Digital Diva NG

Digital Diva NG

Digital Diva NG is here to share helpful tips about scaling up small businesses online in Nigeria th


Hello guyys😊

It's been ages. I've been busy learning skills and building my businesses..

Learning is of great importance. However, knowledge is not power until its applied.

Learn a skill and implement massively.


It's okay to make mistakes as you run your business.

Just make sure your learn and get better.


Connect with me on WhatsApp as I share valuable content on online business and affiliate marketing


55 New Year Resolutions to Try for 2022

Hello amazing people. Happy new year! YeePee! You made it to 2022. Thank God for His Mercies. Its also that time of the year to set goals AKA "new year resolutions". Some new year resolutions usually sound like; Lose weight, Quit social media, Cut out alcohol completely. Blah blah blah. These are all good goals, dont get me wrong. But we set the same New Year's resolutions every single year and then
 never really stick to them. So, for 2022, why not shake things up a bit and try creating resolutions of a different variety? Whether you choose one new year resolution or all 55, you'll be better off for it. And I have two(2) extra life changing resolutions to share with you at the very end. Trust me when I say it's life changing cos' I don't bluff!

1. Focus on a Passion, Not the Way You Look
Influencer Mik Zazon, who's on a mission to normalize normal bodies,tells Parade, 
 I want to inform readers that resolutions are in fact NOT an invitation to start a diet or a workout plan but a beautiful reminder that a new year can bring new life to our passions.
Still want to find a better you, physically, in 2022? In that case

2. Work out to feel good, not be thinner.
Instead of obsessing over the scale, obsess over how amazing you feel since you started being more active. Numbers don't mean much.

3. Stop gossiping.
Don't be that person. Spread positivity.

4. Give one compliment a day.
You never know—it just might make that person feel a whole lot better.

5. Go a whole day without checking your email.
Nobodys going to die. It can wait until tomorrow.

6. Do Random Acts of Kindness
Norbert, the famous therapy dog, reminds us that anyone can be kind, and it costs you nothing.
I may be only 3 pounds, but it's not the size of the dog, its the size of the heart that counts. Through social media, I love to bring joy into people's lives by making them smile with my photos and videos. "I think acts of kindness and generosity make the world a better place, '' he says. We encourage caring and compassion and believe it is better to be thoughtful and kind than to bully. Let's spread smiles together! As I say, you don't have to be big to make a BIG difference in the world.

7. Read a book a month.
Haven't you heard? Reading is good for your brain, it can reduce stress, and it can improve your memory and concentration.
Don't read just any book, read a book that can make you become the type of person that consistently attracts money, success and abundance into their life in 2022. Get it on this link:

8. Go someplace you've never been.
Step outside of your comfort zone and do something daring. It's good for the soul and forces you to learn new things.

9. Clear out the clutter.
Clutter is literally bad for your health. Research says it stresses you out. Make 2022 the year of organization and cleanliness.

10. Turn off your phone one night a week.
You're sleeping anyway. You don't need it!

11. Reduce your waste.
Some research says that the average American produces over 2,000 pounds of trash every year. Gross. Reduce your waste by ditching paper towels in favor of rags you cut up from old towels and clothes. Another easy switch is reusable grocery bags. It makes a difference!

12. Volunteer.
Not only is volunteering good for your own mental and physical health, but youre doing something kind and selfless for others.

13. Travel on a small budget.
Traveling on a budget is all about flexibility and being willing to sacrifice a bit of comfort and luxury in favor of seeing the world and the life-changing experiences that travel comes with,says Eli Solidum, The Partying Traveler. A lot of people have the idea that travel needs to be luxurious and holidays need to be expensive for them to be fun. My experience over the last three years of budget backpacking says otherwise.

14. Write down one thing you're grateful for every night.
End the night with gratitude and you'll feel better when you lay your head down on your pillow.

15. Drink more water.
You've probably heard that your body needs it. 75 percent of us are chronically dehydrated. Drink up!
16. Take some of your paychecks and put it in savings or investment.
Even just a small percentage can really add up down the line. Plan for the future and dont be silly with your money.

17. Stop/Reduce multi-tasking.
Multi-tasking can lead to memory problems, it reduces our brain's grey matter, it hurts productivity and efficiency, and it can even increase stress, anxiety, and depression. Focus on one thing at a time.

