Godscall Ministry/ Abilene Camp

Godscall Ministry/ Abilene Camp

Youth, Media and charity....Gathering of children of God in a reserved and isolated area.


A season cannot say all about you. Your story will be better told in the next season.


Despite this darkness, be encouraged, be strong to hold on till the better days that will soon show up becomes your reality.

Darkness could be so thick that one could literally feel it. Darkness covers tomorrow, covers greatness, covers hope and strive to make one believe it is all that there is and will forever be but God will prove it weak, ephemeral and too unreal to barricade hope. This darkness will soon difuse and fizzle out. Your life will soon see what the Lord has been on preparing for your good. God will soon make darkness a liar, all the lies it has told you will be opened up. You will begin to see that there is more in your tomorrow, much more than darkness has made you to believe. The light will soon shine, you eyes will soon see good things you never knew existed. God will soon make you enjoy what you know not where they come from in Jesus mighty name.


You are forbidden to be distressed. You are forbidden to be contented against. No matter the strength of the one striving against you, He or she shall be brought low and down. The one who brought Goliath down for His own is the same one who will bring your accusers and contenders down flat. Even in the very battle you are in, you can rest knowing for sure that you will not win, you had won, won more than a conqueror. Let the size of the enemy not frighten you, the mark of a failure and a loser are on him. Relax.


God may dissapoint you but He will elevate you. Whatsoever He does is for your good and lifting.


If despite all things, you keep going towards there, you will get there.


Blessed art thou when your ways are like the ways of those who pass through the valley of Baca and goes ahead to turn it to rain. Ways of God will make doom to become boom.


Think more of God and His capacity
Think less of the circumstance and it's facade.


When you are disconnected from your ROOT, your biological place, you are not likely to fulfil your destiny to the fullest.

Let he who understands agree, let he who wants to argue continue.


In all situations, who and what you rest on matters. If you rest on your oars and exploits, it won't take much time before you crash but if your hope is always on the God who has unbeatable records, you will stand and remain standing for as long as you have being.


It is not ending. It is about to be.


What you and I attribute to God is far far below who He is or what He possesses. What we see about Him is much less than what He has that we are not aware of. In the depths, in the height, God has in store what humanity can not exhaust. From this reservoir we know nothing about, God will draw out for you to CONSOLE you. Your consolation is coming from what and where you know nothing about in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.


Sometimes you don't understand what you are in but quiting is never the way to understand. Be in it for a more time.


He is still alive... You can still rise!


God knows beyond what you know about yourself. He is doing what you cannot imagine. Entrust your life into His hands more.


Who said so matters.
Consider the caliber of the person whose word concerns you much.


Abraham believed God, he did as the Lord has requested from him, did a foolish and senseless act as many will say but got the attention of God. He saw a divine provision that brought him out of long- time-low- level existence to an enviable realm. This year MUST end so well but this is the month to start believing God and adhering to His instructions. You will SEE, you will see your needs and wants provided. God will come to you wherever you need him. You will name this month Jehovahjireh, the month you saw concretely the act and the hand of the Lord provide your dare and long time needs. This is done in Jesus mighty name.


To the end that His name may be glorified in you are all you've been through.


This season is a warning to you and I. Do the needful. It will be on your record.


Hold on to God. You may not understand Him but you will reap so much from holding on to Him.


With God,all things are possible. Just believe that and attempt the unthinkable.


Many more are the things that want you down and permanently down. God is the only one that wants you up and ever increasing. Come to Him...stay with Him ...be maintained by Him.


The ever winning God is a nail in sure place. He is always able and stable and reliable.


In this season when the lofty looks of man has been humbled, when the naughtiness of man had been bowed down by circumstances beyond man's control, when the only thing left to be exalted is God, will you not come to the light of the Lord when you can still walk in Him unto redemption? Take it or leave it, and this is not a threat, the earth is not likely to see better days. Only those who walk in His light will make their ways through the dark places of the universe. Things strange to the world are on their way to the world...I beseech you, come to the light of the Lord. Believe in God through His Son Jesus Christ. If His Son is not the only way, He won't have said so.


Who you are in God and in His Jesus Christ: The only realization a man needs to have to make so much unstoppable impact and difference in this moribund world.


To the end that they will know the God you serve as the illimitable God, God will act marvelously in your life.


Fresh from His throne...

" My word is a creating force. When I give you my word with a promise, you will not see what am talking about in the now. It is going to be created afresh. So when you believe my word, you wait for the creation of it concretely. This is what many cannot do and that is why many will never enter into their glory. Stop looking for my promise immediately. It is not on the ground yet. As you believe and align your life with my word, the creating force of my word will bring my promise into being."... God of our saviour, Jesus Christ.


The things God will do will make the things the enemy has done of no effect. Worry not.


Make up your mind. Go for that which you are spiritually convinced of. Rewards will soon justify your choice.


You don't have to understand God. Just keep following. He understands it all.


There will be much confusion for those who do not want to see from God's viewpoint. This age will daze mankind.


I pray you see God live. When you see Him in your life, you will pity those who disdain and despise Him and His children.


No name has changed people more than that of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. His name does wonders.


Your expectations may not come now but will surely come better than you expect. Since the first day you asked from Him, He set out on it. He is coming out with it at a very beautiful time. Be expectant.


Favour is children bread. Be filled with it in Jesus name.


God can't be stopped. Just give Him the chance to act on your behalf. He will do more than you can attempt.


Things that has been high above you will soon be so low below you. Keep striking!


Some things are left to you by God to decide on. Make up your mind to chose greatness. You have been given dominion.

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