Ifo International

Ifo International

IFO int' l is a platform for artistic expressions. Paintings, Sculpture, Drama, Film, Poetry and literary works will be showcased.

Check out this platform of interesting narratives.


The Dialogues- Concept of Ikenga in Igbo Cosmology. The Igbos are wired with a peculiar DNA. The desire to excel is Paramount in the aspiration list of the average Igboman. This laudable intention is reflected in every of their endeavors. That relentless effort, the hard drive on self forsaking every distraction, is at the core of every success recorded. And there are costs. That atmosphere of self denial as all luxuries are shunned and a strident attitude is taken towards work. The determination to succeed against great odds is the peculiarity in their DNA that today may seem an albatross. As usual most people tend to neglect the one bent to hard labour. The dignity in labour is not recorded. The gradual growth of that petty trader who came into an alien community, turned it into a home is now quickly forgotten. Rather mysterious inclination is now alluded to the recorded success. And as we all know, success attacks envy. The mark of Ikenga is indicated in the result achieved from the labour of ones hands... And as we all know from the historicism of our continued efforts to uplift human effort above elementals, Supra and super natural indicators that often aid or inhibit a man's effort to better the life that he has encountered is an uphill task. This progression of human effort against elementals and spiritual factors takes the Igbo man once more to the door step of Ikenga. The ability to forge ahead against great odds. The Greco- Latin categorization of this facet of an Igbo conception of the being as one with the spiritual then denominated as the Soul is a later acquisition of the European tribes whose encounter with the Igbos set into motion the decline of Igbo civilization. Now to Ikenga, the unsong Soulmate to man, the great force that Spurs one on and that Companion in the long swim through the waters of life, we share this moment of reflection on Igbo conception of life, reasons for ones existence and fulfillment of the purposes to life. At the Genesis of Igbo separation of the spiritual from the physical, the hierarchy of beings, spirits, Divine Grace's and God is clearly defined. Almighty God known amongst Igbo people in descriptive names such as Chokwu Kere Uwa, Chukwu obioma and many others that evoke the essence of God is but a singular entity. Everything else are the works of Chukwus hands.


The Nwokoafo Saga. In the earliest of time the Igbos were few and women were scarce. To find a wife proved difficult. So families went far and wide to find young maidens for their sons. Here you see Nwokoafo returning with a pregnant wife and two children. His earlier children, two girls is left behind to compensate his father in-laws family whom he has deprived of their daughter. He lived for fifteen years with his father in-law working in his farm to prove his loyalty and ability to fend for his new tamily


The urge to tell a story is one of the most primordial attributes of the human race. Around the world, stories are made and told everyday. Ifo int' l is a platform tailor made to explore the wide landscape of story making. We shall draw from all races and people's to bring intriguing tales,some from the past, the present and some will be drawn from the future. These stories will use multiple media. Some will come in the form of drawings, paintings, sculpture. Others will be expressed through performances. The spoken word art will find active engagement. A lot more will be in written form. Definitely, we shall present narratives to suit your desires. Welcome to IFO INTERNATIONAL the spring of knowledge.