18. Talk to yourself with kindness.
We aim to be nice to others but then criticize ourselves relentlessly. Stop! Think nicer things about yourself.

19. Call a friend instead of texting them.
You can Facetime them for extra measure!

20. Don't buy things you don't need.
Bad habit. We love to spend money even if it's for no good reason. Don't need it? Don't buy it.

21. Keep a journal.
The University of Rochester Medical Center says that journaling can help battle anxiety, stress, and depression. Even if you write only a few sentences, you can reap the benefits.
22. Clean out your car.
It's so easy for it to become trashed, especially if you drive a lot. Spot clean as you go so that your ride is always looking sharp.

23. Put your bills on autopay.
If this wont put you under any financial stress, do it! Its one less thing you have to think about and youll never pay late fees again. Win-win.

24. Take the stairs.
It's good for your caboose.

25. Go to the dentist when you're supposed to.
Your oral health can actually have an impact on things that are happening in other parts of your body, like your heart and lungs.

26. Be kind on social media.
I think everyone who uses social media should strive to empathize more with strangers and respond to others on the internet with kindness,says Julia, also known as itsblitzzz. Don't let hate or bullying be motivation for interacting on social platforms.

27. Let go of grudges.
Wouldn't it be nice to start 2022 with a clean slate? Leave hate behind. Anger is so 2020.

28. Stay in touch with the people who matter.
Even a quick call, text, or email can make a world of difference.

29. Try a totally new restaurant.
Go on. Be adventurous. Get that strange sushi roll or order takeout from the Indian restaurant that just opened up down the street.

30. Start a new hobby.
Do new stuff. Let yourself blossom in 2022.

31. Travel somewhere without posting about it on social media.
No status updates, no photos
 just go on vacation and not tell anyone,says travel writer Reannon Muth. That might seem silly but in a world where it didn't happen unless you post about it on Instagram,it can be a challenge to resist the temptation to post that sunset beach photo or poolside cocktail selfie.Here are safe vacations you can take during COVID!

32. Bring a plant into your home.
They might help reduce your stress and improve your productivity.
33. Sanitize your personal belongings.
Cell phones might be the dirtiest things we touch all day, with 25,127 bacteria per square inch. Nasty.

34. Start cooking!
Bonus points if it's something you feel like you're not good at.

35. Buy less plastic.
It's polluting our oceans, destroying the earth, and hurting animals. Be more aware of what you're buying.

36. Send handwritten letters.
Nobody does this anymore, and it's such a thoughtful, genuine gesture. Make somebody's day!
37. Donate clothes you never wear.
We tend to hang onto stuff just in case.If you haven't worn it in a year, give someone else the chance to.
38. Pay off your credit card every month.
And if something is so expensive, you think that you won't be able to? Don't buy it.
39. Avoid people who complain a lot.
It doesn't matter how positive a person you are. Negativity spreads, and it will impact you. And on a similar note

40. Remove negativity or anything that makes you feel lousy.
Even things like super sad movies or news sources that just upset you.
41. Travel somewhere with no map.
I'd also recommend going on a road trip without using Apple or Google maps. No GPS. Just start driving and see where it takes you,says Muth. You'll never know what sort of fun and exciting adventure you'll end up on as a result.
42. Wear sunscreen.
The sun can do damage even when you're driving in the car. Make SPF your new best friend.
43. Cook more.
It's therapeutic, and you'll probably end up with something pretty darn delicious.
44. Get a Real Haircut
Some of us are so attached to our hair—literally and figuratively. Chop off a few inches. You might feel like a new person.
45. Do Something That Scares You
Practice a little bravery.
46. Make Your Bed Every Morning
Making your bed helps you accomplish something first thing in the morning and thus starts your day with success.
47. Stay on Top of Your Inbox
Is the number of unread messages creeping up on you? Stay on top of it and aim to clear your inbox out throughout the week.
48. Try Guided Meditation
Meditation offers a whole host of science-based benefits, including reduced stress and anxiety and improved memory and attention span. Try an app like Headspace.

