Catholic Faith Tv

Catholic Faith Tv

The Catholic Faith (CFTv) is at the service of the Word, the Church, the Bishops and the Encounter o

Photos from Catholic Faith Tv's post 23/12/2023

We were out covering the diaconate ordination of Rev. Daniel Ladein for the Catholic Diocese of Bomadi.


Fr. Obumse: The Winner of the Microfinance Bank Personality of the Year

Fr George Adimike

One of the interesting aspects of the sacred priesthood is its unity in content, mystery, and meaning and its diversity in expression. Priests operate within diverse socio-religious circumstances; it is a text with multiple contexts. As embodied representatives of Christ on earth, priests bring their gifts and talents to bear on the work. Through those skills and competencies, they labour for the reign of God, integrating stole and towel, or rather service and sacrifice. The priesthood is a divine project, exemplifying leadership as a society-serving, self-bearing and soul-saving mystery. It is a mystery through which moral agents in-personify and typify the mysterious mercy of God and become stewards of sacred treasures and saving mysteries. In short, the priesthood of Christ is a versatile mystery with the sole vocation of being the agency for the holistic redemption of creation. Like other priests, Reverend Father Anthony Obumse deploys his gifts to realise this universal project.

Super-eminently endowed with enviable academic excellence and distinguished delivery, Fr Obumse received the honour of African Microfinance Bank Personality of the Year. The transformation in Oluchukwu Microfinance Bank from the interplay of Fr Obumse’s knowledge, administrative dexterity, discipline and courage running on the leadership fulcrum of Archbishop Valerian Okeke is phenomenal. With three bachelor's degrees in Philosophy (Rome), Theology (Rome), Management (UNN Enugu Campus) and a Master's in Business Administration in Accountancy (Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka), a Doctor of Business Administration (Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka), and professional qualifications, Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (CIBN) and Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN), Fr Obumse took the Microfinance banking sector by storm. For example, he grew the shareholders' fund from N167.7 million to N2.9 billion, total deposit liabilities from N329.6 million to N4.9 billion, and total assets from N507.3 million to N8.3 billion, among others, within a short time. Furthermore, he introduced ATMs, Online money transfer and the Bank’s mobile app, which never existed. So, there is no wonder that Fr Obumse has graduated from being the Best Graduating Student in Management (B.Sc) and Accountancy (MBA) to being the Microfinance Bank Personality of the Year by the African Leadership Review, Excellence in Corporate Enterprise and Leadership Awards.

Indeed, in the exercise of the priestly ministry, each person donates himself with his human assets and liabilities. Fr Obumse, in his turn, came into the priesthood with an exceptional capacity for discipline, probity, integrity and focus, helping him to manage financial institutions to an enviable standard and profitability. Indeed, through his ministry, this One Word of God (Jesus Christ) definitively spoken continues to be infinitely spoken with an undying echo in financial institutions. During his formation and tutelage under Archbishop Valerian Okeke, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Onitsha and the then Rector of Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu, Tony manifested a singleness of purpose that excludes any duplicity of character. Such a virtue became a major assurance that he imbibed the formation, which readied him for the priestly ministry.

The assignments carried out by Fr Obumse contributed in no little way to developing his potential. From being appointed by Fr Valerian Okeke (now Archbishop Val. Okeke) as the First Auxiliary of Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu, Fr Tony was schooled for the greater task ahead. After his ordination, he was appointed the Accountant/Auditor of the Archdiocese, a stint in a parish pastoral setting as a Vicar at St Mary Onitsha and later the Financial Administrator of the Archdiocese. His stellar performance encouraged the Archbishop to appoint him the CEO of the Oluchukwu Microfinance Bank as part of the holistic reform of all sectors. Fr Obumse did not disappoint. He revived a poorly performing bank and grew it to be the leading Microfinance Bank in the South East geopolitical zone and one of the country’s best banks of its cadre. With the support and guidance of the Archbishop, he took the Bank from a moribund status with no branch to a flourishing bank with ten branches across Anambra State, recording a harvest of awards, success stories and stellar accomplishments.

