around you
You would only attract irresponsible men that are moved with such things.
"Real men"are not usually moved with such things.

Remember, it is cheap and common things they expose for everyone to see or touch.
Expensive and quality things do not need to be exposed to the general public.
Those that know the value of expensive and quality things would always find them wherever they may be and are ready to pay any price to have them.

Most times, expensive and quality things do not advertise themselves. They may not have much people coming for them but the few that come for them have great value and respect them.
The way people treat expensive and quality things is far different from the way they treat cheap and low quality things.

For instance, they are some clothes or shoes you don't wear anyhow. You always handle them with great care because they are expensive and of high quality while they are some you wear anyhow because they are cheap and of low quality.

That is how people treat human beings too.
The value you place on yourself through your physical appearance will determine to a large extent to how people will treat you.

Remember also, that your physical appearance does not end with just you.
The people around you are also affected either positively or negatively.

Men especially are naturally attracted or moved by what they see.
There are some parts of a woman's body that a man would see and may not be able to concentrate or reason straight. Places such as the b***s(breast), thighs(laps) are very sensitive parts that when a man sees, he begins to go haywire(gaga) and may be tempted to touch. This may sound bad or awkward to the ears but it's just the truth.

Please, as a lady, when you dress, consider the people outside that you will come in contact with.
The dressing may appear okay to you, but it may lead another person to sin.
Some ladies are being r**ed sometimes as a result of physical appearance. There are some men that can not control themselves and when they see such ladies, the next thing is to touch what they are seeing.

In a nutshell, always dress in a way you would want to be addressed.


One of the things I have learnt from playing games is knowing your target or goal and focusing on the target or goal. If you begin any game without knowing the target, you will play anyhow and you will not win because you will lose focus and get carried away.

Same thing applies to life.
The key to success in life begins from first knowing your target or goal and then focus on achieving your target or goals.

If you begin anything without first knowing your target or goals, you will easily be distracted or you will go the wrong direction or directions as the case may be which will be a total waste of time and efforts.

Knowing your target or goals in life and being focused on the target or goals makes it easier and faster for you to succeed because you won't be wandering or roaming about aimlessly.
It saves you time, energy and even resources sometimes.

For instance, you want to go to the market to buy a dress. If you don't have any idea on the kind of dress you want to buy and the particular place you can get it in the market, you will end up roaming round the market. You may end up not buying the dress or you may buy any dress you see.

This applies to every area of life: Career, business, marriage, spiritual journey, etc.
If you don't have a target or goals and focus about anything, anything goes for you. You ou can easily be distracted, or discouraged.

You will encounter challenges along the way sometimes, but your focus on your target or goals will keep you going.


Whenever you get an opportunity to learn anything, just learn it even if you don't need it at that time. That skill or knowledge may come handy some day.
Remember, when preparation meets opportunity, success abounds.

I have learnt so many things and skills that are not relevant to me in the real sense but I believe no knowledge is a waste.
For instance, I learnt Graphic Design in my final year in the university when some co-students offered to train fellow students at a very subsidized rate compared to what is being charged out there.

I did not use the skill since then, but when I got this job, I helped my company in designing a flyer.
Always be disposed to learn even if you feel you don't need it. When you would need it, you may not know.

No knowledge is a waste at all.


Too often we underestimate the power of a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring.
All of which have the potential to turn a life around.
Make someone happy today

Do have a cheerful Thursday


Happy new week family

I want you to go through this week with your heads high.
Tho challenges may come your way, be determined to get the best out of this week.

Always begin your day in the presence of God. When I say in the presence of God, I don't mean only church or mosque. You can make your house or wherever you find yourself the presence of God.

There is this positive energy you have to go through the day when you begin your day in the presence of God.


The day you discover and begin to fulfill your purpose in life is the day you begin to live
Stop roaming and start living


This should be your daily affirmations to yourself. Remember, there is power in the tongue.


Try to make someone smile today


Absolutely 👌

Photos from Victoria Ameh Page's post 06/07/2022

After dressing up this morning, I looked into the mirror, and I love what I saw.
I made sure I took pictures to remind myself of how I looked whenever I come across those pictures.

I posted some of the pictures on my WhatsApp status, Facebook wall and story to celebrate and crush on myself and also to encourage someone out there who has given up on life, who feels worthless that you should learn to love and celebrate yourself at all times no matter what.

Life can be unfair sometimes, but you don't have to depend on your circumstances and people to be happy. Your happiness should be dependent on your knowledge of God's love and mercy for you.

The truth is that if you don't love and celebrate yourself, others may not. It is the value and respect you place on yourself that others will accord you.

Let your happiness come from within and from your assurance in the love of God for you.

Happy Wednesday


So true


We are all gifted in different ways. Discover yours, develop it and explore instead of being jealous of the other person


The way people treat you is largely dependent on how you allow them.
If you tolerate everything, people will treat you anyhow.

Have principles and make sure people respect those principles.
You can be a good person and still know your stand. Know where to draw the line. That you are a good person doesn't mean people should take you for granted.

Human beings are wise or should I say cunning? I think that is the right word because wise people know how to treat people right and give people their due respect. It is cunning people that take advantage of people's kindness and think you are foolish.
Be kind to people when you need to but don't allow them to take you for a fool.

Apply wisdom in your dealings with people.


Success is in making others successful.
Making positive impacts is the best way to live life.

