CACSA Victorious Assembly

CACSA Victorious Assembly



let's have it!🤩💥👏


This is our Guest speaker for the Upcoming in Church,ministering in the last NATIONAL ACADA Conference.
We Anticipate a great move of God touching every homes and families that will be witnessing this programme.
,Save the date!


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; The Peace with God by Pastor Ajayi Akinwale Emmanuel
Text; John 14;26-27


Children are indeed the the heritage of the lord. We are blessed to have Churchill and Charis as they witness a new year.
We also use this medium to celebrate children of CACSA Victorious Assembly .
Matthew 21:16 and said to Him, "Do You hear what these are saying?" And Jesus said to them, "Yes. Have you never read, [' Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants] [You have perfected praise'?]"


TOPIC: I know thy works
PREACHER: Pst. Prof. J. Aransiola
TEXT: Rev. 2:2

" I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars." Rev. 2:2.

* What's the work that the book of Revelation is referring to?. Behold it's not just work as a profession but all what you do and doing in your life, probably it's of good or evil. He said " I know thy works".
* No matter how professional a man can be as a medical doctor, he can not see what's in the mind and heart of a man, but He (Jesus) knows everything about us physically and in the heart.
* You as a married man and woman, you're still having another person you are seeing outside. The word of God says "I know thy works".
* Brethren, how are you walking and working in your life? No one can work for you because you shall be judged according to how you worked in life on the judgement day.
* As a church goer, you always contribute to church financially, you are also working in the church but your heart is evil and full of filthiness behold, truly you are working for God physically but your heart isn't working for Him.
* You are not fearing God by coming to church as a pure person and living your life outside the church in evil and filthiness. You are fearing your pastor and brethren. Behold, God knows your secret affairs.
* God is calling us to come out from our sinful neighborhood, filthiness attitude and character, for us to enjoy eternal companionship with Jesus.

God Bless His Church🙇🏽‍♂️
Have a week full of blessings and Grace🎙️



You can never out-sin God's forgiveness,come to Jesus today. Where sin abounds God's love abound much more.


Build Your Faith Upon His Promises

“He shall deliver you in six troubles, yes, in seven no evil shall touch you. In famine He shall redeem you from death, and in war from the power of the sword. You shall be hidden from the scourge of the tongue, and you shall not be afraid of destruction when it comes. You shall laugh at destruction and famine.”

Job 5:19–22

I believe the Lord gave me the above portion of scripture to strengthen you. Let’s take a closer look at the first verse: “He shall deliver you in six troubles, yes, in seven no evil shall touch you.”

Now, I have read this verse a number of times before, but the Lord quickened this scripture in me, so let me share this fresh insight with you. I want to specially address those who have been greatly discouraged in the area of protection. Perhaps you have experienced a very difficult or even tragic event, or are going through a very challenging situation right now. Can I encourage you to build your faith upon His promises and not upon your experiences?

The Word of God says that in this world, we will have trouble (John 16:33). The fact that God declares in His Word that He will deliver us from troubles tells us that we will experience troubles. But God wants us to know that the more we hear preaching on Psalm 91, the more we quote it and remind ourselves of the Lord’s protection daily, the more our faith in His protection will grow.

Faith comes from “hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ” (Rom. 10:17 NASB). The more we hear, the more we believe! The more we claim and pray the prayer of protection, the more we will walk in its blessings. That is the intention of this book—to saturate you with the hearing and hearing of the Lord’s protection promises for your life until your faith is robust and overflowing.

My friend, deliverance from trouble is fantastic, but there is a promise that is even greater, and that is when you are at that place where “no evil shall touch you.” That’s my prayer for you and your loved ones.

While we live in dangerous times, we have an almighty God who watches over us. May we all increase and have a progressive revelation of the Lord’s protection in these last days. While none of us, myself included, are there yet, we are on a journey of faith, of walking fully in the promises of God’s protection.

Let’s give thanks to the Lord for His deliverance from all our troubles as we continue to believe we will come to the place where no evil will touch our loved ones and us!


TYC Sunday Service || Message ; Believers Right and Privileges( Believer Authority Series) by Pastor Ajayi Akinwale Emmanuel .
Text;Matt 16.15-19.

Photos from CACSA Victorious Assembly's post 05/05/2024

Today is the First Sunday in May,of course there will be beautiful pictures of people of God dripping Glory. 🥰 !💦💧

Videos (show all)

#TYC  SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP #PEACE; The Peace  with God by Pastor Ajayi Akinwale EmmanuelText; John 14;26-27
TODAY SERMON.                 MAY 26.TOPIC: I know thy worksPREACHER: Pst. Prof. J. AransiolaTEXT: Rev. 2:2  " I know th...