His performance validates that priests do not take up certain offices in the spirit of wannabe but to pe*****te the world with the ‘kindly light’ of the Gospel of Christ as an instrument of grace. Yes, it is for its evangelical propriety and exemplary value to serve as a light (cf. Matt. 5:14), salt (cf. Matt. 5:13) and catalyst (cf. Matt. 13:33) for a positive transformation. It is one of the various ways of expressing the motherhood of the Church as one who cares for her children and teaches the essence of such establishments. Through Fr Obumse’s managerial and entrepreneurial acumen, Oluchukwu Microfinance Bank is living abundantly within expectation in the framework of Christ’s manifesto and Archbishop Okeke’s motto: “That they may have life in abundance” (Jn 10:10). It creates wealth and employment, offers credits to small and medium enterprises, supports the works of the apostolate, carries out corporate social responsibility projects and empowerment programs, supports rural evangelisation and promotes the common good. Fr Obumse has, through this assignment, proved to be an outstanding and exemplary gatekeeper of spiritual wares and a gatekeeper of people’s treasures and funds.

Tony has demonstrated himself a disciple who drank from the well of Archbishop Valerian Okeke’s rich virtues: discipline, financial integrity, singleness of purpose and undying pursuit of excellence. As an administrator, Tony excels. As a financial manager, Fr. Obumse excels. Think of accountability, priestly integrity, first-class managerial discipline, and Spartan bank executive, think of Fr Anthony Obumse. Scoring first class in the workplace has antecedents and parallels in his academic pursuit both in the seminary and universities.

Undoubtedly, one must be a highly disciplined fellow to achieve this feat. Discipline is an indispensable capital for the ministry of the priesthood, life of sanctity and pursuit of excellence. No discipline, no greatness! Discipline expresses discipleship, for it spells the necessary quality for salvation. Precisely because holiness of life has faces, facial marks and features, one notices diverse and unique facial marks on the faces of the disciples of the Lord. While these sanctity marks take forms and shapes differently from one face to another, charity remains constant and characterises all these marks. Charity is so fundamental that it can be a synonym for sanctity. Without charity, there cannot be any claim to holiness. And though discipline predominates on the face of Fr Anthony Obumse, there is an immense oasis of charity in his heart, which fuels the generosity of his life.

As we felicitate Fr Anthony Obumse, the Co-ordinator of Financial Services of the Catholic Archdiocese of Onitsha, we wish him more grace to minister in the financial sector of society. Congratulations on leading Oluchukwu Microfinance Bank to a model for the triumph of courage-led, result-oriented visionary leadership. Your leadership dismantles barriers, takes risks, innovates, implements, and delivers on the goals.

Fr George Adimike
[email protected]


The streets of Israel



Rev Fr Dr Christopher Naseri is now Auxiliary Bishop Elect of Calabar Archdiocese.

Monsignor Christopher Naseri Naseri was born on April 5, 1970 in Calabar.
He attended the Immaculate Conception minor seminary in Mfamosing, the Marianum Spiritual Year Seminary in Calabar and studied philosophy at the St. Joseph Major Seminary in Ikot Ekpene and theology at the Seat of Wisdom Seminary in Owerri. He was ordained a priest on July 5, 1997 for the clergy of Calabar.

He has played the following roles, Assistant parish priest of St John, Akamkpa and Teacher in the Mary Immaculate Juniorate wuru (1997-1998), a Vice-parish Priest of St. Bernard (1998-2000), the Secretary of the Archbishop of Calabar (1998-2003) Administrator of the Parish of St. Vincent, Mhukne and the Chaplain of the Federal Girls College Chaplaincy, Calabar (1999-2000)
Member and Secretary of the Board of the Consultors (1999-2003), the parish Priest of St. Bernard and Vice-Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Calabar (2000-2003), the President of the Archdiocesan Commission for Seminary (2001-2003); Licentiate and Doctorate in Sacred Theology at is the Pontifical University Urbaniana, Rome (2003-2009), Lecturer at St. Joseph Major Seminary (2009-2020), the Vicar for clergy of the Archdiocese of Calabar and a Member of the College of Consultor (2013-2018); so far it has been Vicar of the Parish of St Bernand, Professor in the University of Calabar and in St. Joseph Major Seminary.

Congratulations to the Bishop Elect.


Happy Priesthood day to our Director
Fr Andrew Gboru


His Grace Most Rev. Joseph Edra Ukpo (Archbishop Emeritus of Calabar Archdiocese) has returned to the Lord.
May God grant his soul a place in the company of the saints in heaven. Amen🙏
Our sincere condolences to the Archbishop of Calabar, Most Rev. J. Ekuwen, and the entire faithful of the Catholic Archdiocese of Calabar.


