CEB Naturopathic Consult

CEB Naturopathic Consult

At CEB Naturopathic Consult, we combine nature and science to truly bring your body to the place of perfect health always.


Is water really life?

There is a popular saying that "Water is Life". This saying is true because every living organism depend on water for survival. Every cell, tissue and organ require water to work effectively.
The body needs to get the adequate amount of water daily because it is the building block for all body fluids. It also makes up two-third of the weight of the human body.

An average human body weight is made up of 70% of water. This means that water is truly essential for survival. The benefits of water cannot be overemphasized ranging from boosting energy to joint health to skin health and clarity to enhancing the activities of different organs in the body to weight control to flushing out toxins.

Some of the water in the body comes from the food consumed. A portion of the water is produced during metabolism. Water can also be gotten from liquid foods and drinks including water, soup, milk, tea, coffee, and juices. Due to the diuretic properties of alcohol, it is not a source of water rather it expels water from the body.

When the body lacks sufficient amount of water, dehydration sets in. This simply means that your body doesn't have enough water to carry out normal bodily functions. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, confusion, muscle weakness, low blood pressure, constipation, kidney stone, headache, dry skin, increased heart rate, dizziness and even unconsciousness.

The recommended amount of water needed by the body daily is about 2.7 to 3.7 litres. However, individual requirement depend on age, s*x, weight, level of activity, exercise, or even health condition.

This validates water as a daily medicine for the body that should never be taken for granted because "Water is truly Life".

This is a friendly Reminder to you, to drink enough water today.

CEB Naturopathic Consult


Do you know that surrounding yourself with positive energy/emotions can help you build immunity against diseases.

According to an experimental study recorded in the "American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, which examined the relationship between postive emotions and vulnerability of catching common cold, the study showed that experiencing positive emotions was linked to greater resistance to developing the common cold.

Other studies also show that apart from preventing illnesses, Positive emotions eases depression, elongate life span, lowers blood pressure, reduces the risk of having a heart attack and manage stress.


Tips to staying healthy

Staying healthy requires a conscious effort and ensuring to take into consideration even the least detail. A lot of us have formed bad habits unconsciously over time that are detrimental to our health. Often time, we fail to see that they are causing harm to our body because the effects are not immediate.

Our society is being plagued with a lot of health challenge that we have brought upon ourselves through unhealthy habits.

In this series, I will be sharing with you some health easy health tips that can help boost our immune system which will in turn keep us healthy.

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CEB Naturopathic Consult


Welcome to CEB Naturopathic Clinic, we are here to bring you perfect health tips and insight into matters that can give your body long lasting benefits...

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