Relationship Talk

Relationship Talk

STEPS TO BECOMING MATURED. Seek transformation: You must allow God's Word to work on your mind first



1. Don't compete with your husband: God placed you in his life as a supporter and help not rival.

2. Don't starve him s*x: S*x still remains a key factor in winning your man to yourself always.

3. Don't compare him with his friends: Don't make him feel less among his friends.

4. Don't do things without his consent: Seek his approval and opinion always.

5. Don't ever insult him: Your words to keep his maleness.

6. Don't deny him food: After s*x food remains the next craving for men.

7. Don't leave the home and children unkempt: Neatness, tidiness and cleanliness are essentials to a man. Neatness can win you award from your husband.
With love from Papa Zion...

©️ Wisdom Breed, 2022



God didn't create marriage to give problem to humanity. Let's stop seeing marriage as the problem.

God created marriage to solve a problem and it's the problem of loneliness. Marriage was created for companionship.

When people are having problems in their marriages don't start calling marriage a problem.

Every marital problem is traceable to either error of commission or omission before marriage. Something people didn't get right is the root of their confusion, frustration and misfortune in marriage.

I asked a woman many years who was being maltreated by her husband many years, why are you in this kind of marriage? She said alot of things but one striking she said she was warned but she didn't listen before marriage.

I believe inadequate training and lack of preparation is also a problem. 99% of the people getting married nowadays don't have enough training, they're only deceived by lust for s*x, money and good looks.

God didn't make a mistake by creating marriage.

©️ Wisdom Breed, 2022



Many wives are constantly having issues with their husbands.

They are trying to make another female out of their husbands. No! You can't get the best from your husband by making him another female. Allow him express his maleness by understanding him.

1. You need to know that he's different from you. Your husband is a male while you are a female. If you accept this difference you will always have troubles with your husband.

He thinks differently!
He sees differently!
He acts differently!

2. Your husband only finds security in achievement not relationship. As a wife you just want the relationship with him to be right and fine while he thinks about he will accomplish more that's why he spends more time with his work even while you are complaining.

3. Your husband reacts to issues differently that's why he hardly cries when things are going wrong. Expecting your husband to cry will never happen. You must know that men are not really emotional.

To be continued***

©️ Wisdom Breed, 2022


Dating a Lady who can’t support you when you are broke is a waste of time



1. Most ladies of nowadays don't know who a man is. They believe that anyone with beards and mustache is a man. They just believe a male figure that's looking handsome with swag is a man until they're used as s*x toys before they learn.

2. Most ladies of nowadays are not preparing themselves for the right man. They don't know that it takes preparation to attract the man. Most ladies are not preparing themselves in any way.

3. Most ladies are not patient. Impatience is a big problem most of them are facing. I am still surprised at what 17 years old girl know about marriage and relationship that won't let her be patient before giving herself to a man. As long as you're impatient as a lady you will suffer in the hands of Mr player, Mr used and dump.

To be Continued...



Please stop saying it's because you refused to give men s*x that's why they're not interested in you.

Stop it!

Values and virtues are most important.

Once a man is sure that your presence in his life will bring accuracy, acceleration and possibilities he won't let you go.

Take up the responsibility of developing yourself.

I was talking with a lady recently and she said, men don't want to marry me because I rejected s*x.

I smiled...

After about 15 minutes discussion with me I told her personally I have seen something in you that won't let even me to be comfortable with you.

Please, stop this folly!!!


Not all men want to get married because of emotions and feelings, not even because of s*x or time is going syndrome.

There are men that want to get married to ladies that can play certain roles in their lives and as long as you're ignorant, weak and untrained for the roles you are as good for nothing.

Take up the challenge of working on yourself. Simple!

Happy Sunday!!!


You may be available for marriage because of the growth and shape of your body and age but not eligible for marriage.

The quality of your person, your maturity and resourcefulness are what make you eligible.



1. The first key to becoming virtuous is by protecting your virtues. Unguarded virtues leave you cheap. What excuse do you want to give for being careless with what God put in you?

