Kingdom advancement mission

Kingdom advancement mission

kingdom advancement mission aim at repositioning the society through godly men, participating politics, prayers and education.


Kingdom advancement mission's broadcast


There is absolutely nothing that threatened the church more than heresy The church suffered casualties during pop Leo


I have never been and I will never be comfortable comfortable seeing servants of God defending themselves against criticism My reason is based on the fact of the Bible We are not under sin power neither is Jesus yet to deal with sin Sin power is broke
I John 3:9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
Who are you to judge the servant of another? Before his own master he stands [approved] or falls [out of favor]. And he [who serves the Master—the Lord] will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.


What is not happening in heaven will not happen in your life


Today Topic curse
Josh 6:26
It is better not to be curse ever than be cursed insreach of solution because curse is worse to devils fighting against you in that it work by a covenant of God upon an individuals as you patiently listen to his message you will notice the effect of curse and the solution No more tears God has answered your prayers (Jesus is the answer)


The Lord who we serve, is a good business God, a faithful business Lord. He does nothing except by written agreement .(covenant) understanding the covenant help one into endless profits making Every Wednesday is our covenant day of fruitfulness by 8am to 9am join us to make profits from his covenant of fruit bearings. Genesis 8:21


A man full of life and riches, worse battle, is the battle against a person without hope. My prayer is may hopeless people never be common in our land through the incoming administration in Jesus name


When Nigeria government was Free of open corruption and wickedness Obama conspired with demons in human nature's to formed a government of day light rubbing,wickedness and corruption In APC (100M) is like ( #1) corruption is now a matter of competition INEC is next to donate


Inconsistency is not the nature of Christ Jesus but of the opponent if there is anybody that is confusing Nigerians is this Tunde Pastor Tunde Bakare please repent


It is an easy thing for bad men to speak very good words, and with their mouth to make a show of piety. There is no judging of men by their words. God knows the heart. Nigeria nightmares season 4 is out INCE chairman is next to declare for president After the CBN declaration However God is in charge when the wise listen and act accordingly


president buhari brought unimaginary hardship among responsible individual


what comes from you determine what comes to you when the vapour go up the dew come down when Nigerians wake up they will get a working leader


The first five organs to make a country or organization successful is people any country or organization that lack people of proven integrity will be like Nigeria


*PROPHETIC DECLARATION Anointing of the Holy Spirit shall fall on you and heals all your wounds spiritually, physically and financially,No worldly power shall push you away from your blessings,As you put your faith in God today, the power to become unstoppable shall be yours,God will exceedingly move on your behalf and He will disappoint all your enemies for your sake in Jesus mighty name* *Happy blessed Saturday*

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Kingdom advancement mission's broadcast
Today Topic curse Josh 6:26It is better not to be curse ever than be cursed insreach of solution because curse is worse ...