Hi All,

Greetings. I am looking forward to celebrating the season of Lent with you as we seek to Pray, Fast and Give Alms to prepare ourselves to celebrate the Paschal Mystery: the Life, Suffering, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

N.B: Please remember today (Ash Wednesday) is a Day of Fasting and Abstinence. This means that everyone over 14 should not eat meat and any adult until the age of 60 should only eat two simple meals and one regular meal throughout the day. For those who can.
I very much look forward to celebrating Lent with you all.

To join the spiritual Lenten journey click here

Kindly share your pictures from Ash Wednesday below this post.

Fr Andrew Gboru


Breaking News: Pope Francis Creates Catholic Diocese of Aguleri, Appoints Bishop Isizoh as the first Bishop

Pope Francis has announced the establishment of the Catholic Diocese of Aguleri and appointed Bishop Denis Isizoh the Diocese’s first Bishop.

The er****on of the new Catholic Diocese in Nigeria and the appointment of the pioneer Bishop of the new Episcopal See was made public by the Holy See Press office on Sunday, February 12.

The Diocese of Aguleri has been curved from the Archdiocese of Onitsha, making it suffragan of the Metropolitan See of Onitsha.

Until his appointment as the new Local Ordinary of Aguleri Diocese, Bishop has been serving as Auxiliary Bishop of Onitsha and Titular Bishop of Legia.

Born in 1956 in Ogbunike in the Archdiocese of Onitsha, the Bishop was enrolled for his Philosophy studies at Bigard Seminary ( philosophy campus) Ikot-Ekpene from 1976 to 1980 and for his Theology studies at Bigard Memorial Seminary in Enugu from 1982 to 1985.

He was ordained a priest on 28 September 1985 for the Archdiocese of Onitsha.He was consecrated a Bishop, May 1, 2015.

As a priest, the bishop served in different capacities, including Parish Vicar, Chaplain for Schools, and formator at All Hallows Seminary, Onitsha. And official Pontifical Council for interreligious Dialogue, Vatican City ( 1995 - 2015), among other Priestly responsibilities.

Bishop Denis had his Licentiate at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome between 1989 and 1993.

Congratulations to Most Rev. Denis Isizoh and the faithful of the newly created Catholic Diocese of Aguleri.

Long Live the Church.

Photos from Catholic Faith Tv's post 09/02/2023

Congratulations to the Catholic Diocese of Warri on the Episcopal Ordination of Bishop Anthony Ewherido.



Back then in the minor seminary we had 2 criteria to belong to our rector’s class. They were learning to say audibly by heart the primeval prologue in Genesis 1: 1-19 that we heard in the first reading of today and the prologue of John as contained in the Gospel of John Chapter 1 vs 1-18. When we questioned the accuracy of some of the things we memorized with our little minds, Father Dayon would tell us that the summary of everything is that God is good and all created things are good. He went on to say that even he that we so dislike and see as evil is in fact very good.
Reading Genesis last night, something struck me. in this prose presentation that almost seem like poetry, there is a reoccurring refrain “ God saw that it was good” There is a conviction coming through in the author of this text that the created world is essentially good. In some way, all of created reality reflects the goodness of God. In these times when we can be so aware of and so preoccupied with evil, it is good to be reminded of that truth.
Now, When it comes to God’s creation of the human person on the sixth day, the author declares not only ‘it was good’ but ‘it was very good’. The human person has the potential to be a much fuller revelation of God’s goodness than anything else in all creation.
With this submission, Pope Paul the VI and Pope St John Paul II in Humane Vitae and Osoba I Czyn “The Acting Person” respectively uphold the dignity of the human person.
This morning’s gospel reading gives us a very vivid picture of people hurrying towards Jesus and his disciples in large numbers. We are told that people hurried through the countryside to get to him. It is striking that according to the gospel reading the people did not hurry to him alone. Rather, they brought the sick on stretchers to wherever he was and laid them down.
That image of the healthy, those healthy enough to run, bringing the sick to Jesus, can speak powerfully to us today.
In our world today, some of us have negative attitudes towards the sick. A lot of persons would choose euthanasia for their relatives to get off the burden of taking care of them. We have seen persons who starve their sick parents and relatives to death because of the burden of taking care of them. Some would even deny them the needed medicine to give them sustenance and stability. How abortion and the likes?
Beloved in Christ, all lives matter, the lives of all living things deserve respect, care and protection. All lives matter. No matter how small or insignificant, every life counts.
There are times when we can do something for others that they cannot do for themselves. In many homes, that is happening every day, as a healthier spouse looks after a more infirmed one, or a son or daughter looks after a frail or bedridden parent, or parents care for a son or daughter who, even though younger, is not as healthy as the parent. Then there are neighbours who visit the sick in their neighbourhood. There are parishioners who prompt the priest to bring Holy Communion to the sick.
In all of these ways today’s gospel reading is being re-enacted. The people in the gospel reading brought the sick to Jesus. We can bring Jesus to the sick by sharing the Lord with them in all sorts of simple, practical ways that are nonetheless truly life-giving for them, in the way that Jesus in the gospel reading was a life-giving presence for those who came to him or were brought to him. We should be ready to give it all to save life.
The Japanese Jesuit Priest Paul Miki whose memorial we celebrate today, was one who in imitation of our Lord gave his all to see to the conversion of many to Catholicism. We are called emulate him, giving our all also to see to the salvation of the man next door.


