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Many of us are quick to point out the wrongdoings of other people while refusing to check ourselves as well. We know how to point out people when they do something wrong but become offended when our own wrongs are pointed out by others.

Jesus Christ was speaking in Mathew 7:3, He said "and why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?" That's how many of us are, quick to point out, quick to judge but never willing to pointed out by others.

Introspection is a virtue every believer should have, that is, the ability to look inwards and check yourself. Of course, you can't do this on your own, you need the help of the Holy spirit to be able to rightly judge your actions and make necessary adjustments. You also need to learn to always judge yourself through the light of the scriptures as well. Don't become too hard for the Holy Spirit to convince and correct on any wrong done.

Be open and always ask yourself these questions; Have I done right? What am I doing wrong that needs to change? What do I need to adjust on? How can I be a better Christian?

Doing these will help the Holy Spirit to always keep you in check and you will become a better person...


Philippians 4:6-7
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;
and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

One of the things you need to grow on is the ability to manage your emotions, especially when things are not going your way or the way you've planned things to work out.
The Bible admonishes us not to be anxious for nothing(nothing refers to any thing whatsoever), but that whatsoever it is that you desire or envisage for yourself, you should ask in prayers and when you do this, the peace of God(which is an assurance for you) will fill your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

You should learn to respond to adverse situations by allowing the peace that comes from prayers fill you up and help you respond positively.
Have you seen a man who is calm even in the midst of raging storms? That's a man who has learned to cast all of his cares on God through prayers and has allowed his heart and mind be filled with the peace that only comes from God.

You should learn not to fret or be filled with anxiety in the face of adversity.
Be anxious for nothing!


Truly! The young shall grow.
Everyone of us has gone through various stages of growth in our physical body and we have witnessed great changes in our body structure. But, this growth in our physical body does not always mean that we've grown in vital areas of our life as well.

Growth is a relative word that does not relate to your physical body only. Don't be too concerned with your physical growth and neglect other areas that you need to grow. Before you can boldly say that you've grown, then it has to be in all areas of your life.

How well have you grown in spiritual things? How well have you grown your mental capabilities? How well can you hold and keep friendship? How well can you manage your emotions? How well have you developed your skills and abilities? How well have you grown your appetite for learning and acquiring wisdom?

If you truly want to grow, you must make sure to grow in all the vital areas of your life...


Just as eating good food and drinking clean water is vital to the proper functioning of your physical body, so also is reading God's word and praying effectively is vital to the proper functioning and growth of your spiritual life.

Just as you can't eat just any food or drink dirty water, so also, you must feed on God's word which is the bible and back it up with effectual prayers.

Just as eating junks is unhealthy and taking carbonated drinks will cause harm to your body, so also, you must learn to scrutinize what you feed your spiritual man. The bible remains the yardstick for whatever word of God you will listen to or feed upon. Do not only read the bible, read Christian literatures, listen to edifying and spirit filled men of God whose teachings are based on the doctrines of Christ.

Never neglect the place of prayer. As water refreshes and hydrates the body, so also, prayer rejuvenates your spirit and energizes even your physical body.

A health christian life is that which is given to the word of God and prayers!!.



This is a question you need to ask yourself, dear daughter of God... What is occupying the spaces and rooms of my heart? My ambitions? My desires? My plans? How large is the room I've given to God's word? How important do I hold God's word?

What you give importance to is what you will constantly work to feed and grow. As a daughter in God's kingdom, what should drive you is GOD'S WORD. You shouldn't make any choice or decision outside of God's word. God's word should always have the final say over your life.

You have been given the written word of God and also the spoken word of God, so that you will never lack instructions. All you need to live as God's child has been given to you in the word of God....

What you keep in your heart determines what drives your life. If you keep all your self ambitions in your heart, your ambitions will drive you farther away from God. But if you keep God's word in your heart, your steps will never slide(Psalm 37:31)


Crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭2:2‬ ‭(NIV‬‬)

Growth is a constant phenomenon provided the right steps and actions are taken. Physical growth of a child is inevitable in as much as the parents feed the child with the right nutrients.
So also, our spiritual growth will be inevitable if we also feed on the right and balanced nutrients. To grow in your spiritual walk with God, you need to desire and crave spiritual food.
To grow, you need to read the bible, meditate on the word of God, do the word of God, memorize the word of God, confess the word of God and pray without ceasing. All these are sufficient to make you grow and mature in spiritual things.
The year is still new, you can still make the decision to grow...
Grace to you!


One constant thing about CHOICES is that, it will either make us progressive or retrogressive.
In making choices in life, we need to carefully make our decisions because our decisions and choices eventually becomes our life. Many of us have made choices and decisions that have had adverse effects on our lives. Many of us have been able to make good choices that has veered our life to the right path.
The year is still new, we have lots of decisions and choices that we will have to make. And in order to make right choices and decisions, we need to choose God. God can never be wrong, so when you choose Him, you will definitely choose right.
Your first step starts with making the choice to surrender all to Christ.
Choose God today and He will order your steps


Deut 11:16
Take heed to yourselves, lest your heart be deceived and you turn aside and serve other gods and worship them..

We live in a world where deception has become the order of the day. People now do all sorts of things to appear as who they are not just to deceive others.
Jesus Christ while describing the events of the last age in Matthew 24 mentioned that false prophets will rise up and deceive many, they will perform signs and wonders to deceive even the elect of God.
This deception comes subtly, looking so harmless, but Christ has told us that 'by their fruits we shall know them'. Through the discerning spirit of God, we will be able to tell the spirit of truth apart from the spirit of lie and deception.
Guard your heart with all diligence, for all deception starts from believing what is not true, hold on to the word of Truth, know Christ for yourself, read your bible, pray, meditate on His words. Don't wait until someone presents their Jesus to you.


In the old testament, God made a covenant with the Israelites that He will give them a land flowing with milk and honey. God directed them to this land and the Israelites had to engage in series of battles before the land could eventually be theirs...
In Joshua 24:13, God said 'I have given you a land you DID NOT LABOR, and cities which you DID NOT BUILD, and you dwell in them; you eat of the vineyards and olive groves which YOU DID NOT PLANT'.
The battle the Israelites engaged in was never a labour, it was simply them taking what belongs to them. The inhabitants of the land will never surrender the land to them just like that, they had to contend for it.
Likewise, we also have a great inheritance in Jesus Christ, it's available for us free of charge, with no payment. But the devil will not want you to simply walk into those inheritance, You will have to contend for your inheritance.
Christ has made healing, victory, sonship, authority, power, prosperity of our souls and even more available for us but the devil will always fight you and want to stop you from enjoying it. The devil will always want you not to see what has been made available for you.. Your greatest weapon to fight the devil is to know that all these things belong to you and you will enjoy them


You didn't do anything to make God love you, you didn't perform any spectacular feat to make God feel so happy and then decide to show you His love. God choose you and set His love on you because of who He is and not because of who we are.

Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us(NKJV)

While we were still wallowing in our sin and unrighteousness, Christ came and died for us, delivered us and set us free.
This should let you understand that you can never earn God's love, His love is forever available for you though the death and resurrection of Christ.
The only thing you need to do is to accept the gift of His love and that is JESUS CHRIST.
Accept Christ today, believe in Christ today and confess His lordship over your life today.

