Okoro paulson

Okoro paulson

Here to ensure we become the best version of ourselves and also live up to purpose....


You need to understand that being an adult takes more and demands more than what you think it actually gives to you so as a matter of fact being an adult is risky and trying to feel that it afford you more than is necessary is even riskier ...



It might not happen immediately but most definitely it will happen... Is a statement of fact and faith inclusive but another salient truth is that it will not be so for everyone... It goes beyond just saying and believing it...



Happy new year family and friends..


There is so many uncertainties in the air yet with so much expectations within, waking up each morning hoping for the best while expecting the worse, working with so much efforts yet with big faith but not always banking on the faith as often times what is expected never comes to be but what is never expected is now the order of the day. People making every move to stay positive but with so much pain in their heart because even the strength to hold on is no more there...

God should help us but mostly we need help ourselves by making intentional adjustments on ourselves because like it or not everything that God made is perfect but we always seeking for options we feel is better is we making imperfect what is already perfect.


With the way things are turning out we can't afford to be reckless with anything not even with the tiniest thing as what we do with our time.....



There has been a burden in my heart to address this issue or rather this misconception that the we cannot predict life, that life actually happens and gives use whatever it want and we have no control over life and what it brings and this singular reason have been the reason why some people go around with the mindset that there are certain things we cannot control and cannot manipulate as far as the universe is concerned and that I agree with to an extent but then to a larger extent I disagree because of a truth there are certain things that are truly off our limit like when we cama and when we will be leaving, like who brought us here or those that came with us and the circumstances surrounding it but then after these two every other things that happens in our life we have a major role to play in determining what happens afterwards even though life will brings many things both pleasant and unpleasant one that Is not enough reason, even though life will not seem fair to us in many instances and in many things that also is not enough reason, even though life will continually throw blows at us at every turn that too is not enough reason but in all of these, however your life ends after you have touched the surface of the earth has nothing to do with the world been fair or not but has all to do with you making the best of yourself and the situations that life throws at you, so if you don't like what your outcome is and the way things are for you then brace up and make adequate changes and if at all the things around you are not adding up to give you what is good to the common man then brace up to change the status quo from that of a common man to another status of your choice and if at all everything around you is not looking like you will ever step out of life victorious trust me that is not life been unfair but that is life giving you an option to choose from and whatever you choose is still not what the universe gave you but your own decisions which determines what you get and as thus embrace yourself and use whatever life gives you to make the best of what life has to offer because the offer of life is not for the fortunate nor the privileged or those whose believe are the strongest nor those who work hard the most but to those who know what they want and are making intentional move on actualizing it regardless of what comes their way and not subjecting their life to fate, and to those who no matter what hit them they turn it to something good and an added advantage to their journey in life hence take responsibility of yourself and never leave it at the mercies of the universe for the universe is a market place where license is given to anyone to make use of anything or anyone that have failed to do it themselves simply because they think and believe that is not ours to determine what happens or not so choose a category to belong to either those who do it themselves and use others to do more or those who are been used by others to achieve what they want but whichever you choose to belong to always remember that it has nothing to do with the universe been fair or not or the universe not been predictable or out of our control but it all about you and what you want.


If something does not kill you it makes you strong so they say and I agree but why let certain or anything have enough strength to attempt to kill you. That alone is as good as killing you....


It actually not out of place to have faith because it is a prove that we rely on something bigger and stronger than we are and can achieve more for us than we can for ourselves but then it not enough to just have faith but we also need SUBSTANCE upon which our faith can be built upon to achieve our desired result..
Heb 11:1

What is your substance?
Do you even have one?

Answer this wholeheartedly

What is your most valuable asset as a person?

Photos from Okoro paulson's post 28/10/2023

And to the Glory of no man but to the most high Generational Pathfinders outreach 1 was a huge success and we are grateful to God for the start and hopeful of where he is taking us to.....


Be careful of many things but fight some and fight mostly against anything that will make you feel like not trying again..


One of the greatest gift you can ever have is the gift of men... Nourish and be sure to keep it... Indeed am blessed


Often times our problem is not that we are not doing something but our problem is that we are doing so much with actually no reason as to why we doing it and hence the reason why we accept anything as result..


