Ovbijesu Anthony 2

Ovbijesu Anthony 2

the Page is a platform where prayers to recover your Glory back from the hand of the wicked


A seed may look tiny. But inside that little seed there is a capacity for the seed to become a tree. That small in your hand will soon become great in Jesus Name


The cloth that covers your nakedness will not tear.
The pillar you rest upon will not fall, and the hedge that surrounds you will not be broken.
As you rise up this morning, the Almighty God will command the wind of favour to rise from all corners of the world and locate you for good.
By His Grace, you will dig and always find water, you will plant and reap plenty.
God will open doors of opportunities unto you and yours.
The presence of God shall be upon you and His hands of love shall uphold you for good.
You shall walk triumphantly in the presence of your enemies and be celebrated in Jesus mighty name.
Do have a graceful day
Good morning


Thank you Lord Jesus


Good Morning,I pray for you today.Isaiah 9:7,Of the increase of His government and Peace there shall be no end, upon His Kingdom,to order it, and to establish it with judgement and with Justice from henceforth even for ever.The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.Let the Kingdom, Peace and Government of God,increase in your life and family,in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ.Shalom


Save the date


*"When Ahithophel saw that his counsel was not followed.......... Then he put his household in order, and hanged himself, and died....2Samuel 17:23.* As Ahithophel betrayed David and he died without honour and unfulfilled. I pray also as you journey into this new month, Heaven has declared, that every conspiracy against your destiny, shall end in frustration and disgrace. Whosoever that has conspired against your existence in the past months, they shall all go into extinction this month. There counsel over your life family shall not stand in Jesus name. Happy New Month. *Always Remember, IT WILL END IN PRAISE, Shalom.


In this month of Grace, I decree and declare Great Grace and supernatural favor shall overshadow you and your household this month in the name of Jesus, Those doors will opened unto you, access will be granted unto you, your enemies will be silenced, your healing and miracles will manifest beginning from today, Let God's grace carry and secure you for the remaining days of this year in the mighty name of Jesus. Happy New month in Jesus name


The LORD has you in the Hollow of his hands, He will make a way for you were men says there's noway, He will cover & hide you from your enemies,He will protect & preserve you in Jesus mighty name Amen🔥


Good afternoon people of God. Join us live tomorrow by 10am for a time of prayers


Good Morning,I pray for you this day. Open the Book of Ezekiel 47:1-5.I pray, let the Living Water flow through the Utter gate into your life, past your ankles,past your loins and past your Neck, in the Mighty name Of Jesus Christ. Shalom.


Happy new year to all my friends


It is my sincere desire that this New Year will be better than the last. May the spirit of excellence overshadow you and grant you speed to accomplish all that your heart desires. Happy New Year to you


Your destiny is the divine compass given to you by God to enable you chart your way to greatness so guide it jealously.


Good Morning,I pray for you this day.By the Power of the Holy Spirit, I revoke every evil decree legalizing the enemy foothold and their properties in your life,at any point affecting your conscience negatively,in the name Of Jesus Christ.


Worship God with me


Good Morning,I pray for you today. 2Kings 21:2,And he walked in all the way that his father walked in, and served the idols that his father served and worshipped them.By the righteousness Of Jesus Christ, I claim my righteousness and stand to renounce all idolatry in your Bloodline and break all curses of idolatry in your fathers house affecting your life and family negatively in the name Of Jesus. Happy New Week. Shalom


1. Oh lord, empty my life of wickedness in Jesus name.
2. Oh lord fill my life with ur righteousness in the mighty name of Jesus.
3. I am unstoppable by the power in the blood of Jesus.
Good morning.


It is written, who is like unto the Lord, our God, who dwells on high, far above all powers and Dominions? He raiseth up the poor out of the dust and lifteth the needy out of the dunghills; that He might set him with princes. Even so shall the Lord deal with you and your households beginning from today in Jesus name.


God bless you all


It was a great day in the presence of the Lord yesterday God bless you


Welcome to the last quarter of the year 2020!!!
Your Month of Laughter, Your month of Celebrations and Total Freedom.
Is Lord
Is MyLife

God of Bethel will bless this month


Capture your Glory back from the hand of the wicked Powers that have stolen it

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Worship God with me