49. Stretch It Out
We spend so much time sitting and staring at our phones, all hunched over. Loosen up those tight muscles with even just five minutes of stretching each day.
50. Craft Something Yourself
Even if you're not the artsiest, DIY-type of person, the satisfaction you get from making something with your own hands is undeniable. It can be as small as a candle or as big as a coffee table.
51. Go to Bed Happy Each Night
Never go to bed angry.Its a cliche, but its true. Aim to start and end each day with happiness and gratitude.
52. Spot Clean as You Go
Overwhelmed by a filthy house you have to clean from top to bottom each weekend? Simple solution: Clean as you go. Wash dirty dishes after each meal and wipe down toilets and countertops throughout the week. Easy peasy.
53. Pay it Forward
Did someone do something nice for you recently? 2022 is a great time to do something nice for another. Maybe youll pay for someones lunch or visit an orphanage home. Receive good things, and spread them, too.
54. Talk Less, Listen More
Good things happen and you learn and notice so much when you spend more time listening.

55. Whatever Your Goals Are, Write Them Down
People who write down their goals are 42 percent more likely to achieve them. Whatever you want in 2022, commit it to paper.

BONUS 1. Cut down on TV viewing. Rather than sit in front of the TV watching movies or series for long hours, grab a book and read. Cutting down on TV viewing changed my life and made me more productive and will yours too. Talking about reading a book, check out this book by Toyin Omtosho that will help you attract money, success and abundance in 2022 here:

BONUS 2. I stumbled across this amazing platform called ‘OPTIMIZE where life changing books that build and transform you totally into a heroic personality are summarized into keynotes. I’m not bluffing. Check it out here and thank me later. It's totally FREE.



May this Christmas bring you joy, peace and happiness.

Do remember the reason for the season.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year.



Okay guys. I promised to share with you this week how you can make money using just a smartphone here in Nigeria.
I asked for suggestions from the group but didn't get any so I have come up with 5 platforms all of which I personally used and confirmed that its mobile friendly. I believe these are very easy to use and require little input during the registration process. I will keep sharing more trusted and tested options in future as there are a whole lot out there.
Do check them out and send feedbacks in the comment section.

1. :
This is a cloud based platform where you earn commissions by performing simple tasks on social media. If you have been liking photos, making comments, liking posts, sharing posts, subscribing to YouTube channels etc for free, then you should stop and visit this platform now where you'll be rewarded for doing these same tasks you've been doing elsewhere for free. You also earn #1,600 per referrals. All you need to register are your name, email and a one time fee of #3,000
This is the link to get started.

2. :
This is the first online savings and investment app in West Africa that was launched in 2016. This is a very secure platform where you can save funds and earn interest. So, how do you earn from it, you may ask. You earn referral bonus of #1,000 naira for every sign up with your unique link. All you need to get started is to click on this link, download the app and register your basic details for FREE and BOOM! Start your journey to invest and/or earn. This is the link.
I use PiggyVest to save & invest securely. Sign up with my link and get ₩1,000.00 to start your own savings journey - piggyvest ref link

3. .NG: My referral username is MEGTHEMILL
This is similar to owodaily that I mentioned earlier. You get paid for tasks completed and through referrals. All you need to register are your basic details and a one time fee of #500. Visit this link to get started: and dont forget to input my username under referral: MEGTHEMILL

4. .
This is also similar to PIGGYVEST that I mentioned earlier. Its a FREE app that allows you to save, invest, pay bills, recharge and earn through referral. You just download the app using this link to register. This is the link:

5. .
You can earn money by recommending any of the high value digital products on Expertnaire to your subscribers, followers, friends and family.
All you have to do is use the unique link of each product that the platform provides after registration.
This is highly recommended as it has a highly rewarding package for its affiliates. I'm talking about up to #20,000 commission on a sale paid weekly. You can also learn more by watching the video on this link and then register.

Hope I have giving you value? If yes, then feel free to share this knowledge and be sure to register on any of the recommended platforms.

I'll be back with more.

Here for you.


Taking action(s) on your goals are super important. The best time to act is now.


There's a vital element/strategy for business growth which is often overlooked or neglected by business owners or entrepreneurs and i want to highlight it here. It is called BRANDING. Branding simply means a way of defining your business to yourself, your team and your external audience. How can a business apply branding to get massive results? This can be broken down into seven steps.

Building your own brand essentially boils down to seven steps:

1. Research your target audience and your competitors.
2. Pick your focus and personality.
3. Choose your business name.
4. Write your slogan.
5. Choose the look of your brand (colors and font).
6. Design your logo.
7. Apply your branding across your business.