Pope Francis has landed this afternoon in Kinshasa (Democratic Rep. Of Congo)

Photos from Catholic Faith Tv's post 31/01/2023


The Judicial vicars and tribunal officials of Owerri Ecclesiastical Province gathered at Assumpta Cathedral on January 27, 2023, for their inaugural Mass, meetings and lectures.

In his address at the occasion, the Archbishop of Owerri Archdiocese and Metropolitan of Owerri Ecclesiastical Province, Most Rev. Lucius I. Ugorji, told the judicial vicars and tribunal officials that the inauguration was an occasion for all Tribunal Officials led by the Judicial Vicars and all those in the juridical ministry to reflect on all kinds of juridical causes, including causes of the matrimonial nullity proceedings/separation and its place in the statutory marriage ordinance as well as other contentious and penal causes which the tribunals have competent. He said this will afford them the opportunity to identify areas that need improvement, for better and enhanced service delivery to the faithful.

He challenged them to begin the 2023 legal year by enacting a more renewed pastoral-juridical strategy, and creativity that will engender effective and proactive on-going formation and preparation of young people for marriage and family life. He also reminded them of the need to hasten the judicial processes and to be mindful of the traps of delay set by parties who make frantic efforts to prolong the process unreasonably.

Archbishop Ugorji further reminded the judicial workers that the objective of shared search for truth must characterize every phase of the judicial process. He enjoined them to create enabling environment that will engender adequate and genuine communication between spouses.

Below are some pictures of the event.



Jubilation and thanksgiving to God as the Catholic Church in Kenya witness the extraordinary ordination of the first blind deacon, Rev Deacon Michael Mithamo King'ori of the Catholic Archdiocese of Nyeri Kenya to priesthood.

Congratulations Rev. Fr. Michael Mithamo King'ori and the newly ordained priests.
Alot of gratitude to His Grace Most Rev Archbishop Muheria for this great historic celebration.




Congratulations to Warri Diocese

Rt Rev Msgr Anthony Ewherido , the Rector of SS Peter and Paul Major Seminary, Bodija, Ibadan is new Bishop of Warri Diocese.


Registration now open for the Multilingual Course on Synodality promoted by the Evangelii Gaudium Centre of the Istituto Universitario Sophia

Addressed to the entire People of God (from bishops to pastoral workers, from priests to consecrated men and women, from seminarians to lay people), the course aims to offer a wide-ranging theological and pastoral preparation with the objective of providing the Christian community with a model for the communal exercise of Christian thinking and acting. The lectures will be held on the ZOOM platform.

It is possible to register for the entire course or for a single module. The lessons will be held in Italian, with simultaneous translation into Spanish, Portuguese and English.

For information and registration contact:
[email protected]

Links to register:


The Catholic Bishop of Enugu Diocese, Most Rev. CVC Onaga, bans his Priests from organising crusades -what he called Pentecostal kind of services.

He thus banned them from conducting crusades in their parishes.

Bishop Onaga announced the ban in his homily at the ordination of 26 priests and the celebration of 50 years anniversary of the Sacred Heart Seminary, Nsude (Junior Seminary) in Enugu Diocese, Nigeria.

He charged the priests to organise retreats for their parishioners and pay greater attention to prayers and not hold crusades.

Onaga who was celebrating his 55th alma mater warned priests against forming prayer groups, but to take their members to approved prayer places like Ugwu Dì Nso, monastery and others.

