RHEMA school fellowship int'l

RHEMA school fellowship int'l

Discovering and Enriching lives globally


Fight For It

Hebrews 12:1
"Therefore let’s also, seeing we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let’s run with perseverance the race that is set before us,"
(Amplified Bible)

Nothing happens without a fight, the Holy Bible makes it clear to us, to always contend for thy faith in Jude 1.
To contend means, to fight for, to secure something by force, not relenting until you get the desirable results. People often believe that "… Whatever God will do, He will do..." That is not totally true because you are the determining factor to the actualisation of that given dream and vision.
If you don't fight for it, you can't achieve it, so accepting defeats will make you a defeated fellow, not because you are defeated but because you accepted the mindset of defeat.
The scripture said, resist the devil and he will flee, in other words refuse to accept the pictures he present to you and he will flee from you because you and I have authorities.
Every man have authority of choice, you can chose a particular thing and it becomes, why is it so? Because we were created in the image of God and God is a Creator, so you are a creator just like God, but what are you creating.
Be mindful of what you are creating to avoid a dangerous future.
I see you advancing this season in Jesus Christ Name.

I prevail always and win in life, because I chose to win daily, for I am the seed of God.



Happy prosperous New year🔥🔥🔥


Happy birthday to our life coach, instructor, mentor, visioneer, chief custodian and our father. We the Rhema School Ministry celebrate and merry with you our Papa on this great day.

Photos from RHEMA school fellowship int'l's post 23/10/2020

Evening session was extremely impactful🔥🔥🔥

Photos from RHEMA school fellowship int'l's post 23/10/2020


All roads next week leads to Rhema fellowship center, oleh. Come get knowledge and learn new skills as well.


All roads next week leads to Rhema fellowship center, oleh. 22nd to 24th, come and get knowledge and learn new skills as well.


Plan to attend, come and be taught how to bring out the financial giant in you. Make it a date.


It's all about faith in God



Thank God for His unfailing mercy.


We have been hearing, sister retreat, women convention etc, forgetting the important gender. Gideon conference is a program for the male's only, a time to be equipped greatly for the challenges that face the male gender. It's time to effect a change.


BY Pst. Matthew Faithful

Satisfaction in your comfort zone, if you are comfortable in your present state now you can't make progress.
We should not be comfortable at our individual growth rate, but should always strive to make a move.

Feeding on wrong testimonies, one thing we must do at all times is to feed on the right things and testimonies. Feeding on the wrong things can only lead to destruction, men who are satisfied with what and where they feed on wrong things will either keep them in bo***ge or slavery, but feeding on the right things will cause them a change of heart, and their lives at large.


BY Pst Matthew Faithful.

Soul winners are not poor, they command billions, they are the people on top.
Soul winners are pregnant with zillions, so if you want to be enviable in the world become a soul winner. When you are a soul winner, God is your driver, and angels are our security personnel, so as soul winners we too important to die, we precious in God's hand.

"When you are useful to God you are very expensive"


*Paying the price for vision*. *By Pst. Matthew Faithful*

One thing is to have grace, but grace carry labour; so if you must have grace as you desire, you must carry *responsibility*. Grace attract responsibility, in other words grace is responsibility itself, to be able to succeed in grace you need to labour tirelessly to be successful. Example the life of Paul, (1cor.15:9). When you are following God's divine instructions be very careful so that your very own decisions will not destroy God's instructions. Another example is Adam, he was graced and he worked (Gen. 2:20) naming the creation was his task(responsibility). Further study - Phil. 2 vs 13


Extracts from *WORD CONFERENCE*
Divine Encounter
By: Evang. Joseph Ogaga

Divine ; means beautiful, Godly, evening and surpassing excellence.

Encounter ; means to means someone or something unplanned for or unexpectedly.

When this words are fussed together, it gives an even bigger meaning.
What makes an encounter divine, its simply God. When you have divine encounter with God, people lives turn around for good.
Looking at the stories we read from the bible, nobody meet God and still remain the same.
Sarah has a divine encounter with God and gave birth even when she's pass the age to conceive, the cripple man at the gate of beautiful has been cripple from birth and walked immediately the day he encountered Jesus, even the woman with the issue of blood was healed when her live encountered Jesus.
Using moses and the children of Israelites as a big example, the day moses has a divine encounter with God from the burning bush, so did the children of Israel and they were set free. When you read from the bible exodus chapter 3 from verse one to the last, it talked about the divine encounter of moses with God.

To have divine encounter, you must

Settle in your heart
Until you settle your mind, keep calm and listen to your heart, divine encounter is almost impossible. You pray with your heart and allow God to do his work, never keep your mind unsettled.

Turn to see, touch and hold on to God
Exodus: 3. Verse 3. And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt. Verse 4. And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.
Moses turned around to meet God, until when he turned and listened, that was when he heard the calling of God.


Be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.


Faith is the response of your human spirit to the word of God.

Photos from RHEMA school fellowship int'l's post 21/05/2020

Wonderful experience of the kingdom.