2. Work on your character: The true beauty of a woman is reflected in her beauty. Character is fullness of your beauty. How can you claim to be beautiful when you're unaccommodating, abusive and mouthy?

3. Feminine development: I have watched that that development of female is clearly different from males. Develop yourself. Build yourself to be independent. Develop yourself to be a mother. Grow your strength.

4. Pay attention to your look: How you appear in public matters a lot. How you preset yourself to people especially the opposite s*x is important. Appearing good is appearing neat, tidy and smart.


Dear husband, take care of your wife. Invest your resources and abilities in your wife.

Don't forget she's the only one that would be referred to as a widow when you are no more.

Any counsel from your mother which she doesn't want your wife to know about is not good for your marriage.

If you don't define your oneness with your wife to your siblings they will treat her as a rag.

The cheapest way to make your wife honourable to your brothers and uncles including your friends is to define your oneness with your wife to them.

Be a priest.

I tell you that the security your wife wants is strongly connected to how much you're fulfilling your priestly responsibilities.

One thing is needful in marriage as a the husband BE RESPONSIBLE.


It's not about listing what you want in a man, are you prepared such that if that man meets you, he would find you eligible and marriageable?

Listing what you want in a man while you are not preparing yourself is like desiring what you don't deserve.



Most times ladies would claim they want a man that has the fear of God and genuinely loves God while they're living a dirty life.

Sadly, I WANT A MAN THAT FEARS GOD is like a nursery school rhyme now because most people don't know what it means.

Sadly, the lady that wants a man that genuinely loves God doesn't have a genuine relationship with God that will make her eligible to marry such a man.

Sadly, the lady that wants a man that genuinely fears God is having secret s*x partners with many online s*x chat mates.

Sadly, the same lady that wants a man that fears God is the one that feels being spiritual is boring and dulling.

Who is to blame? The lady who can't meet the demands and responsibilities of getting married to a man that loves God genuinely is the problem.

Stop deceiving yourself that you want a man that has the fear of God while you're prayerless, careless with your panties and you're a chief gossip, backbiter and rumour monger.

Do you have the fear of God to attract a man that fears God?


If you don't know what you want in a man early with the humility to stay with him, deceivers and players will sleep with you mercilessly and after some years you will be calling it your past.



Personally, I know it's very hard to find a good and reliable man to marry.

Listen, the earlier you know what you want in a man, the better.


Emotional maturity and stability is a priceless quality in a lady. If you find it in a lady, keep her at all cost.


Being teachable is priceless.


People's minds, mindsets and mental status play important roles in marriage than their ge****ls.

A man's ge****ls are not the drivers in marriage but his understanding.

Mental compatibility is very important.

I mean the realm of ideas, thinking pattern and depth of understanding which are elements of mental strength are very important in marriage.


Be deliberate about you choose as a marriage partner.

Be deliberate who you grant access into your life as a friend.

Be deliberate who you submit to as your instructor, coach and teacher.

If you need to quit what you are calling a relationship, please do.


As a young person watch your routine. In life your results will follow your routine.

Routine talks about the how your apportion your time.

Your spending plan.

The choices and decisions that rule your life.


The reason why most people start their marital journey with confusion is because of ignorance and lack of preparation.

Confusion in terms of unnecessary break ups, heart breaks and emotional manipulation is because of ignorance.

When you're thoroughly informed your marital journey will be unmistakable.

Go for knowledge and training before finding a marriage partner that is partnering with you to be fulfilled maritally.



Ladies don't necessarily marry the WILL OF GOD but the man they're most COMFORTABLE WITH.



1. Inordinate confession of "I love you". No lady will be comfortable to hear I LOVE YOU from you when she hasn't made up her mind to marry you.

2. Monitoring her: Frequently calling her to know where she is. Who she's talking to. Etc.

3. Trying to keep her in long conversation. The fusion of jokes, insights and direction in your conversation with a lady is more important than how long it is.


As Much as ladies want attention yet they don't want to be choked.

