

Information technology company


What is branding?
BRANDING is the marketing practice in which a company creates a name, symbol or design that is easily identifiable as belonging to the company.
This helps to identify a product and distinguish it from other products and services. Branding is important because not only is it what makes a memorable impression on consumers but it allows your customers and clients to know what to expect from your company.
It is a way of distinguishing yourself from the competitors and clarifying what it is that you offer that makes you the better choice. Your brand is built to be a true representation of who you are as a business, and how you wish to be perceived.
BRANDING is all about packaging, how do you position your business for people to see? What do people think of your business if they see it.
If your business has a very low branding, it reduces your customer’s chances of buying from you. If nothing appeals to them you might have to sit and rethink.
The sales rates of some Businesses are as low as the word itself not because the business is not meeting needs but because it is not being branded properly to attract not just customers but life-time potential buyers.
Ever heard someone say to you; “your products/services are too cost but because you are the best I have seen doing this so far, I will keep coming?" It's not because of favor or anything like it, it's because you are standing properly as a brand; I mean you are Branding well.
To your business growth,
Like and share the page If you find it helpful. 06/09/2020


Don't gamble on you digital marketing let NutzTech make you a winner


Overwhelmed by what need to be done in your business?
Well when it comes to your digital marketing NutzTech is here to help!
Let us know we can help you accomplish.

NutzTech 14/04/2020

Did 5G cause covid 19?

NutzTech 5G is the 5th generation mobile network. It is a new global wireless standard after 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G networks. 5G enables a new kind of network that is designed to connect virtually everyone and everything together including machines, objects, and devices.

NutzTech 11/04/2020

Five reason why you need a website for your business

NutzTech We understand the reasons why you might resist building one for your business: “I’m not tech savvy”, “they’re too expensive”, “I don’t have the time”, or the infamous “I have enough business and I don’t need one”. The reality is, you don’t need to be tech savvy, getting a p...


Lately there has been a natural gravitation to Internet of Things. In general, IoT creates a higher level of awareness about the world around and helps monitor our reactions to the changing conditions created by this awareness. With IoT, we can manage our businesses and asset better informed ways and we can take more timely decisions about what we need to do. By sensing our surroundings better, IoT will bring about many practical improvements in the worlds, increasing our convenience, health and safety.

IoT will change the world in an even more profound way than the internet. If we ask the children today how the world existed without internet they would be speechless. They would be unable to comprehend how people communicated or even how we lived our lives without the technological tools available to us now. The same thing will happen to IoT.

Transportation, the places we live and work, and even the food we eat are all influenced by Internet of Things, and this is only the beginning. A decade from now, we will be dependent on the knowledge derived from the data from our wearables, and other smart devices, and we will have no idea how we managed to live without it. We will be able to make more informed, accurate and timely decisions that will improve our lives in tremendous ways and means. IoT will make the difference.

NutzTech 08/04/2020

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NutzTech We build robust & scalable enterprise applications using the most cutting edge web technologies to help businesses run their operations efficiently.


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