

ogbu ogbu@gmail


Thank God for His Mercy on my family, I continue to pray and will always love Him. To God be the glory.


Happy Sunday to all my friends, I wish we will all have the same forgiveness that Zacheus had today. We should be able to confess our sins so that we will gain access to Heaven in Jesus mighty name amen.


Go into all the corner of the world and preach the gospel, you are a Missionary as long as you are a confirmed Catholic. May God continue to bless us and leadu us to propergate His Words in Jesus mighty name amen.


Thank God for His goodness, I pray that He will continue to be with us and save us from our enemies. We should not be tired of prayers. He will answer our prayers when He wish.


Today is 10 /10/2022, therefore 10+10 is 20 then 20+2 is 22. Its a wonderful day. I thank God for His goodness wish you happy new week.


Happy Sunday to my good friends, I wish you God Blessings through out the remaining Sundays of the year 2022.


Why big head, big nose and big mouth? Why is your own small? God knows better.


Thank God today is Friday, May God bless you all and l pray that He will continue to save us from our enemies in Jesus mighty name amen.


Happy midweek to all my friends, I wish you God Blessings.


To God be the glory. His Mercy endures forever, I pray that He will continue to bless us all in Jesus mighty name amen.


I cover all my children with the special Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ and pray that God will continue to save us from our enemies in Jesus mighty name amen. Today is one of the most important day l will continue to love Him.


Happy weekend to all my friends, I pray that God will continue to bless us through out the year in Jesus mighty name amen.


Happy Sunday to all my friends, I pray that God will continue to bless you and your family in Jesus mighty name amen.


Happy birthday to Our Blessed Mother, Continue to intercede for Your children.


This is the first day of September 2022 , what a wonderful day? Almighty God forgive our sins and save us from our enemies in Jesus name amen.


We are matching to the months of EMBER, May the Lord God Almighty remain with us through out this period and protect us from our enemies in Jesus name amen.


I thank God for who l am. He is my everything and l know Him and He knows me. Why should l not be courageous in life? Continue to be with me and my family.


Happy Sunday to all my friends, I pray that God will shower us His Blessings and lead us through the narrow gate at the end of our journey.


Thank God for today.

