School Gist

School Gist

Welcome to Educational school gist. Let share correct information, inspiration and thought that will help others.


The Supreme Court has passed an emergency verdict that *...if any one harass or attack Christians in the name of religion,... it is now ten years jail term without option of fine! ... *(we are a secular and democratic country)* the name of religion, nobody has the right to suppress or marginalise others.

Please forward to all our christian brothers and sisters...
*"United Christian Forum" Toll Free helpline number for Christians in the country was launched today. Please pass it on to as many Christian people and Pastors as possible. ☎ The number is: 18002084545. This is the number to be contacted in case of any emmergency/attack on a church, prayer meeting or a convention.*

A group of Christian lawyers and influential people connected to the "United Christian Forum" will come forward for immediate action.

Valuable information please pass it on to other Christian body you know. Thank you.


Women were arrested in Chicago, in 1922 for wearing one-piece swimming costumes that did not cover their legs.


Don’t be scammed, we’ve not commenced sale of 2022 UTME forms, JAMB warns

Jan 6, 2022

JAMB Registrar, Prof. Ishaq Oloyede

The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board has warned prospective candidates against being scammed since it had not commenced the sale of the 2022 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examinations and Direct Entry forms.

This is according to a statement signed by the Board’s Head of Media and Protocol, Dr Fabian Benjamin, which noted that any claims that the sale of forms had commenced was fraudulent and should be disregarded.

Although the Board stated that it had concluded plans to commence the sale of the UTME and DE forms, it added that no date had been fixed.

JAMB noted that the date for the commencement of sale of the forms has never been shrouded in mystery hence, it is always published on both print and digital media.

The statement reads, “The attention of the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board has been drawn to the activities of unwholesome elements who had been misleading the general public on the purported commencement of the sale of the 2022 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination and Direct Entry application documents.

“For the avoidance of doubt, any information in circulation purporting to have emanated from the Board to the effect that the sale of the 2022 UTME and DE forms has commenced is not only fraudulent but is a calculated attempt by mischief makers to create unnecessary panic among prospective candidates for their own selfish ends.

“It should be noted that the commencement of the sale of the Board’s application documents in any given year has never been shrouded in mystery rather it is always a well-publicised undertaking in the print media as well as online and electronic platforms.

“Although the Board has concluded all arrangements to commence the sale of the 2022 UTME/DE Application Documents in due course it is yet to fix any date for its commencement.



1.THE ENCOURAGERS- even in discouraging situations of life, these people keep you going with encouraging words; MAY YOU MEET THEM.

2.THE HAND LIFTERS- They are those whose hands are strong enough to hold yours up when you are weak; MAY YOU MEET THEM.

3.DESTINY HELPERS- They provide shoulders upon which you ride to fulfilling your dream and destiny; MAY YOU MEET THEM.

4.THE GIVERS- these ones will give of their time, talent, and treasure to you in your hour of need; MAY YOU MEET THEM.

5.THE RECEIVERS- these ones are different from routine takers and serial beggars. You can’t be blessed if you don’t give, and you can’t give if there is no one to receive. Not all lands bring forth fruits, and not all hands that receive command blessings. You need those whose receiving hands will trigger abundant blessings unto you; MAY YOU MEET THEM.

6.THE PRAYER CONQUERORS- You need more than prayer warriors IN 2022. Many Prayer warriors pray from their heads only; Prayer conquerors pray from their heart and conquer; MAY YOU MEET THEM.

7.THE Recommenders- these are the ones who mention your name in quarters where your skills and talents will be celebrated; MAY YOU MEET THEM.

8.THE CORRECTORS- these are the ones who honestly tell you when you are wrong; they prevent you from digging a grave of mistakes that may bury your destiny; MAY YOU MEET THEM.

9.THE COMMITTED- whether things are up or down, these ones are standing with you; MAY YOU MEET THEM.

10.THE LOYAL - they work with you with all of their hearts to make things work in your life; MAY YOU MEET THEM.

11.THE Truth-Tellers-they will not call night day, and day night; MAY YOU MEET THEM.

12.THE ALTRUISTS- these ones believe that life is not just about them, it is about you too; MAY YOU MEET THEM.

13.THE RELIABLE- You can count on them when it counts most; MAY YOU MEET THEM.


Thomas Fuller, an African sold into slavery in 1724 at the age of 14, was sometimes known as the “Virginia Calculator” for his extraordinary ability to solve complex math problems in his head.

Rumors circulated that he was a servant. However, he could not read or write, which was not uncommon among slaves at the time. Some believed that he may have gained his skills with math in his homeland in Africa.