“Do not adopt the Pentecostal approach of service, and be careful in forming prayer groups,’’ he charged.

He admonished the newly-ordained priests to seek spiritual holiness and avoid being dragged into secular affairs.

Earlier, the rector of the seminary, Rev. Fr. Stanislaus Onodugo said the seminary was the brain-child of Bishop of Enugu, His Lordship Godfrey Okoye of blessed memory, in 1972.

He stated that since 1972, priests and lay persons that went through the seminary had graduated into reputable personalities.

“Today, the seminary can boast of at least one bishop who was among the second set to study in this seminary, and that is Bishop Onaga.

“We are also celebrating the grand finale of our golden jubilee which started since June, 27.

“Today, our dear bishop raised 26 deacons to the Order of Priesthood and we are happy that such event is happening in our time,’’ Onodugo said.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Bishop Onaga was among the second set of students to be admitted into the seminary in 1973.
Catholic Intercessory News Bulletins, Catholic Archdiocese of Benin City Nigeria.

Spiritan Hub


Breaking news!
-Pope Francis creates Wukari Diocese
-Appoints Monsignor Mark Nzukwein as first Bishop.
Details later


Breaking news!
-Pope Francis creates Wukari Diocese (Taraba State)
-Appoints Monsignor Mark Nzukwein as first Bishop.
Details later


Rev. Fr. Basil Gbuzue, the Spiritual Director of Mountain of Solution Catholic Adoration Ministry (MOSCAM), apologises to the Archdiocesan Ecclesiastical Hierarchy for the visit of Chukwuemeka Ohanaemere, AKA Odumeje.


"We are not in partnership with Odumeje," Spiritual director of Communio Sanctorum Ministry Ụmunya, Fr. Bonachristus Umeogu said.


Kindly join in the celebration.


May they rest in peace.



The Holy Father has appointed His Excellency Msgr. Michael Kalu Ukpong the bishop of Umuahia Diocese.

He is currently the Diocesan Administrator of the same Umuahia diocese and was formally the auxiliary Bishop of Umuahia.

Congratulations Your Excellency.


May the Lord Grant us a quiet night and a perfect end. Amen



By Father Kenneth Agwu

The stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone – Psalm 118:22

After a grueling Sunday activities on May 29, 2022, ranging from celebration of Holy Mass, settling minor disputes among my ‘angels’ and attending series of meetings as pastoral exigencies demanded, I finally reached out to my phone to be greeted with most amazing news. What news?

At the end of the Regina Coeli that day, Pope Francis announced that he will hold a Consistory on Saturday, August 27, 2022 for the creation of 21 new Cardinals. The Cardinal-elects represented the Church worldwide, and reflected a wide variety of cultures, contexts and pastoral ministries.

As reported in the Vatican News by a staff writer, the College of Cardinals, which is the ecclesiastical body of the Roman Catholic Church, electing and advising the pope, now consists of 208 Cardinals, of whom 117 are electors and 91 non-electors. All things being equal, after the Consistory of 27 August, the number will grow to 229 Cardinals, of whom 131 will be electors.

Among the newly named Cardinals, eight of them are from Europe, six from Asia, four from Central and Latin America, two from Africa, and one from North America.

Of the Cardinal-elects, one name that rings bell across the globe and Nigeria in particular is Bishop Peter Okpaleke. Understandably, proximity is an important aspect of news value but beyond this factor, Okpaleke fits into what Mathew’s Gospel 21:42 reported of Jesus saying to the Jewish authorities.

There Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is from the Lord, and it is marvelous in our eyes’?”

Perhaps, none expected this sweet twist of event in relation to Bishop Okpaleke after his torturous and if you like, humiliating episcopal experience in the recent past. He was taunted as a ‘bishop without a diocese’ because the flock for which he was originally appointed to head as a shepherd, rejected him on the baseless and most despicable ground of tribalism. It was hellish to say the least.

But didn’t the Prophet Isaiah already reported in Isaiah 55:8-9 of what God said in relation to his will and those of men? “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” The way of God is truly unique and when God says yes, nobody can say no!