We are few days to go and all things have been set in place we are waiting for you that day.. don't miss out


If it will cost you nothing but promises you so much be weary of such for actually nothing happens for no reason, either way maybe before, during or after but it must cost you something..


And out my belly shall flow streams of living waters that generations of men will never exhaust even when am no longer here... Though the beginning might have been small, though it does not look like it now but what the Lord has invested in me is such that no eye has seen and no ears have heard but at same time it is such that it effects and manifestation will be one that no part of the universe will not see and feel it impacts because it effects will be as that of the sun and globally it will be been felt by all as long as God tarries. Amen

Happy birthday Paulson uk



There has always been a question what next, where to start with in the minds of fresh graduate and which mostbf the times are never answered and this has left many dtranede not knowing what to do this with DISCOVERY It is time to get equiped with the necessary and inevitable things that we need to navigate the bigger world because what you are born to do will take you farther than what you are train to do and even more interesting a closer use and understanding of what you have been trained to do will help support what you are born to do and this together will help achieve unimaginable results in life and that is what we intend to do through DISCOVERY, so come and get equipped and don't be caught unaware in the outer world ..

Don't miss it


Please try to read to the end...........

Again it was an awesome time this evening with the people of God and I want to briefly remind us of what we discussed today with topic seeking God intervention....

Firstly it was more of we praying for Nigeria but God thought us to know that whenever we pray for Nigeria we should not pray for it as though we are praying for a separate entity and we another entity that is not affected but we should pray for Nigeria as we praying for ourselves and that is because the better Nigeria we look forward to and want to see starts with us so each time you pray and say God kill every enemy of Nigeria and all those causing problem in Nigeria also know that anytime you fail to do what is right you are indirectly or directly becoming and enemy of Nigeria and as such causing problem for others thus our expectations and change starts from we seeing ourselves as Nigerian and knowing that we owe ourselves the duty of doing what is right at every point in time and never always thinking about ourselves always thus you want to see a better Nigeria be better, you want to see a Nigeria that works better then work better, if you want to see a Nigeria where everything is the way It ought to be then do what is expected of you always even when no one is watching and if you want to see a Nigeria that is corruption free then don't be corrupt yourself and you might be thinking how will my little influence change Nigeria? Why not you start with your circle and see if it will not spread an trust me a better and glorious Nigeria of our dream is achievable because God can do all things but God needs a man to do it and start it as he cannot come down to do it himself as man is God to man but the question now is where are the men that God can use to achieve this? are you part of them or are out willing to be part of them? It left for you to answer.. but say this prayer God make Nigeria better and that means God make me a better Nigerian because it starts from us...


Be determined that you will make the best of yourself and the best of whatever situation you came into the world to meet or inherit from your source and that you can should do by knowing firstly that it was so for you to make the best of it and change it and then again remember that if you end up not changing that narrative that you have only ended up repeating a generational mistake thereby leaving your generation worse than you meet it and in achieving this know firstly that assumption will not make it happen, believing will also not make it happen but a conscious and continuous and an Intentional push towards it will make it happen and when I say intentional it goes beyond assuming and believing but getting to the point of telling your situation that until I change you I will not stop and that I will not just change it for me but forever therefore you need more than what the strength of a man can do because if the strength of man can do then those before you would have done it therefore don't use the same tactics as they did....

Be poised to do and be better and mostly be different in tactics......


I just dont want to be intentional with God because it seems right to me or will help me in times of needs but I want to be intentional with God because the whole of me is dependent on him and he is my only option and not one of my options...


Don't and never let what will happen to you in life determine what kind of life you will live but let your vision determine many and everything about you but I can't help but wonder how many of us have vision..

And remember vision or better said dreams are not what you see at night when you sleep but what prevents you from sleeping at night...

They are the invisible but invincible gear that drives you


Don't wait until when it seem as though the day is almost done for you before wanting to do what you feel is needful and don't be caught unaware thus be intentional with everything even to the tiniest of them all life don't give us a part two.


Check carefully and intentionally and be sincere with yourself is your current life the will of God for you?