His case was often cited by abolitionists of the time as proof that Blacks were in no way mentally inferior to whites. Born in Africa somewhere between present-day Liberia and Benin, Fuller was enslaved and shipped to America in 1724 at the age of 14, eventually becoming the legal property of Presley and Elizabeth Cox of Alexandria, Virginia.

Both Fuller and the Coxes were illiterate. The Coxes owned 16 slaves, and appeared to value Fuller the most; he expressed gratitude for not being sold.
Stories of his abilities abounded through the Eastern seaboard. His skill was even used as proof that enslaved Blacks were equal to whites in intelligence, which fueled some pro-abolitionist discussion.

When Fuller was about 70 years old, William Hartshorne and Samuel Coates of Pennsylvania were in Alexandria and, having heard of Fuller's powers, sent for him. They asked him two questions which satisfied their curiosity.

First, when they asked him how many seconds there were in a year and a half, he answered in about two minutes, 47,304,000.

Second, when they asked how many seconds a man has lived who is 70 years, 17 days and 12 hours old, he answered in a minute and a half 2,210,500,800.

One of the men was working out the problems on paper, and informed Fuller that he was wrong, because the answer was much smaller. Fuller hastily replied, "'Top, massa, you forget de leap year." When the leap year was added in, the sums matched.

Despite Fuller's perfect answers, it appeared to Hartshorne and Coates that his mental abilities must have once been greater. They wrote:
He was gray-headed, and exhibited several other marks of the weakness of old age. He had worked hard upon a farm during the whole of life but had never been intemperate in the use of spirituous liquors. He spoke with great respect of his mistress, and mentioned in a particular manner his obligations to her for refusing to sell him, which she had been tempted to by offers of large sums of money from several persons. One of the gentlemen, Mr. Coates, having remarked in his presence that it was a pity he had not an education equal to his genius, he said, "No, Massa, it is best I had no learning, for many learned men be great fools."

Photos from School Gist's post 01/01/2022

Have a wonderful year...
In Jesus name


Christmas photograph of the staffs of African Oil Nuts Company and Miller Brothers at Badagry in 1923. Mr & Mrs Benxendale of Miller Brothers are seated on the bench on the far right hand side.

The African Oil Nuts Company Limited was Established in 1916 with a Head Office at Central House, Kingsway, London and branches in Lagos, Kano, Zaria, Badagry, Opobo, Eket, Egwanga, Aba, Udi and Port Harcourt.

It was purchased by Lever Bros Ltd, and subsequently vested in the Niger Company on September 24, 1960.

These companies have now become Unilever Nigeria Plc.


Happy Christmas Friends...

Stay safe


𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙊𝙨𝙤𝙜𝙗𝙤 𝙒𝙖𝙧 𝙤𝙛 1840

After the Fulanis systematically captured and made Ilorin their territory, they sacked the old Oyo Empire in 1835/1636 .

They were still not satisfied with their victory; they wished to extend their rule deep into the heart of Yoruba land. Thus in 1840, they set to capture Osogbo , a Yoruba town. The Fulanis, under the command of Ali , the Hausa balogun of Ilorin, laid siege on Osogbo.

When the king of Osogbo realized that the Ilorins were too strong for the Osogbo army, he summoned the Ibadans for help. Ibadan immediately sent some auxiliaries to Osogbo under the command of Obele alias Mobitan , and Alade Abimpagun. As this force could not stop the Ilorins, another contingent was sent to Osogbo under a more experienced leader. But still the Ilorins won every battle and gained more ground.

When Ibadan realized that the Ilorins were becoming more threatening to Yoruba land, they sent a large and stronger force under Balogun Oderinlo to crush the intruding forces and Jammas of Ilorin . When Oderinlo and his men arrived at the battlefield, they realized that things had gone worse than they thought.

They could not show their faces in the open field for the fear of the Ilorin horses, and for about 20 days after their arrival at Osogbo, they could not fight outside the town thickets. Oderinlo suggested that Elepo, a brave Ibadan warrior was badly needed at the war-front. Elepo had been rejected by the war-chiefs of Ibadan for his actions at the late Agbamaja expedition.

As soon as the message from Oderinlo reached Ibadan, the Bashorun wished he could send Elepo to Osogbo but could not go against the wish of other war-chiefs. The Bashorun gave Elepo a cow to worship his god, Ori , and pray for the victory of Ibadan at the war-front.

At the war-front, the Ibadan could not attack the Ilorins during the day because Osogbo was practically in a plain and the Ilorin horses might have advantage of them with disastrous results.