1. Research your target audience and your competitors.
To ascertain your target audience, you need to ask yourself these question: What problem is my business solving? Who is my solution suitable for? Where can i find my prospective clients(audience)? What are their interests? What is their gender? How old are they? etc. Answering these questions will surely give you the perfect target audience.

2. Pick your focus and personality.
Having answered the questions on who your audience is, the next step is to draft relevant messages that will appeal to your audience personality and taste. The best way to go about it is to draft a list of possible phrases and adjectives that match your audience personality and build up content based on that.

3. Choose your business name.
Well as the title implies, choose your business name. Your business name should be related to your offering. It should resonate with the product or service you offer.

4. Write your slogan.
A business slogan is a short phrase that serves as a very brief representation of a product or company. When used well, a slogan instantly evokes emotions and ideas and immediately relates with a brand. So, write out your slogans.

5. Choose the look of your brand (colors and font).
Choose colors and fonts that will further define your brand and appeal to your audience. This will definitely make your brand stand out or help your audience identify your business in the midst of a crowd of competitors.

6. Design your logo.
A well-designed logo builds trust and get's people to stick around. It tells potential clients who you are, what you do, and how that benefits them. Its importance cannot be overemphasized.

7. Apply your branding across your business.
This goes without saying. After carefully going through all the process of creating a brand, you should make sure the branding message/style is used on all platforms your business operates so that your audience can easily identify you.

Okay, that's it. I always end up making my posts long no matter how hard i try not to because i want to give you value. However, all these things i mentioned here are just a tip of the iceberg. You can contact me for an in-depth personalized branding service at a fee.

If your're enjoying my content, do well to LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT.

Here for you.


Every successful business has clearly set and articulated goals to attain specific objectives. Yet, in the world of small business, many businesses lack a focused goal. “Get more business” is a typical reply of small business owners when asked of future plans. Any self-respecting CEO would be tossed out of a shareholder meeting for uttering a vague response.
Whether you have a 50-employee company or an empire of one, your business success depends on your ability to set and achieve goals. Put your business on the fast-track by applying the principles of SMART goal setting.
SMART is an acronym for the 5 elements of specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based goals. It’s a simple tool used by businesses to go beyond the realm of fuzzy goal-setting into an actionable plan for results.

1. Specific
Great goals are well-defined and focused. “Obtain two new billion dollar corporate clients in the Boston property insurance market” is more meaningful to mobilize your team than “Get more business.” Ryan Blair, The Goals Guy eloquently states, "Focus creates a powerful force: goal power. The moment you focus on a goal, your goal becomes a magnet, pulling you and your resources toward it. The more focused your energies, the more power you generate.

2ï»ż. Measurable
A goal without a measurable outcome is like a sports competition without a scoreboard or scorekeeper. Numbers are an essential part of business. Put concrete numbers in your goals to know if you’re on track. A goal white board posted in your office can help as a daily reminder to keep yourself and your employee focused on the targeted results you want to attain.

3. Attainable/Achievable
Far too often, small businesses can set goals beyond reach. No one has ever built a billion dollar business overnight. Venture capitalists and angel investors discard countless business plans of companies with outlandish goals. Dream big and aim for the stars but keep one foot firmly based in reality. Check with your industry association to get a handle on realistic growth in your industry to set SMART goals.

4. Relevant
Achievable business goals are based on the current conditions and realities of the business climate. You may desire to have your best year in business or increase revenue by 50%, but if a recession is looming and three new competitors opened in your market, then your goals aren’t relevant to the realities of the market.

5. Time-Based/Timely
Business goals and objectives just don’t get done when there's no time frame tied to the goal-setting process. Whether your business goal is to increase revenue by 20% or find 5 new clients, choose a time-frame to accomplish your goal.
Once your business goals are SMART, break down each goal into a specific set of tasks and activities to accomplish your goals. It’s important to periodically review your goals and make adjustments if necessary.ï»ż Goal setting for your small business is an essential tool for success. Remember in the end to be SMART...

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Here for you.