For a man marked for humiliation in men’s folly, God has set up for glorification beyond telling. This shouldn’t surprise because in electing to become a priest, Bishop Peter Okpaleke chose victimhood in the mould of his Master, Jesus the Christ. Pertaining to his excruciating experiences, we return to the Prophet Isaiah who echoed this mystery most perfectly when he thundered:

“Who would believe what we have heard? To whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? He grew up like a sapling before him, like a shoot from the parched earth; He had no majestic bearing to catch our eye, no beauty to draw us to him. He was spurned and avoided by men, a man of suffering, knowing pain, like one from whom you turn your face, spurned, and we held him in no esteem… We thought of him as stricken, struck down by God and afflicted…” (Isaiah 53:1-6).

Once, in a situation very similar to Bishop Okpaleke’s, Steve Lawrence relayed what he said while speaking with a woman whose husband was rejected and told he was no longer required in his role as a Religious Education Coordinator at his Catholic secondary school without rhyme or reason. He said to her, “I’m sure good things will come from it, even if these are not obvious at the moment.”

Somehow, this is so true of Bishop Okpaleke who was born on Friday, March 1, 1963 in Amesi in Anambra State, Nigeria. He attended local schools and in 1983 entered the Bigard Memorial Major Seminary in Ikot Ekpene and Enugu, where he studied philosophy and theology from 1983 to 1990. He was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Awka on Wednesday, August 22, 1990.

In the twenty years following his ordination he distinguished himself as an astute leader and filled a wide variety of pastoral and administrative positions, including university chaplain, parish priest, diocesan finance administrator, diocesan chancellor and secretary, and member of diocesan boards. He also studied canon law in Rome at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross.

On Friday, December 7, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI appointed Fr. Okpaleke Bishop of Ahiara, Nigeria to fill the void left by Bishop Victor Chikwe who was the first bishop of Ahiara from his appointment on Wednesday, November 18, 1987, till his death on Thursday, September 16, 2010.

Msgr. Okpaleke was then consecrated a bishop by the emeritus Archbishop of Owerri, Anthony J. V. Obinna on Tuesday, May 21, 2013. Because of objections to his appointment, his consecration was held outside the Diocese, in the Major Seminary of Ulakwo in the Archdiocese of Owerri.

Even at that, local clergy and parishioners of Ahiara objected to his appointment and prevented him from entering the cathedral in order to take possession of the diocese. So, a petition objecting to the fact that Bishop Okpaleke was not of Mbaise ethnic origin was sent to Pope Benedict XVI after he appointed Okpaleke bishop. The matter remained unresolved till Benedict retired.

Pope Francis who succeeded Benedict had hoped that time would heal all wounds to no avail. On Friday, June 9, 2017, he gave clergy in the diocese of Ahiara 30 days to either write a letter promising obedience and accepting Okpaleke as their bishop or be suspended. In response, the Clergy sent letters of apology but continued to protest what they saw as racial discrimination.

After a realistic assessment of the toxic situation surrounding his episcopacy and in the interest of God’s flock in Ahiara, on Wednesday, February 14, 2018, Bishop Okpaleke in emotion-laden letter tendered his resignation noting among others: “The situation in Ahiara Diocese to the best of my knowledge has not improved. Most importantly, this has been threatening my spiritual life.

“Taking the above into consideration, I am convinced, in conscience that my remaining the Bishop of Ahiara is no longer beneficial to the Church. I do not think that my apostolate in a diocese where a group of priests and lay faithful are very ill disposed to have me in their midst would be effective.

“Exercising the ministry in a diocese where priests who are supposed to be my immediate and closest collaborators, brothers, friends and sons are at war with one another, with the laity and with me as their chief shepherd would be disastrous and a threat to the salvation of souls – including my own soul.

“Your Holiness, for the spiritual good of the diocese, I, Most Rev. Peter Ebere Okpaleke, hereby freely and humbly present, my resignation to you and pray that you relieve me of the responsibility of being the bishop of Ahiara Diocese of Nigeria.”

Expressing his willingness to serve the Church he added, “Please, permit me to categorically state that if it still pleases God and the Holy Father, I am still well disposed to serve God and the Church in any other area of assignment. Once more, I express my gratitude to God and to you, our dear Holy Father for giving me the opportunity to serve in my unworthiness. While renewing my fidelity and obedience to you, I humbly request for your blessings.”