They decided to attack at dusk when the Ilorins would no longer be able to use their horses. About 2:pm, the well prepared Ibadan army left the gate of Osogbo for the battlefield. They were to keep a strict watch and arrest anyone suspected to be a spy.

About a mile from the Ilorin camp, they halted and arranged the order of the attack.

The Osogbo army and the earlier auxiliaries were to handle the center of the battlefield, chiefs Abitiko and Labuju were to command the right wing, Balogun Oderinlo with the rest of the Ibadan war-chiefs were to form the left wing of the army. The Ilorin camp was then attacked at midnight. The watchword was “ Elo ni owo odo? ” (How much is the ferry fare?).

The reason this watchword was chosen was because the river Osun had to be crossed in entering Osogbo from the south, and anyone who could not tell this was likely to be an enemy.

Stampede engulfed the Ilorin camp as the Ibadan army set it on fire. The Ilorins could not offer the slightest resistance; they were smoked with the gunpowder of the Ibadan guns.

This attack was a success for the Ibadan. Some Ilorin war-chiefs were captured in the attack. Prominent ones were:
1. Jimba the head slave of the Emir;
2. One of the sons of Ali the commander in chief;
3. Chief Lateju;
4. Ajikobo the Yoruba Balogun of Ilorin.
The first two were released while the latter two, being Yoruba by birth, were regarded as traitors and were executed. This was a huge victory for the whole of Yoruba land.

After the Osogbo victory,
Ibokun, an Ijesa town not far from Osogbo was taken by the Ibadans for being an ally of Ilorin.
After this war, Ìbàdàn later became a force building a formidable war machinery than later prosecuted many other wars with resounding victory.

Notable among the wars was the KIRIJI WAR where the Ibadan warlords formed a historic alliance with the Igbajos. Even though Igbajo became the war front for many years that the war lasted, it was never captured by the raging Ekiti parapò warriors. Rather it was a place where many of them met their Waterloo.

Notable among the warriors were Fabunmi Okeemesi, Ogedengbe Agbogun gboro of the Ijesas, Apasikoto pasigegele of Igbajo and Latoosa of Ibadan to mention a few. There were many more great warriors of the time.
It's worthy to note that the KIRIJI WAR was the last war in Yoruba land. It's also recorded as the longest native war between in Africa.
Since then the Yoruba people have continued to build strong bonds among themselves and they have sustained the peace.

We must continue to tell our children the history of the Yoruba people and the bond which our father had built so that we can continue to see ourselves as one. If the Ibadan people can sacrifice their lives for the people of Osogbo in other to safe other towns and villages in Yoruba land and in essence the carnage of innocent people were prevented, then, we the modern Yorubas have no reason to divide ourselves for political reasons or any reason at all.


An educated Christian gentleman was traveling in the first class section.

An air hostess approached him with a complimentary drink, this was an alcoholic drink, But the man politely refused.

The air hostess returned but this time brought the drink on a platter, designed to appeal and impress.

However, the Christian man again politely refused, explaining he doesn't drink alcohol
The air hostess was concerned and informed the manager.

The manager approached the man with another platter, now designed with flowers.

He questioned, ls there something wrong with our service?
Please enjoy the drink, it is a complimentary offer."

The man replied, 1 ama Christian and I do not drink alcohol?
The manager still insisted that the man take the drink.

Then, the Christian proposed that the manager should give the drink to the pilot first.

The manager stated, How can the pilot drink alcohol, he's on duty!

And if he drinks there are all chances for the plane to crash.

The Christian passenger replied, "l am a Christian and I am ALWAYS on duty in order to protect my FAITH and if I Drink Alcohol I will crash my whole life.

I AM 100% ON DUTY!"

Maybe yours might not be an alcohol,

it may be tempting you for s*x as it was done to Joseph,

battling with how to control your anger,

your dressing,

your attitude towards people not sharing the Word.

Do you know that souls are dying because of those reckless behaviours?


I shared this with you because I am on duty!


If you must miss any place, don't miss HEAVEN.

If you must miss any appointment, please don't miss THE RAPTURE.

The end is no more NEAR, It's HERE.

This is a personal evangelism.

Share to bless someone today

Remain blessed.

©️Kingdom sermons


A high school student from Osino Presby Senior High (Ossec), Ghana made this car.


Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence.


Kids expresses they love for their teachers....

Do you still remember your primary or secondary teachers. 😊😊


A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.

Good morning guys..

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Kids expresses they love for their teachers.... Do you still remember your primary or secondary teachers. 😊😊
Nigeria Happy birthday @61
Happy Birthday to Nigeria @61