When a venture seems too good to be true be weary of it. The bitter truth about success is that its a NO PAIN NO GAIN route. Be ready to do the work, sleep late a couple of times, forego a couple of things for success to come your way. Join my online business today and start gathering knowledge to earn money now and in the future with some work.


Procrastination is said to be the killer of time. The best time to take action is now.


Multiple Income Streams Is a Wealth Building System Whose Time May Never Come. Uncover the Pitfalls You Must Avoid if Financial Freedom Is Your Goal.

Key Ideas
Learn the right and wrong ways to create multiple streams of income.
6 questions to ask yourself to determine if multiple income streams are right for you.
Discover a simple 3 step process to succeed with multiple streams of income.
Forget everything you've read about multiple streams of income.

They haven't told you the real truth.

The idea is simple enough to understand: diversify your businesses and investments into various, non-correlated sources of residual income, so that you're never reliant on any one source.

Unfortunately, this simplicity masks problems that the promoters of this wealth building system don't talk about.

Just to be fair, the clear benefit of multiple income streams is classic risk diversification. Build a portfolio of non-correlated streams of income, and your risk is reduced, making your wealth more stable and secure.

This logic is valid because your international bond portfolio should not be affected by what happens to your apartments in St. Louis, which should not be affected by your dividend stocks, or the income from your business. Each stream of revenue is relatively independent.

The problem rests not in the idea, but in the practical application of the idea.

The key problem is implementation – not theory. Few people ever succeed in building just one stream of income sufficient to achieve financial freedom 
 let alone several.

It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating.
– Oscar Wilde

The idea of diversifying into your personal conglomerate by creating multiple streams of income and successfully competing in all these areas is a task reserved only for a select few. Are you one of them?

Let's examine this in greater detail

The right and wrong way to develop multiple streams of income
Multiple Streams of Income Explained
There are three broad areas in which to create multiple income streams:

real estate,
paper assets,
your own business.
These are the primary asset classes in terms of building wealth and residual income.

You can then subdivide each asset class into specific styles or strategies. For example, real estate can be divided into buy and hold, flipping, foreclosures, single-family, multi-family, and commercial.

Business can include many strategies such as infopreneuring, hard goods, retail, and intellectual property, just to name a few.

According to the multiple income streams philosophy, your objective would be to build residual income streams in several of these subcategories, each of which is sufficient to live on.

Sounds pretty appealing, eh?

Just imagine all these streams of income flowing into your “Lake Prosperity”. No worries if one of the streams dries up, because you have other streams flowing. Your financial future would be secure, allowing you to run off and live the high life.

Gee, I can hardly wait to start! But wait

The Problem With Creating Multiple Income Streams
Unfortunately, this simple concept with wide appeal is just another example of a dangerous half-truth.

Deeper issues that could cause great financial and personal problems lie hidden beneath the surface, and only appear when applied in the real world.

Below are two realities that fly in the face of multiple streams of income:

Reality One: We live in a competitive and fast changing world. Business has become highly specialized and niched because knowledge is growing exponentially, requiring specialized skills to employ it properly. Successfully competing in many widely varying fields is contradictory to the specialization and complexity required by our current business climate.

Reality Two: You have a limited amount of time on this planet to implement your business plans and strategies, while also trying to balance the needs of family, health, spirituality, recreation, relationships, and much more. Do you really want to spend your limited time nursing more than one stream of income? Happiness has more to do with balancing life than making tons of money.
Result: Financial success results from focused attention directed to a specific outcome, and happiness results from balancing your personal life with your business life. These are key points, and multiple streams of income is contradictory to both of these realities.
Multiple streams of income diffuse your laser focus from a single point of high probability success into a scattered beam of ineffectual light.

It creates multiple demands on your limited time and energy, turning your relationships, family, spirituality, business and investing into a difficult juggling act.

Something will likely suffer, and that something will probably be you.

He that is of the opinion money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money.
– Benjamin Franklin

Should Multiple Streams of Passive Income Be Part of Your Wealth Building System? Answer These Questions

Building multiple streams of income isn't the right path for everyone. The skills required and the demands on your time grow with each stream you add.