Upon the reception of Bishop Okpaleke's letter, on Monday, February 19, 2018, Pope Francis accepted his resignation as Bishop of Ahiara and appointed Bishop Lucius Iwejuru Ugorji, then Bishop of Umuahia, an Apostolic Administrator of Ahiara, and granted to him all the faculties of a Bishop. In part, one can say that Bishop Peter’s wound is finally healed. But like Steve Lawrence said:

“Our wounds, when healed, don’t disappear, but they do become access points for God to enter into our life in new and wonderful ways. Even more so they become sources of grace for others. Our healed wounds become part of our missionary credentials to be offered for others. The trials we have to endure are means by which God equips us with gifts that we cannot otherwise receive.”

This is true for Bishop Okpaleke as on Thursday, March 5, 2020, just over two years after accepting his resignation as Bishop of Ahiara, Pope Francis appointed him the Bishop of the Diocese of Ekwulobia, a newly created diocese in Anambra State which formerly had its territory under the jurisdiction of Awka Diocese. Bishop Okpaleke was installed there on Wednesday, April 29, 2020.

In retrospect, his travails in Ahiara was a blessing in disguise because God works in mysterious way. Certainty, God allowed the disaster of his rejection like of Christ, not because it was a good thing in itself, it was terrible and God’s heart was broken as a result of it; but because God knew He would bring a greater thing from it.

It was in the midst of those dark years that indomitable faith was planted in his heart, that the practice of prayer was deepened, and that a desire to trust God totally grew. Priesthood is not possible by human strength alone, and so it was the grace of God that he learned to seek. There is no security in anything else but abandonment to God, no matter what storm is swirling about.

In recognition of his love and fidelity to the Church, his humility, his indomitable faith in God, and his willingness and zeal to serve the Church wherever the Holy Father wills, on Sunday, May 29, 2022 being the 56th Anniversary of the World Communications Day, Pope Francis announced he would make Bishop Okpaleke a cardinal at a consistory scheduled for 27 August.

After this epochal event, His Eminence Peter Cardinal Okpaleke has gone down in history as the fifth Nigerian Cardinal. He was preceded by Dominic Cardinal Ekandem, Francis Cardinal Arinze, Anthony Cardinal Okogie and John Cardinal Onaiyekan.

The link between Cardinal Okpaleke, Cardinal Onaiyekan and Cardinal Ekandem is worth noting. Cardinal Ekadem was Nigeria’s first Cardinal and the first Bishop of Abuja Diocese. Upon retirement on Monday, September 28, 1992, Bishop Onaiyekan who was his Coadjutor succeeded him. When Abuja became an Archdiocese on Saturday, March 26, 1994, Onaiyekan became its first Archbishop and was later created fourth Nigerian Cardinal on Saturday, November 24, 2012.

When it became impracticable for Okpaleke to take possession of Ahiara after consecration, Pope Francis appointed Cardinal Onaiyekan Apostolic Administrator ad natum Sanctae Sedies of the Diocese of Ahiara on Wednesday, July 3, 2013 and he served till Monday, February 19, 2018.

Earlier Cardinal Ekandem performed similar role in the Diocese of Port Harcourt. When it was impossible too for Bishop Godfrey Mary Paul Okoye, CSSp dubiously tagged “the most Biafran of the Biafran Bishops,” to go back to his diocese after the Nigerian/Biafran War, at the instance of Pope Paul VI, Bishop Ekandem of then Ikot Ekpene, was appointed Apostolic Administrator of Port Harcourt on Tuesday, March 17, 1970 and he served till Tuesday, October 16, 1973.

On the other hand, of the five Nigerian Cardinals, only the first, that is Cardinal Ekandem and the fifth, that is Cardinal Okpaleke, were elevated to the Cardinalate when serving as Bishops of their respective Ikot Ekpene and Ekwulobia Dioceses; Cardinals Arinze, Okogie and Onaiyekan were all Archbishops heading Archdioceses of Onitsha, Lagos and Abuja respectively when elevated.

In the life of Cardinal Okpaleke, it has become very clear that when grace speaks, men have no choice but to listen. His life like that of Cardinal Okogie who was similarly rejected as Auxiliary Bishop of Oyo, has taught us that rejection is sometimes a blessing in disguise if we allow God to act. We wish His Eminence Peter Cardinal Okpaleke the best in life and God’s eternal reward.

Videos (show all)

Pope Francis has landed this afternoon in Kinshasa (Democratic Rep. Of Congo)
NO PVC, NO MASSWhat is your take on this?
Video of the abducted Seminarians from Christ the King Seminary, Kaduna who were just released. All Glory be to the Infa...