Do you know that on several occasions a lady would have fallen in love without the guy making his intention known just because the guy could follow at her pace.

To follow at a lady's pace is to know the subject of discussion that will be appealing to her per time without being pushy.


I have overwhelming interest in marriage and relationship and I have voraciously studied on it behind the scene for years.

Let me tell you..

If you choose a marriage partner out of feelings and emotions get set for huge disappointment.

It takes understanding to choose the right partner.

It takes understanding to live the married life.

Love can start matrimonial journey but it is understanding that will keep it moving.



What can make the love a man have for his wife fade away in marriage sir??


I have seen that love doesn't necessarily keep marriage but understanding.

I read a post on Facebook in the words of Late Dr. Myles Munroe "Love doesn't preserve marriage but knowledge."

If the love you have for your wife is fading away definitely it's because of insufficient knowledge or lack of understanding.

I said recently, except a man learn and keep learning about marriage he cannot have marital success no matter the love his wife has for him. Selah!

You just have to search your heart.

You just have to look into your marriage thoroughly in order to correct the wrongs.

You just have to spend time with God in prayer and the Word.

If the love is fading away no thief is stealing it there's something you're not getting right.


Anger is a stench to leaders. No man is ever comfortable with anger in a lady.


Arrogance is a big turn off.

Once you displayed this puerile mannerism you've killed something in the heart of a man.


When you meet a man that will be great the first quality he looks for in a woman is maturity.

When a lady is matured she will able to give a man peace of mind.

Maturity is very important.


Most times when a man is comfortable with your immaturity it's because he doesn't know enough.
Maturity is a very important factor.
Emotional maturity first on the list.


Immaturity is a big turn off. Ladies, when you want to marry a leader or great man maturity is the first factor that will qualify you for it.


Maturity is an important factor in the choice of marriage partner.


Spirituality talks about his understanding of the Word in order to live correctly. Without genuine spirituality a man cannot fear God truly.

Married women have seen that a man can be giving you attention yet untruthful and confused.

They value spirituality than anything and that's why fake prophets always have their way with them.


The reality that married women have faced is why they look genuine and authentic spirituality but the unmarried ladies think spirituality should be last.

Every answer a woman would need in marriage will come from the spiritual depth and capacity of the man.


If you don't service the love a lady has for you it will die o😊

It's not a man's busyness that makes him deny his lady attention but inability to express love and make her enjoy love.


In marriage, regular s*x, eating together and bathing together are very essential.

Don't let your children come in between you and your wife.


The secret...

Study the lady well. If she's a jocular person, always make her laugh. Always present yourself neat and smell nice. Keep your house neat.

Through text and verbal communication always remind her of your admiration and affection for her.

Become her first audience. Let her talk.

Lastly, don't choke her. Ladies don't like being choked in that's putting inordinate pressure to make her succumb.


1. Respect.

2. Teachability.

3. Neatness.

These three things will keep a man with you before marriage.

Men are comfortable when these three are evident.


What attracts a man is different from what keeps a man.

Just because a man is attracted doesn't mean he can be kept.



Whenever a serious man comes into my life and we start courting, he ends up leaving without us having any issues. This has been reoccurring and I'm bothered. pls help me

MY REPLY....👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

You said a serious man comes that means you vetted him to be matured then there's something you are not getting right.

You need to know men don't do drama. Men are not like women that give attitude when they don't love you. They walk away!

When a man chooses to walk away it is because he's not seeing the possibility of managing the differences between you and him.

What you need to do is to check yourself very well. What are you not getting right?

What are the flaws and errors he pointed to in you?

Are you truly ready for marriage?

Relationship Talk 30/06/2021

Brothers, listen to me.

Don't think you know a lady's mind. Never!

Most times ladies think in opposite direction. Get it right!

The same lady that rubbishes you today will come to beg you tomorrow when you are successful.

That was why I said yesterday that let it always get narrower with you which is the fulfillment of God's purpose for your life.

Sir, pay the price to be great!


Seek transformation: You must allow God's Word to work on your mind first