Below are some questions you should consider before embarking on the multiple streams of income journey:

Do you understand the principles of time leverage and technology leverage well enough to manage the complexity of multiples streams of income?
Are you experienced at hiring and managing a staff to run multiple streams of income, so you don't have to do it yourself?
Do you already have a history of success in business or investing, proving that you are ready to graduate to a more advanced, complex strategy?
Do you possess the negotiating skills, business expertise, and street smarts that are required to compete on multiple business and investment fronts simultaneously?
Do you have a team of experts assembled to advise you on the myriad of legal and financial issues involved in managing multiple streams of income?
Are multiple streams of income more important to you than enjoying the freedom that results from successfully building one stream of income?
Think about it. Building multiple streams of income is the equivalent of building your own personal conglomerate. Given the poor track record corporations have demonstrated at this task while employing teams of MBAs, what makes you think you will fare better?

Ask yourself these 6 questions to determine if creating multiple streams of income is right for you.

Each stream of income requires its own skills and expertise.

Each stream of income has a separate culture and network.

Each stream of income makes demands on the most precious and limited resource in your life – time.

In short, there's a price to pay for each stream of income, and only you can decide if multiple streams of income are truly worth that price.

Multiple income streams require hard work that can distract you from enjoying your financial freedom.

The Wrong Way to Create Multiple Streams of Income
There are some people who play the money game because they love it. Investment and business strategy is exciting, and the process of building wealth is a great adventure.

These people are willing to play the multiple streams of income game because it's the logical next step. It's a challenge.

If you are so inclined, then beware, because there's a right and wrong way to go about implementing multiple streams of income into your wealth building system.

The wrong way is to get all fired up and launch a new business, begin stock investing, and buy your first piece of rental real estate all in the same few months.

This is the financial equivalent of running before you ever learn how to walk. The likely outcome is you'll stumble and fall flat on your face.

It's not smart business strategy to take on risk recklessly, compete in fields without adequate preparation or knowledge, and spread your resources too thin. This isn't how you set yourself up to succeed.

I'm not going to tell you it can't be done, because it can. I'm also not going to set you up for disappointment by leading you to believe it's reasonably achievable by anyone – because it isn't.

It's a tough game to play, and you will pay a price whether you succeed or not.

Every approach to wealth building is highly competitive, and you'll be going head to head with professionals who live and breathe what they do as their sole source of income.

Any one person could spend a lifetime developing in-depth knowledge of any one of these money making areas because of the complexity involved.

To begin all three simultaneously is asking for trouble and disappointment.

Wealth building by multiple income streams is a tough game. There's a price to pay for success.

The Right Way to Create Multiple Streams of Residual Income
If you're going to pursue multiple streams of income, then it's important to follow a proven, step-by-step process that will maximize your odds of success. Below is that step-by-step process:

Step 1: Master the First Stream of Income
Begin by picking one stream of income that you're deeply passionate about. For some people it will be real estate, and for others it will be owning your own business.

Your first stream of income should be something so personally exciting that you'd do it whether you ever made a buck at it or not.

Why? Because the first stream of income will be the toughest.

This is where you will develop your Rolodex of support team members, learn fundamental skills applicable to all streams of income, overcome personal obstacles to success, and create enough cash flow to get out of the rat race.

Your first stream of residual income is where you'll get the most bumps and bruises. By choosing an area you're passionate about, you'll increase the odds that you persist long enough to clear all the hurdles and succeed.

Your first stream of income needs to be something you'd enjoy doing regardless of money.

Master your first stream of income, and in the process, you'll develop the necessary foundational skills and abilities that can then be leveraged to develop other streams of income.

Step 2: Systematize the First Stream of Income
Once you've mastered the first stream of income, then it's time to systematize that stream so that it no longer requires your limited time and attention.

Systematizing is done through the application of time leverage (human employees) and technology leverage (digital employees).

Master the skills of systematizing so that your first success runs on auto-pilot without requiring your time, thus earning you residual income and cash flow.

Step 3: Leverage Resources to Create Additional Streams of Residual Income
Once you have systematized the first stream of income to produce residual income without your involvement, then you have the free time and energy to add multiple streams of income.

This is done by intelligently adding additional revenue streams that leverage the skills, knowledge, and network you created in the first stream of income so that you aren't starting from scratch on each additional stream. This is a key point.

For example, I know of highly successful direct marketers who have leveraged their marketing skills, network, and databases to create residual income by offering other product lines with minimal effort.

