This page is to educate single ladies and married women on how to beautify our homes to glorify God




_*And all things are of God, who hath… given to
Ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18).*_

2 Peter 3:9 tells us that God isn’t willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. He proved His commitment by sending Jesus to die for the salvation of all men (John 3:16). However, despite God’s commitment to saving the lost, He wills to do it through us—His saints—and has committed to us “the ministry of reconciliation.”

Jesus said in Mark 16:15, _*“...Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”*_ We have the greatest honour on earth: the opportunity to preach the Gospel. God gave us the rare privilege of being His partners in changing the world: His partners in transforming lives.

Think about the fact that God didn’t give the charge of soul winning to angels, but to you and me. The glorious Gospel of the blessed God has been committed to our trust (1 Timothy 1:11); be faithful in it. Be on the go with the Gospel; don’t stop until the knowledge of the glory of God covers the earth as the waters cover the sea.

What a marvellous blessing, privilege and honour that the Lord would do all He did, and send us to herald the news around the world! Then to ensure you succeed at it, He gave you the Holy Spirit to be with you, and in you. The Holy Spirit makes you an able, competent, and effective minister of the Gospel (2 Corinthians 3:6). He gives you the ability to be a bold witness of the resurrected Christ and to fulfil your calling.


*Taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth is my passion and high calling in Christ Jesus. I’m honoured, privileged and blessed to be entrusted with the glorious Gospel of Christ’s salvation, and today, more than ever, I preach it with power, bringing salvation to as many as hear and believe. Blessed be God!*



Gracious: Those with integrity are gracious when others provide assistance

Respectful: people with Integrity value other people by showing them respect

Honest: Integrity requires honesty.Those with Integrity strive to be fruitful,they own up to mistakes and try to learn from them.

Trustworthy: people with Integrity follow through on their commitments,to demonstrate trust worthiness, avoid over-promising.if you are unable to complete a task or meet a deadline be sure to let others know quickly as possible.if you are trusted with personal information respect it.


What is Integrity?
The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles
It is also regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions

Integrity is evolved from the Latin adjective INTEGER meaning whole or complete.

In Genesis 20:5&6 because King Abimelech was honest,he did not know that the woman Abraham called his sister was his wife, God saw that truthfulness in him and because of that prevented him from sinning against him.


Today's topic: Integrity our birth right



It’s disrespectful to you if someone threatens you to get what he or she wants. It’s especially disrespectful and illegal (assault) if someone is physically abusive to you, hitting, punching, slapping, pulling hair, poking and touching you in ways you don’t want to be touched. Only you have the right to control and respect your body and if you are not doing that, thinking “Well I have to give them what they want otherwise they will leave”, then you disrespect yourself and place them in a “better than” position.

Listen friends, if someone ever puts you in a position like that where if you say “NO” to him or her they would leave, PLEASE LET THEM! You don’t want to be with them anyway! Just don’t forget to give them my contact information on the way out.

Your needs are equally important as theirs are, no matter what! If you don’t know what your NEEDS are, that’s probably a big red flag telling you that you have a pattern of letting others figure that out for you.

When you disrespect yourself in a relationship and don’t set good boundaries, your self-esteem is impacted big time. If you allow the relationship to continue in an atmosphere that does not feel safe (emotionally, physically, intellectually or spiritually) feelings of depression, anxiety, anger and even rage may start to build up inside you needlessly. Some people let these emotions get the better of them and they will try to self medicate with drugs, s*x or alcohol or other behavioral compulsions, i.e. working out all the time, working too much, etc.

Our emotional, intellectual, physical and spiritual boundaries need to be honored in order for us to be the authentic individuals we are. After all, isn’t it an authentic partner that we want to be in relationship with? Asserting these boundaries is a real sign of self-respect.

When we honor ourselves and our needs, we feel relaxed and free in the world, to be truly who we are. We can start to feel real happiness and strength, if you are not at that place yet I have to ask, what are you waiting for? Call me. You can learn how to start teaching the world to treat you with the respect you deserve



When you are at the *top* , be careful of the monster called *PRIDE* . Pride will make you look down on the people who haven't attained your level of success. When you are at the *bottom* , be careful of the monster called *BITTERNESS* . Bitterness will make you jealous and think that other people are the reason you haven't made it. When you are *on the way to the top* , be careful of the monster called *GREED* . Greed will make you impatient and make you steal or seek shortcuts. When you are *on your way down,* be careful of the monster called *DESPAIR* . Despair will make you think it's all over yet there is still hope at the end of the tunnel. Enjoy ur week in peace.Happy Sunday


You're welcome to *Women forum.*
This is a school where we learn how to *beautiful our relationship*

Please, follow the

5am_6am every day except Sunday is our morning devotion (morning digest

Love perfume

Interactions with the members of the family.

Killers of Love

Talkshow ... Personal hygiene/ fitnesMe

Fasting And Prayer by the members of the forum

Questions and answers/ Advertisement

Showers of love/ hot seat.

The items listed above are the weekly Activities in this group, anything you bring up that's not according to what we have here will not be accepted.

Thank you so much
I love you all
From Mercy Gabriel.