You need not give me an answer...


Going to school for most of us have been what we considered will be the hallmark of our struggle in that after school thing are supposed to work out for good for us but unfortunately when we leave school it often times if not all the time seem as though we just starting despite everything we have done and invested but then hope you know been a graduate is not enough....


Read carefully....


Joyfully I welcome you to the month of beyond expectations with ease as God will be meeting every of your need and you will never labor in vain Amen.Iss 65:22-24


It funny how most of us fight for people to accept and want us,for people's approval when we never for once accept who we are and value who we are forgetting that people only see, accept and value the much you see of yourself...


Am tired of everything!!!

Never use that statement because it human to feel tired but not human to quit because the only place where we find those who quit is the grave and am sure you are not there and not anytime soon so till then keep pushing...


One the reminders that we are still humans is that moment when feel

Abandoned and name it

But the other side of that reminder that we often times don't see is how much strong we are to go through all of that and still have our sanity and m



Please try and read to the end it will change your perspective....

Firstly I want to say that not everything is worth dying for regardless of how much it seem as though we can't do without such a thing at some point in our life but the truth remains that at some point we will come to the realization of the truth that it was just the way it was because we magnified it more than necessary and haven said this it saddens me to say that in our generation we make the mistake of equating equal TIME for everything and we do this forgetting that the UNIT of our destiny an our being is TIME... and if this be true which I believe it is then there is one big question for us to attend to and that is ....

Even to this present time and moment because it is no longer a question of how much TIME we have spent or should I rather say used because if we be truthful to ourselves we have obviously spent so much TIME but we can't say if actually we have attained that much as it has to with our destiny or our being considering how much TIME we have spent so far and even as we are reading this we are actually expounding TIME and that we do do every seconds that passes by but with no addition to our destiny or our being but we do one funny thing which actually I find it hard to believe that it funny and that is we still believe that our destiny or our being will come out better someday and I do imagine how that will come to actualization considering how much we Invest in it because most times we never do any additional to it for up to a year and other TIMES even more than a year but still our believe that our destiny or our being will come out great increases same way our TIME runs out except that it had no addition but even at this point it very crucial we ask ourselves another important question....

This is so crucial that we find an answer to it because we can at certain point determine how much of our destiny we had attained but for sure we cannot at any point ascertain how much our TIME we have spent or used already because we obviously from the beginning can never measure or control TIME but TIME fundamentally determine and control so much about us and as to why we are here and we must at every point remember that why it seem as though we have TIME we actually don't have at all, and we must also remember always that why it seem as though there is still TIME there is actually no TIME and most importantly we must always have it at the front of our mind and not the back that once our TIME is done that is it for us as that will be our end even if it turns out that we never scratch our destiny or our being and to this point I want us to answer yet another crucial questions.....

WHAT HAVE I BEEN DOING? Because that will definitely show to us how much of our destiny we have attained or achieved and if we are headed the right path considering our present state if we will be sincere with ourselves same way not reading this is we doing the wrong thing while expecting a different result.
WHAT ARE MY DOING CURRENTLY? Because it will determine where exactly we are headed to because if our present state is not appealing in certain areas fundamental to our being or our destiny it simply means we have only been existing and not living which goes on to show how much we have done with regards our destiny or being or better said our TIME... Because it simply shows how much time we have wasted and still very uncertain of where we are headed to because just as the unit of our destiny or our being is TIME so also we can tell how much unit we have we have invested well through the little TIME we have spent wisely even if the success or progress is little...

Friends we can't afford to keep wasting TIME, we still can't afford to keep thinking that there is time doing the wrong and expecting that someday out of the sky things will change suddenly because nothing happens accidentally but purposefully so what you don't go for you will never get... In one word use your TIME judiciously for TIME is far spent already and we don't know how much of it we have left...

IG: okoropaulson

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I just dont want to be intentional with God because it seems right to me or will help me in times of needs but I want to...
We smile often times majorly in times like this not because it easy for us and not surely because we have all because we...
Just early hours of this morning during my study time after my prayer session I felt so down within me because obviously...
What you need know about life that no one will tell you...
For the week ahead
My prayer for you this month