Another example is Robert Kiyosaki, bestselling author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” who got out of the rat race through real estate. Then he added paper assets and leveraged the financial knowledge he gained from his investment business experience into a successful information publishing business.

Similarly, I got out of the rat race through paper assets before leveraging my investing knowledge into real estate, and then re-leveraging that same skill set into my information publishing business.

Notice the pattern. Each of the above successful examples developed multiple streams of income by learning the base skills in one stream, and leveraging those skills later to create additional streams.

Each successful example learns to walk with one stream before running with multiple streams of residual income.

I challenge you to examine anyone who has succeeded with multiple streams of income, and see if they violated my rules of walking before running. Every “multiple streamer” I have met built their success from one stream they were passionate about.

Only after that initial success with one stream of income did they leverage their resources into multiple streams of income.

In fact, to do it any other way is to throw away one of the primary benefits of multiple streams of income: leverage of existing resources.

This concept is known in the corporate merger world as “operating efficiencies”. It takes less effort to operate each additional stream of income because they're all built upon the same foundational resources.

When you attempt to create multiple streams of income simultaneously, you'll create mayhem instead of leverage, because no base resources exist to build upon. It makes no sense. It has no advantage sufficient to justify the problems it creates.

The bottom line is if you're going to build multiple streams of income, then there is a right and wrong way to go about it. Follow this step-by-step process, and you'll maximize your odds of success.

Should You Even Bother to Create Multiple Streams Of Income?
The primary benefit to multiple streams of income is the consistency and security of your income coming from non-related sources. But there are other ways to achieve this security without all the complication.

After all, how much more financial security do you need than a laddered bond portfolio that throws off more income than you spend, so that you can reinvest and continue to grow the income offsetting inflation?

No complication or multiple streams of income here, but lots of financial security.

Another alternative is to own ten free and clear, well located rental houses. This is something very achievable for most people. It's not complicated, and there are no multiple streams of income, but it's extremely secure. What more do you need?

You could easily skip the whole multiple streams of income thing if your goal is time freedom and personal freedom. What do you gain from all the complication created?

These are questions you must consider as you design your wealth building system, and we walk you through answering them in this course so you can create an action plan to reach your financial freedom goal.

Should you focus your time and resources by really doing one stream right, or should you spread yourself thin by doing multiple streams of income? What's more important: your health and relationships, or another stream of income?

What do you gain and what do you lose?

Forget everything you've read about multiple streams of income. Let's look at why multiple income streams can be problematic, how you can determine if this wealth-building system makes sense for you, and how to go about creating it the right way.

In Summary

Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game.
– Donald Trump

Creating multiple streams of income is a wealth-building system that has some advantages and disadvantages.

The desirable characteristic of multiple streams of income is it can diversify your passive income into non-correlated streams. When something goes wrong with one stream, your lifestyle and freedom are never at risk.

Also, multiple streams of income allow you to leverage existing resources to create additional revenue — but only when the strategy is implemented properly.

The downside to multiple streams of income is it requires you to juggle all the issues for each stream, which can diffuse your limited resources, create distraction, and lead to confusion. This is the antithesis of success and true wealth.

Similarly, multiple streams of income can divert your attention from deeper sources of happiness such as family, recreation, spirituality and relationships.

My experience after coaching many clients through the process is you're better off succeeding with one stream of income to start. Only leverage into additional streams after you're successful with the first.

I would rather coach you to focus on building one stream very well, creating a high probability of success, than to juggle the distraction and complication of managing several streams simultaneously.

Succeed by building one stream of income first, then use the freedom created from that success to create additional streams if that's what your heart desires.

This path is valid for people who truly love the wealth-building game and desire the creative challenge that comes with building multiple streams of income purely for fun.

Alternatively, you could just decide to skip the whole multiple streams of income idea and learn to enjoy the freedom created by your one successful stream.
Learn how you can earn from selling other peoples products here -

Happiness and true wealth are the real goals, and multiple streams of income may just serve as a useless distraction from the reasons you sought financial freedom in the first place.

These are really good points.I know the importance of specialization in my own industry of financial services. If I was to ever branch out, it would have to be on top of my core specialty. Frankly, I cannot imagine being a jack of all trades and master of none.

It possible to earn multiple streams of income without investment of money and skills, but via income sharing programs of multiple other businesses
Learn how you can earn from selling other peoples products here -


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